Nur Kholis
UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

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Development Of Teacher Competence In Creative Writing To Actualize Literacy Of Madrasah Makherus Sholeh; Abd Aziz; Nur Kholis
ELEMENTARY: Islamic Teacher Journal Vol 9, No 2 (2021): ELEMENTARY
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/elementary.v9i2.11903


AbstractTeachers often have difficulty in developing competence in the writing aspect, especially in Islamic-based educational institutions. This study aims to explain the concept of developing teacher competence in creative writing to realize madrasa literacy. This study involved six informants, including school principals and teachers who are members of the writing community. Data was collected through direct interviews (telephone, WhatsApp messages, and video calls), observation, and documentation. The results showed several steps to developing teacher competence in writing at MI Perwanida Blitar: 1) Forming a writing community called ARUNIKA CAKRAWALA. It was started by building mutual commitment, self-efficacy, motivation, and writing habits, and determining rewards and punishments. 2) Implementation of the writing community by actively participating in seminars, workshops, writing training, and webinars, actively writing in external and internal communities of the institution, holding peer tutors, supporting school literacy programs, and publishing teacher and student writings in various genres. 3) Obstacles faced by writing teachers are limited time, limited ideas, and unstable teachers' motivation in writing. This finding offers the concept of developing teacher competence in writing. The findings are expected to be adopted in developing teacher competence in creative writing in other institutions.
Changes in The Behavior of Religious Radicalism of Young Communities in The Mataraman Region, East Java Nur Kholis; Munardji Munardji; Nuril Mufidah; Salamah Noor Hidayati; Badrus Sholeh
AL-TAHRIR Vol 21, No 1 (2021): Islam: Liberalism and Fundamentalism
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/altahrir.v21i1.2858


This study aims to describe and analyze behavioral changes in religious radicalism and the factors that influence these behavioral changes. This type of research is qualitative, using a case study approach—the place of a research area that is categorized as Mataraman culture. The primary consideration is that the character of this region adheres to the notion of integration of religion, culture, and politics, which can be called a society with a harmonious character. The facts on the ground show this community with a culture of harmony has been exposed to radical ideas, especially among teenagers. For example, there were two raids on people suspected of being exposed to radicalism in Tulungagung. Data collection techniques are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The collected data were analyzed using Miles & Huberman's interactive model. The study results show that changes in behavior to become radical in religion are determined by several factors: the strength of belief, Daulah Islamiyyah as the subjective norm of the group, scriptural studies, and economic programs/activities to improve the welfare of members. These four factors strengthen the birth of the intention to turn into a radical in religion. A firm intention among youth serves to trigger the actualization of radical behavior in religion among youth. الملخصتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى وصف وتحليل التغيرات السلوكية في التطرف الديني ، والعوامل التي تؤثر على هذه التغيرات السلوكية. هذا النوع من البحث نوعي باستخدام نهج دراسة الحالة. مكان منطقة البحث المصنفة على أنها ثقافة ماتارامان. الاعتبار الرئيسي هو أن طبيعة هذه المنطقة تتمسك بفهم تكامل الدين والثقافة والسياسة ، والذي يمكن تسميته بمجتمع ذي طابع متناغم. تظهر الحقائق على الأرض أن هذا المجتمع الذي يتمتع بثقافة الانسجام قد تعرض لأفكار راديكالية ، خاصة بين المراهقين ، على سبيل المثال ، كانت هناك غارتان على الأشخاص المشتبه في تعرضهم للتطرف في تولونغاغونغ. تقنيات جمع البيانات هي المقابلات المتعمقة والملاحظة والتوثيق. تم تحليل البيانات التي تم جمعها باستخدام النموذج التفاعلي Miles & Hubermans. تظهر نتائج الدراسة أن التغيرات في السلوك ليصبح متطرفًا في الدين تتحدد بعدة عوامل هي ؛ قوة الإيمان ، الدولة الإسلامية كقاعدة ذاتية للجماعة ، والدراسات الكتابية ، والبرامج / الأنشطة الاقتصادية لتحسين رفاهية الأعضاء. هذه العوامل الأربعة تعزز ولادة نية التحول إلى راديكالية في الدين. تعمل النية القوية لدى الشباب على تفعيل السلوك الراديكالي في الدين بين الشباب. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis perubahan perilaku radikalisme beragama, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan perilaku tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Tempat penelitian wilayah yang masuk kategori budaya Mataraman. Pertimbangan utamanya adalah karakter wilayah ini menganut paham integrasi agama, budaya, dan politik dapat disebut sebagai masyarakat berkarakter harmoni. Fakta dilapangan menunjukkan komunitas masyarakat yang berbudaya harmoni  ini telah terpapar paham radikal terutama kalangan remaja, misalnya dua kali terjadi penggerebekan orang yang diduga terpapar paham radikal di Tulungagung. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah Interview mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data-data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan model interaktif Miles & Hubermans. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa perubahan perilaku menjadi radikal dalam beragama ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu; kekuatan keyakinan, Daulah Islamiyyah sebagai norma subyektif kelompok, kajian-kajian yang bersifat skriptural, dan program/kegiatan ekonomi untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan anggota. Keempat faktor ini menguatkan lahirnya niat untuk berubah menjadi radikal dalam beragama. Niat yang kuat pada kalangan pemuda berfungsi memicu aktualisasi perilaku radikal dalam beragama di kalangan pemuda. 
Al-Bidayah : jurnal pendidikan dasar Islam Vol 13, No 1 (2021): Al-Bidayah : jurnal pendidikan dasar Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/al-bidayah.v13i1.628


Human Resource Management (HRM) problems are familiar at all educational institutions, such as the Islamic Basic Educational Institution. This study aims to reveal and introduce the concept of HRM in improving the quality of teachers at the SDI (Islamic elementary education) Qurrota A'yun Tulungagung, Indonesia, to show the importance of HR in improving the quality of teachers in Islamic Primary Educational Institutions. Furthermore, this research involves ten informants, including a school principal, teachers, committees, parents, and community leaders. Subsequently, data were collected through in-person interviews (via telephone and online by WhatsApp messaging services), participant observation, and documentation. The results show the process of human resource management in improving the quality of teachers through planning, training, and evaluation. Firstly, the planning strategy is conducted through pre-service education or recruitment, while the training strategy is conducted by making on-the-job and off-the-job training programs. Lastly, Every week, semester, and year, the evaluation is completed, and rewards are given. In conclusion, the findings imply that human resource management has an important role in determining the quality of teachers.
Al-Bidayah : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Islam Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021): Al-Bidayah : jurnal pendidikan dasar Islam
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Human Resource Management (HRM) problems are familiar at all educational institutions, such as the Islamic Basic Educational Institution. This study aims to reveal and introduce the concept of HRM in improving the quality of teachers at the SDI (Islamic elementary education) Qurrota A'yun Tulungagung, Indonesia, to show the importance of HR in improving the quality of teachers in Islamic Primary Educational Institutions. Furthermore, this research involves ten informants, including a school principal, teachers, committees, parents, and community leaders. Subsequently, data were collected through in-person interviews (via telephone and online by WhatsApp messaging services), participant observation, and documentation. The results show the process of human resource management in improving the quality of teachers through planning, training, and evaluation. Firstly, the planning strategy is conducted through pre-service education or recruitment, while the training strategy is conducted by making on-the-job and off-the-job training programs. Lastly, Every week, semester, and year, the evaluation is completed, and rewards are given. In conclusion, the findings imply that human resource management has an important role in determining the quality of teachers.