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Jurnal Teknologi Elekterika Vol 12, No 1 (2015): Edisi Cetak (Januari 2015,Tahun 12, No 1)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1221.51 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/elekterika.v12i1.1502


Dinas pertanian biasanya mendapat  banyak laporan dari petani karena adanya penyakit tertentu yang menyerang tanaman cabe, jagung, dan padi. Gejala-gejala yang tampak pada tanaman ini bervariasi, sehingga dapat menyulitkan petani dalam mengendalikannya. penyakit pada tanaman cabe, jagung, dan padi berdasarkan pengamatan pakar penyakit tanaman sehingga mempermudah penyuluh untuk mengatasi penyakit yang menyerang tanaman cabe,j agung, dan padi.Tujuan Sistem pakar ini yakni: (1) Mengidentifikasi penyakit pada tanaman cabe,jagung dan padi berbasis webdalam  membantu penyuluh Dinas Pertanian Kota Bontang mengatasi penyakit tanaman cabe,jagung dan padi. (2) Meningkatkan produksitanamandengancaramemudahkanparapenggunasistemdalammendapatkaninformasi penyakit tanamancabe,jagung,padi(3)Meningkatkan kualitas penyimpanan data penyakit tanaman cabe,jagung dan padi. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembuatan sistemini adalah forwardchaining. PHPMySQL digunakan sebagai database dan Dreamweaver sebagai tampilan program. Penyakit yang diidentifikasi pada sistem pakar ini adalah penyakit  yang  terdapat  pada  batang,  daun,  dan  buah  dari  tanaman  cabe,  jagung  dan  padi.  Sistem  ini  dapat memberikan diagnosa dan penanggulangan penyakit bagi petani agar dapat menyelamatkan dan meningkatkan produksi tanaman serta mempermudah penyuluhatau Dinas Pertanian dalam penyimpanan data penyakit secarabaik.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Proteksi Kebakaran Menggunakan Smoke dan Heat Detector Abdul Zain
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 3, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1048.356 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v3i1.25


Abstract—The growth of rapid development in the big cities but without well planning in terms of fire prevention and the things that can cause a fire, for example electrical installations and gas that can either lead to frequent fires in the residential homes. The aim of the study is to prevent fires by detecting the presence of smoke and excessive heat around the house and protect the occurrence of fires that have wide impacts. The outcome of the fire protection design using smoke and heat detector based on microcontroller is to detect both smoke and heat hazards. If there is a danger of smoke or heat, then the system will provide a warning alarm, provide the path to the door emergency evacuation, and provide protection to extinguish the fire before the fire was enlarged.
Studi Sistem Informasi Monitoring Pembelian Material (Studi Kasus: K5-Project IKPT Toyo) Abdul Zain; Hari Sutanto
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 4, No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2021.522 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v4i1.97


Kaltim-5 Factory is the biggest plant for Ammonia and Urea in Indonesia. Construction of this plant was executed by Consortium IKPT-TOYO. Along the construction stage, procurement for materials were absolutely needed, and Procurement Department IKPT-TOYO has responsibility to handle materials procures. System that currently used is still using Microsoft Excel by manual input for each steps beginning from inquiry stage, getting vendor quotation until PO issued. This method still has some problems occurred such as uncontrolled stock and material requisition, also inquiry sheet which can be easily lost. In order to support the completion of K5-Project that needs more materials, therefore it needs a system that can ease and also improve the work of Procurement Department. Based on this background, research study to resolve this problem is held. This system gives status information and it is integrated to the each control step smoothly. System development used on this program is SDLC with Waterfall model. Moreover, testing methods is using Black Box system. The design of this monitoring information system describes a work order application by using PHP Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, AppServ 2.10.2 as web server and MySQL as database. Having testing the application, the result of this study shows that the application is able to improve the data processing of material procurement with minimum of error and high accuracy.
Design of Microcontroller Based Fire Detector with Output Warning SMS Information and Automatic Extinguisher Abdul Zain; Rudi Hartono; Sri Handani W
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 7, No 2 (2020): October 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v7i2.2639


Conflagration is an unpredictable tragedy. It may occur whether in the woodland areas or in the residential areas. Typically, it would only be recognized if indeed the flames spread and the smoke intensified. This study aims to detect fires using the MQ-2 smoke sensor, DS18b20 temperature sensor, and fire sensor. Using Arduino Uno as the controller, this system’s output is in the form of an alarm buzzer, Short Message Service (SMS) information using SIM800L, and an automatic fire pump. This system operates to detect the temperature shifts, the smoke concentration and the existence of a fire point which triggers an alarm in the form of a siren if two out of the three sensors are activated. It, then, sends information by Short Message Service (SMS) and automatically triggers the pump as the result. The fire sensor can detect hotspots with a maximum distance of 80 cm and the DS18b20 temperature sensor has an average reading error of 0.27 ° C with a maximum reading error of 0.5 ° C. The MQ-2 smoke sensor can detect smoke where the change in smoke concentration is directly proportional to the sensor output voltage. There are three conditions to determine fire conditions, namely the temperature sensor reads more than equal to 55 ° C and the fire sensor is active, or the temperature sensor reads more than equal to 55 ° C and the smoke sensor reads more than equal to 1000 ppm, or the fire sensor is active and smoke sensor reads greater than equal to 1000 ppm.
Prototipe Pengendali Pintu Darurat Menggunakan Mikrokontroler ATMega 16 Abdul Zain; Arief Muliawan
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 5, No 2 (2018): October 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (669.496 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v5i2.583


In a building should have a good security system,especially Emergency Exit (emergency evacuation path).Emergency Exit is important because when an emergency occursin the building, the first thing to do is get out of the lab building.One thing to note is the emergency exit door. With the emergencydoor that can be opened quickly so all workers can get outquickly as well from the building when an emergency occurs.So,we need a model (prototype) controlling an emergency door thatcan function properly in an emergency. Prototype newemergency door controller is expected to be implemented intoactual emergency door. Prototype can be accessed with a pushbutton by the user facility. The prototype controller usemicrocontroller ATMega16. And for each emergency exitmovement is monitored and its status is expressed in LEDindicator lights and LCD display on 16x2. Modeling controllingemergency exit of a series of tests using a prototype have workedwell except on the 3rd test caused an error when calibrating thedistance between Ultrasonic sensor with Emergency Door.
Studi Penurunan Kadar Logam Besi (Fe) dan Logam Mangan (Mn) pada Lempung terhadap Perubahan Arus Listrik dalam Solenoida Abdul Zain; Arief Muliawan
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 3, No 2 (2016): October 2016
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.319 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v3i2.54


In the soil there are many compound of Fe and Mn as well as in the clay. Those two compounds need to be reduced to improve the resistive value of the clay. One method to reduce those compounds is by electromagnetic filter using solenoid. From the experiment circuit, it was found that the resistive value was 4.5 Ohm with maximum current of 5 Ampere. Concentration of Fe and Mn after filtered were 0.46 ppm and 0.40 ppm respectively.
Rancang Bangun Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) untuk Monitoring Kondisi Terumbu Karang di Perairan Bontang Musa Payung; Abdul Zain
Jurnal Nasional Komputasi dan Teknologi Informasi (JNKTI) Vol 4, No 2 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik. Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.668 KB) | DOI: 10.32672/jnkti.v4i2.2838


Coral reefs and all the life in them are one of the natural resources owned by the Indonesian people that are invaluable. Bontang city, located in East Kalimantan, is dominated by the ocean. Observation of the condition of coral reefs has been carried out by diving (diving) or snorkeling. For certain conditions, such as difficult locations, it does not allow humans to dive and observe directly the condition of coral reefs. This study proposes an alternative observation of coral reefs in Bontang waters using ROV. ROV is an underwater explorer robot controlled by an operator with a control device. The ROV in this study uses the arduino mega2560 as a controller, the BTS7960 module as a motor driver, MS5540CM sensor, motor as a driver. The ROV is equipped with a camera to take pictures and display them on a monitor. The results show that the ROV can work in the water, the ROV movement can be controlled and can maneuver well. ROV can automatically maintain depth when not operated with a range of ± 5 cm. The camera video system works well. The image captured by the camera can be displayed on the monitor in realtime. From the test results, it was found that the delay was less than 1 second between the image captured by the camera and the image displayed.
Rancang Bangun Mesin Otomatis Pencacah mini Serabut Kelapa (Mesin Cocopeat) Arfittariah Arfittariah; Abdul Zain; Akbar Akbar
Jurnal Nasional Komputasi dan Teknologi Informasi (JNKTI) Vol 4, No 6 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik. Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (562.36 KB) | DOI: 10.32672/jnkti.v4i6.3652


Abstract --- The limited land has opened up scientists' insight that in farming it is not only land that can be relied on as a planting medium. There are still other growing media, such as cocopeat. However, cocopeat engine products that are sold are very expensive, large in size and not environmentally friendly because they use gasoline or diesel engines which cause a lot of pollution in the air and produce noise when operating, therefore a cheap, quality and environmentally friendly Cocopeat engine is needed. maintenance is cheap and safe. The purpose of this study was to increase the production of cocopeat for planting media as a substitute for soil and efficient cocopeat machine which is automatic, cheap and environmentally friendly. The research method is data collection, literature study and then design with a 1 phase pK electric motor circuit design, infrared sensor, 1 channel relay module and serrations from a sharpened nail that rotates when the electric motor is run. The results obtained from the process of chopping coconut husks produce cocopeat and cocofiber to be used as planting media, which processing machines from a safe and environmentally friendly power source.Keywords: planting medium, Cocopeat, cocofiber, environmentally friendly
Aplikasi Human Resource Information System Payroll Berbasis Web Pada PT. BPR Paro Tua Irwan Santus Panjaitan; Sri Handani Widiastuti; Abdul Zain
Jurnal Nasional Komputasi dan Teknologi Informasi (JNKTI) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik. Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jnkti.v5i2.4163


Sistem dan Sumber Daya Manusia disebuah perusahaan merupakan pondasi dan/atau dasar untuk kelancaran tugas organisasi, kelancaran aktivitas administrasi dan menjadi unsur pendukung pelaksanaan fungsi dari manajemen sebuah organisasi. Setelah proses rekrutmen dan masuk pada bagian basis data karyawan dan selanjutnya ke tahap penggajian serta pelaporan informasi data karyawan dan gaji karyawan masih menggunakan Microsoft Excel sehingga menghasilkan informasi yang belum efisien dan sering terjadi human error. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut dibutuhkan sebuah sistem agar dapat mempermudah proses pengolahan data karyawan dan penggajian dengan cepat dan akurat. Penelitian ini dibuat mulai dari tahap pengumpulan data yang diperoleh dari wawancara dan observasi selanjutnya tahap analisa system yang sedang berjalan di BPR PARO TUA, kemudian desain sistem yang baru, implementasi, pengujian dan pemeliharaan system. Aplikasi yang dibuat dengan menggunakan database MySQL dan Bahasa pemrograman PHP hingga pengimplementasian dengan berorientasi objek menggunakan Unifield Modelling Language (UML). Dengan pembuatan sistem ini telah menghasilkan sebuah sistem yang dapat mempermudah untuk tahap pengiputan data karyawan, pemrosesan penggajian serta pelaporan gaji kepada yang berwenang dan informasi slip gaji yang bisa diakses oleh setiap karyawan, sehingga menghasilkan informasi yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Kata-kata kunci: Aplikasi, Human Resource, web, phpAbstract - Systems and Human Resources in a company are the foundation and/or basis for the smooth running of organizational tasks, the smooth running of administrative activities and become a supporting element for the implementation of the functions of the management of an organization. After the recruitment process and entering the employee database section and then on to the payroll stage and reporting information on employee data and salaries, employees still use Microsoft Excel, resulting in inefficient information and frequent human errors. To overcome this, a system is needed in order to facilitate the processing of employee data and payroll quickly and accurately. This research was made starting from the stage of collecting data obtained from interviews and observations, then the stage of system analysis that was running at BPR PARO TUA, then the design of the new system, implementation, testing and maintenance of the system. Applications made using the MySQL database and PHP programming language to object-oriented implementation using Unifield Modeling Language (UML). With the creation of this system, it has produced a system that can make it easier for the stages of entering employee data, processing payroll and reporting salaries to the authorities and salary slip information that can be accessed by every employee, resulting in more effective and efficient information.Keywords: Application, Human Resource, web, php 
Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Transformator Daya Secara Wireless Berbasis Mikrokontroler Reza Aprita Sandi; Turahyo Turahyo; AbdulZain AbdulZain
Jurnal Nasional Komputasi dan Teknologi Informasi (JNKTI) Vol 3, No 3 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik. Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (949.978 KB) | DOI: 10.32672/jnkti.v3i3.2497


Abstrak— Di dunia industri penggunaan transformator sebagai pengubah tegangan maupun proteksi sudah sangat banyak. Dalam pengaplikasiannya banyak terjadi kerusakan pada belitan transformator yang terjadi karena kondisi isolasi belitan yang buruk dan beban berlebih. Sehingga pengawasan kinerja transformator menjadi sangat penting. Proses monitoring secara manual dilakukan dengan membaca metering yang terpasang pada transformator. Sedangkan pada transformator tanpa metering proses monitoring dilakukan dengan mengukur secara langsung setiap parameter menggunakan peralatan ukur yang dibutuhkan. Untuk mempermudah proses monitoring tersebut perlu dibuat suatu sistem yang dapat mengukur parameter-parameter transformator secara langsung dan dari jarak jauh. Sistem monitoring transformator secara wireless menggunakan sensor tegangan, arus, dan juga temperatur yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi kondisi temperatur dari belitan transformator. Dari pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil perancangan alat monitoring temperatur memiliki angka simpangan (error) sebesar 1.59%, tegangan 0.14%, arus 13.7%. dan daya transformator 4.4%. Pada perancangan ditambahkan perangkat proteksi transformator dengan sebuah fan pendingin yang bekerja ketika temperatur belitan melebihi 40°C dan notifikasi alarm bahaya pada saat temperatur melebihi 70°C. Hasil pengukuran parameter, dan status fan pendingin transformator dapat dibaca pada smartphone melalui koneksi wireless bluetooth hingga jangkauan maksimal 25 meter. Kata kunci: Monitoring, transformator, wireless, temperatur, mikrokontroler.