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PENGARUH SHIFT KERJA TERHADAP KELELAHAN KERJA PERAWAT DI UNIT RAWAT COVID-19 RSUD dr. DJASAMEN SARAGIH Muhraza Siddiq; Armanda Prima; Novrika Silalahi; Ripai Siregar; Sulastri Br Ginting
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Lingkungan Hidup Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Lingkungan Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jkmlh.v6i2.2415


Work weakness is portion of the common probelms that are regulary experienced within the work constrain, wearness can significantly affect the health of the workforce and can reduce productivity, including the nurse workforce. Fatigue is often caused by inappropriate working hours. Shift workers tend to be more prone to work burnout. Impactof work shift on nurse's work weakness in the unit covid-19 roomRSUD dr. Djasamen Saragih. The study used quantitative research with observational methods on 34 respondents. Univariat analysis showed that the majority of respondents experienced work fatigue, namely 20 people (58.8%) and not tired of work, namely 14 people (41.2%). From the results of the Bivariate analysis between work shifts and work weakness using the Chi-Square test, the p-value is 0.005. With p-value (0.005)<(0.05). This H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. There’s an effect of work shifts on the work fatigue of nurses in the Covid-19 Inpatient room at dr. Djasamen Saragih in 2021.
Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada Delitua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36656/jpksy.v3i1.783


Nurses are the spearhead of whether or not the health services provided to patients are good because for 24 hours the nurse always interacts with the patient. The success of nursing services and services is largely determined by the performance of the nurses, so that an increase in the performance of nurses is necessary and must always be carried out through a standardized system so that the results are more optimal. One of the efforts to improve the performance or quality of health services, in this case nurses, needs job satisfaction. This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction on nurses during the COVID 19 pandemic at the BNN Deli Serdang Rehabilitation Workshop in 2020. This type of research is a quantitative study with an analytical observational research design designed in a cross sectional manner. The population of this study were 14 nursing staff both ASN and PPNPN who worked at the Deli Serdang Rehabilitation Center. Data collection was carried out using primary data and secondary data. The research instrument was a questionnaire sheet. The data were then processed and analyzed using the Spearman test and multiple linear regression. After doing the research, the results show that sig. = 0.001 for the salary variable, sig = 0.046 for the promotion variable, sig. = 0.036 for the monitoring variable, sig. = 0.008 for the peer-to-peer relationship variable and sig = 0.853 for the job variable itself. The conclusion is that there is an effect of salary, promotion, supervision and peer-to-peer relations on the performance of nurses, but there is no effect of the work itself on the performance of nurses. So it is suggested to the BNN Deli Serdang Rehabilitation Workshop to increase the amount of salary and especially in providing fairer incentives, because salary is job satisfaction that has the greatest influence on nurses in implementing nursing care.
Analisis Faktor – Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Turnover Perawat Honorer Di RS TNI – AD Kota Padangsidimpuan Tahun 2019 Sri Sudewi Pratiwi Sitio; Ripai Siregar; Efrata Sembiring
Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Penelitian Kesmasy
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada Delitua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36656/jpksy.v2i1.791


Nurse turnover is the discharge of nurses from one hospital to another which is considered better than the previous hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors influence the turnover of honorary nurses at the TNI - AD Hospital with a cross sectional research design. The total population and sample of the study were 78 nurses. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. Data analysis used univariate method, bivariate with chi square test and multivariate with logistic regression test. The results showed that from 78 nurses as many as 67 (85.9%) said that the basic salary received was not proportional to the workload they did. The basic salary received is still the minimum regional wage so that it can lead to turnover for honorary nurses. The factor of turnover based on incentives was 42 nurses (53.8%) with categories still below Rp. 500,000 received, 69 nurses (88.5%) had never experienced a promotion during work and 66 nurses (84.6%) had never experience work conflict. The results of the bivariate analysis obtained are that the factors that influence the occurrence of turnover are basic salary with a p value of <0.05. The results of multivariate analysis showed that basic salary was the most dominant factor in the occurrence of turnover in honorary nurses with a coefficient value (10,034). Policies are needed in fair promotion and re-evaluation of the compensation system in accordance with the length of work and level of education.
PELATIHAN PENERAPAN PROGRAM GIZI KERJA PADA TENAGA KESEHATAN DI RSU SEMBIRING Elmina Tampubolon; Diana Sinulingga; Ripai Siregar; Tedty Rohaya Tinambunan
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.041 KB) | DOI: 10.36656/jpmph.v1i2.681


As one of the most important health service departments, the daily activities of the hospital must produce good performance. Therefore it must be managed properly, otherwise it will be a source of problems that will impact health workers and the work productivity of employees in hospitals and medical personnel themselves. One of the things that is important to note is the work nutrition of hospital employees. Work nutrition has a positive synergy with employee productivity. If the employee's work nutrition is fulfilled properly, the employee's performance will also be good and increase. Likewise, if the work nutrition is not enough, the productivity will also decrease. By improving the handling of good work nutrition improvement and if the work nutrition program is not implemented properly it will have a negative impact, one of which is a decrease in the work productivity of employees so that it is not optimal in work, thus it is necessary to increase the level of knowledge of human resources in managing work nutrition, and the impact can affect the creation of poor quality performance which is the cause of various health problems, therefore it is necessary to apply laws and regulations to monitor various health factors in accordance with the principles of improving the work nutrition program. This training and counseling proposes a management model for the work nutrition program at the Sembiring hospital to create healthy health workers with good and satisfying performance.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (579.53 KB) | DOI: 10.36656/jpmph.v1i2.683


Nowadays, health problems are not only in the form of infectious diseases but also non-communicable diseases that arise from unhealthy lifestyles and poor environmental conditions. Health problems in the form of communicable and non-communicable diseases originate from the lack of implementation of preventive and promotive measures. Health problems that become a problem are acute respiratory infections and hypertension. Increasing health problems such as acute respiratory infections and hypertension can be prevented by increasing promotive and preventive efforts for the community. Preventive measures are carried out by avoiding risk factors for disease. The purpose of this service is to improve primary health services in the community of Dusun V Banjaran, Kecamatan Biru-Biru in order to achieve an optimal quality of life. This service was carried out for 211 families and 20 elderly people in Dusun V Banjaran, Blue-Biru District, Deli Serdang Regency. Community service activities are directed at overcoming the problem of lack of clean and healthy living habits (PHBS) which results in acute respiratory infections and hypertension. The implementation of activities consists of assessment and health education, medical examinations, gymnastics and progressive muscle relaxation exercises for hypertensive elderly. The impact of this community service activity is awareness of health problems by residents so that residents have the awareness to overcome problems by empowering themselves through available resources such as health knowledge and skills and utilizing existing health facilities.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (673.278 KB) | DOI: 10.36656/jpmph.v1i2.688


The medical record is one of the bases for assessing the quality of medical services In a hospital or clinic. Medical record officers have big duties and responsibilities in maintaining the integrity of medical records. It is hoped that medical record officers will really know the ins and outs of medical records in a comprehensive and in-depth manner. The purpose of this study was to determine how the management of the medical record system at Deli Tua Health Center.. This research was conducted using qualitative research methods with in-depth interviews with informants. The subjects in this study were medical record officers, heads of public health centers, doctors and nurses. The results showed that the unit of medical records at Deli Tua Community Health Center still did not meet the standards both in terms of quality and quantity, but in terms of understanding, medical record officers at Deli Tua Health Center had a fairly good understanding of medical records. The facilities and infrastructure in the medical records of the Deli Tua Health Center are also incomplete and limited. In the implementation of activities, it has been carried out in accordance with the SPO, so that cooperation between officers in individual health efforts is also considered good, as well as the flow of medical records has been running according to the SPO.
Sosialisasi Implementasi Kebijakan Mutu Untuk Peningkatan Kepuasan Pasien Di Rumah Sakit Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Jon Piter Sinaga; Efrata Efrata; Novrika Silalahi; Ripai Siregar
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Putri Hijau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.849 KB) | DOI: 10.36656/jpmph.v2i1.733


According to Article 1 of Law Number 14 of 2009, a hospital is a health service institution that provides complete individual health services that provide inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. Health service is an effort made by the government together with the community in order to improve, maintain, and restore the health of the population which includes preventive, promotional, quantitative and rehabilitative services. In a narrow sense, these efforts are carried out by institutions that provide treatment to someone who is sick, in this case a hospital. Hospital services begin with a therapeutic transaction between doctors and patients. Patient satisfaction is very subjective, difficult to measure, can change, and there are many factors that influence as many dimensions as in human life. Subjectivism can be reduced and can even become objective if enough people have the same opinion on something. Therefore, to assess patient satisfaction, it is necessary to disseminate the implementation of the quality policy to all health workers who are in the health service.
Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan MSDS Pada Petugas Cleaning Service Di RSU Sembiring Tahun 2021 Armanda Prima; Muhraza Siddiq; Ripai Siregar; Sindi Ilmasari Lase
BEST Journal (Biology Education, Sains and Technology) Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/best.v5i1.5236


Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) adalah keluhan nyeri, pegal-pegal dan lain-lain pada sistem otot rangka seperti pembuluh darah, sendi, tendon, akibat aktivitas kerja. Faktor pekerjaan yang dapat meningkatkan kejadian MSDs antara lain postur tubuh yang tidak wajar, pengerahan tenaga yang berlebihan, pengulangan yang berulang, dan lamanya waktu kerja, faktor pekerja meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, masa kerja, kebiasaan merokok, kebiasaan olahraga, dan indeks massa tubuh. Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Pada Petugas Cleaning Service RSUD Sembiring Deli Tua Tahun 2021. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian observasional analitik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sembiring Deli Tua pada bulan Juni sampai Juli 2021. Teknik yang digunakan adalah Total Sampling dimana seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel yaitu 34 orang petugas kebersihan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, Nordic Body Map (NBM), REBA dan observasi. Analisis data menggunakan Chi-Square dengan p0,05. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan antara keluhan MSDs dengan variabel postur tubuh pekerja (p value = 0,007) dan variabel gerakan berulang (p value = 0,007). Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan postur tubuh dengan keluhan MSDs pada petugas cleaning service RSUD Sembiring Deli Tua tahun 2021 dengan nilai P = 0,007 = 0,05
Pengaruh Penerapan Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Terhadap Pencegahan Paparan Covid-19 Pada Tenaga Kesehatan Di RSUD DR.Djasamen Saragih Kota Pematang Siantar Ripai Siregar; Armanda Prima
BEST Journal (Biology Education, Sains and Technology) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/best.v5i2.6063


The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the world is currently very aggressive, based on data from the WHO, there were 129 million cases of Covid-19 worldwide. In the critical period of the Covid-19 pandemic, health workers are professions who are at the forefront that play a direct role in preventing the spread of Covid-19, so the safety and security of health workers must always be considered. This study aims to determine how the application of K3 affects the prevention of exposure to Covid-19 in health workers. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional approach. This research was conducted at the dr. Djasamen Saragih, Pematangsiantar City from December 2020 to June 2021. The population of this study amounted to 230 with 70 research samples taken using simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using chi square test with = 0.05. The results of the bivariate analysis of all variables stated that there was an influence between the independent variables, namely: knowledge (P-value = 0.000), compliance with the use of PPE (P-value = 0.027), K3 regulations (P-value = 0.008), availability of PPE (P-value = 0.023) and the role of supervision ( Pvalue = 0.000) on the prevention of Covid-19 exposure to health workers. As an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19, especially in the hospital environment, occupational safety and health must be implemented as optimally as possible, this can be done by making policies, conducting socialization and setting sanctions for workers who violate policies so that the number of health workers exposed to COVID-19 can be minimized
PENGARUH SHIFT KERJA TERHADAP KELELAHAN KERJA PERAWAT DI UNIT RAWAT COVID-19 RSUD dr. DJASAMEN SARAGIH Muhraza Siddiq; Armanda Prima; Novrika Silalahi; Ripai Siregar; Sulastri Br Ginting
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Lingkungan Hidup Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Lingkungan Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jkmlh.v6i2.2415


Work weakness is portion of the common probelms that are regulary experienced within the work constrain, wearness can significantly affect the health of the workforce and can reduce productivity, including the nurse workforce. Fatigue is often caused by inappropriate working hours. Shift workers tend to be more prone to work burnout. Impactof work shift on nurse's work weakness in the unit covid-19 roomRSUD dr. Djasamen Saragih. The study used quantitative research with observational methods on 34 respondents. Univariat analysis showed that the majority of respondents experienced work fatigue, namely 20 people (58.8%) and not tired of work, namely 14 people (41.2%). From the results of the Bivariate analysis between work shifts and work weakness using the Chi-Square test, the p-value is 0.005. With p-value (0.005)<(0.05). This H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. There’s an effect of work shifts on the work fatigue of nurses in the Covid-19 Inpatient room at dr. Djasamen Saragih in 2021.