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Compiler Vol 7, No 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (723.585 KB)


Redundancy and robustness are the most common problems in a wireless network distribution system, network system problems that are not able to handle coverage areas in a large / wide coverage, so that the network users are easily disconnected from the connection and out of the server radius. These problems are caused by topology and wireless network distribution methods that are not in accordance with the needs and coverage of its users. However, adding a number of access points en masse to expand the network without being based on appropriate applied methods, is not necessarily able to minimize complaints from network users. Starting from the problems described in the previous paragraph, in this study a wireless distribution mesh system topology (WDS mesh) will be built to improve utility and network usage in the area / radius of the area between access points using wireless lines and minimize cable requirements which are generally the main constraints in network deployment and installation to areas that are difficult to reach. The topology built in this research will implement the wireless routing protocol that results from the analysis and observation process to expand the expansion of service areas to places that are difficult to reach. The wireless routing protocol method used in this study is the Made Mesh Easy (MME) method which is one of the developments of the Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) method. Evaluation of the wireless routing protocol in the WDS mesh network topology will be carried out periodically to obtain the results of the analysis that will be used to re-configuring and re-routing to maintain the quality of the network remains realiable. Mesh clients will give feedback on the quality of service obtained based on observations according to IEEE 802.11 standardization. The parameters used are: Througput, Packet Loss Ratio, Latency, Jitter, MOS, Post Dial Delay and Echo Cancelation (EC)
Django Framework and Python-Gammu as Middleware SMS Broadcast Cahyo, Puji Winar; Wicaksono, Arief Ikhwan
Compiler Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Mei
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (630.077 KB)


Because the growing of mobile technology in recently days, technology practitioners are required to be able to create a variety of devices and media that support the mobile technology. Application developers compete to create mobile applications that have a variety of features, including video call, voice sending, image sending or text messaging. Developing of mobile applications have an impact on using of Short Message Service, although using of Short Message Service began to shift, but the Short Message Service feature cannot be abandoned, because Short Message Service is a standard feature carried by mobile devices (mobile phones). For this reason, we need to develop Short Message Service Broadcast middleware as an intermediary for Short Message Service communication between web technology and mobile devices. This technology is using for disseminating information between systems that have been built with mobile devices via Short message service. Broadcast system will produce information about new student admissions, That will be received directly by Senior High School Students through their mobile phones. The Middleware can send message broadcast in real time to more than 500 cellular numbers automatically with an average time of 13 seconds for one message. The advantage of using this technology is direct configuration with Python Back-End. Meanwhile, Technology for message inbox still requires further configuration.
VLAN Wireless Performance Analysis Of Central Access Point Management Topology According to the IEEE 802.11 Standard Wicaksono, Arief Ikhwan; Setiawan, Chanief Budi
Compiler Vol 8, No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (941.493 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v8i2.525


Wireless network distribution is the right solution to disseminate network services in places and areas that are difficult to reach by cable networks. The effort to add a number of access points is intended to increase the coverage area of a network service so that the signal coverage can be even and broad. The development and improvement of wireless network users have made management and user management activities not easy, because of the way wireless technology works in the operational delivery of its packages, sorting and dividing the packages into 3 parts. Among them are packaged in the form of management, control, and data. Whereas if the management prioritizes data without considering management and control, the emergence of vulnerability in network distribution activities will occur when users are increasingly populated. To facilitate the flexibility and mobility of centralized wireless network users, this study utilizes VLANs that will be implemented at OSI Layer 2 to facilitate the classification of user-profiles, subnetting, securing, and roaming features between access point devices and their users. This research in its testing uses QoS parameters that refer to ITU G.165 / G.168 to monitor the quality of services provided. The parameters used in the measurement of interconnection include Throughput, Packet Loss Ratio, Latency, Jitter, and Delay. If the test is declared successful and complete, it is continued by analyzing and evaluating the results of the study in the hope that the system will successfully cluster the users based on the user characteristic dataset 
Compiler Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Mei
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (701.86 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v9i1.627


Control systems in the field of technology, electronic devices must be controlled. But there are still those who oppose if the room does not have a place anywhere, where there is no one at home, other people forget to change the lights, it is very inconvenient if you have to go home, even though if the lights are left activated there will be a waste, from which It was stated that a light monitoring device was provided using the Internet-based (IoT) tea-based Relay module using the NodeMcu ESP 8266 microcontroller which has been equipped with a wifi module, so that the led lights can be monitored by the user in realtime so using the IoT Program platform using the Blynk application, which can be controlled via handphone, In the system implementation, a display is made using Blynk. There are 4 on and off switch buttons which are used to facilitate and activate the Led lights. In this research, the control of Led using blynk is done 10 times. Led control testing is used to see each procedural function running correctly as expected, the results of tests that have been done get the results of 10x experiments that have been done to get 2 x interrupted experiments in the LEDs needed to connect the wifi network
Django Framework and Python-Gammu as Middleware SMS Broadcast Puji Winar Cahyo; Arief Ikhwan Wicaksono
Compiler Vol 8, No 1 (2019): May
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (630.077 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v8i1.430


Because the growing of mobile technology in recently days, technology practitioners are required to be able to create a variety of devices and media that support the mobile technology. Application developers compete to create mobile applications that have a variety of features, including video call, voice sending, image sending or text messaging. Developing of mobile applications have an impact on using of Short Message Service, although using of Short Message Service began to shift, but the Short Message Service feature cannot be abandoned, because Short Message Service is a standard feature carried by mobile devices (mobile phones). For this reason, we need to develop Short Message Service Broadcast middleware as an intermediary for Short Message Service communication between web technology and mobile devices. This technology is using for disseminating information between systems that have been built with mobile devices via Short message service. Broadcast system will produce information about new student admissions, That will be received directly by Senior High School Students through their mobile phones. The Middleware can send message broadcast in real time to more than 500 cellular numbers automatically with an average time of 13 seconds for one message. The advantage of using this technology is direct configuration with Python Back-End. Meanwhile, Technology for message inbox still requires further configuration.
Compiler Vol 7, No 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (899.218 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v7i2.369


Redundancy and robustness are the most common problems in a wireless network distribution system, network system problems that are not able to handle coverage areas in a large / wide coverage, so that the network users are easily disconnected from the connection and out of the server radius. These problems are caused by topology and wireless network distribution methods that are not in accordance with the needs and coverage of its users. However, adding a number of access points en masse to expand the network without being based on appropriate applied methods, is not necessarily able to minimize complaints from network users. Starting from the problems described in the previous paragraph, in this study a wireless distribution mesh system topology (WDS mesh) will be built to improve utility and network usage in the area / radius of the area between access points using wireless lines and minimize cable requirements which are generally the main constraints in network deployment and installation to areas that are difficult to reach. The topology built in this research will implement the wireless routing protocol that results from the analysis and observation process to expand the expansion of service areas to places that are difficult to reach. The wireless routing protocol method used in this study is the Made Mesh Easy (MME) method which is one of the developments of the Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) method. Evaluation of the wireless routing protocol in the WDS mesh network topology will be carried out periodically to obtain the results of the analysis that will be used to re-configuring and re-routing to maintain the quality of the network remains realiable. Mesh clients will give feedback on the quality of service obtained based on observations according to IEEE 802.11 standardization. The parameters used are: Througput, Packet Loss Ratio, Latency, Jitter, MOS, Post Dial Delay and Echo Cancelation (EC)
Analisis dan Deteksi Backdoor pada Content Management System Menggunakan Metode Signature-based dan Static Analysis Dedy Hariyadi; Chanief Budi Setiawan; Rama Sahtyawan; Arief Ikhwan Wicaksono; Akas Wisnuaji
INTEK : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/intek.v5i1.1734


Pemanfaatan Content Management System sebagai platform pengembangan situs web cukup tinggi. CMS menawarkan kemudahan dalam mengimplementasi situs web dengan mudah dengan berbagai fitur termasuk didalamnya penggaya dan tema yang disediakan untuk memperindah tampilan. Namun dibalik kemudahan tersebut terdapat ancaman berupa penyisipan kode-kode jahat pada penggaya ataupun tema. Oleh sebab itu dalam pengembangan situs web harus mengimplementasikan dari Secure-Software Development Life Cycle dengan memperhatikan setiap tahap pengembangan dengan melakukan analisis dan deteksi setiap kode. Hal ini untuk menjaga penyisipan kode-kode jahat oleh pihak yang bertanggung jawab. Melakukan analisis dan deteksi terkait kode jahat yang disisipkan dalam penggaya ataupun tema pada CMS sejak awal pengembangan merupakan langkah preventif terhadap serangan siber. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan melakukan multi metode dalam menganalisis dan mendeteksi berbasis signature dan analisis statik supaya hasilnya lebih komprehensif. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, hasil dari pemindaian berbasis signature dan analisis statik menggunakan function reference menunjukan hasil yang saling melengkapi.
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi dan Manajemen (JATIM) Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi dan Manajemen (JATIM) Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31102/jatim.v3i2.1704


Seni bonsai yang merupakan miniatur dari pohon besar yang ada di alam liar, dengan perawatan yang benar tanaman tersebut menjadi kerdil di dalam sebuah pot serta bisa bertahan sampai ratusan tahun, sehingga tidak heran harga bonsai bisa sampai ratusan juta rupiah. Kelembaban tanah adalah salah satu faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhi biologi didalam tanah, dalam proses penyiraman sangat mempengaruhi kelembaban tanah sehingga apabila kelembaban yang tinggi, Solusi yang akan dilakukan yaitu diperlukan suatu teknologi penyiraman tanaman bonsai otomatis berbasis IoT yang dapat memonitoring kelembaban tanah sehingga distribusi airnya merata dan nutrisi yang diserap tanah bisa maksimal, pada faktor keamanan diperlukan adanya suatu sistem yang dapat mendeteksi gerakan apabila ada sesuatu yang mencurigakan didukung dengan pencahayaan lampu otomatis, serta termonitoring terekam di cctv online, yang kesemuanya dapat dipantau menggunakan HP, Penelitian ini merancang sistem bonsai garden IoT menggunakan Sensor soil moisture untuk mendeteksi kondisi suhu taman dapat berjalan dengan baik dan fungsi solenoid valve untuk mengaliri air dapat berfungsi dengan baik, Nodemcu dapat menerima masukan dari relay dapat mematikan dan menghidupkan light sensor secara otomatis sesuai dengan kondisi pencahayaan ditaman. Pada Sensor DHT11 untuk Humadity dapat mengirimkan signal ke nodemcu diteruskan ke relay dan Misting dapat berfungsi sehingga pompa dapat menyala. Pada Sensor DHT11 untuk temperature dapat mengirimkan signal ke nodemcu diteruskan ke relay sehingga kipas dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Pada Sensor Pir dapat menangkap adanya gerakan disekitar area taman, setelah itu mengirimkan signal ke nodemcu diteruskan ke relay dan cctv esp 32 dapat menangkap objek. Kata kunci: Bonsai garden, esp 32 cam, soil moisture, MIT app inventor, PLTS.
Network Forensic of Cryptocurency Miners Arief Ikhwan Wicaksono; Rama Sahtyawan; Dedy Hariyadi
Compiler Vol 11, No 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (816.185 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v11i2.1369


As reported by BSSN on August, 2022, Indonesia has traffic anomalies of 1.6 billion traffic, with 55.83% of anomaly findings containing malware and the remaining 14.99% information disclosure is another activity. Some of this data, when further analyzed based on the type of attack, falls into the categories of breaches, successes, attempts, and failures. Investigate crimes related to misuse of resources for illegal cryptocurrency mining activities. Therefore, this study should consider acquisitions from the network side as they apply to existing government agencies/institutions. This observation thereby provides information for later evidence, intruder detection, and prosecution of perpetrators who misuse resources for personal gain. As a result, the harvesting processs can obtain valuable data from routers as a digital evidence for investigating information about network attack activitiy and anomalies traffic.
Compiler Vol 9, No 1 (2020): May
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (701.86 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v9i1.627


Control systems in the field of technology, electronic devices must be controlled. But there are still those who oppose if the room does not have a place anywhere, where there is no one at home, other people forget to change the lights, it is very inconvenient if you have to go home, even though if the lights are left activated there will be a waste, from which It was stated that a light monitoring device was provided using the Internet-based (IoT) tea-based Relay module using the NodeMcu ESP 8266 microcontroller which has been equipped with a wifi module, so that the led lights can be monitored by the user in realtime so using the IoT Program platform using the Blynk application, which can be controlled via handphone, In the system implementation, a display is made using Blynk. There are 4 on and off switch buttons which are used to facilitate and activate the Led lights. In this research, the control of Led using blynk is done 10 times. Led control testing is used to see each procedural function running correctly as expected, the results of tests that have been done get the results of 10x experiments that have been done to get 2 x interrupted experiments in the LEDs needed to connect the wifi network