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Dekolorisasi Zat Warna Remazol Biru Menggunakan Isolat Jamur Indigenous Asal Limbah Batik Ina Darliana; Nia Rossiana; Mia Miranti
Indonesian Journal of Applied Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/ijas.v1i2.1859


Research on decolorization of remazol blue dye by using indigenous fungi isolate from batik waste water has been conducted from February to June 2011. This research was objected to analyze the efficiency of decolorization process of remazol blue dye that used in batik industry by using Aspergillus sp., an indigenous fungi, that isolated from batik waste water. Descriptive and experimental methods were used in this research.. The waste used was simulated from a mixture of remazol blue dye with concentrations of 50 mg/L, 100 mg/L and 200 mg/L. Decolorization process was done under submerged fermentation (SmF) on a rotary shaker at 100rpm for 7 days incubation. The result showed that the efficiency decreased level of color, BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) and COD (chemical oxygen demand) were 80-90%.****Penelitian tentang dekolorisasi  zat  warna  remazol biru menggunakan isolat jamur indigenous asal limbah batik telah dilakukan pada bulan Februari - Juni 2011. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis efisiensi dekolorisasi zat warna remazol biru yang digunakan pada industri batik menggunakan Aspergillus sp., yaitu jamur indigenous hasil isolasi dari limbah batik. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan eksperimental. Limbah yang digunakan adalah limbah buatan dari campuran zat warna remazol biru dengan konsentrasi 50 mg/L,100 mg/L dan 200 mg/L. Proses dekolorisasi dilakukan dengan teknik fermentasi terendam (submerged fermentation) pada rotary shaker dengan kecepatan 100 rpm selama 7 hari inkubasi.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi penurunan kadar warna, BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) dan COD (chemical oxygen demand) mencapai 80–90%.
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Jamur Indigenous dan Potensinya untuk Biodelignifikasi Ina Darliana; Sri Wilujeng
Jurnal Agrotek Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agrotech) Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Agrotek Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agrotech)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Singaperbangsa Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33661/jai.v5i2.4341


Biodelignification is a preliminary process of removing lignin from lignocellulosic materials using microorganisms. In the textile industry, the enzymes produced by fungi are used to degrade synthetic dyes in waste, soil bioremediation, biodegradation of phenol pollutants in the environment, and pulp and paper processing. (Mosier. Et al., 2005). Indigenous fungi are fungi that have the ability to degrade organic compounds and make them a source of nutrients for metabolism and life (Raju, et al., 2007). Fungi were chosen as one of the organisms for Biodelignification because they are able to degrade toxic components by means of transformation, namely changing the hazardous chemicals that are formed in the soil (Sullia, 2000). Fungi can survive in various environments on different media including soil. Wastes with various organic compounds are difficult to degrade due to their polymer shape, and only a small amount can be hydrolyzed due to their composite and complex structure. Some indigenous fungi that live in the soil have the ability to break down various organic compounds including lignin and cellulose. This fungus produces ligninase, which is an enzyme that can break down lignin and cellulase compounds (Yang et al., 2005, Guang et al., 2006). This research was conducted to obtain fungal isolates that have the ability to degrade lignin. Isolation is taken from soil sources contaminated with textile waste, isolated using lignin selective media with tannic acid as the sole C source. The method used in this research is descriptive exploration method in field sampling and experimental method for laboratory observations, namely the isolation and culture of fungi by dilution method, then identification of fungal genus is carried out by the Moist Chamber method, while the properties and morphology are described descriptively based on literature guide Introduction To Food-Borne Fungi (Samson et al., 1995). The results obtained 11 isolates of fungi that have ligninolytic abilities. Genus Aspergillus, sp. has the highest ligninolytic ability by producing a clear zone diameter of 3.45 cm on the 3rd day.
Wanamukti: Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Vol 23, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35138/wanamukti.v23i1.174


This research was conducted to observe the consortium cellulose enzyme activity that bacterial comes from oil palm empty fruit bunch waste. The use of bacterial isolates derived from oil palm empty fruit bunch waste is expected to have a good effect, because the bacteria have been adapted to live in a waste environment that has a high concentration of organic matter. The purpose of this study was to determine the activity of cellulose enzyme consortium of bacteria from palm oil waste in the process of biodegradation of oil palm empty fruit bunch waste (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). The method used is descriptive method. The oil palm empty fruit bunch substrate was fermented and then cellulose enzyme activity was tested using the Somogyi-Nelson method. Doses of bacterial inoculums used in this study were 5% and 10%. The results showed that the consortium of bacteria from oil palm empty fruit bunch waste at a concentration of 5% with a value of 4.58 units / ml on day 21 had the highest cellulose enzyme activity.
Wanamukti: Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Vol 24, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Winaya Mukti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35138/wanamukti.v24i1.335


Kilemo (Litsea cubeba) is a forest plant that has high economic value such as essential oils which can be used as raw materials for various biopharmaceutical industries such as soap, perfume, medicines, and aromatherapy. This potential has not been developed by the surrounding community as a commodity for industrial raw materials due to public ignorance in cultivating, besides the difficulty of getting seeda from kilemo itself is another reason for residents to cultivate these plants. The object of research is to identify prospective of trees plus of kilemo. The selction of plus trees was carried out using a purposive sampling system by placing units using random start method and selecting the tree heigt and diameter according to the plus tree scoring table. There were 29 prospective trees plus of kilemo identified according to their phenotypic appearance with the following characteristics: the average total tree heigt was more than 10 m (20-36 m), the branch-free height was realtively low, and the largest diameter was 32 cm. In addition, it was also found to be fruiting and flowering at 72,41%, only 17,24% to bear fruit and 10,34% to flower.
Jurnal Hutan Tropis Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Hutan Tropis Volume 9 No 1 Edisi Maret 2021
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jht.v9i1.10489


In the recent years, there is a significant increase on economic value of coffee as trade commodity. On that note, the most frequently used cultivation practices for coffee in Indonesia is coffee agroforestry system in private forest. However, there are still some constraints in the system development due to the traditional farmer limited knowledge of coffee cultivation practices. In this study we conducted preliminary observations on the coffee cultivation practices used by the traditional farmers to determine the steps needed to improve the coffee quality and sustainability. We study the effect of plant-spacing and shading on the growth of juvenile plant of coffee (Coffea arabica Lin.) from Sigarar utang variety. The observation was carried out in private forest of Cimarias village Sumedang district for 1 (one) month. We used the combination of 2,5m x 2,5m and 3m x 3m for plant-spacing with kayu afrika (Meisopsis eminii Engl.) as shade and without shade. This experiment used Completely Randomized Design experiment with 10 replication for each treatment, with juvenile height (cm), stem diameter (mm), and the quantity of productive primary branches as data. Then data were analyzed using Anova, Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 0,05, and Pearson Correlation. From the result, the best growth of juvenile plant of coffee tree was showed on 3m x 3m spacing with shade. However, the growth shown has not reached the potential of the coffee from Sigarar utang variety as supposed to in accordance with the environmental condition of the crop. This analysis also supports the prediction of low-productivity because there is positive correlation between juvenile height and the quantity of primary branches, and between stem diameter and the quantity of primary branches.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Kopi sebagai Pupuk Kompos di kelompok Tani LMDH Campaka Bentang Desa Loa Majalaya Dwi Wahyuni; Ina Darliana; Reni Srimulyaningsih; Asep Purwanto; Ishak Tan
Abdi Wiralodra : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Abdi Wiralodra
Publisher : universitas wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/abdi.v5i2.124


Limbah dari produksi olahan kopi adalah kulit kopi. Jumlah kulit kopi berkisar antara 50 – 60 persen dari hasil panen. Kulit kopi merupakan limbah yang belum dimanfaatkan petani secara optimal. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk penanganan jumlah limbah kulit kopi yang semakin meningkat yaitu dengan cara mengolah limbah kulit kopi menjadi kompos. Oleh karena itu dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian pengolahan kompos berbahan limbah kulit kopi di kelompok Tani LMDH Campaka Bentang Desa Loa Majalaya yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang cara membuat kompos berbahan kulit kopi yang bisa digunakan sebagai pupuk bagi petani kopi dan juga untuk tanaman pertanian lainnya, serta memberikan informasi yang terkandung dalam kulit kopi yang menjadi potensi bagi limbah kulit kopi sebagai pupuk kompos. Kegiatan pengabdian meliputi penyuluhan, pengamatan lapang, praktik, dan uji lab limbah kulit kopi. Keberhasilan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah kegiatan penyuluhan berjalan lancar dan kelompok Tani LMDH Campaka Bentang Desa Loa Majalaya memperoleh informasi yang terkandung dalam limbah kulit kopi yang menjadi potensi menjadi pupuk kompos. Kata kunci: limbah kulit kopi, pupuk kompos