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Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 2, No 3 (2020): DECEMBER - MARCH (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v2i3.123


Teacher is key variable of in the conception of teaching. His comprehensive knowledge and skills, governs the ways of the teaching implementation. Teachers’ misconception of what to teach and of approach to apply can be a determinant factor for the failure of the teaching and this is true to the teaching of English. The K-13 curriculum, requires the English teachers to teach English by taking genre as unitizing of lesson topics and as the base approach. In line with the teaching conception, the English teachers’ misconception is also regarded as determinant factor of failure in teaching English. To find out if the teaching of English based genre is implemented properly can be done by researching the English teachers’ misconception. Sixt English teachers’ classroom interaction were observed and took the transcript of the interaction as data. The data were analysed by applying the data analysis model proposed by Bogdan and Biddle. The results shows that there is a misconception among the English teachers about the nature of genre and the nature of genre based approach. This misconception is applied to implement the teaching of English and the misconception is reflected in the KD3 and KD4 formulation and in the activities organization which is very far away from the concept of the genre and the approach. Teaching English with genre based approach is not yet implemented properly and the improper implementation is caused by the misconception among the English teachers.       Keywords: misconception, genre, approach, teaching English
Habit of Mind as Reflected in Applied Linguistics Research: An Analysis of Theses Writing by Undergraduate Students in EFL Teacher Education Berlin Sibarani
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April - July
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (198.458 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v2i1.%p


Habits of mind refers to collective thoughts shared by the members of a community which covers three aspects, they are the nature of knowledge and knowing the language, method of knowledge development, and rhetoric for the knowledge communication. Habits of minds develop as a result of learning. Personal belief governs the learning. Habits of minds or collective thought of Applied Linguistics researcher community shared by the undergraduate students of EFL education are incomplete.  This is indicated by the errors, mistake and misleading they made in writing the titles, research problems, review of related literature, research designs, subjects of the study, significances of the study, conceptual framework, data analysis, conclusions and suggestions. Habit of mind of the undergraduate students develops and the determinant factors of this development is personal belief of the students. Speeding up the acquisition of the habit of minds should be started from encouraging positive personal belief. 
Maxim Violation by Indonesian Government Officials with Different Cultures in TV Talk Show Meriani Meriani; Berlin Sibarani
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 1, No 2 (2019): August - November
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (366.479 KB) | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v1i2.22-31


This research aimed at describing the violation of Grice Maxim’s Cooperative Principle by the three government officials in a TV Talkshow. Mata Najwa Talk Show and to seek out if the assumption of the different cultures would be the reason why the subjects violated the maxim. To achieve the purpose, this research was designed with descriptive qualitative. Its data were collected with documentary techniques in which the data were collected from the utterances between the host and the subjects in Mata Najwa Talk Show videos. To analyze the data Miles’ and Huberman analysis model was applied. The results of the research showed that not all of the officials violated the maxims. LBP violated all of the maxims, but JK did not, he violated the only maxim of quantity, quality, and relevance. JW did not violate all the maxim either. He violated the only maxim of relevance and maxim of quantity. The matrices showed that the different choice of what maxim to be violated was caused by their different culture. In the violation of more than one maxims, the three government officials did the violation in a different sequence. LBP firstly obeyed the M.of Rl and violated the M.of Qn, Meanwhile JK tends to violate M.of Qn and violated M.of Rl and Jokowi violated the M.of Rl and obeying the M.of Qn. These differences were due to the factor of social status, culture, education experience and awareness of the communication format of talk show, in which the participants are of three partied, namely host, guest, and TV audience all over Indonesia.
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v0i74TH XXXVI.2516


Sensitivity refers to the teacher’s ability to find out instantly if learning has happened or not during the process of teaching and learning a second language while creativity to the ability to create improving teaching behaviors to overcome the learning failure happening during the teaching and learning activities. These competencies are very important and considered a key factor of effective teaching. Therefore they badly need to be developed. To develop these competencies, many related teaching variables must be mastered and one of these variables is language teaching method.  For the purpose of sensitivity and creativity development, a language teaching method should be correctly studied by studying its linguistic assumption and its learning principle thoroughly rather than by simply memorizing the methodological procedures proposed by a method and putting them into action as exactly as prescribed. The latter is very far from sufficient. In studying the task-based language teaching for the same purpose, the concept of task and its underlying learning principle-which is the same as that underlying the learning of first language-should be comprehensively mastered. The mastery of a language teaching method in a correct way tends to be more contributive to the development of creativity in the method application rather than to the development of sensitivity.   Key Words: sensitivity, creativity, language teaching, task  
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v0i72TH XXXVI.2471


Any language teaching method is developed with certain  philosophical assumptions on the nature of both language and language learning. These assumptions are reflected in the other two aspects of a method, namely design and technique. Therefore, once these assumptions are clearly understood,  the other two aspects will be understood more easily. The understanding of the nature of both language and language learning is changing from time to time in line with the development of researches in language and language learning. Consequently, the language teaching methods are also changing from time to time following the developing understanding of language and language learning. Encountering such a situation, an English teacher should be able to evaluate the strength and weakness of any new method, to decide which method is the most suitable and effective to teach what aspect of the language. Since a language teaching method is developed mainly based on the nature of language, and language learning, the teacher should do the evaluation of the method based on this philosophical assumption in order to obtain accurate judgment on it, and also in order to understand it thoroughly and by so doing they can implement it properly. The mastery of the philosophical assumptions of a new method is a key factor in evaluating, understanding as well as applying it properly. On the other hand, the assumption is continuously changing due to the continuous researches conducted in these fields. In order to keep competent in evaluating a language teaching method, an English teacher should keep up with the continuous development in the two field researches.   Key words: Evaluation, Methods, dan Teaching English  
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v0i73TH XXXVI.2490


Pengambilan keputusan kognitif adalah proses mental yang terjadi pada diri penerjemah pada saat berupaya memahami teks (text comprehending) bahasa sumber dan pada saat memproduksi teks bahasa sasaran (text producing). Dalam pelaksanaan kedua proses ini terjadi berbagai keputusan kognitif, antara lain keputusan ideologi penerjemah, yakni keputusan memilih forenisasi atau domestikasi. Penetapan pilihan aspek linguistik, budaya dan sosial baik yang terjadi pada saat proses pemahaman maupun pemroduksian teks merupakan contoh lain dari pengambilan keputusan. Akurasi keputusan ditentukan oleh kualitas pengetahuan liguistik, budaya, dan sosial dari bahasa sumber dan sasaran serta tingkat penguasaan substansi terjemahan dan sikap ideologis penerjemah. Sedangkan kualitas terjemahan baik dalam artian keakuratan, keberterimaan dan keterbacaan ditentukan oleh tingkat keakurasian pengambilan keputusan. Oleh karena itu, untuk menigkatkan kualitas terjemahan, penguasaan aspek liguistik, budaya, dan sosial dari bahasa sumber dan sasaran serta tingkat penguasaan substansi terjemahan dan sikap ideologis penerjemah harus terlebih dahulu diperbaiki.    Key Words: terjemahan, kognitif, kualitas, pengambilan keputusan  
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v0i69TH XXXV.2450


Teacher’s teaching behavior taking place during the real classroom teaching is determined by many interactive factors grouped into four categories, namely (1) linguistic knowledge about the nature of (a) language, (b) each language skills, and (b) each language aspect, (2) language teaching methods covering (a) their approaches, (b) procedures, (c) various techniques of them, (d) theories of language learning, and (e) knowledge of students’ characteristics and (3) the teacher’s reflection and meaning they made out of their teaching experiences. Lack of these knowledges may produce incorrect teaching behaviors which consequently cause low quality of students’ mastery of English. So the attempts to improve the students’ quality of English mastery should be begun by minimizing the incorrect teaching behaviors of English teachers and the incorrectness should be began by improving the teachers’ mastery of the three aspects.   Key Words: behaviors, teaching and English.  
Bahasa, Etnisitas dan Potensinya terhadap Konflik Etnis BERLIN SIBARANI
BAHAS No 85 TH 39 (2013): BAHAS
Publisher : BAHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/bhs.v0i85 TH 39.2426


Etnis merupakan katgori sosial atau identifikasi sosial. Artinya, etnis adalah konsep yang diciptakan berdasarkan ciri khas sosial yang dimiliki sekelompok masyarakat yang membedakannya dari kelompok yang lain. Etnisitas adalah properti hubungan antar kelompok di mana perbedaan budaya antar kelompok dikomunikasikan secara sistematis dan berlangsung secara terus menerus. Hubungan ini bersifat relational dan situasional di mana karakter etnis terlibat di dalamnya. Perbedaan antar etnis bisa jadi menimbulkan perilaku etnosentris (keberpihakan terhadap anggota etnis yang berlebihan), perilaku prejudice (berburuk sangka) dan perilaku negatif lainnya yang diwujudkan dalam tindakan terlihat, seperti tindak diskriminatif dan tindakan terdengar yang wujud dalam penggunaan bahasa. Kedua jenis tindakan ini dan tindakan negatif lainnya menumbuhkan potensi konflik antar etnis. Tindak terlihat maupun tindak terdengar adalah cerminan atau perwujudan dari nilai, sikap dan pandangan yang dimiliki suatu etnis dalam konteks etnisitas. Oleh karena itu peningkatan dan pembinaan penggunaan bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi dalam konteks etnisitas tanpa pembinaan nilai, sikap dan pandangan besar kemungkinannya untuk gagal dalam upaya mencegah potensi konflik menjadi konflik sesungguhnya.   Kata Kunci: Bahasa, Konflik, Etnik dan Etnisitas
Freshman EFL Learners’ Use of Attitude Verbs and Considerations in Their Propositional Attitude Expressions Berlin Sibarani
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 3, No 3 (2021): December - March (2022)
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v3i3.14-24


This study is intended to describe the underlying consideration of the Indonesian EFL learners in choosing attitude verbs to express their propositional attitude towards an object. The data of this study were elicited by asking the students to write their propositional attitudes towards familiar and unfamiliar pictures of objects. The familiarity of an object to the students were suspected to be one of the students’ considerations. The elicited written expressions were identified, classified and compared by using the concept of attitude verbs as the temporary predetermined perspective.  The results of the identification and classification analysis show that   propositional attitude was expressed in three ways: by using verbs of attitude of look, think and hidden verb attitude. The use of look (85%) dominates the other two verbs. The use of hidden verbs attitude occurs 12%, and the verb think is the least occurrence (3%).  While the results of the comparison analysis show that familiarity of an object is not the only factor that the students consider in using attitude verbs. Their ability to think of what they see, that is labelled as psychological factor, and their sensitivity to the social effect of their propositional attitude, that is called as social factor, also influence their consideration in using the attitude verbs. Based on these results, it is concluded that the use of attitude words among the EFL learners is not only a reflection of their linguistic ability but also a reflection of their social sensitivity. Key Words: Attitude verbs, Consideration, EFL learners, Propositional attitude, 
Problematic Implementation of High Order Thinking and Innovative Instructional Design in Teaching Language: A Study from Inservice Training for English Teachers Berlin Sibarani; Betharia Sembiring Pandia
Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching Vol 4, No 2 (2022): AUGUST - NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35529/jllte.v4i2.184-196


The in-service training delivered in Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) aims at increasing teacher’s knowledge and skills in teaching English. Language Teaching is dependent on  philosophical assumption on the nature of language and language learning. Language teaching is terminated at using language skillfully in various communicative events. The in-service training is based on a general theory that is implemented through the application of high order thinking (HOT), the innovative instructional design, namely: Problem Based Learning (PBL), and Project Based Learning (PjBL). This study intended to find out the application of HOT, PBL and PJBL. The data of this study were taken from lesson plans (RPP) and its implementation in classroom interaction. The data were analyzed by using the related theory as temporary category of identification, classification and interpretation. The results show that (1) the teachers  are constrained by  the use of operational verbs of HOT in formulating its indicators in KD 3 (knowledge competence), and in KD4 (skills) which resulted in the improper way of teaching English,  (2) the teachers are compelled  by the syntax of PBL and PjBL into improper steps of teaching English, (3) the teachers unconsciously made technology as media as the objective rather than as facilitation to language learning and consequently it turned the teaching of English into teaching about language, like teaching content knowledge such as Biology, Physics, etc, rather than enabling the students to use English communicatively. These findings lead to the conclusion that the teaching of English should be mainly based on the theory of language and the theory of language learning. Other theories imported from other disciplines or from educational psychology should be adapted to the theory of language and language learning.Key Words: Media, Competence, High order thinking, Innovative instruction