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Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 8, No 4 (2002): Desember, 2002
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jlittri.v8n4.2002.117-120


Pertumbuhan dan daya hasil dari berbagai klom nilam dievatuasi di KP. Cimanggu (Bogor) dari tahun 1999 - 2000. Dua puluh dua klon nilam yang berasal dai kultur kalus yang diradiasi dengan sinar gamma, 1 klon kontrol (asal kultur mata tunas) serta 3 klon pembanding (Klon TT, Sdk dan Crt) ditanam dengan jarak tanam 100 cm x 50 cm. Percobaan dirancang secara acak kelompok dengan 3 ulangan. Luas petak adalah 10 m2 yang memuat 20 tanaman. Parameter yang digunakan adalah sifat- sifat morfologi, yang meliputi tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah dan panjang cabang, jumlah daun per cabang, panjang dan lebar daun serta komponen hasil, yang meliputi berat tanaman, berat tcrsuling (segar dan kering) dan kadar minyak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan sifat-sifat morfologi dan komponen hasil terdapat 4 klon yang mcnonjol. yaitu 3 klon hasil kultur jaingan (klon lb, 2b, dan 75) dengan hasil tema kering masing-masing 0.222; 0.222; dan 0. 216 kg/tanaman dan kadar minyak masing-masing 4.28; 4.00; dan 4.54%, serta satu klon konvensional (Ct) dengan hasil tema keing 0.469 dan kadar minyak 4.84%.Kata kunci: Pogostemon cablin, nilam, klon, kultur jaringan ABSTRACT Evaluation on the growth and yield potency of different clones ofpatchoulifrom tissue cultureThe growth and yield potency of different patchouli developed from tissue culture were studied at the Cimanggu Experimental Garden from 1999 to 2000. The materials were twenty-two clones of patchouli raised rom the gamma irradiated calli, 1 control clone (raised rom tissue culture propagated plant from which the irradiated calli were derived) and 3 conventionally propagated clones (Crt, TT and Sdk). The planting mateials were planted in a plant spacing of 100 cm x 50 cm. The experiment was designed as a randomaized block in 3 replicates. Plot size was 10 m2, accommodated 20 plants. Parameters used for evaluating the clones were morphological characters and yield components. The morphological characters included plant height, stem diameter number of branches, number of leaves per branch and size of leaves, while the yield component included weight of whole plant, distilled herbs (fresh and dry herbs) and oil content. Based on die morphological characteristics and yield components, 4 clones showed their superioity. The four clones were lb, 2b, and 75 (raised from tissue culture) with a herb yield of 0.222; 0.222 and 0216 kg/plant and an oil content of 4.28, 4.00 and 4.84% respectively, and Ct ( from convetional clone) with a herb yield of 0.469 kg/plant and an oil content of 4.84%.Key words : Pogostemon cablin, nilam, clones, tissue culture
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 8, No 2 (2002): Juni, 2002
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jlittri.v8n2.2002.61-66


Pengaruh ukuran dan perlakuan bibit terhadap petumbuhan dan produksi umbi iles-ilcs (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) ditcliti di Bogor dan Cikampek tahun 1993 1995, yang dilakukan dalam dua percobaan. Pada percobaan petama dipelajai pengaruh ukuran bibit utuh dan pada percobaan kedua pengaruh ukuran dan pcmbclahan bibit terhadap petumbuhan dan produksi umbi. Bibit utuh berasal dari umbi batang dengan ukuran 200 dan lOOg, seta umbi tetas dengan 5 dan 2.5g, sedangkan pcmbclahan bibit berasal dai umbi batang ukuran 200g, yang dibelah menjadi 2 bagian (a lOOg), 4 bagian (a SOg) dan 8 bagian (a 25g). Bibit dai pcrlakuan-perlakuan tersebut disemai di bak pasir di rumah kaca dan petumbuhannya diamati pada umur 1-2 bulan. Bibit yang bctunas normal ditanam di lapangan. Untuk percobaan percobaan petama (bibit utuh), bibit-bibit yang bctunas normal di tanam di Bogor dan Cikampek, sedang percobaan kedua (bibit dibelah) ditanam hanya di Bogor. Kedua percobaan tersebut dirancang secara acak kelompok dengan 5 ulangan. Parameter yang digunakan untuk menilai pengaruh perlakuan adalah tinggi tanaman dan diameter batang, panjang daun dan produksi umbi pada umur 6 dan 18 bulan setelah tanam, untuk bibit utuh dan 6 bulan untuk bibit yang dibelah. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. Dai percobaan pertama (bibit utuh) temyata ukuran bibit tidak berpengaruh terhadap persentase pertunasan maupun petumbuhan di lapang. Komponen pertumbuhan dan hasil umbi sangat dipengaruhi oleh lokasi penanaman dan ukuran bibit. Komponen pertumbuhan, kecuali diameter batang, seta produksi umbi di Bogor nyata lebih tinggi dari pada di Cikampek. Pada bibit utuh, ukuran bibit 200g menghasilkan komponen petumbuhan dan produksi umbi paling tinggi dan berbeda dengan ukuran- ukuran lainnya, makin kecil ukuran bibit makin kecil nilai komponen petumbuhan dan produksi umbi. Dai percobaan kedua (pembelahan umbi) diperoleh bahwa pembelahan umbi dai 200g sampai 25g tidak mempengaruhi pertunasan di rumah kaca maupun tanaman yang tumbuh di lapangan. Tinggi batang lebih kecil pada bclahan 25g, diameter batang pada belahan 50g dan produksi umbi pada bclahan lOOg dibanding bibit utuh 200g. Berdasarkan data tersebut, untuk memproduksi bibit secara masal, umbi dapat dibelah sampai ukuran 25g dan dalam waktu 6 bulan dapat diperoleh umbi sebcrat + 200g dan umbi ini dapat menghasilkan umbi sekitar 1 kg umbi/batang dalam waktu 6 bulan.Kata kunci: Amorphophallus oncophyllus. ukuran bibit, produksi ABSTRACTEffect of seed size and seed treatment on the growth and yield of Amorphophallus oncophyllusEfect of seed size and seed treatment on the growth and yield of Amorphophallus oncophyllus was studied in Bogor and Cikampek from 1993 to 1995, in two expeiments. The irst experiment studied the efect of the size of sound seed, and the second studied the efect of size and splitting seed on die growth and yield of tuber. In the first experiment the sound seed used were the true tuber with the size of 200 and lOOg and bulbil with the size of 5 and 2.5g. In the second expeiment, the tuber of 200g were splined into 2 parts (a lOOg), 4 parts (a 50g) and 8 parts (a 25g). The seeds were irstly planted in sand boxes in die glass house and evaluated for their sprouting at I -2 month ater planting. For the irst expeiment the normal sprouted seeds were planted in the ield in Bogor and Cikampek, while for the second expeiment, the normal sprouted seeds were planted in Bogor The two experiments were designed as a randomized block in 5 replicates. The parameters used for evaluating the effect of treatments were plant height, stem (pseudo-stem) diameter, leaf length and yield of tuber at 6 and 18 months ater planting for the irst and 6 months for the second expeiment. Results of the studies are summarized as follows. From the irst expeiment (sound seed) it was sevealed that seed size neither afected spronting percentage nor plant stand in the ield. The growth components and tuber yield were afected by planting location and size of seed. The growth components, except stem diameter, and tuber yield in Bogor significantly higher than those in Cikampek. From the second experiment it was shown that splitting seed rom 100 to 25g neither afected the sprouting percentage in the glass house nor plant stand in the ield. Plant height signiicantly decreased at the size of 25g, stem diameter al 50g and tuber yield at lOOg. Based on the data, for mass production of seed tuber, the tuber could be splined into 25g. Within 6 months the seed may produced a tuber of 300g and the tuber could produced 1 kg tuber within 6 months.Key words : Amorphophallus oncophyllus. seed size, tuber yield
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 8, No 2 (2002): Juni, 2002
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1573.448 KB) | DOI: 10.21082/jlittri.v8n2.2002.61-66


Pengaruh ukuran dan perlakuan bibit terhadap petumbuhan dan produksi umbi iles-ilcs (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) ditcliti di Bogor dan Cikampek tahun 1993 1995, yang dilakukan dalam dua percobaan. Pada percobaan petama dipelajai pengaruh ukuran bibit utuh dan pada percobaan kedua pengaruh ukuran dan pcmbclahan bibit terhadap petumbuhan dan produksi umbi. Bibit utuh berasal dari umbi batang dengan ukuran 200 dan lOOg, seta umbi tetas dengan 5 dan 2.5g, sedangkan pcmbclahan bibit berasal dai umbi batang ukuran 200g, yang dibelah menjadi 2 bagian (a lOOg), 4 bagian (a SOg) dan 8 bagian (a 25g). Bibit dai pcrlakuan-perlakuan tersebut disemai di bak pasir di rumah kaca dan petumbuhannya diamati pada umur 1-2 bulan. Bibit yang bctunas normal ditanam di lapangan. Untuk percobaan percobaan petama (bibit utuh), bibit-bibit yang bctunas normal di tanam di Bogor dan Cikampek, sedang percobaan kedua (bibit dibelah) ditanam hanya di Bogor. Kedua percobaan tersebut dirancang secara acak kelompok dengan 5 ulangan. Parameter yang digunakan untuk menilai pengaruh perlakuan adalah tinggi tanaman dan diameter batang, panjang daun dan produksi umbi pada umur 6 dan 18 bulan setelah tanam, untuk bibit utuh dan 6 bulan untuk bibit yang dibelah. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. Dai percobaan pertama (bibit utuh) temyata ukuran bibit tidak berpengaruh terhadap persentase pertunasan maupun petumbuhan di lapang. Komponen pertumbuhan dan hasil umbi sangat dipengaruhi oleh lokasi penanaman dan ukuran bibit. Komponen pertumbuhan, kecuali diameter batang, seta produksi umbi di Bogor nyata lebih tinggi dari pada di Cikampek. Pada bibit utuh, ukuran bibit 200g menghasilkan komponen petumbuhan dan produksi umbi paling tinggi dan berbeda dengan ukuran- ukuran lainnya, makin kecil ukuran bibit makin kecil nilai komponen petumbuhan dan produksi umbi. Dai percobaan kedua (pembelahan umbi) diperoleh bahwa pembelahan umbi dai 200g sampai 25g tidak mempengaruhi pertunasan di rumah kaca maupun tanaman yang tumbuh di lapangan. Tinggi batang lebih kecil pada bclahan 25g, diameter batang pada belahan 50g dan produksi umbi pada bclahan lOOg dibanding bibit utuh 200g. Berdasarkan data tersebut, untuk memproduksi bibit secara masal, umbi dapat dibelah sampai ukuran 25g dan dalam waktu 6 bulan dapat diperoleh umbi sebcrat + 200g dan umbi ini dapat menghasilkan umbi sekitar 1 kg umbi/batang dalam waktu 6 bulan.Kata kunci: Amorphophallus oncophyllus. ukuran bibit, produksi ABSTRACTEffect of seed size and seed treatment on the growth and yield of Amorphophallus oncophyllusEfect of seed size and seed treatment on the growth and yield of Amorphophallus oncophyllus was studied in Bogor and Cikampek from 1993 to 1995, in two expeiments. The irst experiment studied the efect of the size of sound seed, and the second studied the efect of size and splitting seed on die growth and yield of tuber. In the first experiment the sound seed used were the true tuber with the size of 200 and lOOg and bulbil with the size of 5 and 2.5g. In the second expeiment, the tuber of 200g were splined into 2 parts (a lOOg), 4 parts (a 50g) and 8 parts (a 25g). The seeds were irstly planted in sand boxes in die glass house and evaluated for their sprouting at I -2 month ater planting. For the irst expeiment the normal sprouted seeds were planted in the ield in Bogor and Cikampek, while for the second expeiment, the normal sprouted seeds were planted in Bogor The two experiments were designed as a randomized block in 5 replicates. The parameters used for evaluating the effect of treatments were plant height, stem (pseudo-stem) diameter, leaf length and yield of tuber at 6 and 18 months ater planting for the irst and 6 months for the second expeiment. Results of the studies are summarized as follows. From the irst expeiment (sound seed) it was sevealed that seed size neither afected spronting percentage nor plant stand in the ield. The growth components and tuber yield were afected by planting location and size of seed. The growth components, except stem diameter, and tuber yield in Bogor significantly higher than those in Cikampek. From the second experiment it was shown that splitting seed rom 100 to 25g neither afected the sprouting percentage in the glass house nor plant stand in the ield. Plant height signiicantly decreased at the size of 25g, stem diameter al 50g and tuber yield at lOOg. Based on the data, for mass production of seed tuber, the tuber could be splined into 25g. Within 6 months the seed may produced a tuber of 300g and the tuber could produced 1 kg tuber within 6 months.Key words : Amorphophallus oncophyllus. seed size, tuber yield
Jurnal Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol 8, No 4 (2002): Desember, 2002
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jlittri.v8n4.2002.117-120


Pertumbuhan dan daya hasil dari berbagai klom nilam dievatuasi di KP. Cimanggu (Bogor) dari tahun 1999 - 2000. Dua puluh dua klon nilam yang berasal dai kultur kalus yang diradiasi dengan sinar gamma, 1 klon kontrol (asal kultur mata tunas) serta 3 klon pembanding (Klon TT, Sdk dan Crt) ditanam dengan jarak tanam 100 cm x 50 cm. Percobaan dirancang secara acak kelompok dengan 3 ulangan. Luas petak adalah 10 m2 yang memuat 20 tanaman. Parameter yang digunakan adalah sifat- sifat morfologi, yang meliputi tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah dan panjang cabang, jumlah daun per cabang, panjang dan lebar daun serta komponen hasil, yang meliputi berat tanaman, berat tcrsuling (segar dan kering) dan kadar minyak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan sifat-sifat morfologi dan komponen hasil terdapat 4 klon yang mcnonjol. yaitu 3 klon hasil kultur jaingan (klon lb, 2b, dan 75) dengan hasil tema kering masing-masing 0.222; 0.222; dan 0. 216 kg/tanaman dan kadar minyak masing-masing 4.28; 4.00; dan 4.54%, serta satu klon konvensional (Ct) dengan hasil tema keing 0.469 dan kadar minyak 4.84%.Kata kunci: Pogostemon cablin, nilam, klon, kultur jaringan ABSTRACT Evaluation on the growth and yield potency of different clones ofpatchoulifrom tissue cultureThe growth and yield potency of different patchouli developed from tissue culture were studied at the Cimanggu Experimental Garden from 1999 to 2000. The materials were twenty-two clones of patchouli raised rom the gamma irradiated calli, 1 control clone (raised rom tissue culture propagated plant from which the irradiated calli were derived) and 3 conventionally propagated clones (Crt, TT and Sdk). The planting mateials were planted in a plant spacing of 100 cm x 50 cm. The experiment was designed as a randomaized block in 3 replicates. Plot size was 10 m2, accommodated 20 plants. Parameters used for evaluating the clones were morphological characters and yield components. The morphological characters included plant height, stem diameter number of branches, number of leaves per branch and size of leaves, while the yield component included weight of whole plant, distilled herbs (fresh and dry herbs) and oil content. Based on die morphological characteristics and yield components, 4 clones showed their superioity. The four clones were lb, 2b, and 75 (raised from tissue culture) with a herb yield of 0.222; 0.222 and 0216 kg/plant and an oil content of 4.28, 4.00 and 4.84% respectively, and Ct ( from convetional clone) with a herb yield of 0.469 kg/plant and an oil content of 4.84%.Key words : Pogostemon cablin, nilam, clones, tissue culture