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Compiler Vol 7, No 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (723.585 KB)


Redundancy and robustness are the most common problems in a wireless network distribution system, network system problems that are not able to handle coverage areas in a large / wide coverage, so that the network users are easily disconnected from the connection and out of the server radius. These problems are caused by topology and wireless network distribution methods that are not in accordance with the needs and coverage of its users. However, adding a number of access points en masse to expand the network without being based on appropriate applied methods, is not necessarily able to minimize complaints from network users. Starting from the problems described in the previous paragraph, in this study a wireless distribution mesh system topology (WDS mesh) will be built to improve utility and network usage in the area / radius of the area between access points using wireless lines and minimize cable requirements which are generally the main constraints in network deployment and installation to areas that are difficult to reach. The topology built in this research will implement the wireless routing protocol that results from the analysis and observation process to expand the expansion of service areas to places that are difficult to reach. The wireless routing protocol method used in this study is the Made Mesh Easy (MME) method which is one of the developments of the Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) method. Evaluation of the wireless routing protocol in the WDS mesh network topology will be carried out periodically to obtain the results of the analysis that will be used to re-configuring and re-routing to maintain the quality of the network remains realiable. Mesh clients will give feedback on the quality of service obtained based on observations according to IEEE 802.11 standardization. The parameters used are: Througput, Packet Loss Ratio, Latency, Jitter, MOS, Post Dial Delay and Echo Cancelation (EC)
VLAN Wireless Performance Analysis Of Central Access Point Management Topology According to the IEEE 802.11 Standard Wicaksono, Arief Ikhwan; Setiawan, Chanief Budi
Compiler Vol 8, No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (941.493 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v8i2.525


Wireless network distribution is the right solution to disseminate network services in places and areas that are difficult to reach by cable networks. The effort to add a number of access points is intended to increase the coverage area of a network service so that the signal coverage can be even and broad. The development and improvement of wireless network users have made management and user management activities not easy, because of the way wireless technology works in the operational delivery of its packages, sorting and dividing the packages into 3 parts. Among them are packaged in the form of management, control, and data. Whereas if the management prioritizes data without considering management and control, the emergence of vulnerability in network distribution activities will occur when users are increasingly populated. To facilitate the flexibility and mobility of centralized wireless network users, this study utilizes VLANs that will be implemented at OSI Layer 2 to facilitate the classification of user-profiles, subnetting, securing, and roaming features between access point devices and their users. This research in its testing uses QoS parameters that refer to ITU G.165 / G.168 to monitor the quality of services provided. The parameters used in the measurement of interconnection include Throughput, Packet Loss Ratio, Latency, Jitter, and Delay. If the test is declared successful and complete, it is continued by analyzing and evaluating the results of the study in the hope that the system will successfully cluster the users based on the user characteristic dataset 
Compiler Vol 7, No 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (899.218 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v7i2.369


Redundancy and robustness are the most common problems in a wireless network distribution system, network system problems that are not able to handle coverage areas in a large / wide coverage, so that the network users are easily disconnected from the connection and out of the server radius. These problems are caused by topology and wireless network distribution methods that are not in accordance with the needs and coverage of its users. However, adding a number of access points en masse to expand the network without being based on appropriate applied methods, is not necessarily able to minimize complaints from network users. Starting from the problems described in the previous paragraph, in this study a wireless distribution mesh system topology (WDS mesh) will be built to improve utility and network usage in the area / radius of the area between access points using wireless lines and minimize cable requirements which are generally the main constraints in network deployment and installation to areas that are difficult to reach. The topology built in this research will implement the wireless routing protocol that results from the analysis and observation process to expand the expansion of service areas to places that are difficult to reach. The wireless routing protocol method used in this study is the Made Mesh Easy (MME) method which is one of the developments of the Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) method. Evaluation of the wireless routing protocol in the WDS mesh network topology will be carried out periodically to obtain the results of the analysis that will be used to re-configuring and re-routing to maintain the quality of the network remains realiable. Mesh clients will give feedback on the quality of service obtained based on observations according to IEEE 802.11 standardization. The parameters used are: Througput, Packet Loss Ratio, Latency, Jitter, MOS, Post Dial Delay and Echo Cancelation (EC)
Pengembangan Aplikasi Information Gathering Berbasis HybridApps Chanief Budi Setiawan; Dedy Hariyadi; Adkhan Sholeh; Akas Wisnuaji
INTEK : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/intek.v5i1.1729


Information Gathering merupakan tahapan awal dalam melakukan pengujian keamanan sistem dan jaringan komputer. Istilah lain dari Information Gathering adalah Reconnaissance. Tujuan melakukan Information Gathering diantaranya mengumpulkan dan mendapatkan informasi berupa ekosistem yang diterapkan pengguna termasuk kepemilikan domain atau informasi sensitif lainnya. Aplikasi yang digunakan biasanya memanfaatkan pemindaian secara aktif maupun pasif. Sudomy merupakan aplikasi pemindaian yang menggunakan metode aktif dan pasif atau HybridScan. Namun, Sudomy masih berbasis Command Line Interface (CLI). Maka pada penelitian ini diusulkan pengembangan aplikasi Sudomy berbasis grafis dengan metode HybridApps dengan menggabungkan teknologi native dari CLI dan teknologi web sebagai antarmuka grafis. Walaupun menggunakan aplikasi yang dibangun berbasis grafis tetapi secara keseluruhan fitur dan fungsi menggunakan Sudomy. Pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan metode HybridApps menggabungkan kelebihan dari dua teknologi atau lebih menjadi satu platform yang mempermudah penggunaan aplikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa aplikasi Information Gathering yang berbasis grafis sehingga mempermudah penggunaan dalam proses pengujian keamanan sistem dan jaringan komputer.
Analisis dan Deteksi Backdoor pada Content Management System Menggunakan Metode Signature-based dan Static Analysis Dedy Hariyadi; Chanief Budi Setiawan; Rama Sahtyawan; Arief Ikhwan Wicaksono; Akas Wisnuaji
INTEK : Jurnal Informatika dan Teknologi Informasi Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/intek.v5i1.1734


Pemanfaatan Content Management System sebagai platform pengembangan situs web cukup tinggi. CMS menawarkan kemudahan dalam mengimplementasi situs web dengan mudah dengan berbagai fitur termasuk didalamnya penggaya dan tema yang disediakan untuk memperindah tampilan. Namun dibalik kemudahan tersebut terdapat ancaman berupa penyisipan kode-kode jahat pada penggaya ataupun tema. Oleh sebab itu dalam pengembangan situs web harus mengimplementasikan dari Secure-Software Development Life Cycle dengan memperhatikan setiap tahap pengembangan dengan melakukan analisis dan deteksi setiap kode. Hal ini untuk menjaga penyisipan kode-kode jahat oleh pihak yang bertanggung jawab. Melakukan analisis dan deteksi terkait kode jahat yang disisipkan dalam penggaya ataupun tema pada CMS sejak awal pengembangan merupakan langkah preventif terhadap serangan siber. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan melakukan multi metode dalam menganalisis dan mendeteksi berbasis signature dan analisis statik supaya hasilnya lebih komprehensif. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, hasil dari pemindaian berbasis signature dan analisis statik menggunakan function reference menunjukan hasil yang saling melengkapi.
ANALISIS BIBLIOMETRIKA TINDAK KEJAHATAN CRYPTOJACKING BERDASARKAN INDEX SCOPUS: 2018 - 2021 Burhan Alfironi Muktamar; Dedy Hariyadi; Chanief Budi Setiawan; Arief Ikhwan Wicakasono
Cyber Security dan Forensik Digital Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Mei 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/csecurity.2022.5.1.3641


Tim Tanggap Insiden Siber Spanyol pada tahun 2021 menyatakan bahwa penggunaan mata uang kripto mengalami pertumbuhan. Hal ini selaras dengan indikasi pertumbuhan tindak kejahatan cryptojacking yang memanfaatkan mata uang kripto. Penambangan mata uang kripto memerlukan sumber daya yang besar. Terindikasi adanya oknum yang melakukan aktivitas penambangan menggunakan sumber daya ilegal, dan aktivitas ini dapat dikatakan sebagai tindak kejahatan cryptojacking. Berdasarkan sistem indexing Scopus, pada rentang tahun 2018 - 2021 terdapat 94 artikel penelitian terkait tindak kejahatan cryptojacking. Negara yang cukup aktif melakukan penelitian tindak kejahatan cryptojacking adalah Tiongkok, India, dan Amerika Serikat. Untuk memperdalam kajian tindak kejahatan cryptojacking, diperlukan pengetahuan tentang keamanan sistem dan jaringan komputer, malicous software (malware), dan mata uang elektronik seperti bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, dan sebagainya. Dengan menggunakan analisis bibliometrika, dapat dilakukan kajian lebih lanjut menggunakan kata kunci atau tren dari sebuah topik penelitian. Selain itu, hal ini mempermudah peneliti dalam melakukan pemetaan topik-topik lanjutan. Kata kunci: cryptojacking, mata uang kripto, kejahatan siber, scopus, bibliometrika ------ Spain's Computer Security Incident Response Team in 2021 stated that there is experiencing growth in cryptocurrency usage. This is in line with growth of cryptojacking crimes that use cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency mining requires large amount of resources. There are people carry out mining activities using illegal resources, defined as a cryptojacking crime. Based on the Scopus indexing system, research related to cryptojacking began in 2018. Until 2021, there are 94 articles related to cryptojacking. Active countries in cryptojacking crime research are China, India, and the United States. Research of cryptojacking crimes, requires basic knowledge about computer system and network security, malicous software (malware), and electronic currencies such as bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, etc. Using bibliometric analysis, it is possible to conduct further studies using certain keywords or trends from a research topic. In addition, it also makes it easier for researchers to map advanced topics. Keywords: cryptojacking, crypto currency, cyber crime, scopus, bibilometrics  
VLAN Wireless Performance Analysis Of Central Access Point Management Topology According to the IEEE 802.11 Standard Arief Ikhwan Wicaksono; Chanief Budi Setiawan
Compiler Vol 8, No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (941.493 KB) | DOI: 10.28989/compiler.v8i2.525


Wireless network distribution is the right solution to disseminate network services in places and areas that are difficult to reach by cable networks. The effort to add a number of access points is intended to increase the coverage area of a network service so that the signal coverage can be even and broad. The development and improvement of wireless network users have made management and user management activities not easy, because of the way wireless technology works in the operational delivery of its packages, sorting and dividing the packages into 3 parts. Among them are packaged in the form of management, control, and data. Whereas if the management prioritizes data without considering management and control, the emergence of vulnerability in network distribution activities will occur when users are increasingly populated. To facilitate the flexibility and mobility of centralized wireless network users, this study utilizes VLANs that will be implemented at OSI Layer 2 to facilitate the classification of user-profiles, subnetting, securing, and roaming features between access point devices and their users. This research in its testing uses QoS parameters that refer to ITU G.165 / G.168 to monitor the quality of services provided. The parameters used in the measurement of interconnection include Throughput, Packet Loss Ratio, Latency, Jitter, and Delay. If the test is declared successful and complete, it is continued by analyzing and evaluating the results of the study in the hope that the system will successfully cluster the users based on the user characteristic dataset 
Journal of Information System Management (JOISM) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24076/joism.2023v5i1.1157


Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) memaparkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki anomali lalu lintas sebesar 1,6 Miliar. Anomali lalu lintas terbesar berasal dari BotNet. Hal ini termasuk dalam kejahatan dunia maya dengan kategori kejahatan komputer karena pelaku dan korban berada dalam sistem dan jaringan komputer. Untuk menyelidiki kejahatan dunia maya, pendekatan forensik jaringan dapat digunakan dengan memperoleh bukti digital berupa lalu lintas jaringan. Tidak hanya lalu lintas jaringan yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan tangkapan lalu lintas jaringan, tetapi juga menggunakan perangkat berbiaya rendah seperti Raspberry Pi. Maka pada artikel ini diusulkan akuisisi hybrid yaitu melakukan akuisisi parsial pada sisi perangkat Router dalam hal ini Router Mikrotik dan akuisisi fisik pada kartu memori Raspberry Pi yang berfungsi untuk merekam sistem pendeteksi trafik berbahaya. Metode akuisisi hybrid sangat cocok diterapkan pada sistem komputer dan jaringan untuk menyelidiki kejahatan dunia maya, seperti anomali lalu lintas, cryptomining, pencuri malware, dan pembobolan data.
Jurnal Teknomatika Vol 3 No 1 (2010): TEKNOMATIKA
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

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Angka telah menjadi bagian yang penting dalam kegiatan manusia. Dalam keadaan tertentu, seringkali diperlukan penyebutan nilai dari suatu angka, misal dalam transaksi keuangan. Penyebutan nilai angka mengikuti aturan tertentu sesuai bahasa yang digunakan, dengan beberapa pengecualian untuk sejumlah angka tertentu. Untuk keperluan penyebutan nilai angka ini, sebuah fungsi dalam bahasa pemrograman dapat didefinisikan. Algoritma rekursif digunakan dalam fungsi ini, untuk mendapatkan hasil penyebutan angka yang teratur sesuai posisi digit masing-masing.
Membangun Aplikasi Augmented Reality Berbasis Android di Museum Sudirman Magelang Yuda Nurhusna; Chanief Budi Setiawan; Netania Indi Kusumaningtyas
Jurnal Teknomatika Vol 13 No 2 (2020): TEKNOMATIKA
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/teknomatika.v13i2.1094


A museum is an institution intended for the general public. One of them is the Sudirman Museum, which is located at Magelang City, Central Java. This museum contains relics of General Sudirman that were used during his war. Each museum has different rules in terms of the interaction between visitors and objects on display in the museum. Sudirman Museum is one of the museums that do not allow not to touch objects directly and display information incomplete on each item in the collection. This study aims to overcome the limitations of interaction between museum visitors and objects on display in the museum. This study develops a mobile application based on an operating system based on Augmented Reality that can add to the attraction of the Sudirman museum for visitors so that it is expected to attract visitors to the museum. The results of this research are in the form of an Android application that simulates the contents of the museum and its information through a 2D display on a cellphone screen. In this way, visitors are expected to experience the experience of being in the museum through Augmented Reality. This Augmented Reality-based Android application is designed using the waterfall method and is made using the Unity3D, Vuforia SDK, and Blender applications