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نموذج تعليم المفردات باستخدام لعبة القاموس التعليميّة والترفيهيّة على أساس الروبوت في المدارس الابتدائيّة Abdul Mutholib
Arabia Vol 9, No 2 (2017): JURNAL ARABIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/arabia.v9i2.5891


AbstractIn the field of teaching and learning of the Arabic language, the dictionary has a special role as the teaching media that are used by teachers to enrich the vocabulary of the students easily and fast. Vocabulary has special importance for a user language and has a significant impact on the adequacy of language development. Therefore, a lot of educational strategies has developed in order to raise students' motivation toward learning the Arabic language, especially in order to raise their desire and their orientation in keeping vocabulary, training and use in speaking, reading and Writing. Edu-tainment of dictionary game on Android based is the exciting strategy to train students to be fluent vocabulary through the competition to define the meanings of difficult vocabulary fast and accurate. So, this article will explain edu-tainment of dictionary game on android based in the teaching of Arabic language, and also will explain a procedural model for the game in the classroom.Keywords: Teaching Vocabulary, dictionary game, androidملخصفي مجال تعليم وتعلم اللغة، كان القاموس له دور خاص كالوسائل التعليمية يستعملها المدرس لإثراء المفردات اللغوية لدى الطلاب بسهولة وسريعة. والمفردات اللغوية لها أهمية خاصة لمستخدم اللغة ولها أثر كبير في تنمية كفايته اللغوية. فلذلك، قد طُوِّرت كثير من الاستراتجيات التعليمية لتعليم المفردات من أجل إثارة دافعية الطلاب نحو تعلم اللغة العربية وخاصة من أجل إثارة رغبتهم وميولهم في حفظ المفردات اللغوية وتدريبها واستعمالها في المحادثة والقراءة والكتابة.فلعبة القاموس التعليمية الترفيهية على أساس الروبوت أو أندرويد هي استراتجية مثيرة لتدريب الطلاب على اكتساب وسيطرة المفردات اللغوية عن طريق المنافسة لتعريف معاني المفردات الصعبة التي تواجههم تعريفا سريعا ودقيقا. لذا، فهذه المقالة ستبحث لعبة القاموس التعليمية الترفيهية على أساس الروبوت في تعليم اللغة العربية وكيفية إجراءات تنفيذها، وتبحث أيضا النموذج الإجرائي لهذه اللعبة داخل الصف.كلمة المفتاح : تعليم المفردات، لعبة القاموس،أندرويد
The Use of Gamification in Teaching Writing Skills to Junior High Students | Istikhdām Al Tal’īb Fī Ta’līm Mahārah Al Kitābah Lada Thullāb Al Madāris Al Muthawassithah Abdul Mutholib; Ma’rifatul Munjiah; Syamfa Agny Anggara
Ta'lim al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab & Kebahasaaraban Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Ta'lim al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jpba.v7i1.23894


Writing as a language skill is still considered a language skill that is categorized as very difficult. Various kinds of problems arise in learning to write Arabic because writing skills are skills that combine various disciplines. Therefore, teachers must continually innovate in the learning process, such as choosing a learning model or using various learning methods, one of which is gamification-based Arabic learning. Gamification is a modern educational strategy popular in the West, namely educational stimulation by applying game elements and principles in non-game contexts. This article describes Gamification's use in teaching high school students writing skills. The research method used is the descriptive method with the desk research method. The results of the study show that the use of Gamification in teaching writing skills can improve the quality of learning, especially in Arabic, so that students can master writing skills in an easy and fun way, and can lead to the development of teaching writing skills in a social context following their interests, motivations, and needs Student. This study recommends further research to test the effectiveness of Gamification on other Arabic language skills with a more varied research method.