Radhie Munadi
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

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Tahlili hadis Radhie Munadi
AL-Fikr Vol 24 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ushuluddin
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

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In everyday life, the term bribery is no stranger to hearing. Day after day bribery cases are often found in several media. However, it is often found that only the briber is at fault. Whereas in the explanation of muhaddistin scholars, there are 4 elements in bribery, namely the briber, the recipient of the bribe, the intermediary of the bribe and the treasure of the bribe. Explanations related to some of these elements are obtained by several approaches, one of which is tahlili hadith. Bribery in a hadith perspective with a tahlili approach is needed so that the understanding of the bribery hadith is more detailed and clear. In fact, all these elements are cursed and kept away from goodness. This study tries to provide a new scientific treasure in the content of hadith to understand bribery with the tahlili hadith approach. Keywords: Hadith, Bribery, Tahlili
PANJANG RAMBUT NABI MUHAMMAD SAW. (Studi Ma‘ani al-Hadis dan Implementasinya pada Jamaah an-Nadzir Gowa – Sulawesi Selatan) Radhie Munadi
Tahdis: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Hadis Vol 10 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.087 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/tahdis.v10i2.11615


The many schools in Islam in Indonesia make a diversity of understanding of the hadith. The diversity of understanding can be seen from their practice in accordance with their respective understanding. Among them is the understanding of Jamaah an-Nadzir in practicing the sunnah of the Prophet's hair by lengthening his hair to the shoulder. These differences encourage researchers to conduct research on the hadith nature of the Prophet's hair. This article tries to examine how the concept of the Prophet's hair is accommodated by the hadith, and how the implementation of the hadith in the Jamaah an-Nadzir. Research is expected to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept of the Prophet's hair in line with the hadith.
Jurnal Tafsere Vol 8 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1033.557 KB)


Hutan merupakan kawasan di muka bumi yang memiliki peran yang sangat penting bagi manusia. Faktanya, telah terjadi kerusakan yang amat parah diakibatkan oleh ulah manusia dalam mengeksploitasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Dampak dari kerusakan hutan multidimensi bagi keberlangsungan hidup di bumi. Tulisan ini mengkaji nash - nash yang terdapat dalam Al Qur’an terkait etika dalam pengelolaan hutan. Dengan menggunakan metode tafsir tematik, Al Qur’an banyak menyinggung tentang pengelolaan lingkungan hidup khususnya hutan. Peran manusia sebagai khalifatul ardh, menisbatkan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup yang bertanggung jawab. Konsep kekhalifahan bersifat transenden yang mengamanahkan pengelolaan hutan kepada manusia dan kelak akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban. Oleh karena itu hutan harus dikelola dengan baik, tidak melakukan pengrusakan dan eksploitasi yang berlebihan serta mempertahankan habitat asli atau melakukan konservasi terhadap hutan yang telah rusak. Dengan demikian, hutan dapat terjaga dan lestari sebagai warisan kepada generasi selanjutnya. Kata Kunci: Pengeloaan Hutan, etika lingkungan hidup, Konsep Khalifah