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Jurnal Agroteknologi Vol 8, No 1 (2017): Agustus 2017
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/ja.v8i1.3067


Tea Shoot roller (Cydia leucostoma Meyrick) is one potential pests that attack tea shoot, mainly on the new tea shoot after prunning, it caused plant growth becomes stunted. One of control that can be done is by application of insecticides. To determine the effectiveness of insecticide Acetamiprid, the trial has been conducted at Block A7, Gambung field trial, Kabupaten Bandung, during ± 3 months, from October up to December 2016. The trial was designed in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with five treatments and four replications. The treatment tested covered insecticide Asetamiprid 30% at 1; 0.75; 0.50; 0.25 l/ha and control. The insecticide was sprayed six times using knapsack sprayer one day after plucking, with one week interval. Tea shoot roller attack intensity was observed weekly at the time of plucking. Shoot production, phytotoxicity, as well as rainfall were also observed as a supporting data. The results showed that after three times of spraying, insecticide Asetamiprid 30% at all formulation doses tested could effectively suppress the attack intensity of tea shoot roller. The last observation result, after six times spraying, revealed that the average efficacy level relatively high, i.e. 73,24%. Therefore, for controlling tea shoot roller on tea it could be recommended the use of insecticide Asetamiprid 30%.
Pengaruh Kombinasi Aplikasi Jamur Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, Lem Perangkap, dan Insektisida Imidakloprid terhadap Empoasca sp. Fani Fauziah; Odih Sucherman
Jurnal Agro Vol 4, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/1229


In order to obtain an effective and efficient control method in integrated pest management, a research to know the effectiveness of combination treatments on Empoasca sp. on tea plant had been conducted. The trial was carried out at Gambung Experimental Station (1,250 masl) and designed in Randomized Complete Block design (RCB), with 8 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment tested comprised with A. Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Pfr); B. sticky trap (ST); C. imidacloprid (I); D. Pfr + ST; E. Pfr + I; F. ST + I; G. Pfr + ST + I; and H. control. Pfr multiplied in rice medium 2.5 kg ha-1 and imidacloprid 0.125 L ha-1 were sprayed, while sticky trap was set in the middle of 5 m x 5 m plot. The parameters observed were attack intensity of Empoasca sp., population of Empoasca sp, and tea shoot production. The results showed that after 3 times application of all treatments revealed a decrease in the attack intensity of Empoasca sp. After the fourth application, combination treatment of sticky trap (ST) + imidacloprid (I) consistently showed higher efficacy than other treatments. In the sixth observation, the average of Empoasca sp. attack intensity of combination treatment (ST + I) was 15.95% with an average population of 0.67 Empoasca sp. per plot. In the meantime, tea shoot production was 33.64% higher compared with control.
Kompatibilitas Jamur Entomopatogenik Paecilomyces fumosoroseus dengan Beberapa Bahan Aktif Pestisida Secara In Vitro Fani Fauziah; Dadan Rohdiana
Jurnal Agro Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/801


Untuk mengurangi penggunaan pestisida di perkebunan teh, maka salah satu upaya pengendalian hama yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengkombinasikan aplikasi pestisida dengan jamur entomopatogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompatibilitas antara jamur P. fumosoroseus  dengan beberapa bahan aktif pestisida di laboratorium. Perlakuan dirancang dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari 5 jenis bahan aktif yaitu metomil, bifentrin, imidakloprid, tembaga oksida dan metidation pada taraf konsentrasi sesuai rekomendasi lapang (RL), 0,5x RL dan 2x RL. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa diantara kelima jenis bahan aktif pestisida yang diuji, metidation memiliki tingkat toksisitas yang paling tinggi. Persentase produksi spora tertinggi sebesar 13,77% ditunjukkan oleh perlakuan bifentrin 2x RL. Combining application of pesticides and entomopathogenic fungi is an alternative way for controlling pest in order to reduce pesticides application in the tea field. This research was aimed toexamine the compatibility of Paecilomyces fumosoroseus tosome active agents of pesticide in laboratory. Completely Randomized Block Designed (CRBD) with 5 active agents: methomyl, bifenthrin, imidacloprid, copper oxide and metidation in three different concentration was employed in this study, which was based on the existing field recommendation (FR): 0,5x FR and 2x FR. The results showed that among the five tested pesticides, metidation appeared to be the most toxic agentto P. fumosoroseus. Meanwhile, the highest percentage of spore production was counted in bifenthrin 2x RL (13,77%.)
Deep CNNBased Detection for Tea Clone Identification Ade Ramdan; Endang Suryawati; R. Budiarianto Suryo Kusumo; Hilman F. Pardede; Oka Mahendra; Rico Dahlan; Fani Fauziah; Heri Syahrian
Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Vol 19, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : LIPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jet.v19.45-50


One factor affecting the quality of tea is the selection of plant material that would be planted on the field. Clonal selection is a common way to produce tea with better quality. However, as a natural cross pollination species, tea often consists of various clones or progenies of cross-pollinated process. This commonly occurs on plantations owned by smallholder farmers. To produce a consistent quality tea, the clones or progenies need to be identified. Usually, human experts distinguish the plants from leaves by visual inspection on the physical attributes of the leaves, such as the textures, the bone structures, and the colors. It is very difficult for non-experts or common farmers to do such identifications. In this, we propose a deep learning-based identification of tea clones. We apply deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to identify 3 types of tea clones of Gambung series, a series of tea clones developed at Research Institute of Tea and Cinchona. Our study indicates that the performance of the CNN systems are affected by the depth of the convolutional layers. VGGNet, a popular CNN architectures with 16 layers, achieves better accuracy compared to AlexNet, a CNN with 6 layers.
Foliar Fertilizer and Pesticide Methomyl 25% in Tea Plantation after Infested by Pest. (1) Effect of Productivity Increasing and Yield Components muthia syafika haq; Fani Fauziah; Karyudi Karyudi
Jurnal Penelitian Teh dan Kina Vol 18 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/pptk.jur.jptk.v18i1.65


The experiment of effect of Foliar Fertilizer (N& ZnSo4) and pesticide compatibility with Methomyl 25% compound to increasing Tea Productivity (Camellia sinensis) has been conducted in Research Institute for Tea and Chincona experimental plantation1350 m above sea level and andysol type soil. The experiment started from November 2013 – Februari 2014  in produced tea area with 1.080 plant population. Material plantswere GMB 4 clones with second pruning year and 12 days plucking interval. The experiment was arranged on randomized block design with 9 treatments and 3 replicate. Foliar fertilizer and pesticide combination which has been examined  were  (1) Methomyl 25% (control), (2) Methomyl 25% + Zn 1%, (3) Methomyl 25% + Zn 2%, (4) Methomyl 25% + N 1%, (5) Methomyl 25% + N 2%, (6) Methomyl 25% + N 1% + Zn 1%, (7) Methomyl 25% + N 1% + Zn 2%, (8) Methomyl25% + N 2% + Zn 1%and (9) Methomyl25% + N 2% + Zn 2. Spraying application done every after plucking. The results  showed that skiffing treatment can control the tea plantation that infested by pest and stimulate the new bud growth. The results  also showed that productivity increased significantly up to37, 48 % (2.781 gr/40 plants) when the plants were treated with Methomyl + N 1% + Zn 2%.But,the increased production is accompanied by an increase of banjhi because plant still using their nutrition to recovering after pest infested. The weight of pecco which grown from the  lateral buds is relatively small because of skiffing. Bud growth rate after given treatment was obtained only 3-4 cm/ 6 days caused by lack of light intensity at the time of reserached
The effect of foliar fertilizer and pesticide methomyl in tea plantation after infested by pest: (2) The effect on population and attack intensity of Empoasca flavescens Fani Fauziah; Muthia Syafika Haq; Dr. Karyudi; Achmad Imron Rosyadi
Jurnal Penelitian Teh dan Kina Vol 18 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/pptk.jur.jptk.v18i2.75


The aim of this research was to obtain the effect of insecticide combination with nitrogen and zinc foliar fertilizers to Empoasca flave-scens. An experiment was conducted at Gam-bung Experimental Garden, Bandung, West Java. The trial was arranged in a randomized complete block design with nine treatments (A)methomyl; (B) methomyl + ZnSO4 1%; (C) me-thomyl + ZnSO4 2%; (D) methomyl + N 1%; (E) methomyl + N 1% + ZnSO4 1%; (F) metho-myl + N 1% + ZnSO4 2%; (G) methomyl + N 2%; (H) methomyl + N 2% + ZnSO4 1%; and (I) methomyl + N 2% + ZnSO4 2%, replicated three times. Each unit consisted of experiments is 40 plants. The treatments comprised: concen-tration of methomyl 0,5 gram/l with sprayed volume 200 l/ha. The level concentrations of nitrogen and zinc were 1% and 2%. The appli-cation of treatments was sprayed six times after plucking with 12 days interval, respectively. The population and intensity of E. flavescens attack were measured at the time of plucking. The effectiveness of treatment on the population as well as attack intensity of Empoasca con-ducted by measuring the rate of decline through a linear regression approach. The results showed that all of the treatments could reduce the population as well as the attack intensity of E. flavescens but there were no significantly different among others and were comparable to the chemical insecticide treatment. The fastest rate of decline were indicated by the treatment methomyl + N 2% + ZnSO4 1% and methomyl + N 2% + ZnSO4 2%.
Potency of tea plant indigenous microbe on plant growth and to against blister blight disease (Exobasidium vexans Massee) Fani Fauziah; Mieke Rochimi Setiawati; Dwi Ningsih Susilowati; Eko Pranoto; Yati Rachmiati
Jurnal Penelitian Teh dan Kina Vol 19 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/pptk.jur.jptk.v19i1.77


The chemical control method of blister blight (Exobasidium vexans Massee) on tea could inflict various negative impacts. In order to obtain an environmentally sound control method of blister blight disease, a nursery trial has been conducted to know the effectiveness of bacterial combinations. The trial was carried out at Gambung experimental garden, with seven treatments and four replications. The indigenous microbial codes are Azoto II-1, Endo-5 and Endo-76. The treatments tested comprised: control (without bacteria),  Azoto II-1 25% + Endo-5 75%; Azoto II-1 50% + Endo-5 50%; Azoto II-1 75% + Endo-5 25%;  Azoto II-1 25% + Endo-76 75%; Azoto II-1 50% + Endo-76 50%; and Azoto II-1 75% + Endo-76 25%. All of the treatments was applied as a soil drench, 50 ml/plant with bacterial concentration at 0,5%. The parameter observed was blister blight disease intensity, plant heights, stem diameter, leaves number, root length, and root volume. The results showed that the combination of Azoto II-1 75% + Endo-5 25% could suppress the intensity of blister blight disease with disease intensity 1.27%. The treatments also affected plant heights, stem diameter, leaves number, root length, and root volume, 15.32 cm; 3.38 cm; 8.05 cm; 18.25 cm and 2.37 cm, respectively.
The effect of drought period on attack intensity of Empoasca sp and blister blight in Gambung tea plantation Erdiansyah Rezamela; Fani Fauziah; Salwa Lubnan Dalimoenthe
Jurnal Penelitian Teh dan Kina Vol 19 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Research Institute for Tea and Cinchona

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/pptk.jur.jptk.v19i2.111


El-Nino had a significant impact on micro climate change including in rainfall, temperature and air humidity in Gambung Tea Plantation. In the dry season 2015, Gambung experienced four dry months that affect attack intensity of Empoasca and disease intensity of Blister Blight. This study aimed to determine the relationship between micro climate parameters and attack intensity of Empoasca and disease intensity of Blister Bright. Micro climate observation data were taken from Davis Automatic Weather Station (AWS) including rainfall intensity (mm), relative humidity (%) and maxium air temperature (0C). Attack intensity of Empoasca sp and Blister Bligh were observed by counting the number of healthy P+3 shoots as well as infected shoot from 200-500 gram of wet shoot sample randomly taken from container net at the plucking time. The results showed that the intensity of Empoasca decreased from 16.49% to 12.90% in the dry months from July to October 2015. The disease intensity of Blister Blight only occurred in July. There was a polynomial relationship among rainfall, temperature and humidity to the attack intensity of Empoasca with R2 values of 0.71, 0.77, 0.87, respectively the decrease of attack intensity occurred at ranfall intensity >140 mm, temperature >28°C and humidity >80%. Meanwhile linear relationship occurred among rainfall, temperature and humidity to the disease intensity of Blister Blight with R2 values of 0,98; 0,64; and 0,77, respectively the increasing of rainfall and humidity caused the increasing of disease intensity of Blister Blight. However disease intensity of Blister Blight decreased with increase in ambient temperature.