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Meninjau Istinbath Hukum Para Fuqaha Abad Kedua Hijriah Faruk, Ahmad
Media Akademika Vol 28, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Media Akademika

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Pada dasarnya metode istinbathatau penarikan kesimpulan hu-kum pada abad kedua Hijriyah yang dilakukan oleh para fuqahayaitu berdasarkan sumber hukum Islam yang pertama dan yang kedua yaitu nashAlquran dan Hadits Nabi, apabila mereka tidak menemukan dari kedua nash itu baik Alquran dan Hadits Nabi Muhammad, baru mereka beralih kepada ijma’dan qiyas, apa-bila tidak juga didapati istinbathhukumnya melalui ijma’ dan qi-yas, lalu mereka menggunakan alternatif yang lain yaitu metode ijtihad diantaranya dari qaul shahabat, istihsan, sadduzzari’ah, mashalih mursalahdan lain-lain, kecuali mazhab syafi’i mereka tidak menggunakan istihsandalam istinbathhukumnya. Jadi da-pat disimpulkan bahwa para fuqaha pada waktu itu tidak melaku-kan ijtihad hukum kepada nashyang sifatnya qath’i.
Manusia Jawa Dalam Islamisasi Jawa Refleksi Filsafat Antropologi Metafisik terhadap Temuan Ricklefs Faruk, Ahmad
Kodifikasia Vol 10, No 1 (2016)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (180.181 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/kodifikasia.v10i1.806


Tulisan ini berlatarbelakangi oleh temuan-temuan Ricklefs tentang sejarah Islamisasi Jawa yang karenanya merupakan objek materialnya, yaitu manusia Jawa sejauh ditemukan oleh penelitian Ricklefs. Temuan tersebut akan dijadikan objek formal bagi penelitian kefilsafatan ini, yaitu: bagaimanakah gambaran manusia Jawa dalam sejarah Islamisasi manusia Jawa dan bagaimanakah refleksi filsafat manusia (antropologi metafisik) terhadap temuan tersebut? Dengan pendekatan filsafat antropologi metafisik, tulisan ini menemukan bahwa [1]  deskripsi tentang manusia Jawa dalam sejarah Islamisasinya menurut Ricklefs digambarkan dalam tiga kecenderungan atau kategori: pertama, [a] sinkretik-mistis [b] polarisasi masyarakat [c] intensifikasi keagamaan. Sementara [2] Refleksi antropologis metafisik atas temuan tersebut menemukan arti yang lebih dasariah, yaitu terjadinya peristiwa-peristiwa itu sendiri. ?Aku bersama yang-lain? merupakan ?sejarah konkret? dan real yang sedang berjalan dan dihayati. Manusia Jawa menyejarah; artinya manusia Jawa itu ? sebagaimana manusia lainnya dari manapun ? bersifat historis. Tidak ada sejarah di luar atau di samping manusia Jawa. Sejarah itu tak lain ialah manusia-yang-berkembang sendiri; sejarah dilaksanakan manusia. Motor ketiga perkembangan kecenderungan dan relasi oponensial yang digambarkan Ricklefs tersebut adalah ?otonomi-di-dalam-korelasi?. Namun sebenarnya bukan dasar untuk perkembangan. Perkembangan dan historisitas hanya dapat diterima sebagai fakta belaka. Kemungkinannya hanya dapat diketahui dari adanya; dan tidak memiliki dasar yang lebih mendalam lagi di dalam manusia.
Jurnal Istiqro Vol 6 No 01 (2020): Januari 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30739/istiqro.v6i01.523


Abstrak Research entitled Analysis of Sale and Purchase Through Online Transactions Using the As Salam Agreement Viewed From Islamic Law (Case Study of Buying and Selling Through Online Transactions Using the AsSalam Agreement) This research is normative legal research or library law research which is prescriptive and the method of approach uses qualitative methods. Research on Islamic law through Islamic law research, research on the sale and purchase of AsSalam through online transactions conducted by students of IAI Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi Regency. This article is a type of qualitative research that uses descriptive analysis, which describes research data collected both from interviews, observations and research while being collected at the IAIDA Blokagung campus in Banyuwangi Regency. The results showed that basically all forms of muamalah are permissible or permissible, except as otherwise determined by the Al-Quran Sunnah and Ijma '. Buying and selling which is included in the field of muamalah and is specialized in this writing namely as-salam in terms of Islamic law is permissible or halal done with various mechanisms that exist as long as it does not conflict with the Al-Quran As-Sunnah and Ijma '. Then online transactions that are used as a medium or in this case the internet in buying and selling assalam if viewed from Islamic law is permissible as long as its use is not contrary to Islamic principles. Islamic law originating from the Islamic religion itself, views online media as permissible, not in conflict with Islamic principles. Regarding the operational use of the internet in this case, published by buying and selling greetings, further to Urf '. This is what convinces researchers that Islamic law with its three sources has provided a complete and flexible explanation of things that are updated nowadays or modern.  Keywords: Online Transactions, Islamic Law
Karakteristik Pengusaha Islami dan Standar Harga Jual Barang Faruk, Ahmad
TIN: Terapan Informatika Nusantara Vol 1 No 6 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

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The economic crisis that occurred in 1999 proved that the principle of a sustainable economy is sharia. Including the behavior of entrepreneurs must also reflect Islamic principles. especially the current economy which is experiencing rapid development. Moreover, in the future the economy enters the digital 4.0 era, which demands business people to continue to innovate and keep up with the times. Among the criteria of entrepreneurs according to Islam are devotion to Allah, have an honest nature, prioritize obligations as Muslims, and like to give charity. Do not forget to tithe if indeed the results of his efforts reach size for zakat. This research is a research library (library research), where the research is carried out using books, articles, and other documents as a source of data in the study. According to the Shariah there is no standard of profit that must be obeyed by every trader. But fiqh scholars, especially the Islamic schools of thought and others, have put restrictions on profits not to exceed one third of the capital. This limit is considered reasonable because it contains benefits for sellers and buyers