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GEMA KESEHATAN Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021): Desember 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47539/gk.v13i2.153


Ascariasis generally infects elementary school-age children. Children with mild infections usually show no symptoms, but severe conditions can cause intestinal manifestations (diarrhea and abdominal pain), general malaise, delays in cognitive development, depending on the physical action. This study aims to identify intestinal nematodes in grade 1 children at SDN Inpres Ardipura II in Jayapura City. The type of research used is descriptive research with a case study design. The population is 1st grader students at SDN Inpres Ardipura II with 35 people. Descriptive data analysis. The results obtained Ascaris lumbricoides 14.3, Trichuris trichiura 0%, and Hookworm 0%.
CHLORINE CONTENTS AND BACTERIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF SWIMMING POOLS WATER IN JAYAPURA Fajar Bakti Kurniawan; Yulianus Wima Krisna Alfreda; Asrianto Asrianto; Indra Taufik Sahli; Meidy J Imbiri; Risda Hartati; Rina Purwati; Afika H Wardhani; Loly Sabrina Sitompul
GEMA KESEHATAN Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022): Juni 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47539/gk.v14i1.301


Chlorine is a chemical that functions as water disinfection, often used in swimming pools to kill microorganisms such as pathogenic bacteria in the water. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between chlorine levels, and microbiological quality in swimming pool water in Jayapura City. This type of research is descriptive research with a cross-sectional design. Determination of residual chlorine content, and microbiological quality in this study was carried out using Spectrophotometry, and MPN Test methods. The results showed that the chlorine content of the swimming pool Wa 5.00 mg/l, Fu 0.23 mg/l, and Aj 0.13 mg/l. The examination of the coliform bacteria population showed that the MPN value in Wa coliform swimming pool water was 0/100 ml, and coliform stools were 0/100 ml. Swimming pool Fu coliform as much as 91/100 ml, and fecal coliform as much as  23 /100 ml. Swimming pool Aj coliform as much as >1100/100 ml, and fecal coliform as 20/100 ml. This study concludes that the chlorine levels in the Wa swimming pools, and the MPN swimming pools of Fu, and Aj are not under the Minister of Health Regulation No. 32 years 2017. Keywords : Coliform, Swimming pool, MPN
PEMERIKSAAN GOLONGAN DARAH ABO PADA ANAK SD YPK WIBONG DI KAMPUNG TABLANUSU DISTRIK DEPAPRE Fajar Bakti Kurniawan; Afika Herma Wardani; Rudolfo Tubalawony; Yulianus Wima Krisna Alfreda
SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 7, No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v7i3.16978


ABSTRAKGolongan darah penting karena terkait dengan keberhasilan transfusi, transplantasi, dan kelainan genetik. Mayoritas siswa SD YPK Wibong di Desa Tablanusu, Kecamatan Depapre, tidak mengetahui golongan darahnya. Karena pemahaman tes golongan darah itu penting, maka pemeriksaan golongan darah dan rhesus wajib bagi siswa kelas I-IV di YPK Wibong. Strategi Konseling dan tes golongan darah digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Sebanyak 57 siswa mengikuti pemeriksaan golongan darah. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat bergolongan darah A 12,5%, golongan darah B 25%, golongan darah AB 3,5%, dan golongan darah O 59%. Pemeriksaan rhesus mengungkapkan bahwa semua siswa memiliki rhesus positif (Rh+). Layanan ini dapat berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran golongan darah dan pentingnya mengetahui golongan darah seseorang. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat untuk golongan darah A sebesar 12,5%, golongan darah B sebesar 25%, golongan darah AB sebesar 3,5%, dan golongan darah O sebesar 59%. Pemeriksaan rhesus mengungkapkan bahwa semua siswa memiliki rhesus positif (Rh+). Proyek pengabdian ini dapat berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran golongan darah dan pentingnya mengetahui golongan darah seseorang. Kata kunci: darah; ABO; rhesus; siswa Blood type is significant since it is linked to the success of transfusions, transplants, and genetic disorders. The majority of students at SD YPK Wibong in Tablanusu Village, Depapre District, are unaware of their blood type. Because understanding ABO and rhesus blood groups is important, blood groups and rhesus must be examined for students in grades I-IV at YPK Wibong. The strategy used in this community service project is counseling and examination of each student's ABO and rhesus blood groups. 57 pupils took part in the blood group examination. Community service results in blood type A 12.5%, blood type B 25%, blood type AB 3.5%, and blood type O 59%. The rhesus examination revealed that all students had positive rhesus (Rh+). This service can serve to improve blood type awareness and the importance of knowing one's blood type. Community service outcomes for blood group A are 12.5%, blood group B are 25%, blood group AB are 3.5%, and blood group O are 59%. The rhesus examination revealed that all students had positive rhesus (Rh+). This service project can serve to improve blood type awareness and the importance of knowing one's blood type. Keywords: blood; ABO; rhesus; students