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Pemerintahan Kolaboratif Sebagai Solusi Kasus Deforestasi di Pulau Kalimantan: Kajian Literatur Cahyoko Edi Tando; Sudarmo Sudarmo; Rina Herlina Haryanti
Jurnal Borneo Administrator Vol 15 No 3 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Puslatbang KDOD Lembaga Administrasi Negara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (757.181 KB) | DOI: 10.24258/jba.v15i3.516


Indonesia is a country with the largest biodiversityin the world. It has a rich forest both in land and the surface of the land, however the forest-related problemalso occurs in Indonesia. One of the largest islands in the world, namely Kalimantan Island has the largest forest distribution in Indonesia. In fact, it cannot be separated from deforestation issue for plantation, mining, and new residential areas reasons. If there is no monitoring, derforestation will produce increasingly severe forests damage, global climate change, and conservation of native animals in the forest. Collaborative governance is chosen as a means toovercomeg the problem of deforestation, and cooperate to other actors related to the community and jointly reducing this deforestation. Collaborative governance is considered capable to solve problem, especially from actors from the plantantion and mining business sector Further, the expected correlation is to be able to work together without being harmed. Keywords: Deforestation, Kalimantan Island, and Collaborative Governance Abstrak Indonesia merupakan negara dengan kenanekaragaman hayati terbesar di dunia, memiliki hutan yang kaya kandungan di dalam tanah maupun yang di permukaan tanah, namun permasalahan akan hutan pun tidak menutup bahwa juga terjadi di Indonesia, salah satu pulau terbesar di dunia yakni Pulau Kalimantan memiliki persebaran hutan terbesar di Indonenesia, tidak lepas dari deforestasi baik untuk alasan perkebunan, pertambangan, dan kawasan hunian baru. Deforestasi jika di biarkan terus menerus akan mengakibatkan kerusakan hutan yang semakin parah, perubahan iklim dunia, dan mengancam hewan asli yang ada di dalam hutan tersebut. Pemerintahan kolaboratif di pilih sebagai sarana untuk mengatasi permasalahan deforestasi ini bekerjasama dengan aktor lain yakni swasta dan masyarakat untuk bersama-sama mengurangi deforestasi ini. Pemerintahan kolaboratif dianggap mampu dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan terutama dari para aktor dari sektor usaha perkebunan maupun pertambangan, korelasi yang di harapkan adalah bisa saling bekerjasama tanpa ada yang dirugikan. Kata Kunci: Deforestasi, Pulau Kalimantan, dan Pemerintahan Kolaboratif
Hybridity in Transitional Justice: Legacy of The “Khmer Rouge Tribunal” Danijel Apro; Sudarmo Sudarmo
Mimbar Hukum - Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada Vol 30, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.781 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jmh.30061


AbstractCountries throughout the world practice several forms of transitional justice, hoping to attain peace, democratic stability and reconciliation. They apply different mechanisms to achieve these goals. Thispaper offers a theoretical analysis of foundation, proceedings and legacy of the Extraordinary hambersin the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). First, the Author examines the notion of the analysis of hybrid courts as a way of overcoming constraints that criminal justice mechanisms in post-conflict societies may face. Second, the Author explores the so-called “Khmer Rouge Tribunal”. Due to the significance and controversies that surround the ECCC, its work attracts great attention. Furthermore, political will is critical, so these hybrid judicial institutions should have more international support in terms of political means, funds, dissemination of results, and complementary mechanisms of transitional justice.IntisariNegara-negara di seluruh dunia mempraktikkan beragam bentuk keadilan transisional, dengan harapan untuk memelihara perdamaian, stabilitas demokrasi, dan rekonsiliasi. Mereka menerapkan mekanisme yang berbeda-beda untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Penelitian ini menyajikan analisis teori yang dilakukan terhadap landasan, proses, dan pengaruh Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). Pertama-tama, penelitian ini meninjau gagasan mengenai analisa terhadap pengadilan hibrida sebagai cara untuk mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi oleh mekanisme pengadilan pidana di masyarakat pascakonflik, dan kedua, mengeksplorasi apa yang disebut “Pengadilan Khmer Rouge”. Karena signifikansi dan kontroversi yang menyelubungi ECCC, karyanya menerima perhatian yang besar. Tekad secara politis sangat penting, sehingga pengadilan hibrida ini dapat memperoleh dukungan internasional lebih banyak dalam hal sarana politik, dana, penyebaran hasil, dan mekanisme untuk melengkapi keadilan transisional.
Reformasi Birokrasi Pelayanan Publik dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di RSUD Dr. Moewardi (Pencanangan Pembangunan Zona Integritas WBK & WBBM) Estining Nur Kartika; Sudarmo Sudarmo
Ministrate: Jurnal Birokrasi dan Pemerintahan Daerah Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Birokrasi dan Pemerintahah di Daerah 8
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik FISIP UIN SGD Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jbpd.v4i2.17941


Bureaucratic reform has the meaning of major changes in Indonesian governance to create good government agencies in providing services to the community. Various government agencies are competing to commit to bureaucratic reform, one of which is regional hospitals which are bureaucratic institutions engaged in health services. Hospitals that work in the medical or health sector bear a double burden because they have to guarantee the quality of health services and also organize their bureaucracy. Therefore, efforts to reform the public service bureaucracy in hospitals are interesting to be studied further. Through qualitative research, this article analyzes the process of reforming the public service bureaucracy at RSUD Dr. Moewardi in improving the quality of health services. Data were obtained from interviews, observations, and document analysis on the direction of changes in bureaucratic reform to improve the quality of public services which were then analyzed using the PDCA cycle (plan, do, check, act). Through this analysis, it can describe the efforts of RSUD Dr. Moewardi in controlling the commitment to bureaucratic reform to improve the quality of public services.
Peningkatan Penguasaan Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif Secara Komprehensif Mahasiswa Melalui Dekonstruksi Model Ucapan Idul Fitri Bagus Haryono; Sudarmo Sudarmo; Triyanto Triyanto; Brq Dagfa Inka Mahadika
Society Vol 11 No 2 (2023): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/society.v11i2.399


This quasi-experimental study aims to enhance the Mastery of Comprehensive Qualitative Research Methodology (MCQRM) among Sociology students. The goal is to equip students with systematic thinking steps involving philosophy, paradigm, object of study, theory, method, statistics, case examples, and addressing real problems and solutions. The research adopts a deconstruction approach, using the model of Eid al-Fitr greetings as its substance. The participants are 26 Sociology students enrolled in the Qualitative Research Method course. Data was collected through surveys using Google Forms twice during sessions from the 9th to the 15th meeting. Responses from the first form were compared with those from the second form. The differences between them were then interpreted as indicators of changes in the mastery of comprehensive thinking steps resulting from the learning treatment. The data were analyzed using analytical descriptive statistics in SPSS software. The results show a significant improvement in the overall mastery of qualitative research methodology, with a positive change of 30.8%. Improvement is also evident in method mastery at 38.5% and statistical mastery at 11.5%. The students successfully construct comprehensive thinking steps, ranging from post-positivism philosophy to the application of social definition and social behavior paradigms. They can understand the object of sociological study in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor dimensions, integrating Action and Social Exchange theories, Qualitative Research Methods, and descriptive statistics. Through this understanding, students can present a fluent thought process from various philosophical perspectives and in solving real-world problems.