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JIPSI Jurnal Ilmu Politik dan Komunikasi Vol 4 No 02 (2014): Jurnal Ilmu Politik dan Komunikasi
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/jipsi.v4i02.165


Tulisan ini akan menjelaskan salah satu sumber utama kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia yaitu prinsip bebasaktif. Prinsip bebas aktif telah diterapkan secara kontinyu sejak tahun 1945 hingga saat ini sehingga seringkaliprinsip ini menjadi tolak ukur kebijakan luar negeri. Dalam tulisan ini, prinsip bebas aktif akan dilihat dalamperspektif teori peran dalam kebijakan luar negeri. Dalam teori peran, kebijakan luar negeri sebuah negarabersumber pada dua hal yaitu konsepsi peran dan harapan peran. Prinsip bebas aktif merupakan salah satusumber konsepsi peran bagi Indonesia sehingga prinsip ini patut dilihat seberapa besar pengaruhnya danbagaimana digunakan oleh para pengambil kebijakan. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis akan mengeksplorasi dinamikapolitik luar negeri dengan prinsip bebas aktif dari masa Soekarno sampai Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).Kata kunci: Kebijakan Luar Negeri, Prinsip Bebas Aktif, Teori Peran
Developing A Family-Size Biogas-Fueled Electricity Generating System Haryanto, Agus; Marotin, Fadli; Triyono, Sugeng; Hasanudin, Udin
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 6, No 2 (2017): July 2017
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.6.2.111-118


The purpose of this study is to develop a family-size biogas-fueled electricity generating system consisting of anaerobic digester, bio-filter scrubber, and power generating engine. Biogas was produced from a pilot scale wet anaerobic digester (5-m3 capacity). The biogas was filtered using bio-scrubber column filled with locally made compost to reduce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) content. Biogas composition was analysed using a gas chromatograph and its H2S level was measured using a H2S detector. A 750-W four stroke power generating engine was used with 100% biogas. Biogas consumed by the generator engine was measured at different load from 100 to 700 W (13.3 to 93.3% of the rated power). Three replications for each load experiment were taken. Results showed that the total biogas yield was 1.91 m3/day with methane content of 56.48% by volume. Bio-filter successfully reduced H2S content in the biogas by 98% (from 400 ppm to 9 ppm). Generator engine showed good performance during the test with average biogas consumption of 415.3 L/h. Specific biogas consumption decreased from 5.05 L/Wh to 1.15 L/Wh at loads of 100 W to 700 W, respectively. Thermal efficiency increased with loads from 6.4% at 100 W to 28.1 at 700 W. The highest thermal efficiency of 30% was achieved at a load of 600 W (80% of the rated power) with specific biogas consumption of 1.07 L/Wh.Article History: Received Janury 16th 2017; Received in revised form 2nd June 2017; Accepted 18th June 2017; Available onlineHow to Cite This Article: Haryanto, A., Marotin, F., Triyono, S., Hasanudin, U. (2017), Developing A Family-Size Biogas-Fueled Electricity Generating System. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 6(2), 111-118.
Effect of Hydraulic Retention Time on Biogas Production from Cow Dung in A Semi Continuous Anaerobic Digester Haryanto, Agus; Triyono, Sugeng; Wicaksono, Nugroho Hargo
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development Vol 7, No 2 (2018): July 2018
Publisher : Center of Biomass & Renewable Energy, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijred.7.2.93-100


The efficiency of biogas production in semi-continuous anaerobic digester is influenced by several factors, among other is loading rate. This research aimed at determining the effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT) on the biogas yield. Experiment was conducted using lab scale self-designed anaerobic digester of 36-L capacity with substrate of a mixture of fresh cow dung and water at a ratio of 1:1. Experiment was run with substrate initial amount of 25 L and five treatment variations of HRT, namely 1.31 gVS/L/d (P1), 2.47 gVS/L/d (P2), 3.82 gVS/L/d (P3), 5.35 gVS/L/d (P4) and 6.67 gVS/L/d (P5). Digester performance including pH, temperature, and biogas yield was measured every day. After stable condition was achieved, biogas composition was analyzed using a gas chromatograph. A 10-day moving average analysis of biogas production was performed to compare biogas yield of each treatment. Results showed that digesters run quite well with average pH of 6.8-7.0 and average daily temperature 28.7-29.1. The best biogas productivity (77.32 L/kg VSremoval) was found in P1 treatment (organic loading rate of 1.31 g/L/d) with biogas yield of 7.23 L/d. With methane content of 57.23% treatment P1 also produce the highest methane yield. Biogas production showed a stable rate after the day of 44. Modified Gompertz kinetic equation is suitable to model daily biogas yield as a function of digestion time.Article History: Received March 24th 2018; Received in revised form June 2nd 2018; Accepted June 16th 2018; Available onlineHow to Cite This Article: Haryanto, A., Triyono, S., and Wicaksono, N.H. (2018) Effect of Loading Rate on Biogas Production from Cow Dung in A Semi Continuous Anaerobic Digester. Int. Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 7(2), 93-100.
Faktor Geografis dan Konsepsi Peran Nasional sebagai Sumber Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia Haryanto, Agus
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional Vol 4, No 2 (2015): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/hi.2015.0074.136-147


This paper discusses the geographical factor as the source of the national role conception and foreign policy of a country. Indonesia has realized his strategic geographic location that laid between two oceans and two continents since the early days of independence. Indonesia is also aware of the geographical features as an archipelagic state. Its raises awareness of Indonesia to keep his territory for the declaration of Djuanda. This paper explore the Indonesian foreign policy that still using geographical factor as a source of foreign policy. This can be seen from the efforts of Indonesia continues to participate in various regional issues that could potentially interfere the sovereignty of Indonesia such as the disputed South China Sea and East China Sea. Indonesia also seeks active in border diplomacy to ensure the sovereignty of its territory.