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Jurnal Neutrino JURNAL NEUTRINO (Vol 6, No 2
Publisher : Department of Physics, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (601.628 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/neu.v0i0.2589


Kebutuhan energi listrik di Indonesia yang terus meningkat telah memicu dilakukannya berbagai riset ke arah teknologi inovatif yang lebih efektif, efisien dan ramah lingkungan untuk memproduksi energi listrik. Salah satu teknologi alternatif yang bisa dikembangkan adalah Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) yang berbasis prinsip bioelektrokimia dengan memanfaatkan urin dan mikroorganisme bakteri Eschericia Coli untuk memecah substrat sehingga menghasilkan energi listrik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur efisiensi Urin dan bakteri Eschericia Coli dalam  menghasilkan elektron dan mengetahui pembentukan biofilm yang terjadi, Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi eksperimental dengan melakukan uji perbandingan hasil Kuat Arus dan Tegangan pada perlakuan variasi temperatur dan nilai Optical Density yang dihasilkan, serta Daya Hantar Listrik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu pada od 0 dengan nilai Imax 1,815 A dan Vmax 0,849 V pada suhu 37ºC, dan nilai Power Density 559,125 mW .Pada beberapa nilai OD dan perlakuan variasi temperatur di dapat nilai kuat arus dan Tegangan mengalami kenaikan ini bisa terjadi  karena bakteri E.coli yang digunakan sedang berada pada fase eksponensial. Ada juga nilai kuat arus dan tegangan mengalami penurunan, Penurunan ini terjadi sehubungan dengan kondisi bakteri yang mulai memasuki fase kematian. dan penurunan kuat arus dan tegangan juga bisa terjadi sehubungan dengan aktivitas bakteri di dalam anoda yang lama kelamaan dapat membentuk Biofilm pada permukaan elektroda dan semakin tinggi konsentrasi suatu larutan semakin tinggi daya hantar listriknya atau konduktivitasnya.
Jurnal Neutrino Jurnal Neutrino (Vol.7 No. 2
Publisher : Department of Physics, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (365.22 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/neu.v0i0.2988


Ketersediaan air bersih yang berkualitas bagi manusia semakin terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini  mengaplikasi medan elektromagnet untuk memperbaiki kualitas air tersebut. Pada penelitian ini beberapa pipa telah dibuat  yakni pipa toroida, pipa rodin dan pipa cadeceus yang kemudian dialiri air PDAM dan dihubungkan dengan medan elektromagnet. Air hasil olahan pipa-pipa tersebut kemudian diuji sifat fisis air yang meliputi uji pH, uji suhu, dan uji konduktifitas listrik air. Air ini diamati pengaruhnya terhadap kecepatan pertumbuhan tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata pH dari air PDAM 6,84, air olahan pipa toroida 7,49, pipa rodin 7,48dan pipa cadeceus 7,42. Nilai rata-rata suhu air PDAM adalah 25,180C, untukair olahan pipa toroida suhu inlet 27,080C dan outlet 27,260C. Suhu inlet air olahan pipa cadeceus 27,740C dan outlet 26,80C. Untuk suhu inlet air olahan pipa rodin 27,180C dan suhu outlet 27,30C. Nilai rata-rata konduktivitas air olahan pipa toroida 3,24μmho/cm, pipa rodin 2,72μmho/cm, pipa cadeceus 3,61μmho/cm, dan untuk air PDAM nilai kondukivitas listriknya 1,86μmho/cm. Aplikasi medan elektromagnet tidak mempengaruhi kecepatan pertumbuhan tanaman cabai yang disiram menggunakan air olahan. Sedangkan pada tanaman terong, kecepatan pertumbuhan tanaman dipengaruhi oleh air olahan pipa toroida dengan rata-rata tinggi pertumbuhan tanaman 0,933 cm/minggu.
Journal of Islamic Medicine Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Journal of Islamic Medicine
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.124 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/jim.v2i2.6238


Shigellosis merupakan penyakit endemis yang terutama terjadi di negara berkembang dan merupakan  penyebab tersering penyakit diare yang berdarah. Pengembangan vaksin dari molekul adhesin memiliki kelebihan pada reaksi imun tubuh yang terbentuk akan membentuk sistem pertahanan tubuh yang lebih kuat dalam mengeliminasi bakteri serta tidak menimbulkan panas seperti vaksin dari sel utuh bakteri atau dari LPS-nya. Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya diketahui bahwa pili Shigella flexneri dengan Berat Molekul (BM) 18 kDa merupakan molekul adhesi serta mampu bereaksi silang dengan pili Shigella spesies lainnya. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan proses isolasi pili S.  flexneri, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan profiling pili dengan cara elektroforesis SDS-PAGE. Kemudian dilakukan perbanyakan protein sub unit pili dengan elektroelusi. Protein sub unit yang sudah diperoleh kemudian diimunisasikan ke mencit Balb/c secara peroral menggunakan sonde, dengan pemberian  4 kali selang 1 minggu, dan pada akhir minggu ke 4 mencit dimatikan. Serum, mukosa usus dan paru mencit yang didapatkan kemudian diuji kadar Antimicrobial peptide  β defensin dengan metode ELISA. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pemberian protein adhesi sub unit pili  S. flexneri 18 kDa selama 4 minggu mampu meningkatkan kadar Antimicrobial peptide β defensin pada serum, mukosa usus, dan paru mencit. Sehingga protein adhesi sub unit pili S. flexneri 18  kDa berpotensi menjadi vaksin berbasis sub unit protein adhesi untuk kasus Shigellosis.Kata Kunci : Shigella flexneri, sub unit pili 18 kDa, Antimicrobial peptide  β defensin 
ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY TEST SEA CUCUMBER EXTRACT (Holothuria scabra) SIDAYU COAST GRESIK USING DISK DIFFUSION METHOD Arifin, Haris Nursyah; Ningsih, Rachmawati; Fitrianingsih, Avin Ainur; Hakim, Abdul
Publisher : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (81.952 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/al.v0i0.2882


Sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) is one kind of sea cucumbers that contains of bioactive compound that can inhibit bacteria growth. This research aim to know the effect of methanol and n-hexane extract towards bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli bacterial growth and to identification estimation active compound group.Sea cucumbers active compound extraction using maceration method with methanol and n-hexane as a solvent. Methanol and n-hexane crude extract conducted antibacterial assay using disk diffusion method towards bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli and continued with reagent test to knowing active compound group.The result of this research indicated that n-hexane extracts provide the best inhibition zone toward bacterium Escherichia coli at concentration 2000 ppm with among of inhibition zone 1,75 mm, while at bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi does not provide inhibition zone. Methanol extract does not provide inhibition zone towards bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli. The result of reagent test indicated compound that detected in n-hexane extract is saponins
Respon Jamaah Haji terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di Daerah Kecamatan Pademawu Kabupaten Pamekasan Rahmah, Zainabur; Fitrianingsih, Avin Ainur; Rachma, Lailia Nur; Astari, Lina Fitria; Riskiyana, Riskiyana
Journal of Islamic Pharmacy Vol 5, No 1 (2020): J. Islamic Pharm.
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jip.v5i1.9487


The number of pilgrims of various ages and levels of education experience many health problems such as hypertension, respiratory infections and heart problems. From these problems encourage researchers to determine the response of prospective pilgrims to health services in Pademawu Pamekasan. The object of this study is the pilgrims in Pademawu Pamekasan Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the response of the pilgrims in Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency. This research uses a quantitative approach that is data collection using a questionnaire instrument. The sampling technique uses a total sampling population of 70 pilgrims. The study was conducted in the District of Pademawu Pamekasan to the Hajj pilgrims in 2018. The results of the study of the pilgrims' response to the quality of service include cognitive, affective, conative, age and education levels. Overall, the response of the haj pilgrims to the quality of service on the cognitive aspect was 29.5%. In the affective aspect of 4.69%. In the conative aspect 2.05%. At the age factor of 4.51% and at the aspect of Education level as much as 2.19%. The quality of health services affects the response of the pilgrims to the cognitive, affective and conative aspects but is not influenced by the age and level of education of the pilgrims.Keywords: hajj response, service, health
Cross Reaction among Antibody Pili sub unit Hemagglutinin Proteins and Outer Membrane sub unit Hemagglutinin Proteins of Shigella flexneri Fitrianingsih, Avin Ainur; Rachma, Lailia Nur; Milliana, Alvi; Hernowati, Tinny Endang; Aulanni'am, Aulanni'am; Santoso, Sanarto; Prawiro, Sumarno Reto
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 7, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.07.01.01


Shigella  flexneri is the most common causal agent of shigellosis. Its pili are composed of pili protein subunits. Adhesion molecules can be found on the pili and outer membrane proteins (Omp). A hemagglutination reaction can be used for screening of adhesion molecules. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the molecular weight of the pili protein subunits and outer membrane proteins of S. flexneri that act as hemagglutinin proteins, and to prove whether there is a cross-reaction between antibodies against hemagglutinin pili protein subunits and outer membrane proteins of S. flexneri. Methods: Pili protein subunits were isolated using pili bacteria cutters, and the outer membrane proteins were solubilized and obtained using sodium dodecyl sulfate 0.05% as detergent for Omp isolation.  The hemagglutination reaction used mice erythrocytes. The cross reactions between subunit pili proteins were conducted by Western blot and Dot blot. Results:. Antibodies against hemagglutinin sub unit pili protein 18 kDa responded to pili protein subunits 18 kDa; 23 kDa; 34 kDa; and 53 kDa; and Omp 23 kDa and 27 kDa. Omp and subunit pili proteins S. flexneri consists of several identical epitopes  that were responsible for the similarity of the response profile in the cross-reactions of antibodies. 
Potential Test Of Ethanol Extract From Onion (Allium Cepa L) Leaves As A Repellent To Aedes Aegypti Adnani, Basyar; Rahmah, Zainabur; Fitrianingsih, Avin Ainur; Setiawan, Abdul Malik
Journal of Islamic Medicine Vol 4, No 2 (2020): JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE EDISI SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jim.v4i2.10171


Background : The most dangerous vector of mosquito-borne disease, namely Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF), is Aedes aegypti. One of the most commonly used prevention methods is using repellent.Objective: This study aims to know red onion (Allium cepa L) leaves ability as a repellent against mosquitoes bites, primarily Aedes aegypti. Onion leaves are known to have flavonoids and essential oil content that believed to have health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, insecticide, antifungal, and repellency effects.Method: This study design was a post test only control group of true experiment, with ± 300 mosquitoes in five treatment groups. The study design was a true experimental post-test only control group using ± 300 mosquitoes divided into five treatment groups. Positive control, negative control, and three groups with each extract containing 5%, 10%, and 20% content. The data taken is the number of mosquitoes alighted on attractants available, for five consecutive days. The analytical test used is the KruskalWalls and Spearman test with α coefficient 0.05.Results: the number of mosquitoes perching on each of the extract treatment plates decreased with increasing extract concentration. In the treatment control group, the negative control had the highest number of mosquitoes perching, while the positive control had the least number of perching mosquitoes. All concentrations of ethanol extract, either 10%, 15%, or 10%, all have the effect of repellent against Aedes aegypti.Conclusion : 20% of ethanol extract has the most repellency effect on Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
Perbandingan Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Umbi Bawang Merah (Allium Cepa L) Dan Umbi Bawang Putih (Allium Sativum) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Shigella Dysenteriae Purnomo S, Fahrurrozi Hari; Fitrianingsih, Avin Ainur; Rahmah, Zainabur; Milliana, Alvi
Journal of Islamic Medicine Vol 4, No 2 (2020): JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE EDISI SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/jim.v4i2.10169


Background :Diarrhea is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality in infants and children around the world. One of the causes of diarrhea is Shigella sp bacteria or shigellosis. Nowadays, many antibiotics resistant to the Shigella sp bacteria are one example of chloramphenicol, so it is necessary to have other alternatives such as natural ingredients. Objective: Determine the activity of the red onion (Allium cepa L) and garlic (Allium sativum), which is known to possess antibacterial phytochemical compounds against the Shigella dysenteriae bacteria. Method: This research is a laboratory experimental study to determine antibacterial activity using the Kirby-Bauer or diffusion method of discs and to determine the presence of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bacterial Concentration (MBC). The study uses five treatments i.e., onion extracts and garlic extracts with a concentration of 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, control positive (Ciprofloxacin), and negative control (aquadest). Results: Red onion diffusion has the best antibacterial activity at concentrations 70% while garlic has the best antibacterial activity at a concentration of 70%. In this study, there were no MIC and MBC. The MIC data analyzed with the crucial test of Kruskal-Wallis (p 0.05) i.e., in onion extract p = 0.003 and in garlic P = 0.003, which means significant. The MBC Data is analyzed by crucial test (P 0.05) in the onion extract p = 0.003 and on garlic p = 0.04. Conclusion : the disc diffusion and the MBC can be concluded that garlic extract can inhibit the growth of S. dysenteriae compared to red onion extracts. onion extracts).