Gina Erida
Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Pengaruh Persaingan Gulma Synedrella nodiflora L. Gaertn. Pada Berbagai Densitas Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai Hasanuddin Hasanuddin; Gina Erida; Safmaneli Safmaneli
Jurnal Agrista Vol 16, No 3 (2012): Volume 16 Nomor 3 Desember 2012
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh densitas gulma Synedrella nodiflora terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh sejak Maret – Juni 2011. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap non faktorial dengan lima perlakuan densitas gulma yang diulang sebanyak empat kali. Densitas gulma adalah: 0, 2, 4, 6, dan 8 gulma per polibag. Peubah yang diamati adalah: jumlah cabang, diameter pangkal batang, jumlah nodula, bobot basah nodula, jumlah polong, jumlah biji, dan bobot biji per tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa densitas gulma berpengaruh terhadap bobot basah nodula dan bobot biji per tanaman. The Effects of Weed Competition of Synedrella nodiflora L. Gaertn. on Some Density to Growth and Yield of SoybeanABSTRACT .The aim of research was known the effects of weed density of Synedrella nodiflora on growth and yield of soybean. The research was conducted in Experimental Farm Agriculture Faculty, University of Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh since March up to June 2011. The experimental design was Randomized Completely Design non factorial with five treatments of weed density. Weed density were: 0; 2; 4; 6; and 8 per polybag. Variables were: number of branches, diameter of stem, number of nodules, wet  weight of nodules, number of pod, number of seed, and seed weight per plant. The result showed that weed density significantly to wet  weight of nodules and seed weight per plant. 
Aplikasi Herbisida Glifosat dan Paraquat pada Berbagai Dosis serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Biduri (Calotropis Gigantean R. Br) Gina Erida; Tjut Chamzurni
Jurnal Agrista Vol 12, No 3 (2008): Volume 12 Nomor 3 Desember 2008
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Application of Different Dosage of Glyphosate and Paraquat Herbicides and Their Effect on the Growth of Milky Weed (Calotropis gigantean R. Br)ABSTRACT. The study on application the different dosages of glyphosate and paraquat herbicides and their effect on the growth milky weed (Calotropis gigantean) has been conducted at Experimental station, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University, Darussalam, Banda Aceh. The treatment were arranged in a completely randomized bloc design (CRD) manner with two factors. The first factor was the dosages of herbicides which were 0 kg a.i/ha, 0,4 kg a.i/ha, 0,8 kg a.i/ha, and 1,2 kg a.i/ha. The second one was the different herbicides which were glyphosate and paraquat. The result showed that the dosages of the 0,8 kg a.i/ha significantly increased the percentage of milky weed control, suppressed the height of milky weed 21 days of application (DAA), reduced the diameter of milky weed stem and decreased the dry weight of milky weed. The type of the herbicides and different dosages used interactively affected the percentage of milky weed control and the diameter of milky weed stem on 21 days of application (DAA). The paraquat herbicide applied with dosage of 1,2 kg a.i/ha significantly increased the percentage of milky weed control and suppressed the diameter of milky weed stem.
Perbandingan penampilan fisiologis padi genotipe lokal dan nasional untuk mengatasi kekeringan Cut Nur Ichsan; Ihsan Gamal; Erida Nurahmi; Gina Erida; Irfan Irfan
Jurnal Floratek Vol 10, No 2 (2015): Oktober 2015
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Physiologycal Performance Comparison of Rice from Local and National Genotype to Overcome Drought ABSTRACT. Rice (Oryza sativa) is a major food commodity in the world that affected by global warming. It can be seen from crop harvest failure due to drought in many parts of the world. It is necessary to promote Land Race which has adapted to specific conditions, this is to strengthen national seed systems. This study aimed to compare the character of national varieties with local varieties that allow for superior varieties such as Cirata, Inpari 7, Ciherang, IR 64, Situ Patenggang, Situ Bagendid, Limboto and Towuti as a control and compare with 11 local genotypes (Rom Mokot, Pade Mas, Salah Manyang Ru, Bo Santeut, Si Gupai, Si Kuneng, Pade Barcelona, Sanbei, Ramoes, Si Puteh and Si Tandun) were germinated in a solution of PEG 6000 2,5% (25 grams / liter of solution). The results showed that local genotype have characters that can match with the national release varieties in the benchmark vigor reflected in germination rate, simultaneity germination and T50. Local genotype Sitandun, Si Puteh, Ramos, Sanbe, Pade Barcelona, Bo Santeut, Si gupai and Pade Mas reached 50% germination even faster than the national release varieties except Towuti and Limboto. For simultaneity germination, local genotypes Pade barcelona and Sanbe equal to Towuti, Ciherang and Inpari 7. For germination rate, local genotype Pade Mas, Pade Barcelona, Sanbe, Ramos, and Siputeh equal to Towuti, Inpari 7, Ciherang and Situ Patenggang.
Aktivitas Ekstrak n-heksana Babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) Subfraksi B Pada Berbagai Konsentrasi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Gulma Bayam Duri (Amaranthus spinosus L.) Wahyu Ananda; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Gina Erida
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian Vol 7, No 4 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.054 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/jimfp.v7i4.22381


Abstrak : Penggunaan herbisida umumnya dilakukan sebagai langkah praktis dalam mengendalikan gulma. Namun, penggunaan herbisida secara terus menerus dapat menyebabkan efek negatif terhadap lingkungan. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menguji efektivitas senyawa bioherbisida ekstrak n-heksana babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) subfraksi B pada beberapa konsentrasi terhadap pertumbuhan gulma bayam duri (Amaranthus spinosus L.). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola non faktorial dengan uji lanjut DNMRT pada taraf  5%. Konsentrasi ekstrak senyawa babadotan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 2, 4, 6, 8, dan 10%, dengan perlakuan kontrol positif (herbisida 2-4D) dan kontrol negatif (aquades). Hasil penelitian aplikasi senyawa bioherbisida ekstrak n-heksana babadotan subfraksi B memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi gulma, diameter batang, dan luas daun bayam duri. Ekstrak n-heksana babadotan subfraksi B pada konsentrasi 2% efektif menghambat pertumbuhan gulma bayam duri.Kata Kunci : A. conyzoides, Ekstrak, n-heksana, Konsentrasi. Activity of Extract of n-hexane Babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) Subfraction B at various cocentrations on the growth of Spinach Weed (Amaranthus spinosus L.)Abstract. The use of herbicides is generally done as a practical step in controlling weeds. However, the continuous use of herbicides can cause negative effects on the environment. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the bioherbicide compound extract of n-hexane babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) subfraction B at several concentrations on the growth of spinach thorn weed (Amaranthus spinosus L.). This study used a completely randomized design with a non-factorial pattern with a further test of DNMRT at the 5%  level. The concentrations of babadotan extract used in this study were 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10%, with positive control treatment (2-4D herbicide) and negative control (aquades). The results of the study that the application of bioherbicide compounds in the extract of n-hexane babadotan subfraction B gave a very significant effect on the growth of weed height, stem diameter, and leaf area of thorn spinach. The n-hexane extract of babadotan subfraction B at a concentration of 2% was effective in inhibiting the growth of spinach thorn weed.Keywords : A. conyzoides, Extract, n-hexane, Concentration.
Uji Aktivitas Bioherbisida Ekstrak N-Heksana Babadotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) Subfraksi C pada Berbagai Konsentrasi terhadap Pertumbuhan Gulma Bayam Duri (Amaranthus spinosus L.) Mariah Nasrina Mardhatillah; Erida Nurahmi; Gina Erida
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian Vol 7, No 4 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.115 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/jimfp.v7i4.22248


Abstrak. Gulma dikatakan sebagai tumbuhan yang kehadirannya tidak diharapkan pada lahan budidaya dan keberadaannya dapat merugikan manusia secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung. Penggunaan herbisida secara terus-menerus dapat memberikan efek negatif bagi lingkungan, sehingga diperlukan alternatif pengendalian salah satunya menggunakan potensi metabolit sekunder (alelokimia) yang terdapat pada tumbuhan disebut sebagai bioherbisida. Gulma babadotan diketahui memiliki senyawa metabolit sekunder yang dihasilkan melalui ekstraksi senyawa menggunakan pelarut n-heksana karena bersifat stabil, mudah menguap, transparan, selektif, lalu difraksinasi dengan kromatografi kolom. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk yaitu mengetahui uji aktivitas ekstrak babadotan subfraksi C n-heksana terhadap tanaman indikator gulma bayam duri menggunakan berbagai konsentrasi. Penelitian berlangsung dari Januari sampai dengan Juli 2022 di Kebun Percobaan 2 Fakultas Pertanian USK. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola non faktorial dengan tujuh perlakuan, terdiri dari B1=Ekstrak babadotan subfraksi C konsentrasi 2%, B2= Ekstrak babadotan subfraksi C konsentrasi 4%, B3= Ekstrak babadotan subfraksi C konsentrasi 6%, B4= Ekstrak babadotan subfraksi C konsentrasi 8%, B5= Ekstrak babadotan subfraksi C konsentrasi 10%, KNB=Kontrol negatif (Aquades), KPB= Kontrol positif (2,4-D) dengan 3 ulangan, sehingga terdapat 21 satuan percobaan. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak babadotan subfraksi C n-heksana berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap parameter tinggi gulma bayam duri, jumlah daun gulma bayam duri dan diameter batang gulma bayam duri. Ekstrak babadotan subfraksi C n-heksana konsentrasi 4% dapat menurunkan tinggi gulma, jumlah daun, dan diameter batang tanaman indikator gulma bayam duri pada 7 HSA.Bioherbicide Activity Assessment of Billygoat Weed (Ageratum conyzoides L.) C Subfraction Extract on Various Concentrations on the Growth of Spiny Amaranth Weed (Amaranthus spinosus L.)Abstract. Weeds are said to be plants whose presence is not expected on cultivated land and their presence can harm humans directly or indirectly. The continuous use of herbicides can make a negative effect on the environment, so an alternative control is needed, one of which is using potential secondary metabolites (alelochemicals) found in plants called bioherbicides. Billygoat weed is known to have secondary metabolites produced by extracting compounds using n-hexane as solvent because it is stable, volatile, transparent, selective, then fractionated by column chromatography. The purpose of this study was to determine the activity test of billygoat weed extract of subfraction C n-hexane against spiny amaranth weed indicator plants using various concentrations. The research took place from January to July 2022 at Experimental Garden 2, USK Faculty of Agriculture. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) with a non-factorial pattern with seven treatments, consisting of B1 = Billygoat weed extract subfraction C concentration of 2%, B2 = Billygoat weed extract subfraction C concentration 4%, B3 = Billygoat weed extract subfraction C concentration 6%, B4= Billygoat weed extract subfraction C concentration 8%, B5= Billygoat weed extract subfraction C concentration 10%, KNB=Negative control (Aquades), KPB= Positive control (2,4-D) with 3 replications, so there are 21 experimental units. The results showed that the billygoat weed extract of the subfraction C n-hexane had a very significant effect on the parameters of spiny amaranth weed height, leaf number of spiny amaranth weed and stem diameter of spiny amaranth weed. Billygoat weed extract subfraction C n-hexane with a concentration of 4% can reduce weed height, number of leaves, and stem diameter of spiny amaranth weed indicator at 7 DAA.
Pengaruh Jenis dan Dosis Mulsa Terang Bulan dan Kirinyuh Terhadap Pertumbuhan Gulma pada Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max L.) Syuhada Syuhada; Gina Erida; Hasanuddin Hasnuddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian Vol 3, No 4 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (163.93 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/jimfp.v3i4.9390


Abstrak. Pengendalian gulma merupakan suatu usaha guna menekan pertumbuhan gulma, tetapi tidak berpengaruh negatif terhadap tanaman budidaya. Kehadiran gulma di antara tanaman budidaya dapat menyebabkan persaingan dalam hal memperbutkan air, unsur hara, cahaya dan ruang tumbuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai mulsa gulma terhadap perubahan komposisi gulma pada tanaman kedelai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Rumpeet, Kecamatan Krueng Barona Jaya, Aceh Besar dan di Laboratorium Ilmu Gulma Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh yang dilaksanakan pada Januari sampai April 2018. Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih kedelai Dega-1 yang diperoleh dari Balai Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi (Balitkabi) Malang. Rancangan percobaan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) fola faktorial 2 x 4 dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  jenis dan dosis mulsa tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah spesies gulma dan jumlah populasi gulma. Terdapat interaksi antara jenis dan dosis mulsa pada jumlah spesies gulma 56 Hari Setelah Tanam (HST).The Effect of Sun Weed Flower and Siam Weed Dose and Species toward the Weeds Growth to Soybean Plant (Glycine max L.)Abstrack. Weed controling is one of some step to attempt weed growth, but does not have any negatif effect to cultivated plants. The precense of weed among the cultivated plants can lead to competition in term of competing for waters, nutrients, lights and growing space. This research is aims to determine the effect of some weed mulch for weed alteration on soybean. This research was held in umpeet Village, Subdistric of Krueng Barona Jaya, Aceh Besar Regency and Weed Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Syiah Kuala. The materials used is soybeans seed variety of Dega-1 that collected from Balai Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi (Balitkabi) Malang. This research using Randomize Block Design (RBD) factorial pattern 2x4 repeated 3 times. The result of this research showed that the mulch’s species and dose were not affected by the number of weeds populations and species. There was an interaction between the mulch species and dose on weeds species number during 56 days after it was planted.
Uji Aktifitas Bioherbisida Ekstrak N-Heksana Alang–Alang (Imperata cylindrica L.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Gulma Bayam Duri (Amaranthus spinonsus L.) Mulkan Hidayatullah; Siti Hafsah; Gina Erida
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.65 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/jimfp.v7i3.20599


Abstrak. Gulma adalah tumbuhan yang keberadaannya tidak diinginkan, yang menimbulkan kerusakan luas pada tumbuhan dan mempengaruhi kepentingan manusia dalam membudidayakan hasil pertanian. Gulma alang alang  (Imperata cylindrica L.) merupakan satu diantara jenis gulma yang termasuk dalam jenis tumbuhan semusim yang merambat pada akar biji dan rimpang. Alang-alang bersaing dengan tanaman lain dengan melepaskan senyawa beracun dari akar dari kelompok fenol yang disebut alelopati. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peranan  herbisida sintesis berbagai konsentrasi ekstrak n-heksana alang-alang terhadap pertumbuhan gulma bayam duri ( Amaranthus Spinonsus L.).Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Ilmu Gulma, Program Studi Agroteknologi , Fakultas Pertanian, Laboratorium Pendidikan Kimia, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Laboratorium Kimia Fakultas  Matematika Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam serta rumah kasa fakultas  Pertanian Universitas Kuala, Darussalam Banda Aceh. Pelaksanaan penelitian akan dimulai pada bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2021. Dalam penelitian ini, kami menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola non-faktorial beserta 6 tingkat percobaan : D0 = kontrol positif (2,4D pada 0,686 kg b.a ha-1),D1 = kontrol negatif (Aquades), D2 = n -Ekstrak n-heksana 5% alang alang, D3 = ekstrak n-heksana alang-alang pada konsentrasi 10%, D4 = ekstrak n-heksana alang-alang pada konsentrasi 15%, D5 = Ekstrak n-heksana alang-alang dari pada konsentrasi 20%. Setiap proses diulang 3 ulangan  sehingga teridri 18 satuan percobaan  terdiri dari 2 pot, sehingga menghasilkan 36 satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian memberitahukan bahwa pemberian ekstrak heksana alang-alang berpengaruh sangat penting akan tinggi gulma, jumlah daun dan diameter batang. Ekstrak gulma n-heksana 20% merupakan konsentrasi tertinggi yang dapat menurunkan tinggi gulma, jumlah daun dan diameter batang. Hasil uji fitokimia ekstrak gulma n-Hexane yang mengandung senyawa steroid dan alkaloidBioherbicides activiti extract n-hexane cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica L.) Against The Growth of spiny amaranth (Amarathus spinosus L.)Abstract. Weeds are unwanted plants that cause great damage to plants and affect human interests in cultivating agricultural products. Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica L.) is a type of weed that is included in the type of perennial plant that propagates on the roots, seeds and rhizomes. Cogon grass competes with other plants by releasing toxic compounds from the roots of the phenol group called allelopathy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of synthetic herbicides at various concentrations of n-hexane extract of alang-alang on the growth of spiny spinach  (Amaranthus spinonsus L.). This research was carried out at the Weed Science Laboratory, Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Chemical Education Laboratory, Faculty of Teacher  and Education, Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and screen house of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kuala University, Darussalam Bandaase. The implementation of the study will start from October to December 2021. In this study, we used a non-squared Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 experimental levels: D0 = positive control (2.4D at 0.686 kg ba ha-1), D1 = negative control (Aquades), D2 = n-extract of n-hexane of reeds 5%, D3 = extract of n-hexane of alang-alang at a concentration of 10%, D4 = extract of n-hexane of alang-alang at a concentration of 15%, D5 = Extract of n-hexane reeds at a concentration of 20%. Each process was repeated 3 replications so that 18 experimental units consisted of 2 pots, resulting in 36 experimental units. The results showed that the administration of reed hexane extract had a very important effect on weed height, number of leaves and stem diameter. Weed extract N-hexane 20% is the highest concentration that can reduce weed height, number of leaves and stem diameter. Phytochemical test results of n-hexane weed extract containing steroid and alkaloid compounds
Studi Etnobotani Tumbuhan Obat Di Kecamatan Sawang Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Restika Restika; Gina Erida; Iqbar Iqbar
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.736 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/jimfp.v8i1.23308


Abstrak. Studi etnobotani di Kecamatan Sawang Kabupaten Aceh Selatan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis tumbuhan obat serta penyakit apa saja yang dapat diobati dengan tumbuhan obat tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara yang dilakukan secara semi terstruktur dan terstruktur terhadap responden yang terpilih sebanyak 97 Kepala Keluarga (KK) dari total keseluruhan jumlah KK. Penentuan informan dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Snowball sampling yaitu teknik awal yang respondennya diperoleh melalui penelusuran dari sampel pertama ke sampel berikutnya sesuai petunjuk dari sampel pertama. Lokasi penelitian ini terletak di Kecamatan Sawang Kabupaten Aceh Selatan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh tumbuhan obat yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Sawang Kabupaten Aceh Selatan sebanyak 94 jenis yang dapat menyembuhkan 31 jenis penyakit. Penyakit tersebut digolongkan ke dalam dua kategori penyakit yaitu penyakit menular sebanyak (34 % ) dan penyakit tidak menular(66 %).Study of Ethnobotany of Medicinal Plants in Sawang District South Aceh RegencyAbstract. The ethnobotanical study in Sawang District, South Aceh Regency aims to identify the types of medicinal plants and what diseases can be treated with these medicinal plants. This research was conducted using the interview method which was carried out in a semi-structured and structured manner to the selected respondents as many as 97 heads of households (KK) from the total number of families. The determination of informants was carried out using the Snowball sampling technique,which is an initial technique in which the respondents were obtained by tracing from the first sample to the next according to the instructions from the first sample. The research location is located in Sawang District, South Aceh Regency. Based on the research results it was found that there were 94 types of medicinal plants used by the people of Sawang, South Aceh Regency, which could cure 31 types of diseases. These diseases are classified into two categories of diseases, namely communicable diseases (34%) and non-communicable diseases (66%). 
Pengaruh Dosis Herbisida Oksifluorfen dan Pendimethalin terhadap Perubahan Komposisi Gulma pada Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merrill) Yoga Agustiawan; Gina Erida; Hasanuddin Hasanuddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Februari 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (510.431 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/jimfp.v5i1.13658


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perubahan komposisi gulma akibat jenis dan dosis herbisida oksifluorfen dan pendimethalin serta interaksi antara keduanya pada tanaman kedelai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai Agustus 2019 di Desa Rumpeet dan Laboratorium Ilmu Gulma Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah RAK pola faktorial 2 x 5 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor yang diteliti yaitu jenis herbisida yang terdiri dari 2 taraf (Oksifluorfen dan Pendimethalin) dan dosis herbisida yang terdiri dari 5 taraf (Kontrol, 0,5, 1, 1,5 dan 2 kg b.a ha-1). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis herbisida berpengaruh terhadap persentase pengendalian gulma, jumlah spesies gulma dan bobot kering gulma, perlakuan terbaik dijumpai pada jenis herbisida oksifluorfen. Dosis herbisida berpengaruh terhadap persentase pengendalian gulma, persentase penutupan gulma, jumlah spesies gulma, jumlah populasi gulma dan bobot kering gulma, perlakuan terbaik dijumpai pada dosis herbisida 0,5 kg b.a ha-1. Terdapat interaksi antara jenis dan dosis herbisida terhadap persentase pengendalian gulma, perlakuan terbaik dijumpai pada kombinasi herbisida oksifluorfen dengan dosis 1,5 kg b.a ha-1. Terdapat perubahan komposisi gulma akibat aplikasi herbisida dari Cleoma viscosa (SDR=19,27%) yang dominan menjadi gulma Cyperus rotundus (SDR=46,33%).Effect of Oxyfluorphene and Pendimethalin Herbicide Dosages on Change in Weed Composition at Soybean Plants (Glycine max L. Merrill)Abstract. This research aims to determine change in weed composition due to the types and dosages of the oxyfluorphene and pendimethalin herbicides and the interactions between the two on soybean plants. The research was conducted in May to August 2019 in the Rumpeet Village and the Weed Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University. The design used was a Randomized Factorial Block Design 2 x 5 with 3 replications. The factors observed were the type of herbicide consisting of 2 levels (Oxyfluorphene and Pendimethalin) and the dosages of the herbicide consisting of 5 levels (Control, 0,5, 1, 1,5 and 2 kg a.i ha-1). The results showed that the type of herbicide significantly affects the percentage of weed control, the number of weed species and weed dry weight, the best treatment was found at a type of oxyfluorphene herbicide. Herbicide dosages significantly affects the percentage of weed control, the percentage of weed cover, the number of weed species, the number of weed populations and weed dry weight, the best treatment was found at a dosages of herbicide 0,5 kg a.i ha-1. There is an interaction between the types and dosages of herbicides on the percentage of weed control, the best treatment is found in a combination of herbicide oxyfluorphene with a dosages of 1,5 kg a.i ha-1. There was a change in the composition of weeds due to the application of herbicide from Cleoma viscosa (SDR = 19,27%) which predominantly became weed Cyperus rotundus (SDR = 46,33%).
Pengaruh Pemberian Jenis dan Dosis Mulsa yang Berbeda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kedelai Abdul Hakim Asma'i; Gina Erida; Hasanuddin Hasanuddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian Vol 3, No 4 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (177.075 KB) | DOI: 10.17969/jimfp.v3i4.9374


Abstrak. Penggunaan mulsa diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman. Pola pertumbuhan tanaman akibat aplikasi mulsa dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan analisis pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola pertumbuhan akibat pemberian jenis dan dosis mulsa. Jenis mulsa yang digunakan adalah: kirinyuh, nimba, dan terang bulan sedangkan dosis mulsa adalah: 0, 8, 16, dan 24 ton ha-1. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial 3x4, 3 ulangan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Rumpeet Kecamatan Krueng Barona Jaya Aceh Besar dan Laboratorium Ilmu Gulma Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala. Peubah yang diamati adalah: luas daun dan bobot berangkasan kering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dosis berpengaruh terhadap luas daun pada pengamatan 14 dan 42 HST dan bobot berangkasan kering pada 14 dan 42 HST. Ada interaksi antara jenis dan dosis mulsa terhadap luas daun pada pengamatan 28 HST dan bobot berangkasan kering pada pengamatan 28 dan 56 HST.The Effect of Different Types and doses of Mulch on The Growth of SoybeanAbstract. The uses of mulch expected can increase the plant growth. The growth plant pattern as a consequence of application is result by using the growth analysis. This research aim is to know the growth pattern as a consequence of application kinds and dose of mulch. The mulch which using on this research are: mexican sunflower, siam weed and neem whereas the dose of mulch are: 0, 8, 16, dan 24 ton ha-1. This research is using Randomize Block Design (RBD) factorial pattern 3x4, 3 times repeat. This research was held on Rumpet Village Subdistric of Krueng Barona Jaya Aceh Besar Regency and Laboratory of Weed Science. The parameters are: leaf area and dry weight. The result of this research are the dose influence to leaf area on monitoring 14 and 42 HST, and to CGR on monitoring 14-42 HST. There are interaction betweens kind and dose of mulch to leaf area on monitoring 28 HST and dry weight on monitoring 28 and 56 HST.