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Jurnal Manajemen Informatika dan Sistem Informasi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): MISI Juni 2019
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Lombok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36595/misi.v2i2.102


Kota Mataram belum menerapkan sistem informasi geografis tentang pemetaan wilayah rawan kejahatan. Ini membuat orang sulit menemukan informasi tentang kriminalitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun sistem yang dapat memberikan informasi tentang lokasi, pemetaan dan membantu orang untuk mengetahui titik distribusi kriminalitas di kota Mataram. Sistem ini dikembangkan oleh Codeigniter Framework dan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan HTML, juga menggunakan Google Map API untuk menampilkan rute fasilitas kesehatan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode waterfall sebagai siklus hidup pengembangan sistem. Kami menggunakan blackbox dan MOS (Mean Opinion Score) sebagai pengujian sistem. Hasil blackbox menguji fungsi dalam sistem telah berjalan dengan baik tanpa ada kesalahan, kami mendapat 44,21%, 50,34% dan 4,01% sangat setuju, setuju dan netral menggunakan MOS. Jadi di sisi lain, sistem ini layak digunakan
Integrasi Sistem Informasi Kepuasan Belajar Mengajar Program Studi Teknik Informatika Dengan Sistem Informasi Akademik Unram Menggunakan Web Service Fitri Bimantoro; Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha; I Gede Pasek Suta Wijaya; Ario Yudo Husodo
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v1i1.7


One of the tasks of a university is teaching. To keep the quality by improving the teaching qualifications, materials, teaching facilities, and infrastructure. but, one of the important things is to keep the quality of teaching. The quality of teaching can be measured from the feedback of the students. Informatics Department of Mataram University has a system to get feedback from its students called SIKBM (a questioner system for teaching). Unfortunately, not of all the students will fill this questioner because there is no interest for the students. So, we apply a web service system that connects SIKBM and SIA (academic information system). It will force the students to access SIKBM as a requirement to fill KRS (Course selection sheet) on SIA. The result shows that on even semester of 2017, we gain feedback for all of the courses we did not get in the previous years.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Akreditasi Sekolah Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha; Ni Made Puspitayanti; Sri Endang Anjarwani
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 1 No 1 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v1i1.18


School accreditation is public accountability carried out objectively, fairly, transparently and comprehensively. The instruments used in the school accreditation assessment process refer to the National Education Standards which have eight Standard Points. Since there are many standards and criteria that must be met, the school will difficult to fulfill and measure its performance. This study aims to assist schools in carrying out the performance evaluation process, to meet the standards and criteria that refer to the National Education Standards. In this study a system was developed that can help prepare school accreditation, by providing forms that must be filled in by the school and the system will automatically measure school performance, so that the school can find out its weaknesses to be improved immediately. In its development, the Laravel framework was used with PHP, HTML, and JavaScript as a programming language. The development method used was the waterfall method. System testing in this study uses three testing methods, namely unit testing, black box and MOS (Mean Opinion Score).
Perancangan Arsitektur Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Framework TOGAF Pada Koperasi Budi Karya Arvini Anindhita; Royana Afwani; Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 1 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v1i2.39


This study discusses the design of information technology enterprise architecture in the cooperation of Budi Karya. The main problem encountered is that the management still uses a bookkeeping system. The information obtained in each section has not been integrated with other, the IT management organization structure is not sufficient because there is no staff who have specialized IT experts, and require development in information technology. This was stated in one of the Budi Karya cooperation missions which read "Adopting the development of information technology and modern management systems". This study aims to produce process architecture, data, applications and technology that can be a reference for implementing all activities in cooperation of Budi Karya. This research uses the TOGAF (the Open Group Architecture Framework) which is a framework that has detailed methods and tools for developing and implementing enterprise architecture, with 8 architectural phases of vision, business architecture, information system architecture, technology architecture, opportunities and solutions, migration plan, implementation Governance, and architecture change management. Data collection is done by direct observation interviews and literature studies. The results of all these phases will produce a detailed framework of process architecture, data architecture, application architecture, and architecture in cooperation of Budi Karya Keywords: Enterprise, Architecture, Cooperation, framework, TOGAF
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Geografis Berbasis Web dan Android untuk Pemetaan Industri Kecil dan Menengah di Kota Mataram Deo Marta Dipayana; Moh. Ali Albar; Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): March 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v2i1.42


Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) have a very important role as a driver of the economy in Indonesia because SMIs can function as a provider of employment for a number of people who are not accommodated in the formal sector. SMIs also contributes to the formation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and as a source of foreign exchange. However, SMIs experienced obstacles in the fields of marketing, business networks, and information technology. In realizing an independent and developing SMIs, a supporting media is needed which can later be useful as a tool to introduce SMIs to the wider community and align it with other business actors. In addition, the government also needs a media that can be used for licensing data collection, taxes, and as a tool to monitor the development of SMIs. In this case a geographic and web-based geographic information system has been built to meet the need for information on SMIs in the city of Mataram. It is hoped that this system can help the community and the government to find out the information needed easily, quickly, and accurately. Based on the results of the Mean Opinion Score, it shows that the average rating of respondents of website users on the system agrees and strongly agrees to agree worth 67.50%. While the average rating of respondents of mobile users to the system agree and strongly agree is worth 78.33%.
Sistem Informasi Tugas Akhir Program Studi Informatika Mustianti Mustianti; Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha; Moh Ali Albar
JTIKA (Jurnal Teknik Informatika, Komputer dan Aplikasinya) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): March 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jtika.v2i1.43


The thesis is one of the graduation requirements that students must take to obtain a bachelor's degree. Each student informatics study program who will carry out the Thesis will do several processes, including the process of registration of titles, guidance, registration of Thesis seminars, Examination and judiciary sessions. The thesis administration process is still running manually, where at the time of title registration, students must fill in the form of thesis title. After that, students will wait for the announcement to find out their supervisor as well as the registration of the Thesis Seminar, the examination, and the Judiciary sessions. Students must come directly to the office with the registration requirements. The process requires a long time so that thesis administration services become less effective. Therefore a website-based Thesis Information System was built which aims to facilitate the thesis administration process of Informatics study programs. Based on black box testing, this system was declared to have run well while testing using the MOS method showed that 95.34% of informatics student respondents, 99.33% of non-informatics student respondents, and 100% of lecturers and admin respondents agreed. Therefore this system is suitable for use. Keywords: Thesis, website-based, black box, MOS.
Aplikasi Pertimbangan Wisata di Pulau Lombok dengan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani & Algoritma Genetika Zainul Harir; Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha; Royana Afwani
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 7 No 6: Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2020721197


Pulau Lombok memiliki pariwisata berupa keindahan alam dan kebudayaan yang menarik, sehingga juga mendapat tiga penghargaan pada World Halal Tourism Awards 2016 dengan faktor pertumbuhan kunjungan wisatawan sebesar 13% pada tahun tersebut. Adanya sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membantu wisatawan dalam menentukan keputusan perjalanan wisata mereka adalah wajib. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan dengan logika Fuzzy Mamdani dan Algoritma Genetika dengan tujuan memberikan rekomendasi pariwisata.Logika Fuzzy Mamdani memberikan pertimbangan wisata berdasarkan 5 parameter (anggaran, rencana perjalanan, akomodasi, makanan dan minuman, serta biaya transportasi) yang kemudian menjadi 5 fungsi keanggotaan untuk membangun kombinasi aturan pada fuzzy dan menghasilkan keluaran berupa pertimbangan wisata, yaitu: Tidak Memungkinkan, Cukup Memungkinkan, dan Memungkinkan. Kombinasi lima fungsi keanggotaan tersebut, menghasilkan 10.080 aturan, yang digunakan untuk mengetahui seseorang memungkinkan, atau tidak untuk berwisata ke pulau Lombok dengan constrain parameter yang dimiliki, yang dibangkitkan dengan menggunakan fungsi Defuzzifikasi Mean of Max (MOM). Algortima Genetika digunakan dalam memberikan alokasi penggunaan budget yang optimal dalam berwisata di Pulau Lombok.Hasil pengujian dengan perhitungan manual dan model defuzzifikasi yang berbeda memiliki akurasi 100%.  Untuk implementasi Algoritma Genetika, aplikasi memperoleh alokasi anggaran optimal pada probabilitas crossover (pc) dan probabilitas mutasi (pm) dengan (pc) 0,7 dan (pm) 0,2. AbstractTourism in Lombok has an interesting culture, it makes Lombok got three awards at the 2016 World Halal Tourism Awards and became a growth factor for tourist visits by 13% that year. An application that can help tourists in determining travel decision is mandatory.The application developed with Mamdani Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm to provide tourism recommendations. The Fuzzy Mamdani Logic Method provides tourism considerations based on 5 parameters (budget, travel plans, accommodation, food and drinks, and transportation costs) which then become 5 membership functions to build a combination of rules on fuzzy and produce output in the form of tourism's considerations: Not Enable, Enough Enable, and Enable. The combination of the 5 membership functions constructed 10.080 fuzzy rules, that's used to know wheater tourists enables them to go to Lombok with the limitation that they have. The defuzzification used is the Mean of Max (MOM). Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used in providing optimal budget allocation in traveling on Lombok IslandThe results of testing with manual calculations and different defuzzification models have 100% accurate, the application of GA obtained optimal budget allocation on crossover probability (pc) and mutation probability (pm) combination with (pc) 0.7 and (pm) 0.2.
Expert System of Diagnosing Building Damage due to Earthquake using Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network Method Topan Khrisnanda; Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha; I Gede Pasek Suta Wijaya
Journal of Computer Science and Informatics Engineering (J-Cosine) Vol 4 No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Informatics Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (472.865 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jcosine.v4i1.302


Earthquake is one of the most destructive natural disasters. After the earthquake, experts were deployed to survey the damage that occurred. One of the main objectives of the assessment task carried out by experts is to evaluate and classify buildings into several categories based on the level of damage that occurs. In this study, an expert system that could facilitate the assessment of building damage due to the earthquake was made using Backpropagation neural network method. The testing techniques used in this system are blackbox, accuracy and Mean Opinion Score (MOS) testing. MOS testing conducted by 30 respondents produced an MOS value of 4.54 from a scale of 5. While the average accuracy of the system obtained is 82.22% of the 30 case cases tested by 3 building damage experts.
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 6 No 3 (2019): Jurnal Abdi Insani Universitas Mataram
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v6i3.259


Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berbasis internet telah menjadi primadona dan sumber informasi utama dalam komunikasi antar manusia. Jaringan internet juga telah menyebabkan dunia seolah tanpa jarak dan batas. Internet dengan cepatnya merambah ke berbagai aspek kehidupan mulai dari kalangan bisnis, masyarakat umum, dan pencari berita. Kelebihan jaringan internet tersebut beriring dengan kelemahannya yang juga dapat menimbulkan permasalahan baru. Jika dikaitkan dengan kontennya maka internet menyedia informasi baik yang bersifat positif maupun negatif. Informasi negatif berbasis jaringan internet ini meliputi judi, pornografi, berita hoax, pembulian,dan lain sebagainya. Konten-konten negatif ini sangat berbahaya bagi masyarakat khususnya bagi generasi muda. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menghindari pengaruh–pengaruh negatif yang muncul akibat penggunaan internet. Topik utama yang diangkat dalam kegiatan ini adalah tentang pengaruh perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi bagi masyarakat pada era globalisasi, khususnya tentang internet sehat dan etika berkomunikasi di dunia Maya. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini dilaksankan di Desa Suranadi, Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Penyuluhan yang dilakukan meliputi pemaparan materi oleh berbagai narasumber mengenai dampak positif dan negatif dari internet, serta tips memperolah keuntungan atau penghasilan yang bersumber dari internet. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah masyarakat Desa Suranadi sebagian besar belum benar-benar memahami cara ber-internet secara sehat dan baik, sehingga pelatihan-pelatihan seperti ini perlu dilakukan secara terus-menerus baik di Desa Suranadi maupun desa-desa lainnya di Kabupaten Lombok Barat
Pelatihan Desain Grafis Untuk Masyarakat Pelaku Wisata Di Lombok: Graphic Design Training for Tourism Communities In Lombok Ida Bagus Ketut Widiartha; Royana Afwani; Fitri Bimantoro; Ario Yudo Husodo
Jurnal Begawe Teknologi Informasi (JBegaTI) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JBegaTI
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbegati.v4i2.1113


Lombok merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata utama yang ada di Indonesia, keindahan alamnya tidak kalah dengan Bali yang sudah terlebih dahulu terkenal di Manca Negara. Keberagaman budaya dan produk lokal yang dimiliki juga sangat banyak dan mendukung peningkatan jumlah kunjungan wisata. Promosi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah tidak dapat mengakomodir semua obyek wisata dan mempromosikan produk lokal dari masyarakat tersebut, karena seiring dengan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya pariwisata dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan, banyak sekali muncul obyek wisata baru dan produk- produk baru yang tidak tersentuh oleh promosi pemerintah. Dan promosi yang dilakukan secara konvensional membutuhkan biaya yang sangat mahal. Diera digital saat ini media sosial, memegang peranan sangat penting dalam mempromosikan sesuatu. Selain kemampuannya untuk mempromosikan produk ataupun obyek, media sosial juga bisa digunakan untuk membuat personal branding yang pada hilirnya dapat mendatangkan keuntungan materi. Untuk membuat konten yang menarik perlu pelatihan ketrampilan kepada masyarakat untuk dapat meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam membuat konten yang ditampilkan dalam media sosial sehingga lebih banyak orang melihat dan berkomentar yang pada akhirnya dapat menjadi media promosi yang murah