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Disonansi Kognitif Perokok Aktif di Indonesia Fadholi Fadholi; Guntur Freddy Prisanto; Niken Febrina Ernungtyas; Irwansyah Irwansyah; Safira Hasna
Jurnal RAP (Riset Aktual Psikologi Universitas Negeri Padang) Vol 11, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (916.491 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/rapun.v11i1.108039


Prevelensi perokok di Indonesia setiap tahunnya meningkat, berbagai kampanye anti rokok telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan organisasi untuk mengurangi angka perokok yang dapat berdampak bagi kesehatan. Para perokok mengetahui adanya bahaya yang ditimbulkan oleh rokok sehingga memunculkan adanya disonansi, dimana seseorang terlibat dalam perilaku yang tidak konsisten dengan keyakinan mereka. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana perokok memiliki disonansi kognitif terhadap rokok, strategi yang digunakan untuk mengurangi disonansi, serta persepsi mengenai manfaat cukai rokok pada negara. Metode penelitian yang  digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam (in depth interview) pada perokok aktif di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk mengurangi disonansi, perokok aktif menambah elemen kognitif dengan informasi baru seperti informasi bahwa merokok tidak memiliki dampak langsung terhadap kesehatan mereka, masih banyak yang berbahaya bagi tubuh selain merokok, serta informasi mengenai rokok sebagai penyumbang pendapatan ekonomi terbesar di Indonesia. Elemen kognitif baru ini memberikan pembenaran atas perilaku merokok sehingga kampanye anti-rokok yang selama ini dilakukan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap perilaku perokok aktif di Indonesia.
PEMANFATAAN MEDIA SOSIAL FACEBOOK SEBAGAI STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI POLITIK Suratno Suratno; Irwansyah Irwansyah; Niken Febrina Ernungtyas; Guntur Freddy Prisanto; Safira Hasna
SOURCE : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Source : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Volume 6 Nomor 1 April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/source.v6i1.1552


Political candidates are actively using Facebook's social media as a political communication strategy, for which there is social interaction and interactive dialogues between the candidates and the public in  virtual space, where this is needed to influence public involvement in achieving their political missions. Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe the influence of the use of social media Facebook as a political communication strategy on the electability, effectiveness, and popularity of the candidates of the DPR RI members in 2019 legislative elections. The research used theories and concepts of political communication and the use of social media in political communication, using quantitative research methods and surveys of 30 Facebook user respondents and voters in the 2019 legislative elections. The results showed there was an impact of Facebook utilization on the electability by  16%, on effectiveness by  39.7%, and on the popularity of prospective members of the DPR RI in the 2019 legislative elections by  17.3%. Users can actively collect information and opinions using this site as a place of communication between themselves with the politicians or with fellow supporters. However, the use of Facebook is not the only effective political communication strategy, traditional media such as television, radio, billboards, stickers are still effective to reach the public who do not always use social media.
STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN POLITIK PADA PEMILU LEGISLATIF Primus Adeodatur Latu Batara; Guntur Freddy Prisanto; Niken Febrina Ernungtyas; Irwansyah Irwansyah; Safira Hasna
Metacommunication Journal of Communication Studies
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.235 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/mc.v5i2.7812


The large number of parties in the 2019 legislative elections made political parties have to compete for political power in their constituencies. Political marketing communication strategies are needed to get the most votes and win in the democratic event every 5 years in Indonesia. East Nusa Tenggara I became one of the electoral districts that experienced fierce competition among the political parties, due to the large number of elite legislative members and political activists in this area. However, Nasdem as a new party was able to gain the most votes and won the 2019 legislative elections. Therefore, the objective of this study is to understand how the political marketing communication strategy used by Nasdem in East Nusa Tenggara Province, especially in the NTT electoral district I to win the 2019 legislative elections. The research used the concept of political parties, political campaigns, and political marketing communication using a qualitative approach and in-depth interview techniques. As a result, sales oriented political party marketing communication strategies used by Nasdem in the 2019 elections in the electoral district of East Nusa Tenggara Province I won the most votes. This strategy aims to get the number of votes from potential voters, and the representation of parties and personal  figures that are 'sold' by political parties. Personal figures of the candidates have more impact  for winning legislative elections than political party ideologies.