Kun Tanti Dewandari

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SIFAT FISIKOKIMIA BERONDONG HANJELI (Coix lacryma-jobi L) Kun Tanti Dewandari; Joni Munarso; Rahmawati Rahmawati
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol 17, No 3 (2020): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpasca.v17n3.2020.154-164


Hanjeli adalah salah satu tanaman potensial untuk diversifikasi pangan. Karbohidrat dan pati dalam biji hanjeli mirip dengan sereal lainnya seperti gandum, sorgum, jagung. Produk olahan sereal salah satunya adalah berondong yang diperoleh dengan metode puffing. Puffing adalah proses pengolahan pangan yang menyebabkan perubahan struktur sehingga terjadi penggembungan atau perluasan volume akibat pengaruh suhu dan tekanan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan proses puffing pada biji hanjeli menggunakan microwave dengan perlakuan A (Tingkat Energi) dan B (Waktu proses) dengan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa energi gelombang mikro yang digunakan dalam proses pengujian popping hanjeli memiliki dampak nyata dengan nilai signifikan <0,05 terhadap kadar air, lemak, karbohidrat. pengujian konten dan organoleptik pada parameter warna dan tekstur dengan tingkat energi sedang. Perlakuan terbaik yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini merupakan produk berondong hanjeli dengan tingkat energi medium dan waktu proses 2,5 menit. Berondong hanjeli tersebut memiliki hasil analisa fisik pada densitas kamba 0,30 %. Berondong hanjeli memiliki hasil analisa kimia pada kadar air 3,59%, kadar abu 0,13%, kadar protein 14,60%, kadar lemak 1,14%, kadar karbohidrat 80,54%, kadar amilosa 11,09%, kadar amilopektin 60,22%. Physicochemical Properties Of Popping Hanjeli (Coix Lacryma-Jobi L)Utilitization of Hanjeli plant has not been done yet because of society’s lack of knowledge. The carbohydrate and starch in Hanjeli seeds are similar to other cereals’ content such as wheat, sorghum, corn and barley. The brunch cereal is the result of puffing process. In this research, the puffing process was done by using the microwave. One of the benefits of this research is to ascertain of puffing process by using the microwave towards Hanjeli seeds. This research used the experimental method with two factors of Completely Randomized Factorial Design (CRFD) which consists of factor A (Power Level) and factor B (Time process) with three times repetition. Analytical techniques that were used were variance or Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued to Post-Hoc Test with Tukey’s test method. Analysis of physical properties which was conducted is bulk density. Analysis of chemical properties which was conducted are water, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, amylose and amylopectin. Organoleptic analysis which was conducted are acceptance test (hedonic) and hedonic quality test. Based on the research result of change in the physicochemical properties, the microwave energy which was used in the puffing process to test the popping hanjeli has the real impact with a significant value < α (0.05) towards the popping hanjeli’s quality on the tests of water, fat, carbohydrate content and organoleptic testing on color and texture parameters with medium energy levels. Time usage of popping hanjeli using the microwave has the real impact with a significant value < α (0.05) towards the popping hanjeli’s quality on the tests of water, fat, carbohydrate content and organoleptic testing on color and texture parameters with medium energy level. There is a different interaction between the energy level and time process, it has the real impact with a significant value < α (0.05) towards the popping hanjeli’s quality which at the medium energy level with a time process of 2,5 minutes.
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol 15, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpasca.v15n2.2018.99-105


Salah satu bahan alam yang kaya akan antioksidan adalah minyak sawit merah seperti karoten, tokoferol dan tokotrienol. Enkapsulasi adalah suatu teknologi untuk melindungi komponen bioaktif (polifenol, mikronutrien, enzim, dan antioksidan) dari lingkungan yang merugikan dan untuk mengontrol rilis target yang dituju dengan menyalut menggunakan bahan tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan beads kalsium alginat yang mengandung nanoemulsi minyak sawit merah serta karakterisasinya. Beads dihasilkan dengan metode gelasi ionik antara natrium lginat dengan penaut silang kalsium klorida. Variasi konsentrasi natrium alginate meliputi 1% (formula 1), 2% (formula 2), 3% (formula 3) dan 4% (formula 4). Beads yang dihasilkan untuk formula 1 dan 4 berbentuk tidak terlalu bulat cenderung gepeng dan berekor, sedangkan formula 2 dan 3 berbentuk bulat gepeng dan berwarna orange-orange tua. Ukuran rata- rata formula 1 dan 3 adalah sebesar 710-1180 μm, formula 2 dan 4 berturut-turut adalah 50:50 pada ukuran 500-710 dan 710-1180 μm dan >1180 μm. Kadar air beads yang dihasilkan berkisar antara 5%-10%. Beads yang dihasilkan kembali daya mengembang berturut- turut untuk formula 1dan 2, formula 3 dan 4 adalah 3 kali, 2,5 kali dan 1,5 kali dari bobot awal. Kandungan karoten dalam keempat formula yaitu, 9,802%, 2,462%, 1,106% dan 0,150%. Efisiensi penjerapan dari keempat formula yaitu 9,8005%, 2,461%, 1,108% dan 0,1485%. Pada uji pelepasan secara in vitro dalam medium asam klorida 0,1N pH 1,2 dan medium dapar fosfat pH 7,4 rata-rata karoten terlepas pada menit ke 15 sedangkan dapar fosfat pH 6 rata-rata karoten terlepas pada menit ke 30 dan 60. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik adalah formula I dengan kandungan karoten paling tinggi yaitu sebesar 9,802% Preparation And Characterization Of Calcium Alginate Beads Containing Red Palm Oil Nanoemulation (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) By Ionic Gelation MethodOne of the natural materials containing rich antioxidants is red palm oil such as carotenes, tocopherols and tocotrienols. Encapsulation is a technology used to protect a material by coating it using certain material. The objective of this study is to produce calcium alginate beads containing red palm oil nanoemultion and its characterization. The process of producing beads was by using ionic gelation method, with varying concentrations of sodium alginate 1% (formula 1), 2% (Formula 2), 3% (Formula 3) and 4% (formula 4), with cross-linker calcium chloride. The shapes of beads produced for formula 1 and 4 were not too round, tended to be flattened and caudate, while formula 2 and 3 were flattened round and dark orange. The average sizes of formula 1 and 3 were equal to 710-1180 μm, formula 2 and 4 were respectively 50:50 on the size of 500-710 and 710-1180 μm and > 1180 μm. The resulting beads water content ranged from 5% -10%. The expandig power of beads reproduced were repsectively formula 1 and 2, formula 3 and 4 were 3 times, 2.5 times and 1.5 times of the initial weight. Carotene content in the four formulaae were, namely, 9.802%, 2.462%, 1.106% and 0.150%. The entrapment efficiency of the four formula were 9.8005%, 2.461%, 1.108% and 0.1485%. In the in vitro release testing in the medium of chloric acid 0,1N pH 1.2 and medium of phosphate buffer pH 7.4 of average carotene was released in minute 15 while phosphate buffer pH 6 of average carotene was released in minute 30 and 60. The best formula was formula I that has highest carotene content 9,802%.