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Study on Seasonal Variation of Cohesive Suspended Sediment Transport in Estuary of Mahakam Delta by using A Numerical Model Hadi, Safwan; Ningsih, Nining Sari; Tarya, Ayi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 13, No 1 (2006)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.912 KB)


Abstract. A coupled three-dimensional hydrodynamics and sediment transport model of HydroQual, Inc., (2002), ECOMSED, has been used to simulate variation of suspended cohesive sediment transport in Estuary of Mahakam Delta. The simulation results indicate that tides and seasonal variation of river discharges are the main causes of variations in the suspended sediment concentration in this area. A one-year simulation of suspended sediment distribution shows that the suspended cohesive sediment discharge to the Makassar Strait is mainly transported southward, namely through locations of Muara Jawa and Muara Pegah and seems to reach a maximum distance of distribution in January and a minimum one in October. The simulation results also show that river discharges less influence the suspended sediment concentration at Tanjung Bayur, which is located at the tip of the channel in the middle, compared to the other locations. Abstrak. Suatu model kopel tiga dimensi hidrodinamika dan transpor sedimen HydroQual, Inc., (2002), ECOMSED, diterapkan untuk mensimulasi variasi transpor sedimen kohesif melayang di Estuari Delta Mahakam. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa pasut dan variasi musiman dari debit sungai adalah penyebab utama dari variasi konsentrasi sedimen melayang di daerah ini. Simulasi satu tahun distribusi sedimen melayang memperlihatkan bahwa sedimen kohesif yang memasuki Selat Makassar terutama ditransporkan ke arah selatan melalui Muara Jawa dan Muara Pegah. Jangkauan maksimum dari aliran sedimen memasuki Selat Makassar terjadi pada bulan Januari dan minimum pada bulan Oktober. Hasil simulasi juga menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh debit sungai terhadap konsentrasi sedimen di Tanjung Bayur lebih kecil daripada di lokasi-lokasi yang lain.
TIDAL PATTERNS AND RESOURCE USE IN THE MUSI-BANYUASIN COASTAL ZONE OF SUMATRA Hadi, Safwan; Hanson, Arthur J.; Koesoebiono, -; Mahlan, Musrefinah; Purba, Mulia; Rahardjo, Santoso
Marine Research in Indonesia Vol 19 (1977)
Publisher : Research Center for Oceanography - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2348.152 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/mri.v19i0.376


Tidal influence extends 100 km upriver in the coastal swamplands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. In planning development or resource use, description of local tidal variation is important since tides interact with river flow to zone the land and waters into a series of distinctive environments. The coastal swamps are being opened for rice cultivation with tidally-influenced irrigation and drainage canals. There are also forestry and fishery activities plus major shipping activities in these delta areas. The tidal patterns arc studied in the South Sumatra coastal portion of the Musi and Banyuasin River basins. The tides are mixed, predominantly diurnal with a maximum range of 3.5 m near the coast. Significant differences in tidal amplitude and phase exist between rivers separated by deltas often less than 10 km in width. Differences in river water flow atributed to season or basin characteristics influence tidal patterns. On the Musi river the relationship between tidally-influenced resource uses and distance from the sea suggests the greatest variety of activities occurs within the zone of maximum tidal range 0 to 30 km from the delta fronts. This zone should therefore be considered a region of special ecological concern. A mechanism is needed for coordinated planning of infrastructure changes likely to influence hydrology or resource uses. Predictive models should be developed for measuring the likely impact of such development on coastal hydrology.
Dinamika Seas dan Swell dari Laut China Selatan ke Teluk Jakarta: Studi Kasus Kejadian Badai Hagibis, November 2007 Ningsih, Nining Sari; Rachman, Arief; Hadi, Safwan; Hanifah, Farrah
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 26, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3213.215 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.v26i1.8538


Karakteristik dinamika seas dan swell di sepanjang perairan Laut China Selatan-Teluk Jakarta pada waktu terjadi Badai Hagibis (18–27 November 2007) dikaji dengan menggunakan metode pemodelan spektrum gelombang untuk mengetahui kontribusi gelombang yang dibangkitkan angin (gelombang angin) terhadap kejadian rob tanggal 25 November 2007 di pantai utara Jakarta. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pula uji coba simulasi model spektrum gelombang yang mengacu pada kedalaman tetap (batimetri) dan pada kedalaman total (jumlah batimetri dan pasang surut astronomis) untuk mengetahui pengaruh pasang surut astronomis terhadap hasil simulasi model gelombang yang dibangkitkan angin. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa gelombang angin di Teluk Jakarta pada tanggal 25 November 2007 didominasi oleh swell dengan tinggi gelombang ~11 cm yang diduga berasal dari Laut China Selatan sebagai daerah pembangkitan badai.
TIDAL PATTERNS AND RESOURCE USE IN THE MUSI-BANYUASIN COASTAL ZONE OF SUMATRA Hadi, Safwan; Hanson, Arthur J.; Koesoebiono, -; Mahlan, Musrefinah; Purba, Mulia; Rahardjo, Santoso
Marine Research in Indonesia Vol 19 (1977)
Publisher : Research Center for Oceanography - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2348.152 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/mri.v19i0.376


Tidal influence extends 100 km upriver in the coastal swamplands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. In planning development or resource use, description of local tidal variation is important since tides interact with river flow to zone the land and waters into a series of distinctive environments. The coastal swamps are being opened for rice cultivation with tidally-influenced irrigation and drainage canals. There are also forestry and fishery activities plus major shipping activities in these delta areas. The tidal patterns arc studied in the South Sumatra coastal portion of the Musi and Banyuasin River basins. The tides are mixed, predominantly diurnal with a maximum range of 3.5 m near the coast. Significant differences in tidal amplitude and phase exist between rivers separated by deltas often less than 10 km in width. Differences in river water flow atributed to season or basin characteristics influence tidal patterns. On the Musi river the relationship between tidally-influenced resource uses and distance from the sea suggests the greatest variety of activities occurs within the zone of maximum tidal range 0 to 30 km from the delta fronts. This zone should therefore be considered a region of special ecological concern. A mechanism is needed for coordinated planning of infrastructure changes likely to influence hydrology or resource uses. Predictive models should be developed for measuring the likely impact of such development on coastal hydrology.
Pola Sirkulasi Arus Dan Salinitas Perairan Estuari Sungai Kapuas Kalimantan Barat Jumarang, Muhammad Ishak; Dian Martha, Muliadi, Nining Sari Ningsih, Safwan Hadi,; Ningsih, Nining Sari; Hadi, Safwan; Martha, Dian
POSITRON Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Univetsitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1185.455 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/positron.v1i1.1569


Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengkaji pola sirkulasi arus dan salinitas perairan estuari sungai Kapuas yang dibangkitkan oleh pasang surut, gaya pembangkit angin dan discharge sungai. Pada studi ini digunakan model numerik hidrodinamika MIKE 21 yang dikembangkan oleh DHI Water & Environment untuk mensimulasikan pola sirkulasi arus dan salinitas. Pola sirkulasi arus hasil simulasi menunjukkan pada kondisi pasang tertinggi, massa air bergerak dari utara ke selatan hingga masuk ke badan sungai sedangkan pada kondisi dan surut terendah massa air bergerak ke arah yang berlawanan (dari selatan ke utara) dan air mengalir dari sungai ke luar menuju lepas pantai. Pergerakan massa air pada kisaran kecepatan 0,05 sd 0,7 m/s. Pola sirkulasi arus baik saat purnama maupun perbani menunjukkan kesesuaian pola dan yang membedakan adalah besarnya kecepatan arus. Sebaran salinitas pada kondisi purnama (pasang tertinggi dan surut terendah) cenderung memiliki pola dan nilai yang sama dengan nilai salinitas dominan pada kisaran 33,2 s.d 33,4 PSU. Demikian pula pada kondisi perbani.