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Lateral Thinking Ability Analysis in Preparation of Science Teacher Candidate Papers and Reports Vica Dian Aprelia Resti; Aditya Rakhmawan
Bioeducation Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Bioeducation Journal
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang Address: Biology Education Study Program Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Barat, Padang-West Sumatera-Indonesia Telp. +62751-7057420 - Fax.+62751-7058772 - Ph. +6281363229286

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/bioedu.v5i1.312


The preparation of papers and reports is also an alternative solution to the problem of low reading and writing skills among students. The improvement of reading and writing skills is integrated in the preparation of papers and reports through a lateral thinking style in finding problem-solving solutions. This study used a quantitative descriptive approach to describe the lateral thinking skills of second semester science teacher candidate students in the preparation of papers and reports conducted during twelve meetings. The study population involved a total of 36 students of the Department of Natural Science Education, Campus III FKIP Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Jalan Ciwaru Raya, Serang, Banten. Some of the aspects contained in the assessment rubric are the systematics of papers and reports, the flow of thought and the casting of ideas. The number of students who managed to get the highest score at the meeting before UTS was 18 students, 6 students scored 88, 6 students scored 84 and 6 students scored 82. These results differ from the number of students who managed to get the highest score at the meeting after the UTS, namely 6 students, 6 students scored 86, 18 students scored 84 and 6 students scored 82. The existence of differences in results at the meeting before and after the implementation of the UTS is an indication that presenting learning activities that provide experiences to students involves the role of several aspects. Some of these aspects include the scope of the problem, the choice of learning methods and the learning experiences of previous students.
Neuroscience Studies in Self Regulated Learning for Science Teacher Candidates through Optimizing the Learning Management System (LMS) with the SPADA Feature Vica Dian Aprelia Resti; Siti Romlah Noer Hodijah; Mudmainah Vitasari
Bioeducation Journal Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Bioeducation Journal
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang Address: Biology Education Study Program Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA) Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Air Tawar Barat, Padang-West Sumatera-Indonesia Telp. +62751-7057420 - Fax.+62751-7058772 - Ph. +6281363229286

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/bioedu.v5i2.331


Online learning to anticipate the Covid-19 pandemic directly or indirectly has presented a new order in the learning aspect. One of the Learning Management System (LMS) technologies used at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University is the Sistem Pembelajaran Daring (SPADA). Several features in SPADA have been developed to help students learn independently or guided, including summary, assignment, grade, URL and activity completion. Lecturers continue to try to anticipate problems in optimizing these features. These efforts continue to experience changes and developments because the self regulated learning that is passed by each student is not the same. This is influenced by a series of brain mechanisms in processing information or known as neuroscience. Student activities related to independent learning do not only involve cognition from a series of information processing, but a series of self-knowledge information that is included in the study of abilities and metacognitive skills. In this regard, the independence of learning in this study is explained in terms of cognitive, motivational and behavioral aspects using a questionnaire instrument and interview guidelines for 32 students in the Department of Natural Sciences Education Semester V of 2020. Based on the results and discussion, it is known that the difficulty in realizing learning independence because students do not know for sure the goals to be achieved, so it is difficult to determine various strategies for achieving them. The problem of self regulated learning encourages LMS optimization steps with SPADA features based on neuroscience studies. The first thing to do is to give students the freedom to learn according to their inclinations, so the suggestion that can be conveyed is that the lecturer should know the learning style of each student before using the LMS through the SPADA feature in developing student learning independence.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Available Online in June 2016 (Web of Science Indexed)
Publisher : Department of Science Education, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.01 KB) | DOI: 10.30870/jppi.v2i1.477


Abstract Decreasing the characters such as effort on work hard could be improve in learning process, especially to apply concepts understanding in daily life. Developing characters on education could be realized by develop learning sets equipment with characters aspect included. Based on the description, the purpose of this research is to develop sets instructional equipment of Science included characters aspect using Problem Based Learning (PBL) in General Biology learning. Development procedure is adapted from 4D model development proposed by Thiagarajan. Instruments of this research are validation sheet, test (pre-test, post-test), and the observation sheet using authentic asesmen in character developing and critical thinking. Data was anlyzed by expert validation result, asesmen results by 3rd semester studenst based on practical guide, and 1 st semester students test (pre-test and post-test) result. The results were analyzed on percentage and decision making on learning sets equipment revisions. Based on percentage result, overall learning sets equipment showed in very good qualification or good qualification category and not revised. Improvement of learning sets equipment could be sustain based on experts or students suggestions. Observation result showed many of students have argumentation ability, deduction, induction, and evaluation skills. Keywords: Sets Instructional Equipment, Character, Authentic Asesmen,  Abstrak Menurunnya salah satu karakter, seperti kemauan berkerja keras dapat diupayakan dengan proses pembelajaran yang tidak hanya berorientasi pada pemahaman konsep, melainkan penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Peran pendidikan dalam pengembangan karakter salah satunya dapat diwujudkan dalam penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran bermuatan karakter. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut maka tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini ialah mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA bermuatan karakter, khususnya dalam Mata Kuliah Biologi Umum dengan menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Masalah (PBM). Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran mengikuti serangkaian model pengembangan 4D dari Thiagarajan. Instrumen yang digunakan meliputi lembar validasi, soal tes (pre-test, post-test), dan lembar observasi dengan menggunakan asesmen autentik dalam pengembangan karakter maupun kemampuan berpikir kritis. Data yang dianalisis terdiri dari data hasil validasi ahli, hasil penilaian panduan praktikum oleh mahasiswa semester 3, dan hasil pengerjaan soal pre-test maupun post-test pada mahasiswa semester 1. Skor penilaian dari ahli maupun mahasiswa dianalisis dalam bentuk persentase dan dilakukan pengambilan keputusan revisi perangkat pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan persentase, keseluruhan perangkat pembelajaran menunjukkan kualifikasi sangat layak maupun telah layak dan tidak perlu direvisi. Perbaikan berkelanjutan untuk keseluruhan perangkat pembelajaran tetap dilakukan berdasarkan saran ahli maupun mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, beberapa mahasiswa menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam memberikan argumen, melakukan deduksi, induksi, dan evaluasi. Kata Kunci: Perangkat Pembelajaran, Karakter, Asesmen Autentik 
Pengembangan Instrumen Soal Lomba Cerdas Cermat IPA SMP Berbasis ICT (Information and Communication Technology) dengan Aplikasi Quizizz Sintha Martya Lestari; Sjaifuddin Sjaifuddin; Vica Dian Aprelia Resti
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 6, No 2 (2022): March - June
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.6.2.531-540


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh instrumen soal Lomba Cerdas Cermat IPA SMP yang masih bersifat konvensional dan belum berbasis HOTS. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh dan mendeskripsikan data kevalidan instrumen soal lomba cerdas cermat IPA SMP berbasis ICT dengan aplikasi Quizizz yang telah dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) yang memodifikasi model pengembangan dari Thiagarajan et al. (1974) menjadi tahap define, design, dan develop sehingga dihasilkan sebuah prototype. Penelitian ini menghasilkan prototype berupa 60 butir soal pilihan ganda bertipe HOTS yang dikembangkan berbasis ICT dengan aplikasi Quizizz. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa prototype memiliki tingkat kevalidan sebesar 86,7% (sangat valid) pada aspek materi, 89,5% (sangat valid) pada aspek konstruksi, dan 90% (sangat valid) pada aspek bahasa maupun penyajian. Sehingga jika ditinjau secara keseluruhan aspek, prototype yang dikembangkan memiliki tingkat kevalidan sebesar 89% dengan kriteria sangat valid dan dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa. 
Pengembangan Videoscribe Tema Transportasi Si-Hijau Untuk Melatih Keterampilan Komunikasi Sains Siswa SMP Kelas VIII Kevin Ledya; Lukman Nulhakim; Vica Dian Aprelia Resti
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 6, No 2 (2022): March - June
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.6.2.361-370


ABSTRAKBerdasarkan analisis masalah pada latar belakang dibuatlah produk media pembelajaran videoscribe tema transportasi si-hijau sebagai salah satu alternatif solusi untuk melatih keterampilan komunikasi sains siswa. Kemudian dilakukan validasi oleh ahli dan praktisi untuk memperoleh data kevalidan produk media pembelajaran videoscribe. Model penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian pengembangan (Research & Development) yang mengacu pada model pengembangan dari Thiagarajan (1974) yang terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu define, design dan development. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu wawancara dan lembar validasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tingkat kevalidan produk media pembelajaran videoscribe tema transportasi si-hijau diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 77,13% dengan kategori valid. Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli dan praktisi pengembangan videoscribe tema transportasi si-hijau untuk melatih keterampilan komunikasi sains siswa SMP kelas VII ini valid untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Low Carbon Poly Berbasis Science Edutainment Pada Tema Jejak Si Karbon Siti Aulia Nabila; Suroso Mukti Leksono; Vica Dian Aprelia Resti
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 6 No 3 (2022): July - October
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.6.3.651-657


Science education-based local media on the carbon footprint subject was developed in order to demonstrate the creation and description of the learning media that have been prepared. There are three stages in the R&D process: define, design, and development. The R&D approach is based on Thiagarajan et al. (1974)'s development model. In-depth interviews and expert-led validity tests are undertaken using a variety of instrument. Descriptive quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed on the data. The results of this study obtained a score of 93.8% (very feasible) in terms of feasibility, 98.4% (very feasible) in the presentation aspect, 94.3% (very feasible) in the graphic aspect, and 99.7% (very feasible). in the language aspect. So that when viewed as a whole, the aspect obtained a value of 96.5% with very feasible criteria.
Pengembangan Laboratorium Virtual Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Tema Benda Di Sekitar Untuk Menumbuhkan Minat Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas VIII Diyah Nadiyah; Suroso Mukti Leksono; Vica Dian Aprelia Resti
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 6 No 3 (2022): July - October
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.6.3.764-772


At the junior hight school level in carrying out the science learning process, the teacher only applies the lecture method which only provides theory and does not carry put pratical so that students alack interest in learning. This result in the low active participation of students in learning activities and learning outcomes are less satisfactory. As an alternative to overcome partical problems and foster interest in learning, a virtual laboratory based on guided inquiry was developed with the theme of objects around us. The virtual laboratory is validated by experts, namely material experts, media and pratitioners to obtain validity data used in the learning process. The research method used is Research and Development  with reference to the development model of Thiagarajan (1974) which was modified in 3 stage. The instruments used are interview sheets and validation sheets. The results of the validity level of guided inquiry-based virtual laboratory with the theme of objects around us obtainded an average value of 92,67% with the ‘very valid’.  Based on this assessment, a guided inquiry-based virtual laboratory with the theme of objects around us in fostering interest in learning for students can be applied in learning activities.
JURNAL PENA SAINS Vol 9, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pena Sains
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jps.v9i2.14053


Scientific literacy is the answer to prepare students to face the challenges of the 21st century. The resulting e-booklet product with the theme of food security based on science literacy is an alternative solution to improve students scientific literacy skills. The food security e-booklet contains food sources, substances contained in food and food processing methods which are compiled based on the integration of aspects of scientific literacy and problem based learning models. The research method used is the 4D development model developed by S. Thiagarajan, et al. (1974). However, the research on the development of this e-booklet was modified according to needs, consisting of the define, design, and develop stages. The assessment was carried out using a validation questionnaire that was assessed by a team of experts with two science education lecturers and one science teacher. The results of this study obtained the average value of the feasibility of the e-booklet on the theme of food security based on scientific literacy as a whole with a percentage of 84% in the very feasible category. Therefore, this e-booklet with the theme of food security reflects students' scientific literacy as a whole and is suitable for use.  Keywords: e-booklet, scientific literacy, food security, problem based learning models
JURNAL PENA SAINS Vol 9, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pena Sains
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jps.v9i2.14076


Development of Student Worksheets (LKPD) Based on Science Process Skills (KPS) The theme of Air Pollution to Develop Critical Thinking Skills for Junior High School Students aims to present the results of the development and describe the feasibility level of the LKPD that has been made. The research method used is the innovative work of an item or Research and Development (RD) and the 4-D model created by Thiagarajan et al., (1974) in which there are four phases of research and development, but in this case it only concentrates on 3 stages. , especially the definition stage (Define), the planning stage (Design), and the development stage (Develop). The expert validation questionnaire instrument sheet was used to test the feasibility of a product and was evaluated by two expert lecturers and two science educators. Information dissected descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the development of LKPD Based on Science Process Skills with the Theme of Air Pollution to Develop Critical Thinking Skills for Junior High School Students, which were viewed from the expert's assessment, scored 80.25% and were included in the proper category. Thus, the LKPD based on science process skills developed is suitable for use at the junior high school level.Keywords: Student Worksheet, Science Process Skills, Air Pollution, Critical Thinking Ability, and Junior High School.
Development of Teaching Materials in the Form of E-Books Assisted by Professional Flip Pdf Applications with the Theme of Environmental Conservation to Empower Environmental Care Attitudes Siti Elfrida Silviana; Lukman Nulhakim; Vica Dian Aprelia Resti
AURELIA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (2023): July 2023
Publisher : CV. Rayyan Dwi Bharata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v2i2.582


The development of an e-book with the help of a professional flip pdf application with the theme of environmental preservation is motivated by the learning objectives of Natural Sciences (IPA), including to foster a positive attitude and students' awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. Achievement of research objectives in e-book development to empower students' environmental care attitudes through a series of activities contained in e-book systematics. This research was conducted in December 2022. The research method used was Research and Development RD, the research design used Borg and Gall and used 7 of 10 simplified research stages, adjusted based on research and development needs, namely up to the product revision stage. The instrument used was a validation sheet for the validity test which was carried out by 3 validators namely teaching material experts, material experts and science subject teachers. The development of the e-book is carried out using indicators of environmental care, namely Basic Competency (KD) which is used according to the theme of environmental preservation, presentation of pictures and videos about the dangers of environmental pollution around students' residences, about orders to implement greenery and dispose of waste in its place, as well as case studies on environmental pollution. The results of the development of the e-book were then validated by 3 validators with an average percentage of 92.9% with the criteria of "Very Good" which means that the e-book shows valid results and can be used for the trial stage.