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Potret Socio-EcoFarm Peternakan di kampung Pasir Putih Kabupaten Fakfak, Papua Barat Deny Anjelus Iyai; Aisyah Bauw; Stepanus Pakage; Michael Baransano
Jurnal Sains Peternakan Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Sains Peternakan
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan, Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jsp.v8i2.4309


Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potret produksi peternakan pada tatanan lingkungan perkampungan sebagai basis pengembangan komoditas ternak dan pembangunan bidang peternakan, mengetahui kebutuhan dan potensi pengembangan peternakan di Kabupaten Fakfak. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan teknik survey. Sampel responden secara purposive sebanyak 35 kepala keluarga yang melakukan pekerjaan beternak pada kampung Pasir Putih. Objek pengamatan adalah aspek sosial-budaya peternak, produksi ternak dan persepsi serta kebutuhan pembangunan peternakan. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa potret sosio-kultur peternak di kampung Pasir putih cukup memadai dari segi umur (usia), dan pengalaman, sedangkan tingkat pendidikan perlu diupayakan dengan mengikuti pelatihan/penyuluhan komoditas terkait. Bantuan ternak dan kandang perlu disediakan pihak pemerintah dengan program dana desa menjadi alternatif. Potret produksi ternak belum optimal ditandai dengan rendahnya angka produksi ternak per induk per kelahiran dari beberapa komoditas. Pakan ternak perlu diintensifkan ketersediaannya. Potret bisnis masih belum optimal karena akses pasar belum dikuasai peternak. Dengan demikian pendampingan teknis perlu diberikan. Kata kunci: potret peternakan pesisir, akses pasar, persepsi beternak, veteriner, swill feed, Fakfak Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the portrait of livestock production in the neighborhood environment as a basis for livestock commodity development and animal husbandry development, to determine the needs and potential of animal husbandry development in Fakfak Regency. The method in this research is descriptive survey technique. The sample of respondents selected as many as 35 heads of families who do livestock raising work in the village of Pasir Putih. The object of observation is the socio-cultural aspects of the farmer, livestock production and perceptions and needs of livestock development. The results of the study showed that the socio-cultural portrait of farmers in the Pasir Putih village was sufficient in terms of age (age) and experience, while the level of education needed to be pursued by attending training / counseling related commodities. Livestock and animal pens need to be provided by the government with an alternative village fund program. Portrait of livestock production is not optimal, marked by the low number of livestock production per parent per birth of several commodities. Animal feed needs to be intensified. The business portrait is still not optimal because market access is not yet controlled by farmers. Thus technical assistance needs to be provided. Keywords: portrait of coastal farming, market access, livestock perception, veterinary, swill feed, Fakfak
Corak Sistim Peternakan Berbasis Sosio-Ecofarm di Distrik Bruyadori, Biak Numfor-Papua Deny Anjelus Iyai
Jurnal Ilmu dan Industri Peternakan Vol 7 No 1 (2021): JUNI
Publisher : State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jiip.v7i1.15195


The purpose of this study was to determine the portrait of livestock production in the neighborhood environment as a basis for livestock commodity development and animal husbandry development, to determine the needs and potential of animal husbandry development in Biak-Numfor Regency. The method in this research is descriptive survey technique. The sample of respondents selected as many as 30 heads of families who do livestock raising work in the village of Distrik Bruyadori. The object of observation is the socio-cultural aspects of the farmer, livestock production and perceptions and needs of livestock development. The findings showed that the socio-cultural portrait of farmers in the Distrik Bruyadori village was sufficient in terms of age (age) and experience, while the level of education needed to be pursued by attending training related to commodities. Livestock and animal pens need to be provided by the government with an alternative village fund program. Portrait of livestock production is not optimal, marked by the low number of livestock production per parent per birth of several commodities. Animal feed needs to be intensified. The business portrait is still not optimal because market access is not yet controlled by farmers. Thus technical assistance needs to be provided.
Improving Academic Skills on Freshmen Student Performance in Mastering Learning Skills Deny Anjelus Iyai; Siska Syaranamual; Alexander Yaku
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 10 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.185 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i1.24593


This study aims to describe the capacity of students' learning skills, provide and develop problem-solving learning skills, prepare appropriate modules that are used by students, and encourage counseling and learning development units. The method used in this action research is a qualitative research design. The research technique was carried out by using a case study approach and observation. The results showed that the students' mathematical abilities ranged from 26-50 (57.14%). Only 14% (11.43% + 2.86%) of AgtSP students have capacities in basic mathematics. Learning skills, for example, reading and writing, had lower AgtSP values, namely 37.14% and 34.29%. AgtSP is still dominated by Papuan students (86%) and a small proportion of non-Papuan students (14%). Many students enrolled in AgtSP graduated from Social Sciences (38%), some graduated from Agricultural High School (33%), and a few graduated from natural sciences 21%) and a small number of students graduated from Non. Agricultural Senior High School, namely administration interest. Student GPA has increased in the number of students who have GPA scores. 23 components affect student learning skills at the university level as experienced by AgtSP. The conclusion is the low scores obtained by mathematics, reading, and writing students enrolled in the Faculty.
Interaction effects of pig farming systems with educational level on performances of pig production systems in Manokwari District, West Papua-Indonesia Desni T.R. Saragih; Deny Anjelus Iyai; Hans Mamboai; Dwi Nurhayati; Maria Arim; Stepanus Pakage; Ted Suruan
Bulletin of Applied Animal Research Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Bulletin of Applied Animal Research
Publisher : LPPM Perjuangan University of Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/baar.v3i1.487


The aim of this research was to characterize pig farming system performances tethered under different agro-ecological zones in Papua. The field study was done in Manokwari regency and involved six districts, i.e. Nothern Manokwari district, Eastern Manokari District, Western Manokwari district, Warmare district, Prafi district and Masni district. Respondents chosen were guided by local extensionists, originated from 15 villages. Participatory situation analysis (PSA) was employed to approach pig farmers by using questionnaire. Pig body weights of piglets and growers were weighed except for mature pigs, body lengths and hearth girths were measured using tape. Herd number, number of piglets, adult pigs were recorded. A one-way analysis of variances was used. All data were entered in Excel and analyzed using SPPS version 10.0.. The findings shown that interaction between education and keeping systems occur on work hours and ages. Effect of education is significant on experience, location, and ethnic. In keeping systems, effect is real on experience, work hours, location, and ethnic. Interaction do not significant exist in number of pigs including see middle man, visited consumer, litter size, number of farrowing and income sources.
Defining and Valuing the Relationship Pattern of Actors' Involvement on Cattle Farming Systems using Stakeholder Network Analysis in West New Guinea, Indonesia: Pendefinisian dan Penilaian Pola Hubungan Keterlibatan Aktor Pada Sistim Peternkan Sapi dengan Menggunakan Analisis Stakeholder Network di Papua Barat, Indonesia Deny Anjelus Iyai; Mulyadi Mulyadi; Muhammad Jen Wajo; Rosdiana Naibey; Dwi Nur Hayati; Noviyanti Noviyanti; Makarius Bajari; Johan Koibur; Yafed Syufi; Stepanus Pakage; Noveling Inriani; Lamberthus E. Nuhuyanan; Jublyana Purba; Bernadetha W.I. Rahayu; Hendrik Fatem; Isti Widayati
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol. 11 No. 3 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Ve
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/jipvet.v11i3.112


Abstrak Sapi merupakan salah satu peternakan prioritas utama di Indonesia. Ternak sapi telah memainkan peran penting dalam aspek ekonomi dari total pendapatan. Sebagai peternakan prioritas karena berbagai keterlibatan dan peran pemangku kepentingan. Studi dilakukan di Manokwari pada bulan April-Juni 2019 dengan menggunakan focus group discussion terhadap dua puluh individu, kelompok dan lembaga massa yang diwakili. Pertanyaan yang dibahas mengenai latar belakang, pengiriman sumber daya, interkonektivitas antar aktor, intervensi dan inovasi. Temuan utama adalah bahwa aktor yang dikelompokkan mendominasi, diikuti oleh aktor hukum, lembaga swasta, peran pemangku kepentingan dan memiliki efek positif karena kepentingan. Namun, ancaman eksis baik secara langsung tetapi tanpa efek balik. Tiga sumber daya bersama teratas adalah akses, kepuasan, dan waktu yang dihabiskan. Aktor dapat memiliki program jangka panjang dengan keberlanjutan menggunakan sumber daya netral hingga kuat. Hubungan aktor ditemukan dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu positif, negatif dan tidak ada hubungan. Intervensi sangat dibutuhkan, yaitu waktu yang dihabiskan, kepuasan, kebijakan, pengetahuan dan akses. Prioritas inovasi akan keterampilan, kebijakan, dan pengetahuan. Kata kunci: Analisis jaringan pemangku kepentingan; Intervensi dan inovasi; Pelaku; Sumber daya bersama; Usaha peternakan sapi. . Abstract Cattle is one of the top priority animal agriculture in Indonesia. It has played significant roles in economical aspect of Total revenues. Those are due to stakeholders’ involvement. Study was done in Manokwari from April to June 2019 by using focus group discussion towards twenty various represented individuals, groups and mass institutions. The queries discussed concerning background, resources delivery, interconnectivity amongst actors, intervention and innovation. The primarily finding is that grouped actors dominated, followed by laws actors, private types institutions, stakeholder role and having positive effect due to importance. However, threat existed directly without turn-back effect. The three top shared resources were access, satisfaction, and time spent. Actors can have long term period program with sustainability using neutral to strong power resource. Relationship of actors found in three groups, i.e. positive, negative and no relationship. Intervention was urgently needed, i.e. time spent, satisfaction, policy, knowledge and access. Priority of innovation will be skills, policy, and knowledge. Keywords: Actors; Cattle farming business; Intervention and innovation; Shared resources; Stakeholder network analysis.