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Uji Pengoperasian Fixed Bed Gasifier Batubara Kapasitas 100 kg/jam Suhartono; Suwito Gunadarma; Dwiwahju Sasongko; Herri Susanto
Jurnal Teknik: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik Vol 6 No 1 (2007): Jurnal Teknik - Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Aplikasi Teknik
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26874/jt.vol6no1.263


Unit gasifikasi batubara jenis down draught kapasitas 100 kg/jam untuk mensubtitusi minyak bakar 70 liter/jam melalui proses gasifikasi, menggunakan udara-air sebagai medium penggasifikasi telah terinstalasi pada unit pengering di pabrik teh. Unit gasifiakasi terdiri dari reaktor gasifier, siklon, pendingin, kock out drum, blower dan burner. Gas produser stabil terbakar di burner, tetapi hanya mampu membuat udara panasdi unit pengering teh hingga 92oC (suhu target 100oC 120oC). Diperkirakan tidak tercapainya suhu target disebabkan kapasitas gasifier kurang besar, sehingga gas produser yang disuplai kurang dan pembakaran di burner selalu dalam ekses udara yang tinggi. Beberapa faktor gasifikasi yang diperkirakan mempengaruhi proses, antara lain: a. batubara pecah menjadi partikel lembut, menyebabkan penurunan tekanan yangmenghambataliran, hambatan aliran di ruang reduksi terjadi akibat pelelehan abu, menyebabkan penyumbatan aliran maupun penutupan arang, sehingga sulit bereaksi, c.kandungan tar masih banyak, karena tidak adanya scrubber yang dipasang di depan pendingin. Untuk menurunkan temperatur proses gasifikasi yang masih tinggi dan pelelehan abu diatasi dengan air yang disemburkan dalam bentuk kabut (spray) dalam daerah oksidasi melalui pemasangan pocker, penguapan air menyebabkan produksi hidrogen tinggi. Modifikasi lanjut difokuskan pada reaktor gasifikasi berupa perombakan throat (zona reduksi) untuk menurunkan temperatur proses dan meningkatkan pasokan gas hasil.
Gasifikasi Cangkang Sawit dalam Updraft Fixed Bed Gasifier: Pengukuran Laju Gasifikasi Spesifik Renardi Andhika; Herri Susanto
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2017: PROSIDING SNTKK
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Gasification is process conversion solid material into fuel gas. This study were carried on updraft fixed bedgasifier. Commercial application for updraft gasifier is used in Asphalt Mixing Plant at Ngawi with thecapacity 1 ton/hour. Palm shell was used as feedstock in this study with air as gasifying agent. Feedingconducted as batch and intermittent (0.5 kg every 12 minute in certain time). Gasification process alsoproduced an undesirable product called tar. The analysis of tar measurement and gas composition wasperformed by impinger bottle method and GC-TCD respectively. Gasification performance observed includesflare ignition, temperature progress, tar quantity, and specific gasification rate. Biomass with high moisturecontent produces producer gases that will be difficult to burnt because producer gases carried moisturecontent from biomass. Flare ignition on biomass with moisture content 7,01% would be slower 2 minutesthan moisture content 4%. Flammable producer gases when net calorific value more than 3500 kJ/Nm3.Temperature progress with intermittent feeding increase faster than batch feeding. However, temperaturprogress decreases when biomass was fed into the reactor. Tar content with high temperature on intermittentfeeding (4.8 mg/Nm3) was smaller than batch feeding (14 mg/Nm3). In this study, spesific gasification rate(SGR) about 47.7 - 65.4 kg/m2h.
Analisa Penurunan Susut Non Teknis Dengan AMR PLN (Studi Kasus PT. Tjokro Bersaudara Bontang Kaltim) Abdur Rachman Tanjung; Abdul Zain; Herri Susanto
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Sinergi Vol 17, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.41 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/sinergi.v17i1.1586


One of the problems faced by PLN is the high non-technical shrinkage of potential AMR customers due to installation and maintenance errors. This problem certainly has a solution that can be used so that non-technical losses can be suppressed. Based on the theory of electric energy calculation, from the voltage, current and power factor, it can be seen that the energy consumption is calculated or paid every month. Then done using the AMR application to monitor and analyze the use of electrical energy to potential customers with known data sources. Monitoring with this AMR application can make it easier to determine electrical energy deviations that have not been measured by the kWh meter, so as to accelerate normalization in case of errors or anomalies in the kWh meter. The results of the study explained that an abnormality was found due to the reverse polarity of the CT causing losses to the PLN which resulted in a subsequent bill of PT. Tjokro Bersaudara Bontang Kaltim Rp. 134,902,352.00.
Perbandingan Aktivitas Katalis Dolomit dan Batu Kapur Lokal dengan Katalis Nikel Komersial untuk Dekomposisi Toluen sebagai Model Tar Herri Susanto; Aisyah Ardy
Jurnal Teknologi Bahan dan Barang Teknik Vol 6, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Center for Material and Technical Product

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (583.577 KB) | DOI: 10.37209/jtbbt.v6i1.63


Tar content will cause problem during utilization of producer in internal combustion engine. Our research deals with the development tar cracking process for optimum elimination of tar from gaseous product of gasification. Locally available minerals were used as catalyst, i. e: dolomite and lime stone obtained from minings in Padalarang and Blitar respectively. Experiments were carried out in a tubular reactor having an inside diameter of 2.54 cm and a total length of 33.5 cm. The amount of catalyst in the reactor was 10 gram and the particle size was 16/18 mesh. The gas stream containing tar was modeled with toluene vapour in N2 stream with a toluene concentration of 0.002- 0.004 g/L and gas flow rate of 32-38 L/h. Reactor temperature was adjusted at 500, 600, dan 700oC. The progress of tar cracking was observed using the toluene concentration at the gas inlet and the outlet of the reactor. Highest toluene conversion was found 86% during cracking on dolomite at 700oC without the presence of steam in the gas stream. For comparison, our experiments using Ni-based steam reforming catalyst resulted a toluene conversion of about 85%. This figure was relatively lower than those of dolomite and limestone. Catalytic activity of dolomite for toluene was about 0.084 mgtoluene/(gcat.min) and that of limestone was 0.01-0.05 mgtoluene/(gcat.min). We also found that toluene might undergo cracking without any catalyst at a temperature of 700oC. This condition was similar to the oxidation  zone in a downdraft gasifier.Kandungan tar akan menyebabkan masalah jika gas produser hasil gasifikasi biomassa digunakan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif di dalam internal combustion engine. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengembangkan katalis penyisihan tar secara optimal dari gas produser. Mineral lokal yang digunakan sebagai katalis adalah dolomit dan batu kapur yang merupakan hasil penambangan dari Padalarang dan Blitar. Percobaan dilakukan dalam sebuah reaktor pipa dengan diameter dalam 2,54 cm dan panjang total 33,5 cm. Jumlah katalis yang digunakan adalah 10 gram dengan ukuran 16/18 mesh. Gas produser dimodelkan oleh uap toluen dengan konsentrasi 0,002-0,004 g/L dan laju alir gas N2 32-38 L/jam yang diukur pada suhu kamar. Temperatur reaktor ditetapkan 500, 600, dan 700oC. Kinerja proses perengkahan tar diamati melalui konsentrasi toluen masuk dan keluar reaktor perengkahan tar. Konversi toluen tertinggi adalah 86% dengan menggunakan katalis dolomit pada temperatur 700oC tanpa menggunakan steam. Sebagai perbandingan, penelitian dengan menggunakan katalis nikel menghasilkan konversi toluene sekitar 85%. Kemampuan katalitik dolomit untuk mengkonversi toluen adalah 0,084 mgtoluen/(gkat.menit) sedangkan batu kapur adalah 0,01-0,05 mgtoluen/(gkat.menit). Perengkahan toluen dapat dilakukan tanpa menggunakan katalis temperatur 700oC. Kondisi ini sama dengan zona oksinasi pada downdraft gasifier.