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Pengaruh Pemberian Tumbuhan Obat terhadap Performa Produksi dan Karakteristik Reproduksi Ayam Petelur Nurmeiliasari Nurmeiliasari; Yosi Fenita; Ahmat Kusnandar
Jurnal Agripet Vol 20, No 1 (2020): Volume 20, No. 1, April 2020
Publisher : Agricultural Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/agripet.v20i1.15269


ABSTRAK. Performa produksi, jumlah folikel dan berat organ reproduksi diukur pada 40 ekor ayam petelur yang diberi perlakuan penambahan 5% tepung daun tumbuhan obat yaitu daun Katuk (5%TDK), daun Marigold (5%TDM), daun Senduduk (5%TDS) ke dalam ransum. Variabel yang diamati meliputi konsumsi ransum, persentase produksi telur, egg mass production, konversi ransum, berat dan panjang organ reproduksi dan jumlah folikel. Penambahan tepung tanaman obat tidak mempengaruhi konsumsi ransum ayam petelur. Hasil perhitungan persentase produksi telur mingguan menunjukkan hasil yang sama pada semua perlakuan. Perlakuan 5% tepung tanaman herbal tidak mempengaruhi egg mass production. Konversi ransum pada semua kelompok perlakuan tanaman obat adalah sama. Pemberian tepung tanaman obat di dalam ransum petelur tidak berpengaruh nyata pada jumlah folikel. Berat dan panjang organ reproduksi tidak dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan tepung tanaman obat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan 5% tepung daun Katuk, Marigold dan Senduduk dalam ransum menunjukkan konsumsi ransum, persentase produksi telur, egg mass production, konversi ransum, bobot dan panjang oviduk, berat ovarium dan jumlah folikel yang sama pada ayam petelur.         (Efficacy of medicinal plants on production performance and reproductive characteristics of laying hens) ABSTRACT. Efficacy of Katuk leaf meal, Marigold leaf meal and Senduduk leaf meal on production performance and reproductive characteristics were evaluated. Forty layers aged 32 weeks were distributed into 4 dietary treatments. The layers were housed in individual battery. One-way ANOVA treatment arranged in a Completely Randomized Design was used in this experiment. Dietary treatments were P0 (control without medicinal leaf meal), P1 (diet with 5% Katuk leaf meal), P2 (diet with 5% Marigold leaf meal), P3 (diet with 5% Senduduk leaf meal). This research measured feed intake, egg production, percentage of egg production, feed conversion ratio, number of follicles, weight of ovary, weight and length of oviduct as parameters. Significant results were tested by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The result showed that dietary treatments of medicinal leaf did not affect feed intake and feed conversion ratio of layers. Egg production percentage and egg mass production, the number of follicles, and length and weight of oviduct were similar of all medicinal leaf meal treatments. It can be concluded that feeding medicinal leaf meal did not affect production performance, number of follicles and weight of reproductive organs.
Polymorphism of Prolactin Gene (PRL/PstI) In Sikumbang Jonti Duck Using PCR-RFLP Methods Teguh Rafian; Yurnalis Yurnalis; Yosi Fenita; Rafi Iskandarsyah
Jurnal Sain Peternakan Indonesia Vol 17 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/


This study is aimed to determine polymorphism of the Prolactin gene (PRL|PstI) in Sikumbang Jonti ducks using PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction–Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) method. This study used 56 Sikumbang Jonti ducks whose blood samples were taken. Gene amplification used a pair of primers forward 5' TGC AAA CCA TAA AAG AAA AGA 3' and reverse 5' CAA TGA AAA GTG GCA AAG CAA 3', which resulted in a 400 bp fragment in exon 5 of the Prolactin (PRL) gene. The amplification product was restricted using the PstI enzyme, which recognizes the truncation site (5' G↓ACGTC 3'). From 56 samples of Sikumbang Jonti ducks identified, just one genotype was found, homozygous (-/-) with only one allele (-). Analysis of the restriction product in Sikumbang Jonti ducks obtained a uniform genetic variation of PRL|PstI (monomorphic) with an allele frequency (-) of 100%.