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Studi Perbandingan Uji Pemadatan Standar dan Uji Pemadatan Modified Terhadap Nilai Koefisien Permeabilitas Tanah Lempung Berpasir Natanael Sembiring; Iswan Iswan; Muhammad Jafri
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 3 (2016): Edisi September 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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AbstractConstruction of a construct in civil engineering requires that the material in top shape.The soil that became the foundation of a structure should reach the prime condition to be able to sustain the existing structure on it. But in fact it is not easily met at a project site . This research will compare the compacted soil permeability values are standard with compacted soil permeability values are modified. Soil of the sample in this study were taken from the  sukajawa village , Lampung Tengah. The soil was taken from two locations with different types. The soil is then mixed with sand which then compacted using standard methods and methods modified. Permeability testing is done to obtain permeability coefficient. Based on the original soil physical test , AASHTO soil 1 put into groups of A - 7-5 and the second soil  into a group of A- 7-6, which means the land is clay soil types and USCS classify the soil into fine-grained soil. The observations in the laboratory showed that compaction with different methods show different results and the amount of a mixture of sand affects the value of soil density.Keywords : Soil clay , sand , compaction and permeability.  
Perilaku Penurunan Tanah Terhadap Dry Side of Optimum dan Wet Side of Optimum pada Kepadatan Tanah Organik Dony Rizky Pratama; Setyanto Setyanto; Muhammad Jafri
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Edisi Maret 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The decline in soil organic matter due to the burden of its own soil and building construction thereon are not able to with stand the load that lasts. Of these conditions need to know the factors thataffect soil instability, through soil behavior can be observed with the organic content of the soilwater content. The compaction is the beginning of the formation process for testing the strength ofthe soil, so that the pattern of behavior can be identified by soil Dry and Wet Side of Optimum Sideof Optimum.Soil test results Decrease Behavior Against Dry and Wet Side of Optimum Optimum At the Side ofOrganic Soil density, Dry Side of Optimum sample / sample with 5% dry compaction over the bestsample for the fastest processing speed and magnitude of soil degradation as well as the smallestdecrease in the reduction process quickly said to be good for the soil more quickly reach the soillayer in a stable condition and the magnitude of the smallest drop is quite good because thecompression process a smaller type of soil, thereby reducing the risk of damage to the constructionthereon that the Cv value obtained by 0,168cm 2 / sec, Cc for 2.33, and AV 0.28 cm 2 / sec.Keywords: Organic Soil, Compaction, Dry Side of Optimum, Wet Side of Optimum, and SoilDeclinel.
Evaluasi Desain dan Analisis Dinding Penahan Tanah (Retaining Wall) pada Pembangunan Underpass Di Jalan Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam hardianto widyastomo; iswan iswan; muhammad jafri
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Edisi Juni 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Underpass merupakan infrastruktur yang dibangun untuk memberikan solusi kemacetan jalan yang terjadi di sebuah jalan. Untuk membangun sebuah underpass, maka diperlukan suatu dinding penahan tanah untuk menjaga stabilitas lereng sehingga aman dari kelongsororan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevalusasi desain dan menganalisis dinding penahan tanah pada pembangunan underpass yang sudah dibangun di Jalan Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam depan Universitas Lampung.Pada penelitian ini menggunakan SNI-1726-2012 untuk pembebanan gempa dan SNI-2847-2013 untuk penulangan dinding penahan tanah. Sebelum membangun underpass, diperlukan menghitung stabilitas lereng menggunakan rumus teori Fellinius (1927) agar tidak terjadi kelongsoran. Pada dinding penahan tanah terdapat 3 tekanan tanah lateral yaitu tekanan tanah diam, tekanan tanah aktif, dan tekanan tanah pasif menggunakan rumus teori Coulomb serta terdapat stabilitas guling, stabilitas geser, dan stabilitas daya dukung tanah menggunakan rumus teori Vessic (1975) untuk menentukan faktor keamanan. Selanjutnya dinding penahan tanah dipengaruhi oleh beban merata tambahan dengan menganggap sebagai beban tanah. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pembangunan dinding penahan tanah pada underpass yang sudah dibangun aman terhadap stabilitas guling, stabilitas geser, stabilitas daya dukung tanah, dan gempa. Selanjutnya hasil perhitungan yang didapatkan tulangan geser, tulangan utama, dan tulangan susut pada dinding penahan tanah sudah aman.   Kata kunci:underpass,dinding penahan tanah, tekanan tanah lateral, longsor
Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Pemeraman Terhadap Daya Dukung Tanah Lempung dan Lanau yang Distabilisasi Menggunakan Semen pada Kondisi Tanpa Rendaman (Unsoaked) Bravo Pandiangan; Iswan Iswan; Muhammad Jafri
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Edisi Juni 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Soil is the material that serves as a support for the construction base. Each region has different soil characteristics in other areas, there has a carrying capacity of good to bad or poor. Clay and silt soil has a bearing capacity and low soil properties. To overcome this, the need to improve the soil natures with the stabilization method. Stabilization is to improve the physical and mechanical properties of the soil so that it meets certain technical requirements. One way is with a cement stabilization. In this study, the cement used is a cement-type portland cement. This study aimed to compare the value of CBR clay and silt before and after stabilized by the addition of cement.  Soil used is a type of clay taken from the village of Rawa Sragi, District Jabung, East Lampung district and silt types from Yosomulyo Village, East Metro District, Metro City. In the modified proctor compaction test results, the addition of cement on clay and silt proven to increase the value of the maximum volume weight (γd) continuously. While the value of the optimum water content (ωopt) a decline that is not too significant on at every level of the cement. For a density value of clay and silt mixed cement has increased compared with the original soil density. In testing the CBR without soaking in a mixture of cement with modified proctor compaction CBR values obtained optimum cement content of 9% and ripening 28 days amounted to 107.6% in clay, silt soil while the CBR value without immersion saw the largest increase in cement content 9% and ripening 28 days 58%. The addition of portland cement is proven to increase the value of CBR significantly compared with the both real soil  Keywords: Cement, Clay, Silt, CBR, Soil Bearing Capacity