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Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 13, No 3 (2009): Edisi Desember Tahun 2009

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The implementation of the region autonomy had been done since 2001, it gave the authority andthe freedom to the district government of Tulang Bawang in developing the economic potency andthe financial resources in Tulang Bawang.To reach the purpose, the district government should do the analysis of the district economicpotency. It is important to be done because the pure income potency (PAD) from the district isvery low (about 10 %) from the budget in this year (APBD). While the fund from the centralgovernment especially it from the general allocation fund, the biggest fund is used to pay thedistrict officials.It motivates the district government to dig the economic potency in the improvement of thefinancial potency. The way is the optimalization of PAD in the use of the district affluence bymaking the retribution in Tulang Bawang.
Eqien - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 11 No 03 (2022): EQIEN- JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi DR KH EZ Mutaqien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34308/eqien.v11i03.991


This study aims to determine work motivation and what indicators affect work motivation on employees of PT Markoni Mandiri Perkasa, this study uses descriptive writing method. The data collection technique is by observing and interviewing the employees of PT Markoni Mandiri Perkasa. The results of this study indicate that the employee's work motivation has not been good in terms of several indicators. Employees of PT Markoni Mandiri Perkasa are not yet responsible for their work. Employee performance has not been maximized. Opportunities to advance in the company are minimal because the company is not yet stable and is classified as a medium/small company. Employees feel comfortable at work because the company has given the rights and obligations of employees. Employees do not feel challenged because the applicable SOP have never been updated. While the implications of this research for the company must immediately evaluate the lack of employee motivation that can hinder the achievement of sales targets and customer satisfaction.
Pengaruh Kompetensi dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kinerja Pelaku Ekowisata Kampung Kopi Mekarbuana-Karawang Nandang Nandang; Wanta Wanta; Asep Jamaludin
Eqien - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 12 No 01 (2023): EQIEN- JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi DR KH EZ Mutaqien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34308/eqien.v12i01.1318


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of competence and service quality on the performance of ecotourism actors in Kampung Kopi Mekarbuana,- Karawang. The method in this study uses a quantitative approach with path analysis. The source of this research uses primary data. Collecting research data using a questionnaire. The sample of this research is 35 respondents using random sampling technique. The results of hypothesis testing show that both simultaneously and partially there is a significant influence between competence and service quality on the performance of ecotourism actors in Kampung Kopi Mekarbuana – Karawang. There is a moderate positive and significant relationship between competence and Service Quality of Kampung Kopi ecotourism actors. The direct effect value of the competency variable on the performance of ecotourism actors is 0.159 and the indirect effect is 0.073. So that the total value of influence is 0.232. The direct effect value of the Service Quality variable on the performance of ecotourism actors is 0.186 and the indirect effect is 0.073. So that the total value of influence is 0.259. The total effect value of the Competency and Service Quality variables is 0.491 indicating that simultaneously the Competency and Service Quality variables affect the performance of ecotourism actors by 49.1% so that the remaining 50.09% is influenced by other variables not measured in the study.
Peran Pendidikan Keuangan UMKM Terhadap Perilaku Keuangan (Studi Kasus pada Pelaku UMKM di Tasikmalaya Rizal Hendri Perdiana; Nandang Nandang; Azizah Fauziyah
SEIKO : Journal of Management & Business Vol 6, No 2 (2023): July - December
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana STIE Amkop Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37531/sejaman.v6i2.5302


Usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) kini menjadi salah satu kekuatan utama di balik pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia. Hal ini berkaitan erat dengan jumlahnya yang terus bertambah setiap tahun. Namun, masih ada beberapa hambatan yang harus diatasi oleh pelaku UMKM, antara lain pemahaman yang kurang, pengelolaan keuangan yang kurang baik, dan kreativitas yang kurang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran dari pendidikan keuangan UMKM terhadap perilaku keuangan. UMKM di Kota Tasikmalaya dijadikan sebagai subjek dalam penelitian kuantitatif ini. Adapun materi mengenai pendidikan keuangan bagi pelaku UMKM yang diberikan, yaitu Penggunaan Jasa Keuangan, Manajemen dan Perencanaan Keuangan Bisnis, Resiko dan Tanggungan, serta Lanskap Keuangan yang disampaikan secara daring. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peran dari pendidikan keuangan dalam meningkatkan perilaku keuangan pada pelaku UMKM di Kota Tasikmalaya. Kata Kunci: UMKM, Perilaku Keuangan, Pendidikan Keuangan
Student challenges completing the matrix material story question Nandang Nandang; Mochammad Taufan; Najwa Noviana
Polyhedron International Journal in Mathematics Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): pijme
Publisher : Nashir Al-Kutub Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59965/pijme.v1i1.4


This study aims to determine the difficulties faced by students in solving the matrix material story problem and the factors causing it. This study used a qualitative approach with research subjects in class XI, which consisted of three female students. Determination of research subjects using a purposive sample technique. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, documentation in the form of pictures and videos, and field notes. The results of this research are the difficulties faced by students in solving the matrix material story problems, namely: the steps for solving problems according to Polya, the material matrix, and the time. Factors that cause students difficulty in solving the matrix material story problems, namely: (1) students are not accustomed to using Polya's steps, (2) not writing stages 1 to 4 of Polya's steps because they are still confused about the placement of the stages, (3) not writing the explanations in the second stage, namely problem-solving planning, (4) not writing the fourth stage, which is checking the results again or verification, (5) students still have not mastered the matrix material because their learning has been using online or online, (6) calculation errors, (7) time in working on story problems with limited matrix material due to nourishing learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.