Diandra Forceila
Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR

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Program Berbasis Masyarakat dalam Upaya Pengurangan Risiko Bencana di Kabupaten Pandeglang Anita Yunia; Janette Maria Pinariya; Diandra Forceila; Lystia Ivana
Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020): Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP3M) Institut Bisnis dan Komunikasi LSPR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37535/101007220205


Since 1950, the need for the global economy related to natural disasters has increased 14 fold. The natural disaster that occurred in 2018, put Indonesia into the country with the highest number of victims in the world, which was caused by three rare phenomena. This study discusses about the Desa Tangguh Bencana program as a strategic step for community-based disaster risk reduction in the Pandeglang Regency, which is one of the areas that has the impact of damage and casualties from the tsunami phenomenon in the Sunda Strait. This study aims to obtain information about the activity steps and communication strategies of the program which refers to the concept of disaster mitigation according to George D. Haddow and Kim S. Haddow in 2014. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach with an interpretive paradigm. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and other supporting documents, which were analyzed using the Miles & Huberman method and tested for credibility by triangulation of sources. The results showed that community participation in this program is the main key as a planning initiator to the implementing activities. These disaster risk reduction efforts are carried out by identifying community risks, determining action plans, funding, involving opinion leaders as parties raised by the community, forming messages, to the communication channel mechanism.
Sosialisasi dan Edukasi Digital Marketing pada Komunitas BGBJ di Bantar Gebang Menghadapi Era 4.0 Janette Maria Pinariya; Diandra Forceila; Lystia Ivana; Anita Yunia
Aksiologiya: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/aks.v5i2.6148


Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah yang sedang berkembang di Bantar Gebang yaitu sebagai salah satu wilayah daerah Bekasi yang dijadikan sebagai tempat pembuangan sampah terakhir kawasan megapolitan Jabodetabek. Bantar Gebang selama ini dikenal sebagai daerah kumuh dengan kondisi perekonomian masyarakat bertaraf rendah (miskin). Sehingga muncul inisiatif anak-anak muda untuk membentuk suatu komunitas usaha kecil dengan memanfaatkan limbah kayu, plastik, dan kertas sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan produk kreatif, yaitu komunitas The Kingdom of BGBJ (Biji-Biji Bantar Gebang). BGBJ dibangun atas bantuan, dukungan, dan dedikasi para pengunjungnya. Komunitas ini menyediakan berbagai pelatihan, pendampingan, bantuan sandang, papan dan pangan untuk masyarakat yang tidak memiliki akses ke sumber daya ini. Dengan adanya kegiatan pemberdayaan ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan alternatif bagi masyarakat untuk memutus siklus kemiskinan serta menciptakan lingkungan yang sehat dan aman. Namun untuk dapat mengembangkan program ini, BGBJ mengakui bahwa sumber daya yang dimilikinya belum paham akan strategi pemasaran. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kegiatan pemasarannya yang hanya dilakukan sebatas pada komunikasi offline yaitu Word of Mouth (WoM). Dengan permasalahan tersebut, maka dibuatlah suatu program pemberdayaan kepada peserta komunitas BGBJ dan masyarakat tentang pemahaman pemasaran digital (digital marketing) serta kegiatan pendukung lainnya yang bermanfaat. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan dengan pendekatan model community development yang diberikan dalam bentuk sosialisasi dan edukasi serta pelatihan dan pendampingan selama 3 bulan, terhitung dari bulan Juni – Agustus 2020. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pemberdayaan ini dapat diterima secara efektif dan para peserta dinilai sudah siap untuk beradaptasi menghadapi era 4.0. Hal ini dapat diukur berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan sebelum maupun setelah kegiatan pemberdayaan dilakukan. Meskipun demikian, terdapat evaluasi bahwa pengembangan program ini harus dilakukan secara berkelanjutan, dikarenakan masih terdapat sebagian peserta yang memerlukan arahan dan bimbingan lebih lanjut.Kata kunci: BGBJ; digital; media sosial; strategi pemasaran; 4.0.Socialization and Digital Marketing Education to the BGBJ Community in Bantar Gebang Facing Era 4.0 ABSTRACTThe purpose of this activity is to address a growing problem in Bantar Gebang, known as one of the Bekasi areas which is used as the final waste disposal site for the Jabodetabek megapolitan area. Bantar Gebang has been known as a slum area with low economic conditions (poor). So that the initiative of young people emerged to form a small business community by utilizing wood, plastic, and paper waste as basic materials for making creative products, they are The Kingdom of BGBJ (Bantar Gebang Seeds) Community. BGBJ was built on the help, support and dedication of its visitors. This community provides a variety of training, mentoring, clothing, shelter and food assistance for people who do not have access to these resources. With this empowerment, it is hoped that it can provide an alternative for the community to break the cycle of poverty and create a healthy and safe environment. However, to be able to develop this program, BGBJ admits that its resources do not understand the marketing strategy. This can be seen from its marketing activities which are only limited to offline Word of Mouth (WoM) communication. With these problems, an empowerment program was made for BGBJ community participants and the public regarding the understanding of digital marketing (digital marketing) and other useful supporting activities. The method of implementing activities is carried out with a community development model approach which is given in the form of socialization and education as well as training and mentoring for 3 months, starting from June - August 2020. The result showed that the empowerment activity can be accepted effectively, and the participants are considered ready to adapt to the 4.0 era. This can be measured based on a survey conducted before and after the empowerment activity was carried out. However, there is an evaluation that the development of this program must be carried out continuously, because there are still some participants who need further direction and guidance.Keywords: BGBJ; digital; social media; marketing strategy; 4.0.