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The effect of flooding and light competition on the planting success of degraded tropical peatland Dony Rachmanadi; Eny Faridah; Sumardi Sumardi; Peter van der Meer; Muhammad Abdul Qirom
Jurnal GALAM Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Jurnal GALAM, Vol.1 No.2 2021
Publisher : Jurnal GALAM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/glm.2021.1.2.123-140


ABSTRACT Planting was done as a rehabilitation effort at degraded tropical peatland. Understanding the characteristics of the species and environmental conditions that affect plant growth will determine the success of the planting. This study aims to determine the main environmental factors that affect plants in the field so that the right species can be determined. This study used a randomized completely blocked design which was conducted in two stages, namely field testing and verification under controlled conditions in the nursery. The research treatments consisted of inundation conditions and competition with understorey. The competition factor is interpreted by the difference in light intensity at the verification stage. The species used are meranti (Shorea pallidfolia), gerunggang (Cratoxylum glaucum), terentang(Campnosperma coreacea) dan tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus). The results showed that the inundation conditions had an effect on the survival of meranti and gerunggang species where the survival rate was 8.3%—96.3%, but it did not affect the terentang and tumih with the survival rate reaching > 80%. The growth of meranti and gerunggang tends to decrease in line with the inundation conditions, while the growth of terentang and tumih tends to increase. Meranti growth requires understorey as protection from high light intensity. The tumih and terentang show better growth without competition with understorey. The trends in the field are consistent with observations during the verification stage. The difference in the response of plants to environmental conditions determines the presence of these species in the succession stage. Keywords:rehabilitation, flooding, drainage, sequen, succession
Jurnal Hutan Tropis Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Hutan Tropis Volume 5 Nomer 2 Edisi Juli 2017
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jht.v5i2.4363


Peat swamp forest concessions and managements in Central Kalimantan have caused forest degradation resulting in the occurrence of forest fragmentation. The efforts on ecosystem restoration should be made based on the characteristics of fragmented peat swamp forest. This study aimed to find out the characteristics of degraded peat swamp forest assessed from the indicators of tree species diversity, community structure, and species dominance as well as their relationships with environmental conditions in various situations of fragmentation. The diversity of tree species tends to decrease following disturbance gradient, where the lowest was found near the edge. The community structure of the forest edge was dominated by small stand (diameter class of 6-10 cm) and dominated by Combretocarpus rotundatus of 60%. This condition was affected by environmental factors (67,2% - 71,8%): competition, site condition, microclimate and inundation.Keywords: disturbance characteristics; peat swamp forests; diversity; environmental factorsPengusahaan dan pengelolaan hutan rawa gambut selama ini di Kalimantan Tengah ternyata menyebabkan kerusakan yang menyebabkan hutan rawa gambut terfragmentasi. Usaha perbaikan ekosistem tersebut harus berdasarkan pada karakteristik dari ekosistem hutan rawa gambut yang terfragmentasi tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari karakteristik hutan rawa gambut terdegradasi yang terdiri dari indikator keanekaragaman jenis pohon, struktur komunitas, dan dominansi jenis serta hubungannya dengan kondisi lingkungan yang dilihat pada berbagai kondisi fragmentasi. Keanekaragaman jenis pohon semakin jauh dari hutan semakin rendah begitu juga dengan jumlah jenis dan kerapatan vegetasinya. Struktur komunitas pada bagian tepi hutan didominasi oleh tegakan berukuran kecil (kelas diameter 6-10cm) dan dominansi jenisnya hanya terpusat pada sedikit jenis dimana jenis Combretocarpus rotundatus mencapai 60%. Kondisi tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan (67,2% - 71,8%) yaitu kompetisi dan kondisi lahan serta iklim mikro dan tinggi muka air tanah (genangan).Kata Kunci : karakteristik kerusakan; hutan rawa gambut; keanekaragaman; faktor lingkungan