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Pendampingan Percepatan Pengentasan Kemiskinan Melalui Budidaya Cacing Tanah (Lumbricus Rubellus) di Kecamatan Soko Kabupaten Tuban Kresna Oktafianto; Raka Nur Sukma; Kuntum Febriyantiningrum; Dwi Oktafitria; Henny Murnafikhoh; Habib Al Mahdi; Rahmatullah Rahmatullah
Abdimas Universal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Balikpapan (LPPM UNIBA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.143 KB) | DOI: 10.36277/abdimasuniversal.v1i1.9


One of the efforts to alleviate poverty in Soko Sub-District, Tuban Regency is giving an assisting program in the cultivation of earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus). This program is aimed for groups of farmers in Soko Sub-District, Tuban Regency. This Community Service Activity (PKM) was carried out by using a method in the form of training activities for earthworm cultivation (Lumbricus rubbelus) starting from the provision of materials, preparation of earthworm media, seed sowing, feed making, feeding, routine maintenance, harvesting techniques and monitoring of PKM implementation team. Mentoring and monitoring activities were observed with cultivation implementation observation instruments, observation sheets on worm cultivation, and participant response questionnaires. This community service ended with the submission of earthworm seedlings (Lumbricus rubbelus) to the participants of farmer groups in Soko Sub-district, Tuban Regency as the initial capital to start earthworm cultivation (Lumbricus rubbelus). The results of Community Service showed that the average responsiveness of earthworm cultivators in Soko Subdistrict showed very good (4.1%), good (34.8%), sufficient (39.8%)and the remaining was lacking and continuous technical guidance and assistance needed to get maximum results (21.3%).
Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Tanaman Penjernih Udara di Lingkungan SMA/SMK/Sederajat Kecamatan Rengel dan Plumpang Kabupaten Tuban Jawa Timur Kuntum Febriyantiningrum; Dwi Oktafitria; Nia Nurfitria
Abdimas Universal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Balikpapan (LPPM UNIBA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (706.464 KB) | DOI: 10.36277/abdimasuniversal.v1i2.40


‘The purpose of this community service program is to help and enhance environmental conservation efforts that are more effective, efficient, and targeted for schools in the karst region in creating a healthy environment free of air pollution. The problem faced by partners is the lack of school participation in the karst area to deal with the increasing dust volume in the dry season which can disrupt teaching and learning activities. Low school participation is due to a lack of student and teacher knowledge about air-purifying plants that can be planted in the school environment. The solution offered to school partners as a first step is to hold a workshop to introduce karst areas and plant species that are useful as air purifiers. The implementation of the workshops that have been carried out can increase the understanding of students and teachers about the condition of the school environment, types of air purification plants, and the use of used materials for growing media. The monitoring results show that the partner schools namely SMAN 1 Plumpang and SMAN 1 Rengel have implemented the results of the workshop, namely by planting various air purification plants by utilizing used materials as planting media so as to achieve a beautiful environment and environmental conservation in the karst school area running well.
Rekayasa Pakan Kaya Nutrisi Bagi Peternak Kambing di Desa Bandungrejo Kec. Plumpang dan Desa Gesikharjo Kec. Palang, Kab. Tuban- Jawa Timur Nia Nurfitria; Kuntum Febriyantiningrum; Dwi Oktafitria
Publisher : LPPM UNINUS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (107.651 KB) | DOI: 10.30999/jpkm.v8i1.165


Tujuan program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan solusi atas permasalahan yang dialami oleh kedua mitra yang merupakan kelompok peternak sistem penggemukan kambing, yaitu Mitra 1 kelompok “Ngembes Rejeki”, Desa Bandung Rejo, Kecamatan Plumpang dan Mitra 2 kelompok “Mekarsari”, Desa Gesikharjo, Kecamatan Palang, Kabupaten Tuban, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra adalah manajemen pakan. Solusi yang iberikan bagi peternak kambing adalah dengan memberikan workshop terkait pembuatan dan penggunakan rekayasa pakan kaya nutrisi yang mampu menekan biaya pengeluaran untuk pakan konsentrat serta dapat menjadikan nutrisi pakan lebih efektif dan efisien sesuai TDN kambing, selain itu juga mampu mereduksi bau tidak sedap dari limbah ternak kambing (urin dan feses). Hasil yang didapatkan setelah tahap pelaksanaan workshop adalah mitra memberikan pakan tambahan kepada kambing berupa pakan kaya nutrisi yang berasal dari limbah industri dan pertanian. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi program, biaya pakan yang dikeluarkan mitra berkurang, dengan pertambahan berat badan kambing mitra yaitu rata rata 3,12 kg/bulan dan  feses dan urin yang tidak berbau. 
KEANEKARAGAMAN GASTROPODA DI EKOSISTEM MANGROVE PESISIR KABUPATEN SITUBONDO, JAWA TIMUR Nova Maulidina Ashuri; Indra Wirawan; Kesumaning Dyah Larasati; Berlianny Ovina Jasmine; Supriyadi Supriyadi; Moh. Ilham Anshory; Wildan Al-Kautsar; Dwi Oktafitria
Binar – Biology Natural Resources Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Prodi Biologi Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.118 KB) | DOI: 10.55719/Binar.2022.1.1.15-23


Gastropoda merupakan komponen penting dalam ekosistem mangrove. Spesies ini banyak ditemukan baik di batang, akar maupun sedimen di ekosistem mangrove. Selain itu, gastropoda juga diduga berperan dalam proses dekomposisi serasah mangrove. Walaupun telah ada penelitian terkait hal ini, namun belum banyak penelitian terkait gastropoda, terutama di pesisir Kabupaten Situbondo. Terlebih lagi sebagian wilayah mangrove Situbondo termasuk Zonasi Kawasan Koservasi Jawa Timur, sehingga sangat penting untuk dilakukan pemutakhiran data. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman gastropoda di Pesisir Kabupaten Situbondo beserta peranannya dalam ekologi maupun ilmu pengetahuan. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode metode transek kuadran di 3 stasiun, yaitu Pantai Kampung Kerapu, Pantai Cemara Indah dan Pantai Bama. Hasil penelitian keanekaragaman gastropoda di pesisir Kabupaten Situbondo diperoleh 9 spesies gastropoda yang tergolong ke dalam 6 famili yakni Assimineidae, Ellobiidae, Planaxidae, Potamididae, Neritidae, dan Littorinidae. Spesies Pirenella cingulata adalah spesies dengan jumlah individu yang paling banyak ditemukan. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan nilai keanekaragaman yang paling tinggi (H’ = 1,14) terdapat di Pantai Kampung Kerapu, dominansi yang paling tinggi (D = 1) di Pantai Cemara Indah dan keseragaman tertinggi (e = 0,85) di Pantai Bama. Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat, perlu penelitian lanjut dan monitoring secara rutin mengenai keanekaragaman gastropoda terutama di Pantai Kampung Kerapu dan Pantai Cemara Indah, mengingat data yang masih terbatas dan semakin tingginya aktivitas manusia yang memungkinkan adanya pengaruh terhadap kelestarian keanekaragaman serta peranan gastropoda di ekosistem mangrove.
Utilization of Leaves in Mine Reclamation Land as Organic Fertilizer with Effective Bioactivatory of Microorganism 4 (em4) and Molasses Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani; Dwi Oktafitria; Sriwulan Sriwulan; Nova Maulidina; Imas Cintamulya; Eko Purnomo
Microbiology Indonesia Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Indonesian Society for microbiology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.467 KB) | DOI: 10.5454/mi.14.2.5


Organic fertilizer as an alternative to reduce the scarcity of chemical fertilizers, otherwise it can improve soil fertility. PT. Semen Gresik - Semen Indonesia Persero (Tbk.) Has a lot of plants in the treatment period in ex-mining land that needs fertilizer to help plant growth. In addition, in post-mining land, there is a lot of organic waste in the form of dry leaves under the stands of reclamation trees. The organic waste has the potential to be processed and used as organic fertilizer. This study aims to determine the utilize leaf litter in the reclaimed mine land as organic fertilizer with EM 4 and Molasses bioactivators. This study used is a laboratory experimental method. The results showed the composition of solid material in the form of leaf litter, bran, cow dung and husk charcoal in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1 as well as looking material in the form of molasses and EM4 with a dose of 100ml per 100kg of solid material dissolved in enough water (fertilizer can be clenched and expanded slowly and not broken). Conclusion leaf litter in the former reclaimed land can be processed and used as organic fertilizer.