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JURNAL PANALUNGTIK Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Vol 1(2) 2018
Publisher : Kemendikbud

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24164/pnk.v1i2.11


European colonialism in Asia and Africa was so successful mainly because of their weaponry were more superior than their opponent, one of these weapon is the cannon. One of these cannon was found in Kiaracondong area in Bandung, which raise the question about its shape, material and when its cast. Inductive method was used to answer thesequestions. The cannon wasa19th century bronze cannon cast in de Hague by J. J. Maritz and by its attributes was use as ship cannon.
Pola Tata Ruang Weltevreden dan Fungsi Ruang Kota Iwan Hermawan; Octaviadi Abrianto
JURNAL PANALUNGTIK Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Vol. 3 (1) 2020
Publisher : Kemendikbud

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24164/pnk.v3i1.32


The deterioration in the quality of health in Batavia and preparations for the British attack on Java in the early 19th century prompted the Governor of the Dutch East Indies, HW Daendels, to move the administrative center from Batavia to Weltevreden. Various central government facilities were built in Weltevreden. The problems discussed are related to the development of the urban spatial planning of Weltevreden as the center of government during the Dutch Colonial period. The aim is to uncover the development of Weltevreden’s urban spatial structure during the Dutch Colonial period. The method used is descriptive analysis with a spatial approach. The construction of Weltevreden as the center of government was carried out because the area was healthier than the old Batavia region. This area also developed into a center of community activity with its center in Waterlooplein.
Potensi dan Permasalahan Tinggalan Arkeologi Masa Kolonial di Depok Octaviadi Abrianto
Kapata Arkeologi Vol. 12 No. 1, Juli 2016
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/kapata.v12i1.305


Depok is a small city at the outskirt of Jakarta with a very rapid development of  infrastructures in the last 36 years. Depok is also a place where first Christian community developed outside of Dutch cities in Indonesia. There are some archaeological remains in Depok; this article explores the archaeological prospects as well as some other potencies of archaeological remains in Depok. This article also investigates problems that threat the existence of archaeological remains in Depok. This article aims is to recognize  alternatives in order to preserve Colonial buildings in Depok. The result shows that archaeological potency can be identified in different segments consists of social, political, and cultural potencies in Depok.. Problems faced by archaeological remains in Depok are the lack of socialization of Cultural Heritage Enacment no. 11, 2010, status vaguesess, ownership,  and the poor coordination between  parties involved. The most important way to solve the problems above is to socialize law of cultural heritage; to develop the understanding of community for the importance of preserving cultural heritage for current and  next generation.Kota Depok merupakan kota di pinggir DKI Jakarta yang pembangunannya sangat pesat pada 36 tahun terakhir ini,. Depok juga merupakan tempat berkembangnya komunitas kristen pertama di luar komunitas perkotaan Belanda di Indonesia. Tinggalan masa kolonial di kota tersebut cukup banyak, namun terancam oleh  perkembangan kota, oleh karena itu maka perlu dilestarikan dengan memanfaatkan bangunan-bangunan kolonial yang ada. Pemanfaatan bangunan-bangunan tersebut dapat dikembangkan dengan terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasikan potensi yang ada pada bangunan-bangunan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah apa saja potensi tinggalan serta permasalahan apa saja yang  mengancam keberadaan bangunan-bangunan kolonial tersebut. Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah mencari cara melestarikan bangunan Kolonial di Depok. Metode penalaran yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah adalah induktif. Data yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa tinggalan yang ada  berjumlah cukup banyak terdiri dari bangunan rumah tinggal, infrastruktur, pemerintahan, ibadah serta pemakaman. Potensi yang ada pada tinggalan berupa potensi arkeologis, sosial, politik, maupun budaya. Permasalahan yang ada terkait tinggalan masa kolonial di Depok adalah, kurangnya sosialisasi  UU no. 11 tahun 2010, tidak jelasnya status bangunan, tidak jelasnya kepemilikan bangunan, serta kurangnya koordinasi antara pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Cara paling penting untuk melestarikan bangunan Kolonial di Depok adalah dengan mensosialisasikan UU no. 11 tahun 2010 tentang Cagar Budaya agar timbul kesadaran masyarakat untuk berperan aktif dalam melindungi serta menjaga tinggalan arkeologi masa kolonial untuk generasi masa kini dan mendatang.
Pengaruh Perkeretaapian Terhadap Perkembangan Struktur Tata Ruang Kota Cirebon Berdasarkan Tinggalan Arkeologis Iwan Hermawan; Octaviadi Abrianto; Revi Mainaki
KALPATARU Vol. 29 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24832/kpt.v29i2.653


Abstract. Cirebon is a strategic city in the north of Java which, based on concentric theory, has a dynamic development process. This research used a qualitative approach and the descriptive method followed the pattern of inductive reasoning where data was collected through a) a literature study to documents from Indonesian National Archives (ANRI) and PT KAI Indonesia; b) field survey to observe the remains of the railroads; and c) interviews with the community leaders. Data were then analyzed spatially, using indicators from concentric theory, to see the effect of railroads on the development of the spatial structure of Cirebon. The result of the study reveals that the palace used to be the center of community activities during the kingdom reign, then shifted after the Dutch arrived and built the railroads. The center of the activities shifted to the ports, the stations, along the train stops, the plantation areas, the sugar factories, and the meeting points of the roads. The remains of the railroads today become a contextual proof of the development of the spatial structure of Cirebon which must be preserved as an archaeological value. Keywords: Train Heritage, Spatial Structure, Cirebon Abstrak. Cirebon merupakan kota yang strategis di bagian utara Pulau Jawa. Jika didasarkan pada teori konsentris, kota ini memiliki proses perkembangan dinamis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, metode deskripstif mengikuti pola penalaran induktif. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur, yakni dokumen dari Arsip Nasional Indonesia dan PT KAI Indonesia; survei untuk melihat sisa tinggalan perkeretaapian dari studi literasi; dan wawancara kepada tokoh masyarakat. Data dianalisis secara spasial dengan indikator dari teori konsentris untuk melihat pengaruh perkeretaapian terhadap perkembangan struktur tata ruang Kota Cirebon. Hasil penelitian tinggalan arkeologis perkeretaapian menunjukan bahwa pada masa kerajaan, pusat aktivitas masyarakat berada di sekitar keraton, kemudian bergeser setelah Belanda datang dan membangun perkeretaapian. Pusat aktivitas bergeser ke pelabuhan, stasiun, sepanjang perhentian kereta api, kawasan perkebunan, pabrik gula dan titik pertemuan jalan. Kondisi tinggalan tersebut menjadi bukti kontekstual perkembangan struktur tata ruang Kota Cirebon yang harus dilestarikan sebagai peninggalan bernilai arkeologis. Kata kunci: Tinggalan Perkeretaapian, Struktur Tata Ruang, Cirebon
KALPATARU Vol. 29 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Cirebon is a strategic city in the north of Java which, based on concentric theory, has a dynamic development process. This research used a qualitative approach and the descriptive method followed the pattern of inductive reasoning where data was collected through a) a literature study to documents from Indonesian National Archives (ANRI) and PT KAI Indonesia; b) field survey to observe the remains of the railroads; and c) interviews with the community leaders. Data were then analyzed spatially, using indicators from concentric theory, to see the effect of railroads on the development of the spatial structure of Cirebon. The result of the study reveals that the palace used to be the center of community activities during the kingdom reign, then shifted after the Dutch arrived and built the railroads. The center of the activities shifted to the ports, the stations, along the train stops, the plantation areas, the sugar factories, and the meeting points of the roads. The remains of the railroads today become a contextual proof of the development of the spatial structure of Cirebon which must be preserved as an archaeological value. Cirebon merupakan kota yang strategis di bagian utara Pulau Jawa. Jika didasarkan pada teori konsentris, kota ini memiliki proses perkembangan dinamis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, metode deskripstif mengikuti pola penalaran induktif. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur, yakni dokumen dari Arsip Nasional Indonesia dan PT KAI Indonesia; survei untuk melihat sisa tinggalan perkeretaapian dari studi literasi; dan wawancara kepada tokoh masyarakat. Data dianalisis secara spasial dengan indikator dari teori konsentris untuk melihat pengaruh perkeretaapian terhadap perkembangan struktur tata ruang Kota Cirebon. Hasil penelitian tinggalan arkeologis perkeretaapian menunjukan bahwa pada masa kerajaan, pusat aktivitas masyarakat berada di sekitar keraton, kemudian bergeser setelah Belanda datang dan membangun perkeretaapian. Pusat aktivitas bergeser ke pelabuhan, stasiun, sepanjang perhentian kereta api, kawasan perkebunan, pabrik gula dan titik pertemuan jalan. Kondisi tinggalan tersebut menjadi bukti kontekstual perkembangan struktur tata ruang Kota Cirebon yang harus dilestarikan sebagai peninggalan bernilai arkeologis.