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Jurnal Analis Farmasi Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Analisis Farmasi dan Makanan Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.852 KB) | DOI: 10.33024/jaf.v4i1.1303


THE EFFECT OF ANTIOXIDANT COMPOUNDS IN SWEET POTATO KLEPON PRODUCTAntioxidants have recently become a widely promoted compound. Free radicals are molecules produced when the body gets damaged food or exposure to unhealthy environments such as tobacco smoke and radiation. Light-skinned fruits and vegetables with distinctive colors such as purple sweet potato, yellow sweet potato, red tomatoes, purple blueberries, yellow corn and orange carrots, are rich in antioxidants. Sweet potatoes are known to have high antioxidants. In addition, sweet potatoes are divided into three types based on differences in color, namely white sweet potato, yellow sweet potato, and purple sweet potato. In the research carried out the addition of three types of sweet potatoes in making klepon. The addition of sweet potato affects the color of the klepon product. Antioxidant compounds contained in sweet potatoes, become inactive again when processed into klepon products. This can be seen from the percentage inhibition value which is smaller than the value of control inhibition (ascorbic acid). So that antioxidant compounds only give color to the klepon product, while the antioxidant benefits have been reduced because of the processing in processing of the product. Keywords:   potato, compounds, antioxidant Antioksidan belakangan ini menjadi senyawa yang mulai banyak dipromosikan. Radikal bebas adalah molekul yang diproduksi ketika tubuh mendapatkan makanan yang rusak atau paparan lingkungan yang tidak sehat seperti asap tembakau dan radiasi. Buah dan sayuran yang berkulit terang dengan warna khas seperti ubi jalar ungu, ubi jalar kuning, tomat merah, blueberry ungu, jagung kuning dan wortel orange, kaya akan akan kandungan antioksidan. Ubi jalar diketahui memiliki  antioksidan yang tinggi. Selain itu, ubi jalar terbagi menjadi tiga jenis berdasarkan perbedaan warnanya, yaitu ubi jalar putih, ubi jalar kuning, dan ubi jalar ungu. Pada penelitian dilakukan penambahan tiga jenis ubi jalar pada pembuatan klepon. Penambahan ubi jalar ini mempengaruhi warna pada produk klepon. Senyawa antioksidan yang terkandung dalam ubi jalar, menjadi tidak aktif kembali ketika diolah menjadi produk klepon. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai persen penghambatan yang lebih kecil dari nilai penghambatan kontrol (asam askorbat). Sehingga senyawa antioksidan hanya memberikan warna terhadap produk klepon, sedangkan manfaat antioksidannya sudah berkurang karena proses pengolahan dalam pembuatan produk. Kata Kunci:    Kentang, senyawa, antioksidan
Jurnal Analis Farmasi Vol 4, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Analisis Farmasi dan Makanan Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jaf.v4i1.1303


THE EFFECT OF ANTIOXIDANT COMPOUNDS IN SWEET POTATO KLEPON PRODUCTAntioxidants have recently become a widely promoted compound. Free radicals are molecules produced when the body gets damaged food or exposure to unhealthy environments such as tobacco smoke and radiation. Light-skinned fruits and vegetables with distinctive colors such as purple sweet potato, yellow sweet potato, red tomatoes, purple blueberries, yellow corn and orange carrots, are rich in antioxidants. Sweet potatoes are known to have high antioxidants. In addition, sweet potatoes are divided into three types based on differences in color, namely white sweet potato, yellow sweet potato, and purple sweet potato. In the research carried out the addition of three types of sweet potatoes in making klepon. The addition of sweet potato affects the color of the klepon product. Antioxidant compounds contained in sweet potatoes, become inactive again when processed into klepon products. This can be seen from the percentage inhibition value which is smaller than the value of control inhibition (ascorbic acid). So that antioxidant compounds only give color to the klepon product, while the antioxidant benefits have been reduced because of the processing in processing of the product. Keywords:   potato, compounds, antioxidant Antioksidan belakangan ini menjadi senyawa yang mulai banyak dipromosikan. Radikal bebas adalah molekul yang diproduksi ketika tubuh mendapatkan makanan yang rusak atau paparan lingkungan yang tidak sehat seperti asap tembakau dan radiasi. Buah dan sayuran yang berkulit terang dengan warna khas seperti ubi jalar ungu, ubi jalar kuning, tomat merah, blueberry ungu, jagung kuning dan wortel orange, kaya akan akan kandungan antioksidan. Ubi jalar diketahui memiliki  antioksidan yang tinggi. Selain itu, ubi jalar terbagi menjadi tiga jenis berdasarkan perbedaan warnanya, yaitu ubi jalar putih, ubi jalar kuning, dan ubi jalar ungu. Pada penelitian dilakukan penambahan tiga jenis ubi jalar pada pembuatan klepon. Penambahan ubi jalar ini mempengaruhi warna pada produk klepon. Senyawa antioksidan yang terkandung dalam ubi jalar, menjadi tidak aktif kembali ketika diolah menjadi produk klepon. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai persen penghambatan yang lebih kecil dari nilai penghambatan kontrol (asam askorbat). Sehingga senyawa antioksidan hanya memberikan warna terhadap produk klepon, sedangkan manfaat antioksidannya sudah berkurang karena proses pengolahan dalam pembuatan produk. Kata Kunci:    Kentang, senyawa, antioksidan
Indonesian Journal of Community Empowerment (IJCE) Vol 1 No 01 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Community Empowerment (August)
Publisher : Fakultas Kewirausahaan Universitas Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35899/ijce.v1i01.160


The trend consumption foods of ready to cook and ready to eat is an alternative choice for the community and increasing public awareness about nutrition and health encourages people to live healthier lives by consuming nutritious foods and have a healthy effect. Processing nuggets production of the Tanjung Jati Women's Farmers Group is quite well received by consumers but the processing of this product is still done with simple technology. Improvements or technological touches need to be done so that the resulting nugget products have added value. The current problem causes the economic benefits that should have been obtained from this production activity can not be felt optimally. Community service is carried out in Tanjung Jati Pekon, Kota Agung Timur District, Tanggamus Regency. Activities in the form of counseling, socialization and practice of nugget product processing and packaging techniques are located at the Balai Rakyat Pekon Tanjung Jati, Kota Agung Timur District, Tanggamus District and the time to carry out activities in January 2020. The nugget training procedures include: a preliminary survey, counseling for the development of nugget product processing for Wanita Tani Pekom Tanjung Jati, socialization of the regulations of the head of the Indonesian drug and food regulatory body regarding packaging and labeling, technical guidance on processing and packaging of nuggets, and technical guidance on business plans and marketing of nuggets. The results of the activities showed the average value of the initial and final evaluation scores of the trainees was 34.77 and 82.50. If viewed from the increase in the score, it appears that an increase in score of 47.8 points. This shows that the training activities went quite well. The training activities were able to motivate the Tanjung Jati Pekon Women Farmers Group in Tanggamus Regency to develop the region's businesses. Advice from the training activities of making and packaging nuggets require further assistance to develop various local resource-based businesses