Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas
Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Jurnal Infrastruktur Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Infrastruktur
Publisher : Jurnal Infrastruktur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/infrastruktur.v7i2.1967


Speeding is one of the main causes of road crash fatality. This research aims to compare speeding behavior between car drivers and motorcyclists in terms of speed limit knowledge, excessive speed, the reason for speeding, and recommendation. It was found that motorcyclists tend to have speed limit perception higher than the speed limit based on regulation and more often to do speeding compared to car drivers. Speeding on urban roads was more frequent compared to intercity road. The main reason for speeding is the desire to reach the destination faster and on time. Several recommendations to reduce the speeding behavior are to install a speed reduction facility on urban roads, to separat lanes for motorcycles and cars on intercity roads, and better law enforcement.
Evaluasi Kinerja Modulus Resilien dan Fatigue Menggunakan “EAF Slag Aggregate” pada Campuran Beraspal Hangat Laston Lapis Antara (WMA AC-BC) Astri Natalia Situmorang; Bambang Sugeng Subagio; Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 25 No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2018.25.3.7


Abstrak Pengembangan infrastruktur berkelanjutan dapat didukung dengan memperhatikan keseimbangan antara pemenuhan kebutuhan pada masa sekarang dan masa yang akan datang. Dua aspeknya meliputi aspek lingkungan dan sumber daya. EAF Slag Aggregate merupakan limbah alternatif pengganti agregat yang mendukung aspek sumber daya. Sedangkan Zeolit Aspha-Min adalah aditif Warm Mix yang mendukung mengurangi emisi gas CO2 dan gas rumah kaca dalam aspek lingkungan. Penelitian ini melihat kinerja campuran beraspal hangat AC-BC dengan penggantian 30% EAF Slag Aggregate terhadap agregat alam. Sedangkan kadar zeolit Aspha-Min berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu dicampurkan pada kadar 0,3% dan 0,5% terhadap berat campuran. Suhu pencampuran dan suhu pemadatan Warm-Mix didapatkan dengan trial and error 100C – 200C dibawah suhu viskositas aspal. Campuran beraspal AC-BC kadar 0,3% Aspha-Min dapat menurunkan suhu pencampuran dan pemadatan sebesar 200C. Campuran ini lebih tahan terhadap fatigue namun memiliki nilai modulus resilien yang paling rendah dari campuran lainnya. Sedangkan campuran beraspal AC-BC kadar 0,5% Aspha-Min dapat menurunkan suhu pencampuran dan pemadatan 100C. Campuran ini cenderung lebih kaku karena memiliki nilai modulus resilien yang paling tinggi dan memiliki nilai siklus Nf yang rendah sehingga rentan terhadap fatigue dibandingkan campuran lainnya. Campuran optimum didapatkan dari proporsi campuran EAF Slag 30% dengan penambahan aditif Aspha-Min 0,3% dalam hal penurunan suhu pemadatan, pencampuran dan ketahanan terhadap fatigue. Abstract The development of sustainable infrastructure can supported by fulfilling the demand of the present and the future. The two main aspects are environmental and resource aspects. EAF Slag Aggregate is a steel waste which is used as alternative aggregate that supports the resource aspects, while Zeolit Aspha-Min is a Warm Mix additive that supports the reduction of CO2 gas emissions and greenhouse gases, which is in the domain of environmental aspects. This study observes the performance of warm asphalt mixture (WMA AC-BC) with the replacement of natural aggregate by 30% EAF Slag Aggregate. Whereas, Aspha-Min zeolite content based on previous studies is mixed at 0.3% and 0.5% of the mixture weight. The mixing and compaction temperature of the Warm-Mix is obtained by trial and error at 100C - 200C below the asphalt viscosity temperature. The mixtures containing AsphaMin at 0.3% levels is able to reduce mixing and compaction temperatures up to 200C. This mixture is more resistant to fatigue but has the lowest resilient modulus value than the other mixtures, while the mixtures containing AsphaMin at 0.5% is able to reduce the mixing and compaction temperature up to 100C. This mixture tends to be stiffer because it has the highest resilient modulus value and has a low Nf cycle value that is prone to fatigue compared to other mixtures. The optimum mixture, which is measured in terms of mixing and compacting temperature reduction as well as resistance to fatigue, was obtained at 30% proportion of Slag EAF mixture with the addition of 0.3% Aspha-Min additive
Responses of Flexible Pavement Structure to Variation of Load Type, Material Characteristics, and Service Life using Kenlayer Program Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas; Bambang Sugeng Subagio
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 26 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2019.26.2.9


One of the pavement types often used in Indonesia is flexible pavement. Many methods and programs can be used for flexible pavement structure analysis, such as analytical method using Kenlayer program. Variation of load type (single axle, dual-tandem, and dual-tridem) and material characteristics (linear-elastic, and nonlinear-elastic) used to approach the real condition in the field. In addition, repetition load during service life to failure criteria of flexible pavement structure with several variations of its design attributes need to be considered to gain more understanding for its pattern and relationship. This research aims to analyse the relationship for variation of load type, material characteristics to its response; and failure criteria in service life analysis with some attribute variant which can be used to optimize each attribute in future. Based on the results from Kenlayer program for variation of load type, the biggest response of deflection is resulted from dual-tridem followed by dual-tandem while load type variant has insignificant response to stress and strain. The variation of material characteristics indicates that for 3- layer pavement system: linear-linear-linear material (L-L-L) has higher value of flexible pavement responses compared to linear-nonlinear-nonlinear material (L-NL-NL) hence the nonlinear material is recommended for 2nd and 3rd layer. In case of service life analysis, failure criteria mostly resulted from permanent deformation for variation of loads, and resilient modulus of each layer, nevertheless the different result is observed in thick layer of surface and base course where fatigue cracking is more dominant and the optimal condition is when fatigue cracking graph intersect with permanent deformation. Salah satu jenis struktur perkerasan yang paling banyak digunakan di Indonesia adalah struktur perkerasan lentur. Terdapat banyak metode dan program dapat digunakan untuk analisa struktur perkerasan lentur, salah satunya adalah Metode Analitis dengan menggunakan program Kenlayer. Variasi tipe pembebanan (single-axle, dualtandem, dan dual-tridem) serta karakteristik material (linear-elastik, dan nonlinear-elastik) digunakan sebagai pendekatan pada kondisi lapangan. Beban repetisi selama umur layan terhadap kriteria keruntuhan dengan beberapa variasi pada atribut desain struktur perkerasan lentur perlu dianalisis untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih dalam serta mendapatkan pola perilaku dan hubungannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan pada berbagai variasi beban, karakteristik material terhadap respon struktur, serta kriteria keruntuhan pada analisis umur layan dengan beberapa variasi atribut yang digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil yang didapatkan dar program Kenlayer, untuk variasi beban didapatkan titik respon maksimum adalah berada pada (0; 17,15) pada single-axle dan dual-tandem, serta (121,9; 17,15) pada dual-tridem. Defleksi terbesar terjadi pada beban dualtridem diikuti dengan dual-tandem, dimana variasi dari beban tersebut tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tegangan dan regangan yang terjadi. Variasi karakteristik material menunjukkan bahwa material linear (L-L-L) menghasilkan nilai respons yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan material non-linear (L-NL-NL). Dalam hal analisis umur layan, kriteria keruntuhan yang terjadi sebagian besar disebabkan oleh deformasi permanen pada variasi beban dan modulus resilien pada masing-masing layer, namun hasil yang berbeda didapatkan pada layer permukaan dan layer dasar yang tebal dimana kriteria retak lelah lebih dominan.