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Penyebaran Informasi Program “Children Special Protection” (CSP) dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Perilaku Anak Jalanan Fatimah, Jeanny Maria
Mediator Vol 9, No 2 (2008): Dari “Starbucks’ hingga Pembebasan Biaya Kesehatan Dasar
Publisher : FIkom Unisba

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This research aims at analyzing the spread information level of “Children Special Protection” (CSP) program to children-street community in Makassar and on how its information to influence their behavior like as to emerge consciousness for no goes down the street. This research aims also to analyze obstructions of the spread information of CSP program for children-street in Makassar. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative method by watching children-street in their living, their interaction, and tries to know their interpretation to surrounding world. The research informant uses snowball method and the key informant chosen by taking the intentional (purposive). Beside the observation activity, the collected data uses also deep-interview with informant and key informant, and analyses to spread information activities that executes by Dinas Sosial. The result of this research shows that the concept of the spread information of CSP in Makassar is not covering the substantive of field problem. The chosen communicator, arrange and message presentation, a chosen and media planning, and chosen and understand to people target by Dinas Sosial Pemkot Makassar is not yet executed well, adopted information process is inclined to the  perception only. Its information estimates to needless and the other influence factor is lower education level, which has children-street.
KAREBA : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol.4 No.4 Oktober - Desember 2015
Publisher : KAREBA : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

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Abstract Public figures are representative of the community itself because he was acting on behalf of the public or opinion leaders in his name so that people become essential for the police in carrying out its role as protector and waiter society. The aim of the research was to determine the opinion of public figures on the roles of police as protectors, paragons, and servants of community in the conflict prone areas of Makassar City. The research was conducted in Makassar District and Tamalate District. The data were presented qualitatively in narrative forms. The methods of obtaining the data were observation and interview and other relevant data. The results of the research indicate that the opinion of public figures on the roles of police as protectors, paragons, and servants of community are manifested when they are overcoming and guarding against conflicts. The protection perceived by community is their actions to drive the community who are conflicting and guard on-site brawl, while the form of service perceived by the community is quick response from the police based on the report from the community. The opinion from public figures is the main reference to fulfill the need of police force especially related to the fulfillment of facilities supporting polices tasks in the field. It is also initial information in investigating the root of conflict among groups in the society which has implications on the actions of professional and accountable police force.Abstrak Tokoh Masyarakat merupakan representatif dari masyarakat sendiri karena dia bertindak mewakili masyarakat atau mengatasnamakannya sehingga opini tokoh masyarakat menjadi hal yang esensi bagi kepolisian dalam melaksanakan perannya sebagai pelindung, Pengayom dan Pelayan mayarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui opini tokoh masyarakat terhadap peranan polisi sebagai pelndung, pengayom, dan pelayan masyarakat di daerah rawan konflik Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Makassar dan Kecamatan Tamalate, Kota Makassar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa opini toko masyarakat terhadap peranan polisi sebagai pelindung, pengayom, dan pelayan masyarakat diwujudnyatakan dalam kehadirannya pada saat mengatasi ataupun mencegah terjadinya konflik. Bentuk perlindungan yang dirasakan masyarakat adalah tindakan polisi menghalau warga yang bertikai dan melakukan penjagaan di lokasi tawuran. Bentuk pengayoman diaplikasikan dengan memberikan pembinaan kepada warga, baik orang tua maupun anak muda di wilayah rawan konflik. Adapun bentuk pelayanan dapat dirasakan dengan respon yang cepat polisi terhadap laporan masyarakat. Opini tokoh masyarakat menjadi referensi utama dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan lemabaga kepolisian, khususnya terkait pemenuhan akan fasilitas yang menunjang tugas kepolisian di lapangan. Selain itu, merupakan informasi awal dalam menemukan akar maslah konflik antarkelompok di masyarakat, yang tentunya berimplikasi terhadap tindakan kepolisian yang profesional dan akuntanbel. 
KAREBA : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol.4 No.4 Oktober - Desember 2015
Publisher : KAREBA : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi

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Abstract This study aims to determine (a) to describe emotional behavior of kindergarten children in the district. Biringkanaya Makassar, (b) to describe communication between teachers and parents of kindergarten children in the district. Biringkanaya Makassar and (c) to determine control of the emotional behavior of kindergartners through communication between teachers and parents In the district Biringkanaya Makassar.This study is an ex- post-facto quantitative, where the population is around the kindergarten students in the district. Biringkanaya Makassar of 1,779 children in 79 institutions spread kindergarten in 7 (seven) wards. With the sampling method, then selected 84 children as respondents in this study. The relationship between the independent variables were analyzed by using Simple Linear Regression Analysis. The results showed that (a) the childs emotional behavior of the most prominent forms of aggressiveness is tempered (80,36%), anxiety is crying (48,21%), withdrawal is not much to say (48,21%) as well as excessive fear is the fear of meeting a stranger (36,31%) (b) communication media is most often used in solving problems of emotional behavior children are face to face, and (c) intensive communication negatively correlated with childrens emotional behavior, which means more intensive communication, the more reduced (controlled) the childs emotional behavior. Approximately 32.8% of control childrens emotional behavior is caused by factor intensity of communication between teachers and parents to discuss the childs emotional behavior problems in kindergarten Biringkanaya MakassarAbstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (a) mengetahui gambaran perilaku emosional anak TK di Kec. Biringkanaya Kota Makassar, (b) mengetahui gambaran komunikasi antara guru dengan orang tua anak TK di Kec. Biringkanaya Kota Makassar dan (c) mengetahui pengendalian perilaku emosional anak TK melalui komunikasi antara guru dengan orang tua di Kecamatan Biringkanaya Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan eks-post-fakto yang kuantitatif. Populasinya adalah seluruh murid TK di Kecamatan Biringkanaya Kota Makassar sebesar 1.779 anak yang menyebar pada 79 lembaga TK di 7 (tujuh) kelurahan. Sampel penelitian ini 84 orang anak sebagai responden. Hubungan antara variabel bebas dianalisis dengan menggunakan Analisis Regresi Linier Sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (a) perilaku emosional anak bentuk agresivitas yang paling menonjol adalah marah (80,36%) , kecemasan adalah menangis (48,21%), menarik diri adalah tidak banyak bicara (48,21%) serta takut berlebihan adalah takut bertemu orang asing (36,31%) (b) media komunikasi yang paling sering digunakan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan perilaku emosional anak adalah tatap muka serta (c) intensif komunikasi berkorelasi negatif dengan perilaku emosional anak, yang artinya semakin intensif komunikasi , maka semakin berkurang (terkendali) perilaku emosional anak. Sekitar 32,8% pengendalian perilaku emosional anak disebabkan oleh faktor intensitas komunikasi antara guru dengan orang tua dalam membicarakan permasalahan perilaku emosional anak di TK Biringkanaya Kota Makassar. 
ISJN Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Volume 1 Issue 1 2019
Publisher : Indonesia Social Justice Network (ISJN)

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Abstrak Interpersonal communication involves the exchange of verbal and non-verbal messages that can directly affect the sender and recipient of the message. The context of interpersonal communication can be applied to opinion leaders and minority groups in direct interaction. Relationship between opinion leaders and minority groups have differences in religion, beliefs, culture, and customs can be applied through open interpersonal communication, empathy, and equality. The goal is to maximize the role and opinion leader function of the majority group, namely the Toraja ethnic group in interacting with the Bugis ethnic minority group of Makassar for social harmonization in a multicultural and multiethnic society. The research method approaches the constructivism paradigm. Methods of data collection through Focuss Group Discussion, observation, and in-depth interviews. Furthermore, the data collected in the analysis uses a qualitative approach to generalize the conclusions of the results of data analysis inductively. Informants were determined through purposive sampling based on high opinion leader interaction levels with individuals or groups outside their ethnicity, with the aim that the informants interviewed had a wealth of insight and extensive knowledge about ethnic opponents, and had experience of associating with individuals or groups outside their ethnicity. 3 informants were chosen in Toraja Regency and 3 in Makassar City, and 7 Bugis Ethnic Makassar who interacted directly with opinion leaders and the community in the majority group. The results of the study found that interpersonal communication was carried out by open opinion leaders, empathy, and equal attitudes. Opinion leader applies the concept of interpersonal communication with minority groups through interpersonal communication skills, such as the ability to imitate, identification skills, and the ability of sympathy with minority groups dominated by ethnic Bugis Makassar and the majority group dominated by ethnic Toraja. The obstacle factor of interpersonal communication between opinion leaders and minority groups is first, barriers to the status effect, perceptual distorsion barriers, and barriers to cultural differences on minority groups that have different cultures, religions and social environments.