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Surya : Jurnal Media Komunikasi Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 13, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Surya, Vol. 13, No. 03, Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38040/js.v13i3.366


ABSTRAKDukungan keluarga merupakan dukungan yang diterima individu dari orang yang berada dalam lingkungan keluarga seperti suami, anak, dan orang tua, sehingga individu tersebut merasa diperhatikan, dihargai, dan dicintai. Dukungan dapat berfungsi sebagai strategi pencegahan mengurangi stress. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dukungan keluarga pada ibu menjelang menopause di Dusun Bendo Kidul Desa Bendo Kecamatan Pare Kabupaten KediriDesain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan populasi sebanyak 65 orang dan sampel sebanyak 58 orang, Teknik sampling yang digunkan purposive sampling. Waktu penelitian tanggal 4 sampai 9 Januari 2021. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner, variabel penelitian dukungan keluarga pada ibu menjelang menoupouse Analisa data menggunakan prosentase dan interpretasi data secara kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian didapatkan  dari 58 responden, sebagian besar responden memiliki dukungan baik pada sebanyak 40 responden (69%). Hampir setengah dari responden memiliki dukungan cukup sebanyak 17 responden (29,3) dan sebagian kecil responden memiliki dukungan kurang sebanyak 1 responden (1,7%).Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi  antara lain faktor usia, tingkat pendidikan, status dalam keluarga, pekerjaan , pernah tidak mendapatkan informasi, media informasi.Diharapkan keluarga memberikan dukungannya terhadap ibu menjelang menopause, agar ibu dapta melalui masa premenopause dengan baik. Kata kunci : Dukungan Keluarga, Ibu Menjelang Menopause.  ABSTRACT             Family support is the support that individuals receive from people in the family environment such as husbands, children, and parents, so that individuals feel cared for, valued, and loved. Support can serve as a preventive strategy to reduce stress. The purpose of the study was to determine family support for mothers approaching menopause in Bendo Kidul Hamlet, Bendo Village, Pare District, Kediri Regency              The research design used was descriptive with a population of 65 people and a sample of 58 people. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The research time is from 4 to 9 January 2021.The research instrument uses a questionnaire, the research variable is family support for the mother before menopause. Data analysis uses percentages and quantitative data interpretation.             The results obtained from 58 respondents, most of the respondents have good support for as many as 40 respondents (69%). Almost half of the respondents have sufficient support as many as 17 respondents (29.3) and a small proportion of respondents have less support as much as 1 respondent (1.7%).              Factors that can influence include age, education level, status in the family, occupation, never getting information, media information. It is hoped that the family will provide support to the mother before menopause, so that the mother can go through the premenopause period well. Keywords: Family Support, Mothers Approaching Menopause. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Pamenang Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Pamenang ( JIP )
Publisher : Stikes Pamenang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1138.421 KB) | DOI: 10.53599/jip.v3i1.75


Abstrak : Teman sebaya mempunyai kesamaan berpikir dan terikat bersama menjadikan seseorang lebih dekat dengan teman sebaya akan berpengaruh dalam menjaga kesehatan salah satunya yaitu dengan cara mencegah kanker payudara. Salah satu upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk mendeteksi adanya kanker payudara ini adalah dengan melakukan SADARI. SADARI dapat dilakukan oleh siapapun termasuk oleh remaja putri, sehingga menjadikan motivasi dari luar dirinya untuk meningkatkan kepadulian terhadap kesehatannya.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui Hubungan Peran Teman Sebaya Dengan Motivasi Pelaksanaan SADARI Deteksi Dini Kanker Payudara Pada Mahasiswi. Rancangan penelitian dengan metode analitik korelasi dengan metode pendekatan crossectional. Variabel penelitian meliputi dependent Peran Teman Sebaya, dan variabel independet Motivasi Pelaksanaan SADARI. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh mahasiswi d3 keperawatan STIKES karya Husada Kediri pada tanggal 3 sampai 16 Juni 2020 sebanyak 176 orang.Sampel diambil dengan tehnik purposive sampling dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang sudah dientukan oleh peneliti dan besar sampel didapatkan sebanyak 122 orang.Data diambil dengan cara memberikan penjelasan terlebih dahulu kepada responden cara pengisisan kuesioner , instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa data dengan cross tabulation dengan uji spearman rho, tingkat kemaknaan α <0,05. Hasil uji dengan rumus rho spearman melalui uji manual yang didapatkan Rho hitung 0,005 dan Rho tabel untuk taraf kesalahan 5% adalah 0,953 jadi Rho hitung > Rho tabel, H1 diterima, berarti ada Hubungan Peran Teman Sebaya Dengan Motivasi Pelaksanaan SADARI. Seorang remaja perlu memiliki teman sebaya sebagai komunikator dan motivator dalam melaksanakan SADARI yang memberikan motivasi pada seorang remaja dengan menggunakan cara dan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti oleh mereka, untuk dapat dilaksanakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Abstract : Peers have the right to think and bond with peers which will affect in maintaining health, one of it is by preventing breast cancer. One of the means that can be done to monitor breast cancer is to do BSE. BSE can be carried out by organizations including teenagers, thus making motivation from outside of themselves to increase awareness of their health. The purpose of this study was to see the relationship between the role of peers and the motivation for implementing BSE in the Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Students. The research design used the analytical method with a cross-sectional oncoming method. The research variables included the dependent role of peers and independent variables of the motivation of BSE implementation. The study population was all 176 students of STIKES D3 (Diploma) nursing programme STIKES on 3rd June to 16th June 2020. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique with inclusion and exclusion criteria that have been determined by the researcher and the sample size was 122 people. The data is collected by giving an explanation to the respondent in advance of how to fill out the questionnaire. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data analysis uses cross tabulation with Spearman rho test, the level of significance α <0.05.The test results with the spearman rho formula through manual tests obtained Rho count 0.005 and Rho table for a 5% error level is 0.953 then Rho count> Rho table, H1 is accepted, meaning there is a relationship between peer roles and the motivation to implement BSE. Teenagers need to have peers as a communicators and motivators in implementing BSE, motivating a teenager by using methods and language that are easy for them to understand, so that it can be implemented in daily life.
Optimalisasi penerapan Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) pada Penderita Hipertensi Nurul Laili; Enur Nurhayati Muchsin; Jundah Erlina
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 2 No 4 (2022): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (801.389 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v2i4.126


Introduction: Preventive management of hypertension sufferers is a priority in the health care system to prevent morbidity and mortality. One of the ways to treat hypertension is to do a diet program by implementing DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) which can control blood pressure. DASH is a method to control hypertension by adjusting diet including sodium intake. energy intake, amount and type of protein, as well as fat and carbohydrate components. Objective: The purpose of community service activities is to provide education about the application of DASH and provide health services to people with hypertension. Method: The method of community service activities is education and data collection using interviews and questionnaires. The activity was carried out for 3 days from March 31 to April 2, 2022 in the working area of ​​the Puhjarak Health Center, Kediri Regency. Participants in the counseling were patients with hypertension. The counseling participants were 20 people.   Result: The result of knowledge before being given education shows sufficient understanding about the implementation of DASH. Good supporting facilities and infrastructure have an influence on the implementation of DASH on a person. Lack of knowledge caused some participants to not get sufficient access to reach the correct information. Hypertension sufferers who are less active in seeking information and the inefficient implementation of health promotion is a significant cause of the lack of understanding and adherence of hypertension sufferers to the application of DASH. Conclusion: Efforts to prevent and treat hypertension are carried out through health education for the community. The government through health services seeks to improve health promotion through communication, information and education. Providing education to the public can increase knowledge, awareness and desire of the community to prevent hypertension.
PRIMA WIYATA HEALTH Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Prima Wiyata Health, Juli 2021

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Pregnancy is a period in which the body of a pregnant woman undergoes changes, both physiologically and psychologically. One of the psychological changes that occur is stress. Stress is the body's response that is non-specific in nature to any load demands and reaction patterns and general adaptations, pregnant women and families need to work together in overcoming stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the stress level of pregnant women during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research design was descriptive. The results from 24 respondents, respondents experienced moderate stress, 20 respondents (83%). A small part of the respondents experienced severe stress 4 respondents (17%). This is influenced by several factors, age, education, occupation, pregnancy history, gestational age, information about Covid-19, sources of information about Covid-19, antenatal care (ANC). pregnant can control stress during pregnancy . support from family and always implementing health protocols and thinking positively during pregnancy.
Penelitian PERAN SUAMI PADA PELAKSANAAN PAP SMEAR DALAM UPAYA DETEKSI DINI CA CERVIX Ariani Sulistyorini; Enur Nurhayati Muchsin; Dwi Novikahwati
Prosiding SPIKesNas : Seminar Publikasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Nasional Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): SPIKesNas - Agustus 2022
Publisher : STIKES dan AKZI Karya Husada Kediri

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The Husbands play an important role in maintaining family health, one of which is by maintaining the wife's reproductive health, by playing a role and supporting the implementation of Pap smears for early detection of cervical cancer, can reduce the number of patients with cervical cancer. In general, women of childbearing age do not want to carry out a pap smear examination because of the lack of support from their husbands and lack of knowledge about pap smears. The purpose of the study was to determine the husband's role in the implementation of the Pap smear in an effort to detect cervical cancer early. The research design used a descriptive design with a population of 133 respondents, a large sample of 33 respondents, using a purposive sampling technique, the single variable is the husband's role in the implementation of Pap Smear in Cervix Ca Prevention Efforts. This research was conducted on 28 February – 26 March 2022, the research instrument was a questionnaire. Analysis of the data using the percentage formula and interpreted quantitatively. The results showed that from 33 respondents most of the respondents had a sufficient role as many as 24 respondents (73%) and almost half of the respondents had a good role as many as 9 respondents (27%). The husband's role in the pap smear implementation is influenced by several factors, namely education, income and experience in getting information about pap smears. Respondents are expected to invite other respondents to take part in the prevention or early detection of cervical cancer by performing a pap smear, reducing the number of cervical cancer sufferers and deaths caused by cervical cancer.
Prosiding SPIKesNas : Seminar Publikasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Nasional Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): SPIKesNas - November 2022
Publisher : STIKES dan AKZI Karya Husada Kediri

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Changes in the psychological state of premenopausal psychological conditions are depression (anxiety) caused by a decrease in the hormone estrogen. The decrease in the hormone estrogen causes a decrease in neurotransmitters in the brain that affect mood so if these neurotransmitters are low, feelings of anxiety will arise. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of anxiety in mothers before menopause in Sumberagung Hamlet, Sumberagung Village, Rejotangan District, Tulungagung Regency. Descriptive research design. The population is 300 respondents and a sample of 30 respondents. Purposive Sampling Technique. Questionnaire research instrument. The study was conducted on 9-20 March 2022. The variable level of anxiety in mothers before menopause. Data analysis is processed by the percentage formula and interpreted quantitatively. The results of this study were obtained from 30 respondents showing half of the respondents had moderate anxiety levels 15 respondents (50%,) almost half of the respondents had mild anxiety levels 10 respondents (33%), a small proportion of respondents did not have moderate anxiety levels 3 respondents (10% ), and a small proportion of respondents have a severe level of anxiety 2 respondents (7%). Factors that affect the level of anxiety are; education, living together, having received information, marital status, and work. Premenopausal mothers are expected to be able to participate in counseling about menopause and take advantage of information from various health agencies to avoid excessive anxiety.
DUKUNGAN KELUARGA PADA LANSIA UNTUK MELAKSANAKAN PROTOKOL KESEHATAN MASA PANDEMIC COVID-19 (Pengabdian kepada Masyakarakat) Ariani Sulistyorini; Enur Nurhayati Muchsin; Dodik Arso Wibowo
Prosiding SPIKesNas : Seminar Publikasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Nasional Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): SPIKesNas - November 2022
Publisher : STIKES dan AKZI Karya Husada Kediri

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Family support is very much needed by the elderly so that their quality of life and health of the elderly can be maintained optimally during the Covid-19 pandemic, and ensure that the elderly are not exposed to Covid-19. Families need to pay attention to health protocols for all family members, especially the elderly, following health protocol rules such as wearing masks, washing hands, and physical distancing. The education or counseling will be held from March 14 to 16, 2022. In RT 11 RW 04 Sumbergedong Village, Trenggalek District, Trenggalek Regency, East Java. the implementation of the activity was assisted by 3 students. The method used was a lecture, discussion/question, and answer. The implementation of activities using leaflet media, providing material using LCD and laptop media. The results of interviews and filling out questionnaires by activity participants about family support for the elderly to implement Health protocols during the covid 19 pandemic, it was found that most respondents had good family support, a small proportion of respondents with sufficient family support were 4 respondents (18%), and some a small number of respondents have less family support as much as 2 respondents (9%). Family support is very necessary for the elderly in implementing health protocols during the covid 19 pandemic. -days during the covid-19 pandemic.