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Sistem Informasi Manajemen Asset Berbasis Web Pada Perbanas Institute Welda Mudiar; Ujang Hidayat
Publisher : Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Bina Insani

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Abstrak: Sistem yang menyajikan informasi tentang aset yang berupa kondisi, status, spesifikasi, lokasi, tanggal pengadaan, harga pembelian, nilai yang disusutkan dan lain-lain. Informasi tersebut sangat dibutuhkan untuk menunjang aktivitas operasional, seperti inventarisasi, perawatan, perpindahan, penghapusan penelusuran dll. Pengelolaan aset selama ini dilakukan dengan pencatatan yang ditulis tangan dan menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Excel. sering menghadapi permasalahan seperti kesulitan mencari data yang dibutuhkan jika ada permintaan pelaporan karena data tidak terpusat, Unit kerja pengelola aset kesulitan mengkoordinasikan kewajiban terhadap aset karena tersebar di 6 (enam) gedung dan data tidak terpusat, kesulitan melacak barang yang diduga hilang, pengawasan terhadap aset lemah. Maka perlu dibangun suatu sistem informasi manajemen aset yang dapat memproses data cepat dan terpusat. Metode yang digunakan untuk membangun Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset siklus SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) dengan model Waterfall dimulai menganalisa kebutuhan software yang menyediakan registrasi aset, pemeliharaan, perpindahan, penghapusan dan pelaporan. Perancangan arsitektur aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemodelan UML, arsitektur data menggunakan ERD dan LRS. Pemrograman menggunakan terstruktur dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP, HTML, JQUERY dan CSS. Pengujian aplikasi menggunakan black box. Dari Sistem Informasi Manajemen Aset diharapkan seluruh data aset tercatat dengan baik, proses pengelolaan data cepat dan terpusat, pengelolaan data lebih efektif dan efisien dan sistem pelaporan dapat dilakukan disetiap saat tergantung kebutuhan. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Aset, SDLC, Sistem Informasi, Web Abstract: The system that presents information about assets in the form of conditions, status, specifications, location, procurement date, purchase price, depreciated value and others. This information is needed to support operational activities, such as inventory, maintenance, movement, deletion of search, etc. Asset management has been done by handwriting and using the Microsoft Excel application. often face problems such as difficulty in finding the data needed if there is a request for reporting because the data is not centralized, the asset management work unit is having difficulty coordinating liabilities to assets because it is spread across 6 (six) buildings and data is not centralized, difficulty tracking down suspected items lost, monitoring of assets weak. Then we need to build an asset management information system that can process data quickly and centrally. The method used to build the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) Asset Management Information System with the Waterfall model starts analyzing the need for software that provides asset registration, maintenance, transfer, deletion and reporting. The application architecture design uses UML modeling language, data architecture uses ERD and LRS. Programming uses structured programming languages ​​PHP, HTML, JQUERY and CSS. Testing the application using a black box. From the Asset Management Information System it is expected that all asset data is recorded properly, the process of managing data is fast and centralized, data management is more effective and efficient and the reporting system can be done at any time depending on needs Keywords: Asset Management, Information Systems, SDLC, Web
Digital Marketing Training and Assistance for SMEs as an Effort to Improve the Jabet Sop Sales Service Sri Wahyuni; Welda Mudiar; Andyni Yulfanis Aulia Masrifa
MITRA: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2019): MITRA: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25170/mitra.v3i2.890


From their developments, food stalls, especially those in DKI Jakarta, experienced very rapid growth. The increasing number of businesses in the culinary field provides the consumers with many choices. For soup fans in Jakarta, one alternative is Jabet Sop. In one area in Kemayoran Subdistrict, Serdang District, there are several SMEs and one of them is Jabet Sop. Perbanas IKPIA, in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Department of Industry and Energy, provided training for SMEs in making financial reports and simple bookkeeping and building adequate business facilities and infrastructure. This method of community-empowerment activities was carried out through training and mentoring programs and resolving ongoing problems by providing entrepreneurial motivation and managerial skills training, training in the use of information technology for marketing. After the training, Jabet Sop has been able to market their product through social media namely IG, become a merchant of both GrabFood and GoFood, provide decent facilities and infrastructure such as tables, and prepare financial statements and bookkeeping.
HU-Model Effectiveness in Corruption Detection Haryono Umar; Siti Safaria; Welda Mudiar; Rahima Br Purba; Harsono Harsono; Karyaningsih Karyaningsih
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i4.3102


This study aims to test the effectiveness of the HU-Model used in corruption detection efforts. The increasing number of corruption cases shows that the tools to detect corruption are not yet available. With the mode of corruption that is increasingly developing and complex, the existence of a corruption detection tool is a must. The focus of this research is on the causes of fraud star corruption which shows that the cause is due to abuse of power or the authority being exercised is not by the mandate. The characteristics of corruption in Indonesia are very complex, involving various elements from the government / private sector, State / Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMN / D) as well as public officials from the center to the regions. This article discusses the corruption detection model as one of the contributions to fight corruption in Indonesia. As one of the efforts to make Indonesia free from corruption outbreaks, the HU model consists of the variable lack of integrity (lack of integrity), opportunity (opportunity), pressure (pressure), rationalization (rationalization), and the ability (capability) to provide hope and answers. The HU-Model proves that despite the amount of pressure, the number of opportunities, the ease of justification, and the high position and authority will not encourage acts of corruption if there is still strong integrity. The results show that the indications of corruption are divided into three clusters, namely those with indications of corruption (red), gray (gray), and no indications of corruption (green).
The Role of an Accountant in Detecting Corruption Haryono Umar; Rahima Br Purba; Siti Safaria; Welda Mudiar
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute August
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i3.6555


The increasing corruption has made Indonesia one of the countries in the red category (corrupt) globally. Corruption is an act to enrich oneself, other people, or corporations by violating the law or abusing authority the focus of this research is on the causes of fraud star corruption. The characteristics of corruption in Indonesia are very complex, abuse of power or authority, and not carried out with trust. Involving various elements from the government/private sector is the cause of fraud star corruption, this occurs in State/Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMN/D) and public officials from the center to the regions. This study discusses one of the contributions in fighting corruption in Indonesia, using a corruption detection model. To be free from the corruption epidemic in Indonesia, the introduction of the HU model consists of the variables lack of integrity (lack of integrity), opportunity (opportunity), pressure (pressure), rationalization (rationalization), and capability (capability) to give hope and get answers. The HU model proves that even the amount of pressure, the number of opportunities, the ease of justification, as well as a high position and authority will not encourage corruption if there is strong integrity. The result shows that the loss of integrity is the most dominant cause of people committing corruption. This study is also able to categorize agencies that are indicated as being corrupt (red), between indicated and not indicated (grey), and not indicated (green).