Muhammad Abdul Qirom
Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Banjarbaru

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MODEL PENDUGA VOLUME POHON NYAWAI (Ficus variegata Blume) DI KALIMANTAN TIMUR Muhammad Abdul Qirom; Supriyadi Supriyadi
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman Vol 10, No 4 (2013): JURNAL PENELITIAN HUTAN TANAMAN
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpht.2013.10.4.173-284


Jenis nyawai baru dikembangkan untuk pengembangan hutan tanaman. Pendugaan potensi ini memerlukan instrumen penduga volume yang tepat. Namun, instrumen tersebut belum tersedia. Volume pohon ditentukan dengan Spiegel Relaskop Bitterlich (SRB) sehingga pohon-pohon contoh tidak ditebang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan model penduga volume terbaik dan menduga potensi tegakan nyawai di PT. ITCI Kartika Utama Kalimantan Timur. Penyusunan model penduga volume menggunakan model linear dan non linear dengan peubah tunggal diameter, dua pubah (diameter dan tinggi), dan kombinasi diameter dengan tinggi. Model terbaik ditentukan menggunakan parameter statistik antara lain: standar error, signifikasi parameter dugaan, koefisien determinasi terkoreksi (R2adj), Root Mean Square Errors, Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), simpangan relatif dan agregatif, dan bias. Model terbaik penduga volume menggunakan diamater dan tinggi sebagai peubah bebasnya dengan persamaan: Ln Volume = –9,22846 + 1,7456Ln (Diameter) + 0,9759Ln (tinggi). Penambahan tinggi dalam penyusunan model penduga volume meningkatkan akurasi dan ketepatan dugaan dibandingkan model dengan peubah tunggal. Namun demikian, berdasarkan pertimbangan kepraktisan di lapangan, persamaan dengan variabel diameter yaitu: V = 0,00073 D2,0051  dapat digunakan. Model tersebut hanya digunakan dan hanya berlaku pada kondisi iklim dan tempat tumbuh yang sama. Potensi volume pohon berkisar antara 21,66 m3/ha–113,56 m3/ha untuk umur 4–7 tahun. Model penduga volume yang telah disusun dapat diterapkan pada tegakan dengan karakteristik tempat tumbuh hampir sama.
PENYUSUNAN MODEL PENDUGA VOLUME POHON JENIS JELUTUNG RAWA (Dyera polyphylla (Miq) V. Steenis) Muhammad Abdul Qirom; Supriyadi Supriyadi
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman Vol 9, No 3 (2012): JURNAL PENELITIAN HUTAN TANAMAN
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1055.799 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jpht.2012.9.3.141-153


Pengembangan jenis Jelutung Rawa membutuhkan informasi yang lengkap terkait perkiraan hasil yang akan diperoleh. Perkiraan hasil dapat diperoleh dengan menduga volume tegakan menggunakan persamaan penduga volume pohon. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan model-model penduga volume terbaik jenis Jelutung Rawa untuk volume pohon total dan volume kayu yang dapat diperdagangkan. Penyusunan model penduga volume ini menggunakan 96 sampel pohon terpilih yang mewakili kondisi tegakan secara keseluruhan. Pohon sampel tersebut diukur dengan menggunakan Spiegel Relaskop Bitterlich (SRB) sehingga sampel pohon tidak ditebang. Model- model penduga pohon yang diujicobakan terdiri dari model linear dan non linear dengan peubah tunggal (diameter) dan ganda (diameter dan tinggi pohon). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penggunaan diameter sebagai peubah tunggal dapat digunakan menyusun model penduga volume pohon baik volume total maupun volume kayu yang dapat diperdagangkan. Namun demikian, penambahan variabel tinggi kedalam model tetap diperlukan. Model penduga volume pohon dengan dua variabel diameter dan tinggi digunakan untuk menyusun tabel volume standar. Koefisien determinasi naik< 2% dari model dengan peubah diameter. Model terbaik penduga volume baik satu atau dua peubah mempunyai R2 yang tinggi (> 80%). Model terbaik untuk menduga volume pohon total yakni 1) menggunakan peubah tunggal (diameter): Ln Volume = –7,9444 + (2,1952) * (Ln (Diameter)); dan 2) menggunakan peubah ganda (diameter dan tinggi): volume = 2,4081 * 10-4  * (Diameter 2.Tinggi) 0,80871. Model terbaik untuk menduga volume pohon merchantable yakni 1) menggunakan peubah diameter: Ln Volume = – 8,2598 + (2,2843) * (Ln (Diameter)); 2) menggunakan peubah diameter dan tinggi:Ln Volume = – 9,0589 + (1,89958) * (Ln (Diameter)) + (0,7347) * (Ln(tinggi)).
Development and Validation of Volume Prediction Model for Balangeran (Shorea balangeran (Korth.) Burck) In Central Kalimantan Muhammad Abdul Qirom
Jurnal Wasian Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v5i2.4585


Estimation model of tree volume must be high in accuracy and precisions to estimate stand potential precisely. This paper determines and validates the estimation model of Shorea balangeran volume grown in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. There were three phases of model development which include 52 trees for model progress, 23 trees for model validation, and 10 trees for external model validation. The calculation model used linear and non-linear models with diameter, diameter and height, and diameter and height combination as independent variables. The criteria of the best model was determined by statistical analyses such as coefficient determination, relative and aggregative deviation, bias, precisions and accuracy of estimation, AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion). The result of the study showed that the model with diameter as single variable was not complied with the selected best model criteria (aggregative deviation; AD< 1 % and relative deviation: RD< 8 %). The addition of tree height on model estimation increased the coefficient determination of 6.54% and the model with diameter and height as independent variable was satisfied with the criteria (AD and RD criteria). The best model of Balangeran was with coefficient determination of 89.77 %. However, the best model was not applicable for other sites with different stand characteristicsKeywords: volume, model, Balangeran, validation, stand, tree
The Volume Model of Tree Species Group in Peat Swamp Forest at Logging Concession Area of Tingang Karya Mandiri, Central Kalimantan Muhammad Abdul Qirom; Acep Akbar
Jurnal Wasian Vol 7, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v7i1.5538


Tropical peat swamp forest (PSF) has a high species diversity and value including timber value. The valuation of timber is approached by calculating the stand volume. However, the volume model at PSF is not available for every species and species groups in specific site. This study aims to obtain a volume estimation model of species groups of tree species in peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan. The model development and validation used 120 sample trees of the dipterocarpaceae and non-dipterocarpacae species. The distribution of sample trees is 70 % for the development model and 30 % for the validation stage. Modeling used linear and non-linear models). The selection of the best model used several criteria including: coefficient of determination, relative deviation (SR <8 %) and aggregation (SA <1 %), presumptive bias (s and RSE: Root Square Errors), AIC (Akaike's Information criteriation), and NRMSE (Normalized Root Mean Square Errors). The results of this study indicated the Berkhout/diameter model as a single variable was very good in estimating the volume of trees at all levels namely species groups and all species except dipterocarpaceae groups. This model had a high coefficient of determination (R2 >95 %). The models compiled met the SA and SR criteria so that the models were very accurate in estimating tree volume at the tree level, as individuals and stands. The implication of this research was that the whole species model can be used to estimate the volume of trees in peat swamp forest.Keywords: accuracy, timber , non-linear, validation
The fluctuation of peatland water table at Tumbang Nusa, Central Kalimantan Purwanto Budi Santosa; Muhammad Abdul Qirom
Jurnal GALAM Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Jurnal GALAM, Vol.1 No.1 2020
Publisher : Jurnal GALAM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/glm.2020.1.1.27-40


Burnt peatland restoration by planting needs stable hydrological condition for the plant’s growth. Water table fluctuation becoming a challenge in the planting effort on degraded peatland. This research aims to determine the water table on degraded peatland and over burnt peat at Tumbang Nusa Forest for Specific Purposes, Pulang Pisau District, Central Kalimantan Province. The data was analyzed to determine the relationship between precipitation characteristics, water table and land elevation. Water table observation was carried out on several fires starting 1997, 2003, 2006 and 2009. We observed 17 points of water table of the total length of 4 km and 250 m distance between points, started from the river edge up to secondary forests. The level of vegetation cover and condition varied from woody plants with low density and open crown up to woody plants with good canopy cover. The result showed that the water table was closely related with the elevation and distance from canal. The fluctuation was closely related with precipitation. Nevertheless, the rainfall did not directly relate but there was a certain interlude period so that the water table was rising or decreasing. This condition shall be considered in the land rehabilitation by planning the right plant in the right time so that the plants can reach optimum growth
Carbon stock potential on various land covers in heath forest in Liang Anggang, South Kalimantan Muhammad Abdul Qirom; Tri Ani Windawati; Kissinger Kissinger; Abdi Fithria
Jurnal GALAM Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Jurnal GALAM, Vol.1 No.2 2021
Publisher : Jurnal GALAM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/glm.2021.1.2.61-78


ABSTRACTHeath forest serves as a large carbon and water storage. This study aims to obtain information on carbon storage potential of each carbon component in heat forest in Liang Anggang Protection Forest. Data collection was carried out on six types of land cover, namely: agricultural land, barren land/settlement, scrub, peat soil, and forest. The carbon components were measured such as trees, undergrowth, litter, necromass, and soil. Measurement plots were established with size of 40 x 100 m for trees and necromasses > 30 cm in size, and sub-plots measuring 5 x 40 m for trees with a diameter of 5–30 cm as many as 5 plots for each type of land cover. The understorey and litter components used a plot with size of 0.5 x 0.5 m. In tree pools, carbon stock was determined by indirect measured with alometric model, while the other was used by direct measurenment. The results showed that carbon in the soil contributed the largest potential carbon storage (> 95%) of the total carbon storage in all land cover types. The pattern of the proportion of carbon storage in this forest type was similar to the peat swamp forest type. On heat forest, carbon stock potential on scrub was 318.8 Mg/Ha and the potential of heat forest type was the lowest (256.8 Mg/Ha ). In total, the average carbon storage potential was 285.01 ± 48.78 Mg/Ha. The carbon storage at this location reached 2.99 x 105 tons of carbon, or equivalent to carbon absorption of 1,10 X 106 CO2 e ton CO2e. The large amount of carbon storage in heath forest in the study area has the potential to support diversification and optimization of land use through a carbon trading scheme.Key words: trade, agriculture, proportion, scheme, soil
The carbon stock as indicator of peatland recovery after fire in Central Kalimantan Muhammad Abdul Qirom; Tri Wira Yuwati; Syaifuddin Syaifuddin
Jurnal GALAM Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Jurnal GALAM, Vol.1 No.2 2021
Publisher : Jurnal GALAM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/glm.2021.1.2.108-122


ABSTRACTPeat swamp forest fire was the main cause of the huge carbon stock loss. Forest recovery after fire took a huge cost and long period of time. The aim of this research was to determine the carbon stock on various peat land condition and management intervention and utilize it as bio-indicator for degraded peat swamp forest recovery after fire.  The data was collected from three location representing three sites: after 1997 fire (ex 1997), unburnt secondary forest and area that was severely burnt in 2005 but already re-planted. Measurement was carried out on the vegetation carbon stock namely seedlings, saplings, poles and trees. The carbon stock was determined using 5 sampling plots on secondary forest and 6 plots on other sites. Carbon counting was using allometric equation. The result showed that the carbon stock was affected by the various type and management intervention of the sites especially at the rehabilitation site.  The carbon stock of ex-1997 and secondary forest was not significantly different on all stages of vegetation including the total number. The carbon stock on ex-1997 and secondary forest was 258, 95 Mg/Ha and 254,36 Mg/Ha, respectively. The condition showed that ex-1997 site had the ability to naturally recovered. The rate of recovery can be approached with carbon stock estimation as indicator for peatland recovery after fire. The indicator can be used on sites with no species diversity requirements as recovery factor such as protected or conservation areas. Keywords: natural, allometric, degradation, indicator
The effect of flooding and light competition on the planting success of degraded tropical peatland Dony Rachmanadi; Eny Faridah; Sumardi Sumardi; Peter van der Meer; Muhammad Abdul Qirom
Jurnal GALAM Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Jurnal GALAM, Vol.1 No.2 2021
Publisher : Jurnal GALAM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/glm.2021.1.2.123-140


ABSTRACT Planting was done as a rehabilitation effort at degraded tropical peatland. Understanding the characteristics of the species and environmental conditions that affect plant growth will determine the success of the planting. This study aims to determine the main environmental factors that affect plants in the field so that the right species can be determined. This study used a randomized completely blocked design which was conducted in two stages, namely field testing and verification under controlled conditions in the nursery. The research treatments consisted of inundation conditions and competition with understorey. The competition factor is interpreted by the difference in light intensity at the verification stage. The species used are meranti (Shorea pallidfolia), gerunggang (Cratoxylum glaucum), terentang(Campnosperma coreacea) dan tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus). The results showed that the inundation conditions had an effect on the survival of meranti and gerunggang species where the survival rate was 8.3%—96.3%, but it did not affect the terentang and tumih with the survival rate reaching > 80%. The growth of meranti and gerunggang tends to decrease in line with the inundation conditions, while the growth of terentang and tumih tends to increase. Meranti growth requires understorey as protection from high light intensity. The tumih and terentang show better growth without competition with understorey. The trends in the field are consistent with observations during the verification stage. The difference in the response of plants to environmental conditions determines the presence of these species in the succession stage. Keywords:rehabilitation, flooding, drainage, sequen, succession
Development and Validation of Volume Prediction Model for Balangeran (Shorea balangeran (Korth.) Burck) In Central Kalimantan Muhammad Abdul Qirom
Jurnal Wasian Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (38.367 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v5i2.4585


Estimation model of tree volume must be high in accuracy and precisions to estimate stand potential precisely. This paper determines and validates the estimation model of Shorea balangeran volume grown in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. There were three phases of model development which include 52 trees for model progress, 23 trees for model validation, and 10 trees for external model validation. The calculation model used linear and non-linear models with diameter, diameter and height, and diameter and height combination as independent variables. The criteria of the best model was determined by statistical analyses such as coefficient determination, relative and aggregative deviation, bias, precisions and accuracy of estimation, AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion). The result of the study showed that the model with diameter as single variable was not complied with the selected best model criteria (aggregative deviation; AD< 1 % and relative deviation: RD< 8 %). The addition of tree height on model estimation increased the coefficient determination of 6.54% and the model with diameter and height as independent variable was satisfied with the criteria (AD and RD criteria). The best model of Balangeran was with coefficient determination of 89.77 %. However, the best model was not applicable for other sites with different stand characteristicsKeywords: volume, model, Balangeran, validation, stand, tree
The Volume Model of Tree Species Group in Peat Swamp Forest at Logging Concession Area of Tingang Karya Mandiri, Central Kalimantan Muhammad Abdul Qirom; Acep Akbar
Jurnal Wasian Vol 7, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Wasian
Publisher : Balai Penerapan Standar Instrumen Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (BPPLHK)Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2959.535 KB) | DOI: 10.20886/jwas.v7i1.5538


Tropical peat swamp forest (PSF) has a high species diversity and value including timber value. The valuation of timber is approached by calculating the stand volume. However, the volume model at PSF is not available for every species and species groups in specific site. This study aims to obtain a volume estimation model of species groups of tree species in peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan. The model development and validation used 120 sample trees of the dipterocarpaceae and non-dipterocarpacae species. The distribution of sample trees is 70 % for the development model and 30 % for the validation stage. Modeling used linear and non-linear models). The selection of the best model used several criteria including: coefficient of determination, relative deviation (SR <8 %) and aggregation (SA <1 %), presumptive bias (s and RSE: Root Square Errors), AIC (Akaike's Information criteriation), and NRMSE (Normalized Root Mean Square Errors). The results of this study indicated the Berkhout/diameter model as a single variable was very good in estimating the volume of trees at all levels namely species groups and all species except dipterocarpaceae groups. This model had a high coefficient of determination (R2 >95 %). The models compiled met the SA and SR criteria so that the models were very accurate in estimating tree volume at the tree level, as individuals and stands. The implication of this research was that the whole species model can be used to estimate the volume of trees in peat swamp forest.Keywords: accuracy, timber , non-linear, validation