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Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 14 No 1 (2018): Februari 2018
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (544.569 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/jsep.v14i1.3622


AbstractThe aim of this research is to understand the description of Business model canvas and to create a design of business transformation. The reseach held at CV. OAG Makassar, It is one of a company that produced spinach chips. In order to complete a valid data, researcher were conducted a participatory action reseach method, where the researcher also involved for more than two months in the company.  The general description of the company was explained in descriptive by describing the company resources position and their performance. Business model and its business transformation model were analized using business model canvas approach and customer emphaty map. The development strategy result of CV AOG business transformation is to improving the preserves of customer segment and so as their resource key. The improvement on value propositions like customer customization services, websites and social media in its value on channels and customer relationship produce a revenue streams from new product selling which made from spinach and other veggies. Improvement also needed in social activities on key activities, increasing partners such as event organizer and delivery services as key partners, also cost added for customization and social activity on cost structure.  Keywords : development strategy; bussiness model canvas;  spinach chips.
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 16 No 1 (2020): Februari 2020
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.975 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/jsep.v16i1.8353


Farmer motivation is defined as a condition that drives a person to carry out an action in order to achieve his goals. Pulu Mandoti is one of the rarest types of fragrant glutinous rice. Pulu Mandoti can only grow in mountainous areas with an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. One of the villages that meets these criteria is Salukanan Village, Baraka sub-District, Enrekang District. This study aims to describe the system of Mandoti Pulu rice cultivation and to determine the motivation of farmers in the cultivation of Mandoti Pulu rice. This research was conducted in Salukanan Village, Baraka Subdistrict, Enrekang District in July 2019 using a descriptive qualitative method, by collecting information through interviews and questionnaires, then the information was processed using a Likert scale, and analyzed descriptively qualitatively. In conclusion, the cultivation conditions of the mandoti rice plant varieties used are local seeds, the process of land management is done by spraying herbicides, planting by way of transplanting with planting spacing, ie spacing of 25x25 cm tiles, fertilizing is done on average 5 times in one run planting season, i.e. before planting, 7 days after planting, 3rd week, 6th week, and 12th week, irrigation using water coming from the mountains using semi-technical irrigation, controlling pests and diseases by spraying appropriate pesticides such as supremo, regent, dangke and rat poison, harvest after rice aged 6-7 months ie in September to November is carried out using a technology that is still simple, ani-ani, post-harvest activities carried out namely drying and threshing. While the motivation of farmers in the cultivation of Pulu Mandoti rice from the aspect of the economic environment is at a moderate level, aspects of the social environment are at a high level, and aspects of the natural environment are at a high level. 
PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PENGEMBANGAN DESA MANDIRI BENIH PADI ORGANIK UNTUK PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN DI DESA TOMPOBULU, KECAMATAN TOMPOBULU, KABUPATEN MAROS: Community Empowerment through Development of Organic Rice Seed Self-governing Village to Increase Income of Farmers at Tompobulu Village, Tompobulu District, Maros Regency Syatrianty A. Syaiful; Nurlina Kasim; Nurbaya Busthanul; Basri Baba; Amelia Oktaviany; Fadjrin E. Mahmud; Inez Iswari
Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 6 NO. 2 MEI 2021
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v6i2.13495


ABSTRAK Peluang agribisnis pertanian organik khususnya padi organik terbuka luas bagi petani khususnya yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani karena tingginya permintaan konsumen pada hasil pertanian organik yang sangat baik bagi kesehatan dan juga bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Masalah yang dihadapi adalah minimnya pengetahuan petani tentang produksi tanaman padi organik dan penggunaan benih organik bermutu untuk menunjang produksi tanaman. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan pada Mitra Kelompok Tani Botolempangan, Dusun Baddo Ujung, Desa Tompobulu Kecamatan Tompobulu, Kabupaten Maros. Kegiatan ini berupa alih iptek ke petani untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani melalui usaha perbenihan padi organik, pengolahan limbah pertanian (biomassa tanaman dan limbah ternak) menjadi pupuk organik dan pembuatan pestisida organik untuk digunakan dalam budidaya padi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah: penyuluhan/pendampingan teori dan pelatihan/pendampingan  praktek. Paket teknologi yang diintroduksi berupa teknik pembuatan pupuk organik dari limbah pertanian (padat dan cair) alami yang sumber bahan bakunya berbasis lokal, teknik produksi benih padi organik dan teknik budidaya padi berbasis produk alami mulai dari persiapan lahannya sampai pascapanen. Hasil PKM menunjukkan bahwa petani sangat antusias dalam mempelajari sistem pertanian padi organik. Hal tersebut  terlihat dari kehadiran Dinas Pertanian setempat dan tingkat kehadiran petani yang rata-rata tinggi yaitu sekitar 40 orang dari 20 orang yang di undang pada semua tahapan kegiatan. Lahan percontohan terpelihara dengan sangat baik sehingga pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman juga sangat baik. Kata kunci: Pertanian organik, benih organik, padi organic, desa mandiri benih, pemberdayaan petani.   ABSTRACT Opportunities for organic farming agribusiness, especially organic rice, are wide open for farmers, especially those who are members of farmer groups because of the high consumer demand for organic agricultural products which are very good for health and also have high economic value. The problem faced is the lack of knowledge of farmers about organic rice crop production and the use of quality organic seeds to support crop production. The community service activities were carried out at the Mitra Perkasa Tani Botolempangan, Baddo Ujung Hamlet, Tompobulu Village, Tompobulu Subdistrict, Maros Regency. This activity is in the form of transferring science and technology to farmers to increase farmers' income through organic rice seeding businesses, processing agricultural waste (plant biomass and livestock waste) into organic fertilizers and making organic pesticides for use in rice cultivation. The methods used in the implementation of the activity are: counseling / theoretical assistance and training / practical assistance. The technology package introduced was in the form of techniques for making organic fertilizers from natural (solid and liquid) agricultural waste with local-based raw material sources, organic rice seed production techniques and rice cultivation techniques based on natural products ranging from land preparation to post-harvest. PKM results show that farmers are very enthusiastic in studying the organic rice farming system. This can be seen from the presence of the local Agriculture Office and the high level of farmer attendance, which is about 40 out of 20 people invited to all stages of the activity. The demonstration plot is very well preserved so that the growth and development of plants is also very good. Keywords: Organic farming, organic seeds, organic rice, self-sufficient seeds villages, empowerment of farmers.