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PEMISAHAN MATRIKS 90Sr/90Y MENGGUNAKAN METODE ELEKTROKROMATOGRAFI BERBASIS FASA DIAM CAMPURAN ALUMINA-SILIKA Sulaiman Sulaiman; Adang H. G.; Artadi Heru W.; Sri Aguswarini; Karyadi Karyadi; Gatot S.; Chairuman Chairuman
Jurnal Forum Nuklir JFN Vol 7 No 2 November 2013
Publisher : BATAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2378.311 KB) | DOI: 10.17146/jfn.2013.7.2.3470


PEMISAHAN MATRIKS 90Sr/90Y MENGGUNAKAN METODE ELEKTROKROMATOGRAFI BERBASIS FASA DIAM CAMPURAN ALUMINA-SILIKA. Itrium-90 merupakan radionuklida pemancar  yang mempunyai waktu paruh 64,1 jam dan memancarkan energi  maksimum 2280 keV. Itrium-90 merupakan radionuklida yang banyak digunakan dalam kedokteran nuklir untuk keperluan terapi. ltrium-90 diperoleh dari hasil peluruhan radionuklida 90Sr yang mempunyai waktu paruh 28,1 tahun. Untuk memperoleh radionuklida 90Y, dibutuhkan suatu sistem pemisahan yang sesuai dan pada saat ini yang paling banyak digunakan adaJah sistem generat or 90SrfOY. DaJam penelitian ini, telah dilakukan studi sistem pemisahan 90Y dari 90Sr dengan metode elektrokromatografi untuk parameter tegangan, dan komposisi isian kolom kromatografi. Radionuklida  yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini adalah campuran radionuklida 90Sr/90Y yang diperoleh dari hasil fisi. Hasil percobaan yang diperoleh menunjukkan  bahwa  dengan  kondisi elektrokromatografi menggunakan tegangan 400 V selama 4 jam, fasa gerak larutan penyangga sitrat 0,1 M; pH 5 dan fasa diam sepanjang 9 cm dengan komposisi 2 cm silika 0,5 mm, 4 cm alumina, 1 cm campuran silika 0,2 mm : alumina = 1:1 dan 2 cm silika 0,2 mm telah dihasilkan rendemen pemisahan 90Y sebesar 59,63% dengan kemurnian radiokimia 97,30%.
Uji Klirens dan Uji Pirogenitas sebagai Bagian dari Penentuan Mutu Biologi Sediaan 90Y-EDTMP Sulaiman Sulaiman; Sri Aguswarini; Karyadi Karyadi; Chairuman Chairuman; Gatot Setiawan; Adang HG; M. Subur
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 8, NOMOR 2, AGUSTUS 2018
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/jki.v8i2.352


Cancer is one of the causes of death in Indonesia and even the world. Nuclear medicine techniques with radiopharmaceuticals and SPECT are one of the ways to treat cancer, but their use in Indonesia is not yet popular. Radiopharmaceuticals marked with radionuclide emitting beta (β) radiation are proven to be used for cancer therapy, one that has been developed in PTRR-BATAN is 90Y-EDTMP. Yttrium-90 is used in nuclear medicine by utilizing β radiation (E max 2.28 MeV). The β energy which is produced from the decay process of 90Y radionuclides to 90Zr can kill cancer cells. This study aimed to provide information about the substances biological effects so that preventive measures can be taken to protect humans. This study conducted evaluation of the 90Y-marked radiopharmaceutical (90Y produced from a 90Sr / 90Y generator which is 90Y-EDTMP) encompasses clearance test, pyrogen test, and dose safety test in experimental animals. The clearance test utilized mice, the pyrogen test utilized rabbits, and the dose safety test utilized mice. The results of the clearance test showed that 90Y-EDTMP compound which was excreted in 192 hour was 49.70% through urine and 14.59% through feces. The total excretion of 90Y-EDTMP within 192 hours was 64.57%. Based on the results of clearance tests with calculations, 90Y of 90Sr / 90Y generators in 90Y-EDTMP dosage form had 84.2 hours of half-life, 36.5 hours of an effective half-life and 52.7 hours of a residence time. Pyrogen test results showed pyrogen-free. The 90Y-EDTMP dose safety test showed that the dose is safe and not deadly. The development of 90Y-EDTMP is expected to be improved to produce radiopharmaceuticals for cancer therapy in order to make a real contribution in public health services.