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Optimization of Inventory Level Using Fuzzy Probabilistic Exponential Two Parameters Model Eka Susanti; Indrawati; Robinson Sitepu
Jurnal Matematika MANTIK Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/mantik.2021.7.2.124-131


Inventory control is an important factor in trading activities. Inventory control aims to ensure product availability. Several factors affect the level of inventory including the level of demand factor, maximum inventory, and the level of deterioration. If the influencing factors cannot be defined with certainty and follow a certain statistic distribution then the fuzzy probabilistic approach can be applied. This research discusses the problem of optimizing the inventory of red chillies at the retail level. The level of deterioration is assumed to follow an exponential distribution and demand follows a Pareto distribution. Statistical parameters are estimated using the Maximum likelihood method and cost parameters are expressed by triangular fuzzy numbers. Based on the calculation results for several beta values, the highest total cost is 405143.6 rupiah, a maximum inventory level of 15 kg, and an order cycle time of 0.923 days.
Model Probabilistik Fuzzy Goal Programming Berdistribusi Pareto dengan Urutan Prioritas pada Permasalahan Produksi Kue Eka Susanti; Oki Dwipurwani; Robinson Sitepu; . Wulandari; Liani Natasia
Jurnal Matematika Vol 8 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2018.v08.i02.p101


Yulis’s home industry is one of the Small and Medium Bussiness (UKM) on Palembang city. Yulis’s home industry produces bolu kukus, kue lapis, kue pare, kumbu kacang, srikaya, and wajik. Most of cakes that will be produced by Yuli is still based on the cake sale on the last day, so that the profit is still not optimal condition. This research aims to create preemptive priority additive approach to Fuzzy Goal Programming Probabilistic (PFGP) model with Pareto distribution for maximize profits, minimize the production of perishable cake, and maximize best sellers cake. The results are obtained maximum profit is Rp. 8.488.569 on a week , the amount of perishable cake is 1,295 pieces on a week, and optimal production for best seller cake as much as 8,489 pieces on a week.
Implementasi Model Production Routing Problem With Perishable Inventory (PRPPI) dengan Kebijakan Optimize Delivery-Optimized Selling pada Produksi dan Distribusi Tempe Novi Rustiana Dewi; Eka Susanti; Eddy Roflin; Tiara Bella Octalia; Rika Novita Rika Novita
Jurnal Matematika Vol 8 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2018.v08.i02.p102


Industri tempe Ana adalah sebuah industri rumah tangga yang berada di Kota Palembang. Tempe produksi Ana dikemas dalam tiga kemasan yaitu tempe daun, tempe plastik kepingan dan tempe plastik batangan, pada makalah ini diterapkan model PRPPI untuk jenis kemasan tempe daun. Tempe adalah salah satu produk yang bersifat mudah rusak (perishable). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meminimalkan biaya produksi, mendapatkan rute dan jumlah produksi tempe optimal menggunakan model Production Routing Problem Perishable Inventory (PRPPI) dengan kebijakan inventory Optimized Delivery–Optimized Selling (OD-OS). Model linier PRPPI diselesaikan menggunakan software Lingo 17. Diperoleh biaya produksi optimal adalah Rp 84.701. Rute optimal pendistribusian adalah Depot ? pasar Perumnas ? pasar Sekip Ujung ? pasar Kebon Semai ? Depot. Jumlah produksi optimal adalah 27 potong.
Aplikasi Himpunan Julia dalam Membuat Rancangan Motif Fraktal Songket Palembang Eka Susanti
Jurnal Matematika Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2016.v06.i02.p74


Songket is one of the Indonesian arts and culture into community characteristics Palembang. Palembang songket motifs influenced by Islamic culture, in general, Palembang songket motifs shaped flowers. In this paper are given motif fractal Palembang songket motifs Sadum Tumpal Ulos. This motif is formed from the set of Julia with , with z = a + ib and n = 5.5;  n = 6 and n = z.
Optimasi Kendaraan Pengangkut Sampah di Kecamatan Kertapati Menggunakan Pemrograman Bilangan Bulat Eka Susanti; Endro Setyo Cahyono; Oki Dwipurwani
Jurnal Matematika Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2017.v07.i02.p88


Waste management in the district Kertapati done by the private sector and government. The authorities responsible for waste management is Palembang City Sanitation Department (DKKP). Waste is transported from the area TPS (Transit Depo) to landfill Sukawinatan use two types of vehicles, namely dump trucks and armroll. Analyzed the optimal number of vehicles ritase waste carrier with the highest amount of waste as a goal. The total time of transport, the maximum capacity of conveyance and the maximum amount of waste that must be transported as an integer linear programming constraints. Completion of linear models using methods Branch and Bound. Volume of waste in Lambung 87 is 7630 kg, the optimal use of dumb truck with 2 ritase carriage. Volume of waste in the Lambung 42 as much as 8850 kg, optimal use armroll with 3 ritase carriage. The amount of waste in the Lambung 69 as much as 7770 kg, more optimal use of dumb truck with 2 ritase carriage.
Optimasi Kebutuhan Kendaraan Pengangkut Sampah Menggunakan Model Fuzzy Goal Programming Eka Susanti; Oki Dwipurwani; Evy Yuliza
Jurnal Matematika Vol 7 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2017.v07.i02.p92


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jumlah optimal kendaraan pengangkut sampah menggunakan model goal programming (GP) dengan pendekatan fuzzy. Jumlah minimum sisa sampah yang tidak terangkut dan muatan kosong kendaraan sebagai goal. Jumlah sampah yang harus diangkut, jumlah ketersediaan kendaraan pengangkut, dan jumlah area layanan dinyatakan dalam bentuk Triangular Fuzzy Number (TFN) dan merupakan kendala pada model fuzzy goal programming (FGP). Model FGP diubah ke bentuk deterministik menggunakan teknik program fuzzy. Dipertimbangkan dua jenis kendaraaan yaitu dumb truck dan armroll. Diberikan contoh perhitungan untuk kecamatan Kalidoni kota Palembang. TFN jumlah sampah adalah (58100, 58150, 58300), TFN jumlah dump truck (190,190,193), TFN jumlah armroll (21,21,22), TFN jumlah minimal wilayah layanan (4,5,5). Diperoleh solusi optimal dengan derajat keanggotaan 0,8 untuk mengangkut sampah sebanyak 58150 kg diperlukan kendaraan jenis dump truck sebanyak 1 kendaraan dan jenis armroll sebanyak 18 kendaraan. Terdapat sisa sampah yang tidak terangkut sebanyak 140 kg.
Optimasi Kendaraan Pengangkut Sampah di Kecamatan Kertapati Menggunakan Pemrograman Bilangan Bulat Biner 0 dan 1 Eka Susanti; Endro Setyo Cahyono; Oki Dwipurwani
Jurnal Matematika Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2016.v06.i02.p70


Waste management in the district Kertapati done by the private sector and government. The authorities responsible for waste management is Palembang City Sanitation Department (DKKP). Waste is transported from the area TPS (Transit Depo) to landfill Sukawinatan use two types of vehicles, namely dump trucks and armroll. Analyzed optimality waste carrier vehicles with a total transport time constraints, the maximum capacity of conveyance and the maximum amount of waste that must be transported using integer programming binary 0 and 1. Integer programming binary 0 and 1 problem solved by the Branch and Bound Method. The maximum amount of waste that must be transported to the Lambung 87 is 7330 kg, Lambung 42 as much as 8850 kg and the Lambung 69 as much as 7770 kg. Dump truck and armroll are  vehicles optimized for use on Lambung 42, 87 and 69. 
Variasi Motif Batik Palembang Menggunakan Sistem Fungsi Teriterasi dan Himpunan Julia Eka Susanti
Jurnal Matematika Vol 5 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2015.v05.i01.p54


Batik Palembang has a distinctive design with bright colour. There are several design, in this research, can be visualized songket batik design and jumputan batik design. Jumputan and songket batik design with the help of the software can be visualized using iterated function systems (IFS) and the Julia set. Songket batik design can be visualized with a combination of Sierpinski Carpet and Julia set while jumputan battik design can be visualized with a combination of some of the Julia set.
E-Jurnal Matematika Vol 9 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MTK.2020.v09.i01.p284


In the inventory system is given operational policies relating to product inventory control, such as how much is ordered, when to order with the aim of minimizing storage and ordering costs. Customer demand and lead time affect the inventory system. This study aims to determine the densitas distribution of demand data, total inventory costs and optimal coconut supply for the two order periods using the stochastic inventory model. Stochastic inventory models can be used if there is variable uncertainty. This paper discusses the optimization of coconut inventories using a stochastic model with uncertainty about demand and lead time. It is known that demand data is uniformly distributed, based on the realization value of random variable requests can be formed in 49 scenarios. Obtained an optimal total inventory cost for the two planning periods is Rp. 45,672,910, optimal supply for period one was 26031 coconuts. Inventory levels in two period for any scenarios are
E-Jurnal Matematika Vol 9 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MTK.2020.v09.i01.p285


In distribution activities, travel time is influenced by several factors, such as vehicle conditions, traffic conditions and road conditions. Uncertain traffic conditions cause the travel time can not be defined with certainty (uncertain). If several variables are in a uncertain condition then a deterministic approach is not appropriate. Fuzzy approach, can be used to overcome uncertainty conditions. In this study, the optimal route for chicken egg delivery using the fuzzy Multiobjective Cyclical Inventory Routing Problem (FMOCIRP) model with time and cost is expressed by triangular fuzzy numbers. Model completion using Winqsb software. An optimal shipping route is obtained with a total cost of Rp 114,000 and a total delivery time of 132 minutes. The first optimal delivery route is distributor, retailer 1, retailer 2, retailer 3 and back to the distributor. The second route is distributor, retailer 5, retailer 4 and back to the distributor.