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Operational permits and brandings of savings and loan cooperatives and sharia financing (KSPPS) in legal validity perspective Anjar Kususiyanah; Soleh Hasan Wahid; Wahyu Saputra
Ijtihad : Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan Vol 21, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/ijtihad.v21i1.59-78


This article described the legal validity of Savings and Loan Cooperatives and Sharia Financing (KSPPS) in East Java Region, especially regarding operational permits and their brandings. Most of them have KSPPS operational permits but in their operations use Baitul Mall Wa Tamwil (BMT) brand. Meanwhile, based on Chapter 2 Article 2 Point 7 of the Regulation the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Number: 11/PER/M.KUKM/XII/2017, it is mandatory for every cooperative branch office and service network to display the cooperative identity either the name or logo, and not the BMT brand. The problem in this study was discussed using legal validity theory from philosophical, juridical and sociologicaldimensions. This was a qualitative research with a sociological, juridical, philosophical approach. Data collection techniques were divided into two, namely literature study to explore legal documents as data to review philosophical and juridical aspects and field studies to explore information from KSSPS in East Java to analyze the sociological aspects of the validity of the Regulation. The findings of the research were: the legal validity of the Ministerial Regulation Number: 11/PER/M.KUKM/XII/2017 from a philosophical point of view is not in line with the legal ideals of cooperatives in Indonesia. While from a juridical side, there is a legal vacuum. In addition, from a sociological dimension, it has not run perfectly due to non-optimal socialization from policy makers.
Dinamika Fatwa Dari Klasik ke Kontemporer (Tinjauan Karakteristik Fatwa Ekonomi Syariah Dewan Syariah Nasional Indonesia (DSN-MUI) Soleh Hasan Wahid
YUDISIA : Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum dan Hukum Islam Vol 10, No 2 (2019): Yudisia: Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum dan Hukum Islam
Publisher : Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/yudisia.v10i2.5831


Abstract: This article discusses the change in the characteristics of fatwas from classical fatwas to contemporary fatwas, especially Islamic economic fatwas in Indonesia when compared to previous ulama fatwas. From the results of this study, the authors conclude that the change in the characteristics of the DSN-MUI fatwa lies in; a) fatwa which has binding legal force based on the Law; b) fatwa is intended specifically for financial institutions and special authorities in the field of sharia economics; c) fatwa is no longer an answer to a question but an active response from DSN-MUI.Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas mengenai perubahan karakteristik fatwa dari fatwa klasik ke fatwa kontemporer, khususnya fatwa ekonomi syariah di Indonesia jika dibandingkan dengan fatwa-fatwa ulama terdahulu. Dari hasil penelitian ini, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa perubahan karakteristik fatwa DSN-MUI terletak pada; a) fatwa yang memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat berdasarkan Undang-Undang; b) fatwa ditujukan khusus bagi lembaga keuangan dan kewenangan khusus di bidang ekonomi syariah; c) fatwa tidak lagi merupakan jawaban atas suatu pertanyaan akan tetapi respon aktif dari DSN-MUI.
Talak di Luar Pengadilan Perspektif Fikih dan Hukum Positif M Muhsin; Soleh Hasan Wahid
Al-Syakhsiyyah: Journal of Law & Family Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/syakhsiyyah.v3i1.3063


Abstract: Divorce is breaking the ties of marriage and ending the husband and wife relationship. According to Fiqh law, divorce is considered legally binding when a husband pronounces the word talaq to his wife clearly and figuratively. Meanwhile, according to the Marriage Law, it is explained that divorce can only be carried out before the court after the court concerned tries and fails to reconcile the two parties. The focus of the problem in this study is: (1) What is the status of divorce outside the court according to fiqh law and positive law? (2) Which is used as a guideline between the two divorce proceedings on the termination of marriage? The type of research conducted by the author is field research using qualitative methods. The analysis used is the descriptive analysis method. The number of respondents in this study was five people with the category of divorce outside the court. Based on the method used in the study, it was concluded that the divorce handed down out of court was legal, according to fiqh, so that the marriage broke up by fiqh rules. However, the divorce is not legal according to positive law in Indonesia, so that in the eyes of positive law, the marriage has not been broken, and the positive law that applies in Indonesia is used as a guide to the dissolution of marriage because the legal consequences arising after the divorce are more clearly regulated so that obligations and rights that arise after the divorce is more secure.Abstract: Talak adalah melepaskan ikatan pernikahan dan mengakhiri hubungan suami istri. Menurut hukum Fikih perceraian dianggap jatuh hukumnya ketika seorang suami mengucapkan kata talak kepada istrinya baik secara jelas maupun kiasan. Sedangkan menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan dijelaskan bahwa perceraian hanya dapat dilakukan di depan pengadilan setelah pengadilan yang bersangkutan berusaha dan tidak berhasil mendamaikan kedua belah pihak. Fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana status talak di luar pengadilan menurut hukum fikih dan hukum positif? (2) Manakah yang dijadikan pedoman antara dua proses perceraian terhadap putusnya perkawinan? Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan penulis merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) yang menggunakan metode kualitatif. Analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak lima orang dengan kategori melakukan penceraian di luar Pengadilan. Berdasarkan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian dihasilkan kesimpulan bahwa, talak yang dijatuhkan di luar pengadilan adalah sah menurut fikih, sehingga perkawinannya putus sesuai dengan aturan fikih. Namun perceraian tersebut tidak sah menurut hukum positif di Indonesia, sehingga di mata hukum positif perkawinannya belum putus dan hukum positif yang berlaku di Indonesia yang dijadikan sebagai pedoman terhadap putusnya perkawinan, dikarenakan akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan setelah terjadinya perceraian lebih diatur dengan jelas, sehingga kewajiban dan hak yang timbul setelah terjadinya perceraian lebih terjamin.
COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARTNERS: Negotiation And Domestic Conflict In Indonesian Islamic Law Sifa Mulya Nurani; Soleh Hasan Wahid
Jurisprudensi : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundangan-Undangan dan Ekonomi Islam Vol 13 No 2 (2021): Jurisprudensi: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundang-Undangan Dan Ekonomi Islam
Publisher : State of Islamic Institute Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/jurisprudensi.v13i2.3114


This study aims to describe cooperative negotiation techniques in the mediation process in order to ensure the survival of the household. The results show that BP4 can mediate disputes between husband and wife in the household that lead to divorce through cooperative negotiation techniques. In its application, BP4 to do; 1) internal communication with each of the disputing parties; 2) using cooperative negotiation techniques by upholding the values of togetherness; 3) give the best answer to the problems faced by the dispute; distort competitive negotiation techniques and compromise negotiation techniques if they are deemed ineffective.
Kontrak Kerjasama Penggarapan Lahan Kayu Putih Perspektif Fiqh Muzara’ah (Studi Kasus Perum Perhutani KPH Madiun Dan Petani LMPSDH Sido Luhur Desa Kaponan Kecamatan Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo) Hiyarotul Afifah; Soleh Hasan Wahid
Invest Journal of Sharia & Economic Law Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Invest Journal of Sharia & Economic Law
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.286 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/invest.v1i1.2737


In the village of Kaponan, Mlarak, Ponorogo, Not all people who farm have their own agricultural land  There are several farmers who do not have their own land, collaborating with parties who have a lot of land to carry out agricultural activities. Some of the community members manage the land belonging to the KPH Madiun (Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan). At first the collaboration took place verbally, but along with the times, agreements were made in writing to facilitate arrangements. So that the amendment to this agreement raises several opinions, there are parties who think that verbally agreements are more suitable to be applied and there are also parties who think that written agreements are more suitable. Based on the description above, the researcher used two problem formulations in this study. (1) How is the application of Islamic agreement principles in the eucalyptus land cultivation cooperation contract between Perum Perhutani KPH Madiun and LMPSDH Sido Luhur Kaponan, Mlarak, Ponorogo according to Fiqh Muzara’ah. (2) How is the clause of the cooperation contract for the cultivation of eucalyptus land between Perum Perhutani KPH Madiun and LMPSDH Sido Luhur Kaponan, Mlarak, Ponorogo Regency according to Fiqh Muzara’ah. According to the type, this research includes field research using qualitative methods. While the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The analysis used is the inductive method, which is a method that emphasizes previous observations, then draws conclusions based on these observations. From the results of this study it can be concluded that what is more appropriate in the application of the principles of Islamic agreement is when this agreement is made verbally. Because all parties have implemented all the principles of Islamic agreement, there are only two principles of Islamic agreement that have not been implemented. While the level of validity in the application of fiqh Muzara’ah refers to an agreement that occurs in writing, because the pillars and requirements of Muzara’ah have been fulfilled in their entirety.
Kontekstualisasi Fiqh Budgeting di Indonesia: Systematic Literature Review Soleh Hasan Wahid; M. Muhsin
Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/alhuquq.v4i1.4856


Korupsi dalam bentuk mark-up anggaran menjadi salah satu kasus yang cukup sering terjadi di Indonesia. Model penganggaran yang kurang transparan menjadi salah satu faktornya. Dalam kaitan ini, beberapa peneliti mengusulkan konsep integrasi penganggaran dengan menyuntikkan teori fiqh budgeting namun tataran aplikatif masih sangat minim. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat riset-riset mengenai fiqh budgeting, dalam jurnal-jurnal ilmiah di Indonesia, menilai relevansi dan keterbatasannya. Metodologi yang diadopsi dalam artikel ini adalah tinjauan pustaka sistematis. Pencarian artikel dilakukan secara sistematis melalui Google Scholar dan Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) dengan memilih literatur dari publikasi ilmiah di jurnal dan mengecualikan literatur yang berasal dari selain jurnal. Periode artikel yang dipilih adalah artikel jurnal terbitan 2010-2020. Penelitian penganggaran fikih di Indonesia masih minim pada tataran praktis. Selain itu, riset mengenai fiqh budgeting telah menghubungkan dengan konsep fiskal negara, namun temuan riset masih berupa konsep dan belum menyentuh aspek yang lebih aplikatif (terapan). Temuan penelitian saat ini menekankan pada dua aspek: pertama, perlu dilakukan kontekstualisasi penganggaran fikih berbasis Maqashid Syariah dan kontekstualisasi dan penganggaran Fiqh berbasis integrasi pajak dan zakat. (Corruption in budget mark-ups is a reasonably frequent case in Indonesia. The less transparent budget model is one of the factors. In this regard, several researchers have proposed the concept of budgeting integration by injecting fiqh budgeting theory, but the applicative level is still very minimal. Therefore, this study aims to examine research on fiqh budgeting in scientific journals in Indonesia to assess their relevance and limitations. The methodology adopted in this article is a systematic literature review. Article searches were carried out systematically through Google Scholar and Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) by selecting literature from scientific publications in journals and excluding literature from other than journals. The selected article period is journal articles published from 2010-2020. Jurisprudence budgeting research in Indonesia is still minimal at a practical level. In addition, research on fiqh budgeting has connected with the concept of state fiscal, but the research findings are still in the form of concepts and have not touched on more applicable (applied) aspects. The current study's findings emphasize two aspects: first, it is necessary to contextualize fiqh budgeting based on Maqashid Syariah and contextualization and Fiqh budgeting based on the integration of taxes and zakat.)
Assistance In Packaging Innovation and Licensing of Small and Medium Enterprises and Young Entrepreneurs at IAIN Ponorogo Moh Faizin; Soleh Hasan Wahid
Edusia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Asia Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Alumni dan Santri Mahyajatul Qurro’

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53754/edusia.v2i2.105


One of the factors for the lack of entrepreneurs is poor entrepreneurship skills. Most only learn marketing by self-taught, so many novice entrepreneurs fail and stop in the middle of the road. Based on initial observations of common phenomena in society, there are obstacles faced, including the inability to make product packaging that can increase the attractiveness of potential consumers. On the other hand, they also do not know how to develop a business to obtain a business license from the relevant agency. This service aims to develop innovative product design capabilities that are effective for businesses run by young entrepreneurs around IAIN Ponorogo and to train skills in business licensing for young entrepreneurs around IAIN Ponorogo. The method in this service uses the ABCD method, using data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. This service found that the community was helped by implementing product design training and assistance for PIRT permits.
Akad Qardh Perspektif Fatwa DSN-MUI tentang Qardh: Studi Kasus pada Gabungan Kelompok Tani Ngudi Makmur Magetan Rakhma Ikafitria; Soleh Hasan Wahid; Lutvia Izzul Islami; Rahma Zafira Putri
Jurnal Antologi Hukum Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.653 KB) | DOI: 10.21154/antologihukum.v2i2.1333


The purpose of this research is to explore the system of lending money under other people's names from the perspective of the DSN-MUI fatwa No. 19/DSN-MUI/IV/2001 Regarding Qardh in the Ngudi Makmur Farmer Group Association of Magetan, and what is the default settlement system? This study uses field research methods. At the same time, data collection is done through interviews, documentation, and observation. This observation concluded that the Ngudi Makmur Farmers Group Association gave illegal loans in other people's names. Because according to the DSN-MUI fatwa No. 19/DSN-MUI/IV/2001, Qardh is a loan given to a customer in need, and the card's terms, it is also explained that a loan is considered valid if the person holding the loan is the borrower. However, in this case, the management of Gapoktan Ngudi Makmur provides loans to non-members in the name of members, where members have died, but their names are used for loans of money by other people who are not members. Then the default dispute resolution system in Gapoktan Ngudi Makmur uses non-litigation channels, namely by negotiations carried out by deliberation between the parties, namely the combined management of the Ngudi Makmur farmer group and members who experience defaults to find a fair way out of the problems at hand. The settlement of defaults at Gapoktan Ngudi Makmur is by the DSN-MUI fatwa No. 19/DSN-MUI/IV/2001 Concerning Qardh. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi sistem pemberian pinjaman uang dengan nama orang lain perspektif fatwa DSN-MUI No. 19/DSN-MUI/IV/2001 Tentang Qardh Pada Gabungan Kelompok Tani Ngudi Makmur Magetan, serta bagaimana sistem penyelesaian wanprestasinya? Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan. Sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Dari proses pengamatan ini disimpulkan bahwa Gabungan Kelompok Tani Ngudi Makmur memberikan pinjaman uang dengan nama orang lain tidak sah. Karena menurut fatwa DSN-MUI No. 19/DSN-MUI/IV/2001, Qardh adalah pinjaman yang diberikan kepada nasabah yang membutuhkan dan dalam syarat qardh juga dijelaskan bahwa pinjamanadianggap sah apabila yang memegang pinjaman adalah peminjam. Namun, dalam permasalahan ini pengurus Gapoktan Ngudi Makmur memberikan pinjaman uang kepada bukan anggota dengan nama anggota, dimana anggota sudah meninggal tetapi namanya digunakan untuk pinjaman uang oleh orang lain yang bukan anggota. Kemudian sistem penyelesaian sengketa wanprestasi di Gapoktan Ngudi Makmur menggunaan jalur non litigasi yaitu dengan negosiasi yang dilakukan dengan musyawarah oleh antara para pihak yaitu pengurus gabungan kelompok tani Ngudi Makmur dengan anggota yang mengalami wanprestasi untuk mencari jalan keluar yang adil dari permasalahan yang dihadapi. Penyelesaian wanprestasi di Gapoktan Ngudi Makmur ini sudah sesuai dengan fatwa DSN-MUI No. 19/DSN-MUI/IV/2001 Tentang Qardh.
Kesadaran Hukum Pelaku Usaha Industri Pangan Pasca Implementasi Program Sertifikasi Halal Gratis dalam perspektif Maslahah Via Lutviana; Soleh Hasan Wahid
Jurnal Antologi Hukum Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/antologihukum.v3i1.2262


The purpose of this study is to determine the understanding of business actors about the free halal certification program and to determine the consistency of business actors in maintaining the halalness of their products after registering for free halal certification. This research uses a field research method with a qualitative approach, which means that researchers make direct observations about the phenomena that occur in the field—at the same time, collecting data through interviews, documentation, and observation. Based on the study's results, Geger District, Madiun Regency's business actors have mostly taken good actions. Still, due to a lack of knowledge, some do not realize that essential rules must be obeyed. According to the Mas}lah}ah review, the actions of business actors who are already aware of the law in terms of their content are following Maslahah 'Ammah, while business actors who are not aware of the law in terms of their content are included in Maslahaha Khassah. And in maintaining consistency in terms of the level of importance, including Maslahah Dhoruriyah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemahaman pelaku usaha tentang program sertifikasi halal gratis dan untuk mengetahui konsistensi para pelaku usaha dalam menjaga kehalalan produknya setelah mendaftar sertifikasi halal gratis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yang berarti peneliti melakukan pengamatan langsung tentang fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan. Sedangkan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, bahwa para pelaku usaha di Kecamatan Geger Kabupaten Madiun sebagian besar sudah melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang baik, namun karena kurangnya pengetahuan sehingga sebagian dari mereka tidak menyadari jika terdapat aturan-aturan penting yang harus dipatuhi. Menurut tinjauan Mas}lah}ah tindakan para pelaku usaha yang sudah sadar hukum jika ditinjau dari segi kandungannya telah sesuai dengan Maslahah ‘Ammah, Sedangkan para pelaku usaha yang tidak sadar hukum jika ditinjau dari segi kandungannya termasuk dalam Maslahaha Khassah. Dan dalam menjaga konsistensi ditinjau dari segi tingkat kepentingan termasuk Maslahah Dhoruriyah.
The Implementation of Organic Snake Gourd Cultivation to Increase Income in Pondok Village Rohmawati Nur Fathonah; Soleh Hasan Wahid
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Asia Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32815/jpm.v4i2.999


Purpose: This research focuses on transitioning snake gourd cultivation in Pondok Babadan Village from conventional to organic methods using polybag media to enhance production quality and quantity. Method: Utilizing the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) approach, this study involves training on organic bitter gourd cultivation in polybag containers, emphasizing knowledge dissemination, polybag utilization, and cost-effective bitter gourd seeds. Practical Applications: Implementing organic farming techniques and polybag containers can optimize land use, reduce chemical pesticide reliance, and promote healthier vegetable production. These practices offer income potential for Pondok Babadan Village's MSMEs and support sustainable agriculture. Conclusion: Transitioning to organic snake gourd cultivation using polybag media offers improved quality, increased yield, cost savings, and eco-friendly practices. This research provides valuable insights for small-scale farmers and contributes to sustainable agriculture in the region.