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ITERA Astronomical Observatory Information System Muhammad Habib Algifari; Winda Yulita; Eko Dwi Nugroho
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): August
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v5i2.130


In the current information age, data is a valuable asset for companies [1]. Technological advances encourage the digitization of information in almost all fields of science, including astronomy. Technological developments make it easy to access open data in the public domain. The availability of open data will encourage the acceleration of research. ITERA Astronomical Observatory is an observatory located in Lampung. This observatory is claimed to be the largest in Southeast Asia [3]. To face the challenges in the digitization of information, ITERA Astronomical Observatory plans to build an information system specifically for Storing and handling astronomical data
Development of Applications for Simplification of Boolean Functions using Quine-McCluskey Method Eko Dwi Nugroho
Telematika Vol 18, No 1 (2021): Edisi Februari 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/telematika.v18i1.3195


Purpose: This research makes an application to simplify the Boolean function using Quine-McCluskey, because length of the Boolean function complicates the digital circuit, so that it can be simplified by finding other functions that are equivalent and more efficient, making digital circuits easier, and less cost.Design/methodology/approach: The canonical form is Sum-of-Product/Product-of-Sum and is in the form of a file, while the output is in the form of a raw and in the form of a file. Applications can receive the same minterm/maksterm input and do not have to be sequential. The method has been applied by Idempoten, Petrick, Selection Sort, and classification, so that simplification is maximized.Findings/result: As a result, the application can simplify more optimally than previous studies, can receive the same minterm/maksterm input, Product-of-Sum canonical form, and has been verified by simplifying and calculating manually.Originality/value/state of the art: Research that applies the petrick method to applications combined with being able to receive the same minterm/maksterm input has never been done before. The calculation is only up to the intermediate stage of the Quine-McCluskey method or has not been able to receive the same minterm/maksterm input.
Pelatihan Sistem Informasi Desa untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Digital Perangkat Desa Taman Sari Mugi Praseptiawan; Eko Dwi Nugroho; Amirul Iqbal
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (799.648 KB) | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v4i1.1206


Kemampuan literasi digital perangkat desa merupakan aspek yang paling utama dalam mendukung pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Implementasi sistem informasi desa merupakan bagian kebijakan Pemerintah Provinsi Lampung untuk penerapan smart village. Aplikasi sistem informasi desa yang dikembangkan secara mandiri oleh Pemerintah Desa Taman Sari dan Program Studi Teknik Informatika belum berjalan optimal, hal ini karena perangkat desa belum memahami penggunaan Sistem Informasi Desa. Pelatihan penggunaan sistem informasi desa dengan platform OpenSID dibutuhkan oleh perangkat desa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi digital perangkat desa. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi digital perangkat desa Taman Sari yang merupakan desa binaan Program Studi Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Sumatera. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan metode pelatihan dan tutorial yang dilakukan dengan 3 tahapan, yaitu 1) persiapan, 2)Pelaksanaan, dan 3) Evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan sistem informasi desa perangkat desa taman sari. Hasil dari pelatihan desa Taman Sari menghasilkan peningkatan keterampilan dan pengetahuan perangkat desa setelah mengikuti seluruh rangkaian materi yang diberikan. Rekomendasi kegiatan disarankan untuk segera mengambil tindakan yang lebih konkrit berupa implementasi kegiatan penerapan sistem informasi desa dengan mendorong dikeluarkannya Peraturan Desa Taman Sari tentang penerapan sistem informasi desa.
ITERA Astronomical Observatory Information System Muhammad Habib Algifari; Winda Yulita; Eko Dwi Nugroho
IJISTECH (International Journal of Information System and Technology) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): August
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer (STIKOM) Tunas Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (657.103 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/ijistech.v5i2.130


In the current information age, data is a valuable asset for companies [1]. Technological advances encourage the digitization of information in almost all fields of science, including astronomy. Technological developments make it easy to access open data in the public domain. The availability of open data will encourage the acceleration of research. ITERA Astronomical Observatory is an observatory located in Lampung. This observatory is claimed to be the largest in Southeast Asia [3]. To face the challenges in the digitization of information, ITERA Astronomical Observatory plans to build an information system specifically for Storing and handling astronomical data
Action Recommendation Model Development for Hydromon Application Using Deep Neural Network (DNN) Method Meida Cahyo Untoro; Eko Dwi Nugroho; Mugi Praseptiawan; Aidil Afriansyah; Muhammad Nadhif Athalla
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jti.v15i2.26762


Controlling hydroponic plants, which is currently being carried outmanually, can be said to be less effective because it still involves thehard work of farmers to continuously monitor the condition of thehydroponic plants. Therefore, the general objective of this research isto develop a model that can be used as a recommendation system foractions that farmers need to take based on hydroponic crop conditions.The model formed with this machine learning method will then beused in the Hydromon application which allows farmers to manageand monitor the condition of hydroponic plants and take action basedon the recommendations given. This model was developed using adeep neural network algorithm consisting of five layers with the helpof the TensorFlow framework. The results show that the model isaccurate with an accuracy value of 96.47% on the test data to classifyplant conditions so that it can be used in the Hydromon application.
IMPLEMENTASI, PELATIHAN, DAN SOSIALISASI PENGGUNAAN SISTEM INFORMASI DATABASE OAIL Eko Dwi Nugroho; Aidil Afriansyah; Miranti Verdiana; Radhinka Bagaskara; Muhammad Habib Algifari; Winda Yulita; Mugi Praseptiawan
Jurnal Berdaya Mandiri Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Berdaya Mandiri (JBM)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31316/jbm.v4i3.4210


Space phenomena are natural events that are rarely seen by humans and are still a lot of mysterious and interesting things to observe and study. In Indonesia, there are still few places to observe and study space phenomena. The Sumatran Institute of Technology (ITERA) has a technical implementing unit as well as a study program related to space. The units are the Lampung ITERA Astronomical Observatory Unit (UPT OAIL) and the Atmospheric and Planetary Science Study Program. However, these units and study programs do not yet have an information system that can store various space data and display them, especially for the public to see. This is the background for us to do community service for lecturers and students in the form of making the OAIL database system. The information system can be used to store space data to be studied and can be seen by the public. The form of the system is website-based so that people throughout Indonesia, especially on the island of Sumatra, can see various space phenomena. For three months, the information system was successfully created and can be implemented by UPT OAIL, so that this community service activity went according to plan and well. It is hoped that the information system can always be developed and useful for the benefit of learning at ITERA and the community. Keywords: space, database, OAIL, astronomical observatory, information system.
Analysis of Elbow, Silhouette, Davies-Bouldin, Calinski-Harabasz, and Rand-Index Evaluation on K-Means Algorithm for Classifying Flood-Affected Areas in Jakarta Ilham Firman Ashari; Eko Dwi Nugroho; Randi Baraku; Ilham Novri Yanda; Ridho Liwardana
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 7 No 1 (2023): July 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v7i1.4947


Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, which has a high population density, and is an area that is frequently hit by floods. This study aims to determine the classification of flood-affected areas in Jakarta between severe, moderate, and low. Design/method/approach: The study was conducted using the elbow, Silhouette, Davidson-Bouldin, and Calinski-Harabasz methods on the K-means algorithm, as well as the Rand method. index for evaluation. Grouping with 3 and 6 groups is the best grouping value based on Calinski-Harabasz. By using the davies bouldin index from the observations, the K value with a value of 6 has the smallest Davies-Bouldin value with a value of 0.2737. By using sillhoute, the experimental results obtained the best values sequentially, namely K=2, K=3, and K=6 with silhouette values of 0.866, 0.854, and 0.803. In this experiment, based on the elbow method, it was found that the best K value was K=3. This was obtained because it was based on observations on the appearance of the SSE data compared to the value of K. In the graph above, it can be seen that the largest decrease in data occurred at K=3 and after this decrease, the decline began to slope. The rand index is a method used to compare several cluster methods. If the value is >= 90 it is a very good result, if the value is in the range 80 to 90 it identifies a good index, whereas if it is below 80 it indicates a bad index. The results show that cluster three is verified as the best cluster with a value of 1, followed by a second alternative with cluster 2 of 0.9182. From several validation and evaluation methods it can be concluded that the best grouping can be done using 3 clusters. The results of the study yielded a value of 75.4% in low areas, 21.1% in moderate areas, and 3.5% in severe areas.
Penerapan Teknologi Mobile Computing untuk Memudahkan Pengelolaan Pembayaran SPP pada SMA IT Al-Kholis Purwono Prasetyawan; Idza Ramaulkim; Eko Dwi Nugroho; Amelia Oktavia; Uri Arta Ramadhani; Muhammad Reza Kahar Aziz
JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 4 No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37339/jurpikat.v4i3.1530


Sistem pembayaran SPP yang berjalan di SMA IT Al-Kholis masih konvensional, dicatat menggunakan kartu pembayaran dan datanya diolah menggunakan aplikasi spreadsheet. Ada kelemahan pada sistem berjalan tersebut diantaranya adalah inkonsistensi data, butuh waktu untuk mencari data dan melaporkannya serta rentan kehilangan kartu catatan pembayaran. Pada pengabdian ini menerapkan teknologi mobile computing untuk mengatasi kelemahan tersebut. Sistem baru dikembangkan dengan metode prototyping, kemudian diuji secara blackbox testing dan UAT. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah secara fungsionalitas sistem berjalan dengan baik dan mitra menerima dengan setuju (puas) serta memudahkan pengelolaan pembayaran SPP
Geohash-Based Maize Plant Monitoring System Ulitizing Drones Muhammad Habib Algifari; Eko Dwi Nugroho
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 7 No 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v7i2.6362


Corn is one of the important food crops in the world. To ensure optimal results, farmers usually monitor crop conditions manually. Unfortunately, manual monitoring can take time and effort due to the large area of maize fields (approx.: 1 ha). In addition, corn plants are also susceptible to diseases and pests which often result in corn farmers experiencing losses due to crop failure. This can be supported by several cases of corn crop failure in Lampung caused by pests and water shortages, such as in Bumidaya Village, South Lampung. Therefore, this research will develop a corn crop monitoring system using geohash and drones. The primary objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive design for a corn crop monitoring system, leveraging the capabilities of machine learning for corn plant recognition. The application of geohash is expected to assist farmers in handling and early detection of plants that experience a decrease in health quality before it spreads to all other maize crops. The results of the model training carried out with the R-CNN are that the detection model is able to detect with an accuracy of 88.9% with a low distance of the drone in taking pictures or close to plants.
Comparative Analysis of OpenMP and MPI Parallel Computing Implementations in Team Sort Algorithm Eko Dwi Nugroho; Ilham Firman Ashari; Muhammad Nashrullah; Muhammad Habib Algifari; Miranti Verdiana
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 7 No 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v7i2.6409


Tim Sort is a sorting algorithm that combines Merge Sort and Binary Insertion Sort sorting algorithms. Parallel computing is a computational processing technique in parallel or is divided into several parts and carried out simultaneously. The application of parallel computing to algorithms is called parallelization. The purpose of parallelization is to reduce computational processing time, but not all parallelization can reduce computational processing time. Our research aims to analyse the effect of implementing parallel computing on the processing time of the Tim Sort algorithm. The Team Sort algorithm will be parallelized by dividing the flow or data into several parts, then each sorting and recombining them. The libraries we use are OpenMP and MPI, and tests are carried out using up to 16 core processors and data up to 4194304 numbers. The goal to be achieved by comparing the application of OpenMP and MPI to the Team Sort algorithm is to find out and choose which library is better for the case study, so that when there is a similar case, it can be used as a reference for using the library in solving the problem. The results of research for testing using 16 processor cores and the data used prove that the parallelization of the Sort Team algorithm using OpenMP is better with a speed increase of up to 8.48 times, compared to using MPI with a speed increase of 8.4 times. In addition, the increase in speed and efficiency increases as the amount of data increases. However, the increase in efficiency that is obtained by increasing the processor cores decreases.