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Rolly Intan
Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya

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Sistem Rekomendasi Konsentrasi Berdasarkan Aggregate Function Multi Criteria Pada Prodi Informatika UK Petra Willy Santoso; Rolly Intan; Yulia Yulia
Jurnal Infra Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Petra

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The Recommendation system is a system that uses to help users in making decisions by providing item recommendations to the user. In lectures, students are faced with the choice to take a certain concentration of study. However, students are often confused about which concentration of study should they take. Therefore, a system that can provide concentration recommendations is needed so that it can help students in making decisions on choosing the best consentration.Previously there had been a thesis to solve a similar problem using User Based Collaborative Filtering method. In this research the method that will be used is Aggregate Function.Aggregate Function is used to combine the results of the three criteria. The implementation of the Aggregate Function is done by calculating the average value of each concentration from the results of each criterion. The results of the first criteria are obtained using the User Based Collaborative Filtering method based on the Adjusted Cosine Similarity Algorithm. The results of the second criteria are obtained by calculating the average value of the certain mandatory courses that have been taken by the user. The results of the third criterion are obtained by calculating the average value of user preferences in a professional field.Testing of the recommendation system is done by using confusion matrix by measuring the value of accuracy of the recommendation system. The result of this research is the order of concentration recommendations that are suitable for the user based on the use of the Aggregate Function. The results of the tests that used on 30 users obtained 73.3% accuracy rate. 
Pemanfaatan text summarization dengan Support Vector Machine dan K-nearest neighbor pada analisis sentimen untuk mempermudah pengguna membaca review game STEAM Hilarius Bryan; Rolly Intan; Hans Juwiantho
Jurnal Infra Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Petra

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Today the development of the game is increasing and in line with the growth of the players. Usually, these players who are often called players have a special platform to see the latest game developments. One that is often targeted is Steam, where the platform provides complete information such as reviews, prices, release dates, and so on for users who want to buy games. Usually before buying a game the user will see a review first. The number of reviews on Steam makes it difficult for users to find information. From these problems, text summarization was carried out to summarize information and sentiment analysis to assess the value of the game. In order to get a good summary of the information, it is necessary to go through several data processing processes. The game review data collection process is obtained through the available Steam API. Once collected, preprocessing will be carried out to overcome the varied and inconsistent data that can affect the training process. Preprocessing includes Tokenization, Stopwords Removal, and Stemming. The text summarization process for feature to vector uses TF-IDF and Sentiment Score to get the main sentence before the training process using SVM is carried out. The classification process uses the KNN method which compares each game review data whether the data is closer to positive or negative, thus helping users when viewing game information becomes shorter and easier. Measurement of the success of this method in answering problems by testing data with the Confusion Matrix and surveying Steam users. The use of text summarization for each game review has little role in improving the results of sentiment analysis, because the method is not suitable and the game review data is in the form of an abstract. The accuracy of sentiment analysis is still better when text summarization is not carried out on the data. A total of 50 people were asked to provide statements regarding the results of sentiment analysis and text summarization. The results obtained by 40 out of 50 users said the application helped read game reviews and 10 others did not.
Sistem Mobile Application, Tracking Lokasi dan Estimasi Perjalanan Untuk Aplikasi Shuttle Bus Uk Petra Menggunakan Flutter dan Google Maps Kevin Jonathan; Rolly Intan; Liliana Liliana
Jurnal Infra Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Petra

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Petra Christian University (PCU) is a campus that is already growing rapidly becoming one of the popular university in Indonesia with thousands of students from Indonesia and outside Indonesia which is now located in Jalan Siwalankerto, exactly in number 121-131, Surabaya. Petra Christian University planned to launch Shuttle Bus with west Surabaya – Petra Christian University route to facilitate many of the students from west Surabaya to reach Petra Christian University and vice versa. But, this Shuttlebus needs a control system to manage the usage of this shuttle bus by students. This control system is divided in a few big features, which is registration, reservation, identification, tracking, and features related to rating and notification system. The research results showed that after the "Petra Shuttle Bus" application was designed, most of the passengers benefited from being able to make a reservation in advance along with accessing other important features such as viewing bus locations and rating related schedules for service improvement. In addition, the driver also feels benefited because with the current check-in system, this greatly facilitates the driver in the process of checking passengers’attendance who have made the reservations. Please note that this application is far from perfect and requires further improvement according to users’ feedback.
Sistem Backend dari Aplikasi Mobile dan Website untuk Sistem Registrasi, Reservasi, dan Identifikasi Penumpang Shuttle Bus UK Petra Michelle Christiana Chandra; Rolly Intan; Liliana Liliana
Jurnal Infra Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Petra

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In 2022, Petra Christian University (PCU) launched its shuttle bus program exclusive to the academic community of PCU. This bus operates by picking up and dropping off passengers on the route of West Surabaya – PCU and vice versa. There are overwhelmingly many more members of the academic community of PCU residing in West Surabaya compared to the capacity of the shuttle bus. Registration, reservation, and identification systems are necessary to resolve this problem. The registration system ensures that the passengers are members of the academic community of PCU. The reservation system supports passengers in booking seats for the desired trips. The identification system authenticates the passengers when boarding the shuttle bus. The PCU shuttle bus program is operational and has been using the deployed application properly. Every function and API in the application passes the designed feature testing and matches the appropriate expectations. A survey was conducted of 76 passengers and 1 admin and 2 drivers were interviewed. From 76 passenger respondents, the average satisfaction score is 4.259 out of 5. From the 2 driver interviews, the application received a score of 8 and 10 out of 10. And lastly, the average satisfaction for the admin system and website is 4.75 out of 5.