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Sistem Peradilan Adat Nagari di Sumatera Barat Welhendri Azwar; Muliono Muliono; Yuli Permatasari; Huriyatul Akmal; Syamsul Ibrar; Melisa Melisa
Jurnal Bina Praja Vol. 11 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Research and Development Agency Ministry of Home Affairs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21787/jbp.11.2019.53-62


The state recognizes and respects indigenous and tribal people and their traditional rights insofar as they are alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, as contained in Article 18 B paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution. However, the fulfillment of cultural identity and the rights of indigenous people have not been maximized. This study aims to find the conceptual model of the Customary Justice system in an effort to protect the existence of the rights of indigenous people to build the strength of civil society in West Sumatra. This research uses research and development methods. Data retrieval is done by survey, observation, interview, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) methods. This study found that; 1) Minangkabau people have their own local wisdom in resolving customary disputes, even for a broader range of life issues, long before Indonesia was found, 2) Nagari Customary Justice system is a translation of Customary Limbago which is the life philosophy of Minangkabau people, 3) Nagari Customary Judicial institutional structure is a representation of the existence of the tribe in the Nagari, so that its cultural legitimacy becomes strong. And, 4) the Nagari Customary Justice system is an effort to build the sovereignty of civil society, namely an autonomous, independent, egalitarian, and democratic society. It is hoped that the results of this study will be a guideline in establishing the Nagari Customary Justice institution in West Sumatra.
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

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Studi ini berupaya mendiskusikan praktik ruang dan pembangunan masyarakat desa di tengah kondisi kota-desa telah mengalami proses urbanisasi yang akselerasinya didorong oleh perkembangan teknologi mutkahir. Baik desa maupun kota, melalui teknologi ini, secara ruang terhubung satu sama lain dan mengarah kepada suatu tantangan untuk menciptakan kondisi yang relevan dan lebih layak dengan kehidupan masyarakat urban. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan data diperoleh melalui serangkaian observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan focus group discussion. Dengan mengambil lokus di daerah Sumatera Barat sebagai area kajian dan sekaligus sebagai salah satu daerah lokal di Indonesia yang memiliki nilai kearifan kultural, studi ini mengulas bahwa proses urbanisasi berdampak signifikan terhadap perubahan pada lanskap kultur secara general dan fungsi-peranan institusi atau kelembagaan nagari secara khusus. Ini menjadi tantangan membangun nagari sebagai suatu ruang yang kompatibel dengan zaman modern tempat dimana masyarakatnya hidup (lived space) dan melakukan praktik ruang (spacial practice). Studi ini mengajukan gagasan nagari urban sebagai model untuk menjawab tantangan tersebut dan sebagai gerakan pembangunan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat urban secara berkelanjutan (sustainable development).Kata Kunci: Praktik Ruang, Pembangunan, Nagari Urban
The Multifaced Politics: A Study on Polarization of Political Behavior of Tarekat Community in West Sumatera, Indonesia Welhendri Azwar; Muliono Muliono
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 60, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Al-Jami'ah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2022.602.315-346


Tuanku as a leader of Tarekat community is a charismatic figure who plays significant socio-political roles. He is still placed as source of "fatwa" to political choice of the community. This study is used descriptive-phenomenological methods. To understand the meaning of Tarekat community towards to various socio-political activities and patterns of social relations between Tarekat community with society, researchers conducted a focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with the Tarekat community. Observations were carried out to pay attention both political behavior of Tarekat community and socio-political dynamic of the society related to the religious teachings and understandings where Tarekat activities are practiced. This study elucidates facts; first, the political behavior of Tarekat community in West Sumatra revealed a strong influence the relations between teacher and student on political choices of Tarekat community and showed the diversity typologies of Tarekat political behavior. Second, in the context of understanding religious struggle of Tarekat in the midst of socio-political dynamics in West Sumatra, Tarekat community consistently develop lithe and flexible behaviors and activities in socio-politic. This study is important to understand the political behavior of Tarekat community in the vortex of political identity in the political dynamics that occur, and always change.[Tuanku sebagai pimpinan kaum Tarekat merupakan sosok karismatik yang memainkan peran-peran sosial-politiknya secara signifikan. Ia masih ditempatkan sebagai sumber “fatwa” untuk pilihan politik masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif-fenomenologi. Untuk memahami makna (meaning) kaum Tarekat terhadap berbagai aktivitas sosial-politik dan corak hubungan sosial kaum Tarekat dengan masyarakat, peneliti melakukan focus group discussion dan wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) kepada kaum Tarekat. Observasi dilakukan untuk memperhatikan perilaku politik kaum Tarekat dan keadaan sosial politik masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan ajaran dan paham keagamaan Tarekat dimana aktivitas Tarekat dipraktekkan. Kajian ini menguraikan fakta bahwa;  pertama, perilaku politik kaum Tarekat di Sumatera Barat menampakkan wujud pengaruh kuat hubungan guru-murid terhadap pilihan politik kaum Tarekat dan memperlihatkan keragaman dinamis tipologi perilaku politik kaum Tarekat. Kedua, dalam konteks pergumulan paham keagamaan kaum Tarekat di tengah dinamika sosial politik di Sumatera Barat, kaum Tarekat konsisten mengembangkan perilaku dan aktivitas sosial-politik yang lentur dan fleksibel. Kajian ini menarik dan berguna memahami perilaku politik kauam Tarekat ditengah pusaran politik identitas dalam dinamika politik yang terjadi, dan senantiasa berubah.]