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Kumpulan Jurnal Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum MAGISTER ILMU HUKUM DAN KENOTARIATAN, 2016
Publisher : Kumpulan Jurnal Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum

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Abstract The notary public officials are authorized to make an authentic deed, besides other prescribed by statute the authority. At the time of the anactment UUJN No. 30 Tahun 2004, a debate emerged related to the authority notaries in making the deed assiciated with land. It is in the trigger because of other dignitaries in this PPAT who also has the authority in making the deed associated with land. Then the authority certificate relating to land as what can be made by a notary?. In the process of land registration as mentioned in PP No. 24 Tahun 1997, that which, aids the head of the land office is PPAT, a notary it is not included as the officials who could also help made the deed used for land registration, however there are several a deed which PPAT not authorized to make it so as to be using a notarial deed to or as a bottom land registration certificate as a binding agreement of purchase, the power of selling certificates, here make the meaning of the authority made the deed pertaining to land owned by a notary have become blurred. Here writer trying to look at what the meaning of the deed which as pertaining to land that has been granted to a notary in UUJN, as well as see the basis of maker of laws giving authority to a notary. This research using the normative law methodology, where approach research in use is statuta approach and conceptual approach Research suggests that the significance of related to land certificate which is the authority of the notary is narrow it could make a notarial deed with regard to land as long as it does not constitute the PPAT , then the lawmakers to give the authority is there some kind of notary or the idea that the idea of PPAT and notary to be one, it means that there is only one of the officials in charge of making a deed. Key words : a deed which as pertaining to land Abstrak Notaris merupakan pejabat umum yang berwenang membuat akta otentik, disamping kewenangan lainnya yang ditentukan oleh undang-undang.  Pada saat berlakunya UUJN No. 30 Tahun 2004, muncul suatu perdebatan terkait dengan adanya kewenangan notaris dalam membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan.  Hal ini di picu karena adanya pejabat lain dalam hal ini PPAT yang juga mempunyai kewenangan dalam membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan.  Lantas kewenangan membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan seperti apa yang dapat dibuat oleh notaris?. Dalam proses pendaftaran tanah sebagaimana disebutkan dalam PP No. 24 Tahun 1997, bahwa yang membantu Kepala Kantor Pertanahan adalah PPAT, notaris tidak disebutkan sebagai pejabat yang juga dapat membantu membuat akta yang digunakan untuk pendaftaran tanah, akan tetapi ada beberapa akta yang mana PPAT tidak berwenang untuk membuatnya sehingga harus menggunakan akta notaris untuk atau sebagai dasar pendaftaran tanah seperti Akta Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli, Akta Kuasa Menjual, disini menjadikan makna dari kewenangan membuat akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan yang dimiliki oleh notaris menjadi kabur. Disini  penulis mencoba menelaah apa makna dari akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan  sebagaimana yang telah diberikan kepada notaris dalam UUJN, sekaligus melihat dasar dari pembuat undang-undang memberikan kewenangan kepada notaris Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, dimana pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa makna dari akta yang berkaitan dengan pertanahan yang merupakan kewenangan notaris adalah bersifat sempit, artinya notaris bisa membuat akta yang berkiatan dengan pertanahan sepanjang akta tersebut bukan merupakan kewenangan PPAT.  Kemudian dasar para pembuat undang-undang memberi kewenangan tersebut kepada notaris adalah adanya semacam gagasan atau ide bahwa nantinya notaris dan PPAT dapat dijadikan satu, artinya hanya ada satu pejabat saja yang berwenang untuk membuat akta.   Kata kunci:  akta yang bekaitan dengan pertanahan  
JMB : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 9, No 1 (2020): JMB : Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jmb.v9i1.2052


This is study aims to determine the effect of occupational safety and health, work competence and organizational commitment partially or simultaneously on the employee performance of the Human Resource Operations department at PT Gajah Tunggal, TBk. This study uses a descriptive quantitative research approach that relates to the numbers in the description describing in detail. For the sampling method in this is study the sampling method is used, namely saturated samples. The study sample was 55 respondents from employees of the operational human resources department at PT Gajah Tunggal, Tbk. so that the engineering approach with sampling used is saturated sample is expected to have a very small error gradation by being a population as a sample of 55 respondents. In this research. Analysis of the data used by researchers is with the help of calculating the SPSS 24 application to calculate the effect partially or simultaneously. Based on the results of simple regression and multiple regression in the SPSS 24 application. The results of the research can be partially proven that the occupational safety and health variables (X1) have a positive and significant effect on performance (Y) of 0.230 or 23%. The variable work competence (X2) has a positive and significant effect on performance (Y) of 0.503 or 50.3%. Organizational commitment variable (X3) has a positive and significant effect on performance (Y) of 0.434 or 43.4%. Simultaneously the occupational safety and health variables (X1), work competence (X2) and organizational commitment (X3) have a positive and significant effect on performance (Y) of 45.8%.Keywords: Occupational Safety And Health, Work Competence, Organizational Commitment, And Employee Performance
Fabrication of Bioplastic from Rice Straw Inayati Inayati; Abdulloh Abdulloh; Zanuar Bagus R
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Volume 4 No 1 July 2020
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v4i1.43155


Abstract. Oil based plastics have been proven as severe pollutants for the environments as they required years to be degraded. Thus, bioplastics are very attractive as the solution of this problem as they easier to be degraded in soil. This work was aimed to fabricate bioplastics from rice straw, with addition of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and glycerol. Prior to the bioplastic fabrication, cellulose was extracted from rice straw through digestion process using ethanol solution (50% w/w) and sodium hydroxide solution (8% w/w) as catalyst. Digestion process was held for 60 minutes at temperature of 120 oC. Bioplastics were produced by blending dried pulp, carboxymethyl cellulose, and glycerol. Five grams of dried cellulose was dissolved in 100 ml of water. The amount of CMC and glycerol added to the pulp solution were varied from 1 ml to 2 ml and 0.5 to 1.5 grams, respectively. Swelling test (both in water and oil) and biodegradability test were conducted to study the performance of the bioplastics. Results showed that bioplactic dissolved easily in water. During oil swelling test, it showed that higher glycerol content increases the oil proof characteristic of the bioplastic. Meanwhile, the CMC content has no impact during the oil swelling test. The best composition of the bioplastic was achieved with the CMC and glycerol contents of 1.382% (w/w) and 1,843% (w/w), respectively, with the lowest oil swelling test result of 55%. Biodegradability of the bioplactics were lower in higher CMC and glycerol contents. The best composition with maximum weight reduction of the bioplastics was achieved by the bioplastic with 0.469% (w/w) of CMC content and 0.939% (w/w) of glycerol.Keywords: Bioplastic, Rice Straw, CMC, Glycerol, Swelling, Biodegradability
Turatsuna : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan Vol 3, No 1 (2021): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Turatsuna : Jurnal Keislaman dan Pendidikan

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In this article the author proposes about the formation of student character through the Implementation of Khaira Ummah Concept which has been explored from Alqur'an Surat Ali-Imron verse 110 . This article also discusses how important education leads to character building. Furthermore, it is also explained the formation of character through the concept of khaira ummah stated in the Qur'an, with three main pillars, namely Amar Ma'ruf which is then explored into Social Interprise, Nahi Mungkar or Peace Education, and Believe in God with the application of Peace Education. These three pillars become one of the systems in an effort to form character, especially students as Agents of Change. because the three pillars have an important function, the discussion section of the author describes more details related to character formation through the application of the concept of khaira ummah at the college level.Keyword: Implementation, Khaira Ummah Concept, CharacterDalam artikel ini penulis mengemukakan tentang pembentukan karakter mahasiswa melalui Implementasi Konsep Khaira Ummah yang telah dieksplorasi dari Alqur’an Surat Ali-Imron ayat 110 . Artikel ini juga membahas tentang betapa pentingnya pendidikan yang mengarah pada pembentukan karakter. Selanjutnya dijelaskan pula pembentukan karakter melalui konsep khaira ummah yang tertera dalam al-Qur’an, yakni dengan tiga pilar utama, Yakni Amar Ma’ruf yang kemudian dieksplorasi menjadi Sosial Interprise, Nahi Mungkar atau Peace Education, dan Beriman Kepada Allah dengan penerapan Peace Education. Ketiga pilar tersebut menjadi salah satu system dalam upaya pembentukan karakter, terutama mahasiswa sebagai Agen Perubahan. karena ketiga pilar tersebut memiliki fungsi yang sangan penting, maka dibagian pembahasan penulis menjabarkan lebih detail terkait pembentukan karakter melalui penerapan konsep khaira ummah di tingkat perguruan tinggi.Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Konsep Khaira Ummah, Karakter
Implementasi Model Direct Instruction Dalam Pembelajan Bola Basket di SMAN 1 Ciasem Cantika Febriyanti; Abdulloh Abdulloh; Dhika Bayu Mahardhika
Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan Vol 8 No 17 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Wahana Pendidikan
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (120.479 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7069778


The purpose of this study was to improve basketball learning outcomes in class XI students in the 2022/2023 academic year in physical education subjects using the implementation of the direct instruction model. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using data collection techniques using interview instruments. In this study, the subjects were 1 physical education teacher at SMAN 1 Ciasem and 5 students from each representative of class XI. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of the direct instruction model can improve student learning outcomes in physical education subjects, especially in basketball material because the direct instruction model requires the teacher to explain in detail the material being taught and carried out in a step-by-step manner so that students can understand what has been explained and practiced by the teacher.
Pelatihan Strategi Pemasaran Menggunakan Bahasa Persuasif pada Media Sosial Di Pokdarwis Wisata Pesesekh Khikit Sudarmaji; abdulloh abdulloh; Kharisma Idola Arga
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 06 (2022): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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This Community Service activity is specifically aimed at the management and members of the Pokdarwis Wisata Pesesekh Khikit, which totals 20 people. The training will be carried out with an Andragogy approach using the Simulation and Exercise method, where the presenter on this occasion acts as a model in the process of promoting tourism using persuasive language and followed by practice by the participants. The problem in the partner environment is that many members of the Pokdarwis Wisata Pesesekh Khikit do not use promotional media on social media. Even if someone uses social media, they only rely on promotions in the Whatsapp group. They do not have enough knowledge about communication technology, especially features on social media and their functions and uses. Therefore, they do not understand marketing and business communication and carry out product promotions persuasively in attracting tourists on social media. In this training, Pokdarwis administrators and members as participants will be provided with; 1) the importance of the use of persuasive language, 2) the use of good and correct persuasive language, 3) the use of social media in promotions, and 4) the use of social media features. Through this training, service practitioners will share their knowledge and experiences during research in marketing strategies using persuasive language on social media. Thus, after participating in this training, participants are expected to have knowledge, experience, and skills so that they are able to compose persuasive words in creating content on social media.