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Sufism Based Character Education: Strenghtening the National Character to Traditional Muslim Community in Madura S. Siswanto
ADDIN Vol 14, No 2 (2020): ADDIN
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v14i2.8322


This article describes model of strengthening the national character values with the Sufism approach in the traditional Madurese Muslim community who has a sectarian and static mindset through the Majlis Maulid wa al-Ta’lim Riyadlul Jannah Madura activities. The strengthening of the national character is based on Islamic teachings which normatively emphasize the ritual and social dimensions. This Majlis builds religious values, love for the country, the spirit of nationality, tolerance, and social care. The pattern of strengthening with the Sufism approach is carried out through the reading of Maulid Simth ad-Durar, shalawat, and qashidah with national character values, mauizhah hasanah, and riyadlah through safari maulid in 40 nights and qiyam al-lail on the last 15 nights of Ramadan. The strengthening of the national character runs optimally influenced by the power of prayer, humility (tawadlu’) of the Majlis leaders, hospitality, and noble morals in every Majlis activities.
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 22 No. 1 (2014): ISLAM, BUDAYA DAN PENDIDIKAN
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v22i1.547


Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Agama Islam yang berlangsung di sekolah saat ini masih mengalami banyak kelemahan yang disebabkan karena praktikpendidikannya hanya memperhatikan aspek kognitif semata dari pertumbuhankesadaran nilai-nilai (agama), dan mengabaikan pembinaan aspek afektif dankonatif-volitif, yakni kemauan dan tekad mengamalkan nilai-nilai ajaran agama.Akibatnya terjadi kesenjangan antara pengetahuan dan pengalaman, antaragnosis dan praxis dalam kehidupan nilai agama. Agar pendidikan agama Islamtersebut menjadi nilai-nilai yang tahan lama, maka harus ada proses internalisasibudaya. Internalisasi berarti proses menanamkan dan menumbuhkembangkansuatu nilai/budaya menjadi bagian diri (self) orang yang bersangkutan. Padatataran nilai yang dianut, perlu dirumuskan secara bersama nilai-nilai agamayang disepakati dan perlu dibudayakan di sekolah, untuk selanjutnya dibangunkomitmen dan loyalitas bersama di antara semua warga sekolah terhadap nilainilaiyang disepakati. Dalam tataran praktik keseharian, nilai-nilai keagamaanyang telah disepakati tersebut diwujudkan dalam bentuk sikap dan perilakukeseharian oleh semua warga sekolah. Dengan menjadikan agama sebagai tradisidalam sekolah maka secara sadar maupun tidak ketika warga sekolah mengikutitradisi yang telah tertanam tersebut sebenarnya warga sekolah sudah melakukanajaran agama.
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 23 No. 2 (2015): ISLAM, BUDAYA, DAN PESANTREN
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i2.726


The existence of Islamic boarding school (pesantren) as an educational in-stitution has a major influence on the life of community, in cultural, educational, and social aspect. Pesantren has become a center of excellence for the development of human resources that has a base of morality in social life. Based on these considerations, pesantren should position itself as a service industry, which provides services according to the desire of customers. To achieve this, schools can adapt the Total Quality Mana-gement (TQM). TQM emphasizes the personal, ethical, cultural, and system quality that are directed to ensure the commitment of every mem-ber of pesantren in continuously quality improvement efforts. It is required that pesantren affirms itself as an educational institution in which construc-tive ideas constantly arise from to frame the pesantren management for the improvement of education quality. Pesantren needs to make strategic efforts to develop the quality design of education. In so doing, it is required to improve various aspects with regard to educational processes in pesantren, namely leadership, curriculum, learning processes, service orientation, and evaluation. This improvement should be done simul-taneously and consistently, resulting in a boarding school education quality design that can accommodate the needs of students and community.Copyright (c) 2015 by KARSA. All right reservedDOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i2.726
Madrasah Unggulan Berbasis Pesantren Siswanto Siswanto
Ulumuna Vol 18 No 1 (2014): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/ujis.v18i1.157


In the context of rapid social changes, can be considered alternative and outstanding Indonesian Islamic education institution. This article is aimed at analyzing opportunities and threats faced in the development of the madrasah, especially, those are located in pesantren, and so called pesantren-based madrasah. It is recommended that the development of pesantren-based madrasah have to fit the criteria of alternative education. It must be directed toward the creation of excellent and competitive Islamic school that will produce qualified human resources, who master not only religion but also science and technology inspired by Islamic values. Pesantren has become a center of excellence for human resources development that emphasizes morality for society development. Thus, the idea to realize a high-ranking madrasa in the boarding school is directed toward the integration of excellent intellectualism and skill with the excellent religious knowledge, including the excellence of personality, faith and piety.
Sufism Based Character Education: Strenghtening the National Character to Traditional Muslim Community in Madura S. Siswanto
ADDIN Vol 14, No 2 (2020): ADDIN
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v14i2.8322


This article describes model of strengthening the national character values with the Sufism approach in the traditional Madurese Muslim community who has a sectarian and static mindset through the Majlis Maulid wa al-Ta’lim Riyadlul Jannah Madura activities. The strengthening of the national character is based on Islamic teachings which normatively emphasize the ritual and social dimensions. This Majlis builds religious values, love for the country, the spirit of nationality, tolerance, and social care. The pattern of strengthening with the Sufism approach is carried out through the reading of Maulid Simth ad-Durar, shalawat, and qashidah with national character values, mauizhah hasanah, and riyadlah through safari maulid in 40 nights and qiyam al-lail on the last 15 nights of Ramadan. The strengthening of the national character runs optimally influenced by the power of prayer, humility (tawadlu’) of the Majlis leaders, hospitality, and noble morals in every Majlis activities.
re-JIEM (Research Journal of Islamic Education Management) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi MPI Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (613.324 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/re-jiem.v2i1.2461


The Al-Quran is used as a guide for human in all aspects of life. In addition, the Koran also has conferred a status between men and women in the sense of normative and social status. However, the Koran also recognizes against superiority between men and women in certain contexts. If examined carefully, when women plunge into the public sphere, absolutely no hint in the Al-Quran that explains the opposition of a woman to become a leader including in becoming a leader of an educational institution. This study used a qualitative approach with a type of phenomenological research. Sources of data are obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The informants are principals, teachers and students. Meanwhile, checking the validity of data is conducted through extention of participation, triangulation and negative case analysis method.