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Electrital Electrical Conductivity Control System in Pakcoy Plant based on Fuzzy Logic Control Siti Ma'shumah; Ellys Kumala Pramartaningthyas
Indonesian Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics Vol 3 No 4 (2021): November
Publisher : Department of electromedical engineering, Health Polytechnic of Surabaya, Ministry of Health Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijeeemi.v3i4.2


Along with increasing consumption of vegetables as a fulfillment of nutrition in the community, it provides a breakthrough to create a new method of growing vegetables, namely using a system of growing vegetables using water called the hydroponic system. In the hydroponic system here using the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), the NFT technique is a hydroponic cultivation method where roots grow in a shallow nutrient layer and are circulated to get nutrients, water, and oxygen continuously. One of the important things that are a measure of the success of a hydroponic system is the provision of nutrients to plants correctly. The nutrient solution concentration that plants need requires several different electrical conductivity. This study controlled the pakcoy plant using fuzzy logic, consisting of 2 inputs, a TDS sensor and an ultrasonic sensor. At the same time, the output given by the control of this system is the length of the pump opening. The pump for output is divided into 3, and the first is the pump for water, the second is the pump for nutrition A and the last is the pump for nutrition B. In this system, hydroponic nutrient control in pakcoy plants has been tried using fuzzy logic control with a success rate of ±70%. This shows that the system's experiment can run well, namely being able to maintain hydroponic nutrients in pakcoy plants.
Jurnal RESISTOR (Rekayasa Sistem Komputer) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal RESISTOR Edisi April 2022
Publisher : Prahasta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31598/jurnalresistor.v5i1.954


The Deep Flow Technique (DFT) hydroponic system is one of the techniques in the plant cultivation system with water media at the household level. In this hydroponic system installation, the nutrients that plants need are supplied using electric power with a relatively small circulation flow rate. In large-scale plant cultivation, it is very important to have a tool to monitor and evaluate two important components in hydroponic system cultivation, namely pH and TDS levels dissolved in water which are very decisive in the plant growth process. In this study, a pH and TDS monitoring system was fabricated on an IoT-based Deep Flow Technique (DFT) hydroponic system, and an analysis of the system's performance was carried out for cultivating kale. From the results of system testing, this system is able to control the acidity of water (Ph) with a value of 5.5 -6 and for dissolved TDS, the system is able to control automatically at 1050 ppm to 1400 ppm.
Pelatihan Perancangan Alat Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno Pada Anggota Karang Taruna Desa Bedanten Kecamatan Bungah Gresik Ellys Kumala Pramartaningthyas; Nur Afiyat; Mohamad Hariyadi; Siti Ma'shumah
I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2023): I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal (Juni 2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Sains Dan Teknologi, Universitas Raden Rahmat Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.157 KB) | DOI: 10.33379/icom.v3i2.2565


Kegiatan pengabdian terhadap masyarakat menjadi kegiatan yang merupakan bagian penting  Tridharma perguruan tinggi yang sudah menjadi suatu kewajiban yang  dilaksanakan oleh setiap dosen pada setiap perguruan tinggi. Kegiatan disusun dan dilaksanakan tim kegiatan pengabdian program studi Teknik Elektro Universitas Qomaruddin yang telah dibentuk dalam usaha mengembangkan kualitas dari sumber daya manusia sehingga bisa mengikuti perkembangan teknologi  era globalisasi pada industry 4.0. Dalam upaya meraih tujuan tersebut, diselenggarakan pelatihan perancangan alat berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino di karang taruna Desa Bedanten. Dalam proses pelatihan  ini para peserta mendapatkan pengetahuan  dasar mengenai perangkat sensor elektronika ,Aplikasi Internet of Things , ilmu komputer serta  robotika, dimana perangkat  yang dibuat menggunakan sistem aplikasi software yang dengan script pengkodean yang memiliki output yang dapat membuat komponen sensor bekerja sesuai dengan perintah pemprograman. Diadakannya pelatihan ini dimaksudkan untuk peningkatan wawasan, pengetahuan, serta keterampilan remaja karang taruna Desa Bedanten. Selain itu pelatihan ini dapat meningkatkan kreativitas peserta dalam proses fabrikasi berbagai macam perangkat elektronika dengan pemanfaatan mikrokontroler Arduino uno. Adapun hasil dari kegiatan ini , Pelatihan mikrokontroler ini mendapatkan tanggapan peserta  serta feed back yang sangat baik serta cukup meningkatkan rasa ingin tahu peserta pelatihan yang sebelumnya belum cukup mengenal mengenai bidang elektronika.