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Model aplikasi desktop multi language menggunakan Netbeans Platform Rano Kurniawan; Henderi Henderi
Progresif: Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Vol 17, No 2: Agustus 2021
Publisher : STMIK Banjarbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.309 KB) | DOI: 10.35889/progresif.v17i2.650


AbstractMany researches on desktop-based applications have been carried out, but no one has developed and discussed specific multi-language desktop applications. This paper aims to develop a multi-language desktop application using the Netbeans Platform. Multi-language desktop applications are developed with an Agile approach that focuses on rapid development. Application development is carried out through the stages of requirements, design, develop, testing, and evaluation. Identification of application requirements is carried out on functional and non-functional requirements. The design stage is carried out using a unified modeling language approach, deploying using the Java programming language and Netbeans platform, testing with a black box approach, and evaluation is carried out through focus group decisions (FGD). FGDs were conducted by involving application owners, application developers, desktop application experts, application industry players, and end users. The evaluation results show that the developed multi-language-based desktop application has an assessment score of 83.7 with a very good predicate. The application of the resulting multi-language-based desktop application has implications for increasing user interest in using the application.Keywords: desktop application, multi language, Netbeans Platform AbstrakPenelitian tentang aplikasi berbasis desktop telah banyak dilakukan, namun belum ada yang mengembangan dan membahas tentang aplikasi desktop multi language secara spesifik. Paper ini bertujuan mengembangkan aplikasi desktop multi language menggunakan Netbeans Platform. Aplikasi desktop multi language dikembangkan dengan pendekatan Agile yang fokus pada perkembangan yang cepat. Pengembangan aplikasi dilakukan melalui tahapan requirements, design, develop, testing, dan evaluation. Identifikasi kebutuhan aplikasi dilakukan terhadap fungsional dan non functional requirements. Tahapan desain dilakukan dengan pendekatan unified modeling language, deploy menggunakan bahasa pemrograman java dan Netbeans platform, testing dengan pendekatan black box, dan evaluasi dilakukan melalui focus group decision (FGD). FGD dilakukan dengan melibatkan pemilik aplikasi, pengembang aplikasi, ahli aplikasi desktop, pelaku industri aplikasi, dan end user. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan bahwa aplikasi desktop berbasis multi language yang dikembangkan memiliki skor penilaian sebesar 83,7 dengan predikat sangat baik. Penerapan aplikasi desktop berbasis multi language yang dihasilkan berimplikasi kepada peningkatan minat user dalam menggunakan aplikasi.Kata kunci: aplikasi desktop, multi language, Netbeans Platform
Perancangan Website Sebagai Informasi Penjualan Sodium Cyclamat Pada PT.WIHADIL Rano Kurniawan; Trie Mayhera Sabalidowati; Asti Rahmasari; Dicky Ramadhan; Danny Ickhsan
Jurnal Teknik Informatika UNIKA Santo Thomas Vol 6 No. 2 : Tahun 2021
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (724.924 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/jtiust.v6i2.1519


In sales transaction, there are many methods that the company needs to compete with other competitors. Nowadays, many company use internet network or online sales to improve their sales. Online sales can improve company's sales along with high public interest in online shopping. With using online media, transaction process will be improved, integrated and increased the company's percormance. PT. Wihadil not yet using online media in business activity. This make sales was done manually and not efficient. Solution for this problem is a computerized information system. The analysis using observation method, interview method, and literature review. The system analysis report using PIECES method (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, and Service). The design system using object-oriented analysis method with Unified Modelling Language (UML). The purpose of the analysis is to discover sales proces and problems in PT. Wihadil. With applying online sales information system, the company can raise market opportunity, can have efficient transaction and well-integrated data sales, and can improve the service for.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Korespondensi Berbasis Website Pada Kantor Pertanahan Kota Tangerang Rano Kurniawan; Muhamad Zahruddin; Mira Shintia
Technomedia Journal Vol 4 No 1 Agustus (2019): Technomedia Journal
Publisher : Pandawan Incorporation, Alphabet Incubator Universitas Raharja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (671.506 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/tmj.v4i1.911


Every organization, be it an organization in the community, company or organization in the government environment, conducts activities or correspondence activities with each of its stakeholders. Correspondence activity is a communication activity that occurs between the organization and its stakeholders. Of course, this correspondence activity aims to ensure that the ongoing correspondence process can proceed as planned accordingly. The same is true of what happened at the Tangerang city land office. However, the correspondence system applied at the Tangerang city land office at this time, especially incoming mail, is still not integrated and computerized in terms of data storage, inputting, searching, and printing of disposition sheets and reports every month. This of course results in a process of inputting and reporting that requires relatively long time. So by doing this research, a correspondence information system design was made at the Tangerang city land office and the stages. The method used in this research is object oriented analysis and design. The programming language used in this study is with PHP and MySQL as the database and testing the system using black box testing. The results of this study are in the form of an information system design consisting of incoming letter input, disposition of the letter according to purpose, receipt of the letter by the intended person and the form of reporting. With the creation of a correspondence information system at the Tangerang city land office, it is expected to minimize the occurrence of errors during the data collection process, storage, data search and report generation that does not take a long time and is able to display report results in accordance with existing data. This correspondence information system can be presented to support and improve the performance of staff and other employees who are directly involved in it. Keywords: Designing, Information Systems, Correspondence, Inbox, Tangerang City Land Office.
Perancangan Website Sebagai Informasi Penjualan Sodium Cyclamat Pada PT.WIHADIL Rano Kurniawan; Trie Mayhera Sabalidowati; Asti Rahmasari; Dicky Ramadhan; Danny Ickhsan
Jurnal Teknik Informatika UNIKA Santo Thomas Vol 6 No. 2 : Tahun 2021
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54367/jtiust.v6i2.1519


In sales transaction, there are many methods that the company needs to compete with other competitors. Nowadays, many company use internet network or online sales to improve their sales. Online sales can improve company's sales along with high public interest in online shopping. With using online media, transaction process will be improved, integrated and increased the company's percormance. PT. Wihadil not yet using online media in business activity. This make sales was done manually and not efficient. Solution for this problem is a computerized information system. The analysis using observation method, interview method, and literature review. The system analysis report using PIECES method (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, and Service). The design system using object-oriented analysis method with Unified Modelling Language (UML). The purpose of the analysis is to discover sales proces and problems in PT. Wihadil. With applying online sales information system, the company can raise market opportunity, can have efficient transaction and well-integrated data sales, and can improve the service for.
Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Web di Smk Negeri 4 Tangerang Saryani Saryani; Rano Kurniawan; Fahmi Muhammad
Journal Sensi: Strategic of Education in Information System Vol 7 No 1 (2021): Journal Sensi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (980.879 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/sensi.v7i1.1427


Dalam era globalisasi sekarang ini, teknologi memiliki peranan penting untukmemenuhi kebutuhan akan suatu informasi. Suatu informasi atau data biasanya disimpan didalam database yang saling terdistribusi agar lebih mudah dalam melakukan proses pencarian.Pada sekolah SMK Negeri 4 Tangerang dalam penyimpanan dan pengelolaan masih menggunakan Microsoft Word dan Excel untuk mengelola data akademik. Informasi yang berkaitan dengan sekolah atau akademik belum terdistribusi dengan baik data tersebut masihdisimpan di masing-masing komputer staf atau guru yang bersangkutan. Sehingga dalampengolahan data akademik dan manajemen data akademik saat ini banyak menghadapi beberapapermasalahan. Hal ini menyebabkan lambatnya proses penyampaian informasi dan pencariandata akademik. Dalam perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini website bisa digunakan untukmengelola dan penyampaian informasi secara efektif dan efisien. Dengan merancang suatuSistem Informasi pada sekolah SMK Negeri 4 Tangerang atau biasa disebut SIAKAD (SistemInformasi Akademik) yang dibangun menggunakan framework CodeIgniter dan denganmenggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Sebelum melakukan perancangan maka dilakukananalisa untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses dari pengolahan informasi yang berkaitan dengandata akademik dan kendala dalam menjalankan sistem saat ini. Proses analisa sistem penelitimenggunakan metode Analisis PIECES.
Adaptive Learning Programs: Fostering Continuous Skill Development in the Workplace Hanung Eka Atmaja; Musa Darwin Pane; Rano Kurniawan
Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/msej.v5i2.5080


This research investigates the dynamics of adaptive learning programs in fostering continuous skill development among employees within the organizational context of PT Usaha Jaya. Through a quantitative research design and Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis, the study examines the direct and indirect effects of adaptive learning programs and workplace environment on employee engagement and subsequent skill development. The findings reveal significant direct effects of adaptive learning programs on both employee engagement and continuous skill development, underscoring the efficacy of personalized learning initiatives in enhancing employee commitment and skill acquisition. Moreover, the indirect effect analysis demonstrates a significant pathway from adaptive learning programs to continuous skill development through employee engagement, emphasizing the mediating role of employee engagement. However, the influence of workplace environment on continuous skill development through employee engagement was found to be nonsignificant, suggesting that other factors may play a more prominent role in shaping the relationship between employee engagement and skill development. These results provide valuable insights for organizations seeking to optimize workforce development strategies and drive organizational success in dynamic business environments.
Characteristics of Blockchain Technology In Educational Development Rano Kurniawan; Duwita oktaviani
Blockchain Frontier Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): B-Front(Blockchain Frontier Technology)
Publisher : IAIC Bangun Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34306/bfront.v1i2.41


The worldwide education implementation process has not been able to keep up with contemporary events. The education sector is now dealing with a number of issues, including the problem of verification and the presence of a third party in the management of certificates, which are micro and macro outputs of a company's learning process. The existence of a beacon of Blockchain technology, which is frequently referred to as a revolutionary solution to the current educational debate. In the education business, the merger of education with blockchain technology will usher in a new era. There are numerous reasons for this solution, but I don't believe they are sufficient to describe the features of blockchain in detail from the perspective of education utilizing blockchain, which examines the presence of blockchain for education based on scientific investigations. These features of blockchain will be highly valuable as a literary platform for scholars who will begin fundamental research and applications that will lead to blockchain for education in the future. Aside from that, there will be recommended solutions in the form of a framework for the cost, storage space, and speed of blockchain technology. As a result, this research can also serve as a basis for the new blockchain as a predecessor of technology-based governance blockchains.