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Strategi Televisi Lokal Dalam Mempertahankan Eksistensi Bahasa Daerah Ayu Solekhah; Sumaina Duku; Ahmad Harun Yahya
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Humaniora dan Seni Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Juli - September

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jishs.v1i4.1174


Thesis entitled "Local Television Strategy in Maintaining the Existence of Regional Language (Descriptive Study of Grebek Palembang TV (PALTV) News Program). This research aims to see how the strategy used by Palembang TV in maintaining the existence of local languages through the Grebek crime news program, using the theory of Media Ecology by Dimmick and Rothenbuhler to maintain its existence, the media needs three life supports, namely: capital (income), types of content (types of media content) and types of audience (types of audiences). And the supporting and inhibiting factors experienced by PALTV in delivering regional language news. The method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative and data collection techniques with interviews, observation and documentation with all those related to the research. The results of this study show that the strategies implemented by PALTV in maintaining local regional languages are: 1) implementing program strategies on the Grebek news program by covering program planning, strategies in program production and purchasing, positioning program schedules in accordance with audience habits and carrying out program monitoring and evaluation. 2) strategies to capture the audience market on the Grebek news program by including carrying out audience segmentation, sorting target audiences, forming audience perceptions through taglines. 3) marketing strategies in marketing the Grebek program (working together with the local media) Palembang TV has joined satellite and satellite dish services that can be accessed through the YouTV application, the enthusiasm and desire of the crew to advance Palembang TV. And the inhibiting factors are finding sources and limited tools, language translators when making scripts, and health.
Citra Jurnalis Di Kalangan Warga Pedamaran 6 Tentang Idealisme Jurnalistik Dan Pragmatisme Politik Despriadi; Eni Murdiati; Ahmad Harun Yahya
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Sosial Politik Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September - Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jiksp.v1i1.130


Some parties still view political reporting as the responsibility of journalists. Depending on the different points of view taken, media A and media B can sometimes report in very different ways from each other. Public trust in the media is being eroded by both politicians and media figures. This will be a problem if the news is too politicized or demands political justification from the public. The aim of this research is to describe how society views journalists from the perspective of political pragmatism and journalistic idealism. Naturalistic descriptive research methods were used in this research to conduct qualitative research. The research subjects were three (three) residents of Pedamaran 6 Village and officials who had or are still carrying out entrepreneurial ventures or activities related to the village. In-depth interviews and documentation were used as data collection methods. The interactive model developed by Miles and Huberman is used in data analysis techniques, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The findings of this study show that when pragmatic politics runs rampant in the media, journalists' reputations will suffer. The interference of media owners basically prevents journalists from upholding their ideals and complying with journalistic codes of ethics. The inability of journalists to uphold idealistic commitments in upholding a code of ethics is partly caused by concern for their welfare and ability to meet their needs.
Analisis Eufemisme Dan Disfemisme Pada Judul Berita Online (Edisi Juni-Juli 2022) Kartika Oktaviani; Nuraida; Ahmad Harun Yahya
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Sosial Politik Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September - Desember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jiksp.v1i2.249


This thesis is entitled, “Analysis of Euphemisms and Dysphemisms in Online Media News Headlines”. The background of news headlines in online media that are carelessly made just to attract readers without using language style becomes the author’s concentration.Euphemism and dysphemisms are language styles used by journalist. Expressions with subtle meanings are euphemisms. Expressions with crude or rude meanings are dysphemisms. The lexical semantic approach is the focus of the author because it can describe the meaning of words found in the dictionary. The purpose of this study is to describe the forms and benefits of the use of euphemisms and dysphemisms as well as writing standards in online media headlines for the periode June-Jully 2022. The research produces descriptive qualitative data with data used in the form of words. The result of this study show that there is the use of euphemism in the form of words and phrases with a total of 7 data and dysphemism on the form of words with a total of 6 data. As well as which has its own little writing standards.
Profesionalisme Jurnalis Dalam Film The Bang-Bang Club (Studi Analisis Semiotika Ferdinand De Saussure) Revaldo Dewa Fransisko; Indrawati; Ahmad Harun Yahya
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Sosial Politik Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September - Desember

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One of the definitions of film is moving images. Movies are often grouped together under the umbrella term "cinema", which comes from the Greek word for motion, kinematics. There's a lot of different kinds of movie genres as well. A variety of genres, including but not limited to: acting, comedy, drama, thriller, and horror. The term "journalist professionalism" refers to a set of professional standards that are shared and recognized for journalists to be followed while working. Using Ferdinand De Sauussure's semiotic theory in relation to the signifier and signified in the film The Bang-bang Club, this study aims to understand how a professional journalist performs his duties both within and outside the scope of his work. Different by significant, consisting of the ideas, functions, and values transmitted by the signifier, the first is physically present and can be seen with the naked eye. Methods such as documentation studies, library studies, and online data searches are used for data collection. In the movie The Bang-bang Club, the protagonist serves as an object of analysis. Using six scenes from the movie The Bang-Bang Club, the object depicts the professionalism of film journalists.
Analisis Penyajian Iklan Di Media Online Tribun Sumsel.Com Rubim Jaya Kusuma; Sumaina Duku; Ahmad Harun Yahya
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Sosial Politik Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September - Desember

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Marketing has evolved into a more nuanced and distinctive form of communication in the modern era due to advances in technology. The integration of communications and marketing is an important component in capturing customer attention. Specifically, this study looks at how digital advertising is presented using a qualitative research approach, which is a scientific method. In qualitative research, researchers use real-world settings to spark new ideas. Qualitative research relies heavily on the researcher. Therefore, to conduct a thorough analysis of the object being studied, researchers need access to a wealth of theories and insights. The advertising presentation method is the main focus of this research. Two types of data, primary and secondary, were used to construct this research. Interviews and media news presentation surveys on Tribun provide the main data used in this research. Articles, books, journals, and websites serve as secondary sources for this research data. There is a clear purpose and meaning to conducting an interview that goes beyond random conversation. Achieve dominance in the Sumatra online media market and become a leading newspaper publishing company. Share reliable information to inspire new thought patterns and promote the establishment of democracy in Sumatra. Maintain an honest, productive and profitable company. Gojek advertising media on Tribun displays signs, objects and interpretants, as determined by semiotic analysis. Gojek is a transportation reservation app, and the second image shows a food reservation. This can be seen from the technique of taking images, colors and advertising text, which includes signs such as vehicles and drivers carrying passengers. Everything from the placement of the image to the expressions and words written on it conveys the verbal and nonverbal messages in this advertisement.
Radio Dan Eksistensi Bahasa Daerah (Program Rampai Talang Banyuasin Di Radio Suara Indah Persada Fm) Amilia Hikma Al-Umari; Indrawati; Ahmad Harun Yahya
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Dan Sosial Politik Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): September - Desember

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Radio Suara Indah Persada FM is a local radio station in Banyuasin since 2008. The presence of Radio Suara Indah Persada FM as a local radio that is able to maintain the existence of radio and its local language until now is not easy. There are many external and internal factors that affect the existence of Suara Indah Persada FM radio. This makes Radio Suara Indah Persada FM must have strategies in order to continue to maintain its existence, by always maintaining the Banyuasin regional language. Through the Rampai Talang Banyuasin (RTB) program, which received a KPI award as the best cultural Feature category in 2014. This research aims to find out what are the factors that affect the existence of radio and local languages in the Rampai Talang Banyuasin program, and to find out how the strategies carried out by Radio Suara Indah Persada FM in maintaining the existence of local languages through the Rampai Talang Banyuasin program, using Dimmick and Rothenbuhler's media ecology theory, they argue that to maintain its existence, the media needs three main sources of existence, namely capital (advertising revenue), type of content (type of media content) and type of audience (type of target audience). The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method and data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documents related to the research. The results showed that the factors that influence the existence of radio and local languages come from supporting factors and internal and external inhibiting factors. Radio Suara Indah Persada FM in maintaining the existence of radio and local languages through the Rampai Talang Banyuasin program, namely: 1) Carry out planning, production and purchase of programs, execution and supervision of the Rampai Talang Banyuasin program. 2) conducting segmentation, targeting, and posiotoning in capturing the audience market on Rampai Talang Banyuasin. 3) Marketing strategy in marketing Rampai Talang Banyuasin program.
Kritik Sosial dalam Film Dokumenter Ruang Gelap di Balik Kemegahan Stadion Internasional Jakarta M. Rohid; Ahmad Harun Yahya; Eni Murdiati
ULIL ALBAB : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 2 No. 11: Oktober 2023
Publisher : CV. Ulil Albab Corp

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jim.v2i11.2327


The purpose of this study is to find out the social criticism represented through a documentary film entitled The Dark Room Behind the Splendor of the Jakarta International Stadium from the Assumption YouTube channel. Seen from Representment, Object and Interpretation. The Assumption YouTube channel on February 11 2022 uploaded a documentary video that discusses life around the Jakarta International Stadium location which makes them sometimes have to leave their place of residence. This is a qualitative study using Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis. The data source used by the researcher, namely the primary data source, is a video uploaded on the Assumption YouTube channel with the title The Dark Room Behind the Splendor of the Jakarta International Stadium. Other sources are secondary data sources including internet news, journals and previous theses, as well as books related to research. Observation and documentation are data collection strategies used in data analysis. From the results of research to find representations of social criticism in the documentary film The Dark Room Behind the Splendor of the Jakarta International Stadium, researchers have concluded that this representation can be seen from three points, namely the representamen, objects and interpretations represented from the dialogue monologues Ayong, Kasdiyah and Basadan as well as from taking pictures.
Interpretasi Jurnalis Perempuan Kota Palembang Terhadap Feminisme Di Film Bombshell Tri Andini Firanti; Sumaina Duku; Ahmad Harun Yahya
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: This researcher discusses the issue of feminism in a film entitled Bombshell. The title of this research is a female journalist's interpretation of feminism in the film Bomshell. Where this research aims in the long term is to provide input to film producers or directors regarding the audience's acceptance of female journalists in the city of Palemang regarding the issue of feminism in the film Bombshell. In this research, the researcher used a qualitative method with an Encoding and Decoding reception analysis approach, using Stuart Hall's reception theory. This is to observe the results of the collation between audience discourse and media discourse. Understanding the existence of the issue of feminism is a matter of differences in interpretation between informants using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation of the results obtained from this research, namely that the five informants gave different meanings to the issue of feminism in the film Bombshell, based on the results, knowledge, patterns different thoughts and experiences. Thus, the results obtained from this research were four informants who agreed with the message, issues and all segments conveyed by the film Bomshell, which means being in a position of Dominant Hegemony, and there was one informant who disagreed and gave his own views on one of the segments in the film. the bombshell. which means being in a negotiation position. The conclusion of this research is that it will hopefully provide information, insight and hopefully the audience will be able to take away the moral values and messages contained in the film. With this research, it is hoped that viewers will have active skills in interpreting the messages contained in film media.
Analisis Tahapan Produksi Program Siaran “Halo Palembang” Di PALTV Pebrina Pebrina; Sumaina Duku; Ahmad Harun Yahya
Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Social Science and Contemporary Issues Journal
Publisher : ScidacPlus

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ABSTRACT: The Halo Palembang program on PALTV is a talk show program that discusses interesting things or events in the city of Palembang broadcast live This study aims to find out how to analyze the production stages of the halo Palembang broadcast program on PALTV starting from the Pre-Production, Production and Post-production stages in accordance with the Operational Standard Procedures (SOP) and what are the obstacles faced during the production process of the halo Palembang broadcast program. This research method uses qualitative descriptive analysis methods. The subjects of this study were the halo Palembang program crew which included producers, hosts and technical teams who became informants to find data, using interview techniques and direct observation.the results of this study showed that producers have roles and responsibilities during the production process starting from pre-production, production and post-production. The pre-production stage includes determining the theme, resource persons, script making and production meetings. The production process is a shooting process that includes a series of events consisting of 3 segments that are broadcast live (live). And finally, the post-production stage which is referred to as the completion stage where the halo Palembang program is broadcast live (Live), so not too much is edited, it's just that the editing process itself must be in accordance with P3SPS (KPID Broadcasting Behavior Guidelines) owned by PALTV.