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Taksiran parameter genetik untuk pertumbuhan dan kelurusan batang uji keturunan Araucaria cunninghamii umur 5 tahun Dedi Setiadi
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 4, No 3 (2010): Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2010.4.3.117-124


An open-pollinated progeny test of Araucaria cunninghamii was established in Bodowoso, East Java.The seeds were collected from 28 parent trees in 3 provenances in papua. The progeny test was arranged according to randomized Complete Block Design consisting of 28 families, 8 replications, 4 lines tree plot and spacing at 4 m x 3 m. At five years of age differences between provenances or families within provenance was significant for height, diameter and stem straightness. Heritability estimates for height, diameter and stem straightness were all moderate: (h2f – 0.44, h2i =0.11) for  height, h2f – 0,36 h2i =0.12) for straightness). The genetic corrwelations between traits were strong and positive: 0.62 for height and diameter, 0.73 for diameter and straightness (rg=0.73) and height and straightness. The genetic gains from family selection with  selection intensity of 70 % for height, diameter and stem straightness were 7.8 %, 2.5 %, and 9.7 % respectively, While those from individual selection with selection intensity of 10 % for height, diameter and stem straightness were 10.7 %, 4.6 % and 15.3 % respectively.
ANALISA KIMIA KAYU PADA TANAMAN Araucaria cunninghamii Aiton ex D.Don UNTUK BAHAN BAKU PULP Dedi Setiadi; Mudji Susanto; Mohammad Anis Fauzi
Jurnal Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Vol 9, No 1 (2015): Jurnal pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan
Publisher : Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement (CFBTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpth.2015.9.1.53-60


Araucaria cunninghamii is one of the endemic needles tree species grown naturally in Papua. The material used in the study is wood of A.cunninghamii that was planted in the first-generation of progeny test in Bondowoso, East Java. This study aims to determine the characteristic chemical properties of A.cunninghamii wood from some provenances as raw material for pulp. Disk of wood samples were taken from the stem at 50 cm above the ground with 5 cm of thickness. Testing chemical properties include the levels of toluene extractives soluble in ethanol, hot water soluble extractives, holocellulose, cellulose and lignin. Data were analyzed to determine the effect of provenance to chemical properties of wood. The results of study showed that wood sample of A.cunninghamii contained 73.33% holocellulose, 46.39% cellulose, lignin 30.56%, 1.19% ethanol solubility and 1.34% hot water solubility. Based on the composition of chemical substances contained in the wood, A.cunninghamii generally has good quality to be used as raw materials of pulp and paper.
Keragaman Genetik Araucaria Cunninghamii Sumber Asal Benih Kepulauan Papua pada Pertumbuhan Di Tingkat Semai Dedi Setiadi
Proceeding Biology Education Conference: Biology, Science, Enviromental, and Learning Vol 15, No 1 (2018): Proceeding Biology Education Conference
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Araucaria cunninghamiiadalah jenis dari famili Araucariaceae yang tersebar secara alami di kepulauan Papua. Jenis ini oleh para pelaksana Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) ditanam dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan baku industri kayu, moulding, papan partikel dan pulp. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik pertumbuhan bibit Araukaria dari berbagai sumber asal benih di kepulauan Papua umur 6 bulan pada tingkat semai. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan pada tikat semai adalah Rancanagan Acak Lengkap (CRD) dengan 5 sumber asal benih dari kepulauan (Serui, Wamena, Manokwari, Jayapura dan Fak-fak) yang terdiri dari 64 famili, dengan  3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sumber asal benih berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan sifat tinggi dan diameter bibit pada tingkat semai. Pertumbuhan rata-rata tinggi dan diameter semai berkisar antara 37, 51 cm - 43,19 cm ; 5,66 mm - 6,49 mm, siftat tinggi dan diameter semai terbaik dicapai sumber asal benih Fak-fak dan Manokwari, dengan rata-rata nilai kekokohan semai tergolong tinggi berkisar antara 6,43-7,47.
Eksplorasi benih Jati Putih (Gmelina arborea Roxb) dari berbagai variasi habitat untuk populasi pemuliaan Dedi Setiadi; Hamdan Adma Adinugraha
Jurnal Biologi Tropika Vol.1, No. 2, Tahun 2018
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.048 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jbt.1.2.30-37


White teak (Gmelina arborea Roxb) is one of the types developed for the development of plantations, this species is an exotic tree that grows quickly, the planting technique is not difficult and has a good economic value. The wood is used for various purposes, especially for the manufacture of construction materials, carpentry, plywood, matches, containers and other wood craft materials. One aspect that determines the success of plantation development is the availability of seeds, especially quality seeds that are superior genetically, physically and physiologically, available in sufficient quantities, on time and have the ability to adapt to the environment in which they grow. The development of this plant needs to be accompanied by a breeding program, one of the forest plant breeding activities is exploration. Exploration activities of a type of plant in its natural habitat are important to support research and development activities of an institution and to meet market needs for these seeds. The purpose of seed exploration is to get white Teak seeds that represent a variety of habitats to support breeding activities. Exploration of white teak seeds is carried out in Kalianda (South Lampung), Bondowoso (East Java), Bantul (Yogyakarta), Parung Panjang (West Java) and Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara). The results of the exploration obtained 108 mother trees from Kalianda 25 mother trees with seed size (18.32 mm; 10.25 mm), Bondowoso 30 mother trees (17.78 mm; 9.64 mm), Bantul 21 mother trees (19, 24 mm; 11.40 mm), Parung length 15 mother trees (19.41 mm; 9.42 mm) and Lombok 17 mother trees (18.58 mm; 10, 31 mm).